A delicious cake in the form of a number 3 for a birthday 3 years to a boy, a girl, for 3 years of weddings, an anniversary, from mastic, with their own hands: decoration ideas, photos, videos, step -by -step recipes. How to make a number 3 from a biscuit for a cake in the form of a number 3?

A delicious cake in the form of a number 3 for a birthday 3 years to a boy, a girl, for 3 years of weddings, an anniversary, from mastic, with their own hands: decoration ideas, photos, videos, step -by -step recipes. How to make a number 3 from a biscuit for a cake in the form of a number 3?

Cake recipes 3.

A cake is a favorite dessert of each person. We all dream of an original birthday goodness to surprise all guests.

It will be especially interesting for the child to get an unusual cake in the form of a number - exclusive, which will emphasize the individuality of the baby and will correspond to the format of the holiday day. In this article we will tell you how to create a beautiful and tasty birthday cake for 3 years.

Cake in the form of digits 3: How to make a number 3 from a biscuit?

From the finished biscuit or other dough, you can make any number. You can also pre -draw it on paper and then transfer it to the finished cakes. But it is easy to cut the number right away from the cakes.

Number 3 from biscuit
Number 3 from biscuit

The easiest way to make a figure is to buy special round forms with a hole, in the form of a ring. Bake in these forms of cakes, and then, removing the excess, do what you need.

Biscuit cakes for cake 3
Biscuit cakes for cake 3
Number 3 from biscuit
Number 3 from biscuit
Number 3 of chocolate biscuit
Number 3 of chocolate biscuit

Now it remains only to decorate the cake and can be served to the table.

A delicious cake in the form of a number 3 for a birthday to a boy with his own hands from mastic, sweets: step -by -step recipe, photo, video

Tasty cake 3
Tasty cake 3

This one will look spectacular on the festive table on the occasion of your baby's birthday. The cakes of this cake are biscuit, and you can make any cream: custard, from condensed milk and butter or sour cream and sugar. We will make Charlotte chocolate cream - delicate and tasty.

Biscuit ingredients:

  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Flour - 120 grams
  • Sugar - 160 grams
  • Cocoa powder-40 grams
  • Baking powder - 6 grams
  • Salt - 3 grams

Ingredients for cream:

  • Egg yolks - 6 pieces
  • Cognac - 40 ml
  • Milk - 300 ml
  • Black chocolate-220 grams (you can replace a cocoa powder-2 tablespoons)
  • Sugar - 250 grams
  • Butter - 240 grams

Cook cakes like this:

  1. Separate egg whites from yolks. Cool the proteins in the refrigerator for 1 hour or in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  2. Beat the yolks with a mixer with the addition of sugar - 80 grams.
  3. Cool cooled proteins and beat with the remaining granulated sugar.
  4. Then connect both sugar masses and beat for another 3-5 minutes.
  5. Combine flour with baking powder and cocoa. Then sank all together and add this mixture to the eggs beaten with sugar.
  6. It turned out a chocolate dough, in consistency resembling a thick sour cream. Pour it into round shapes with a hole in the middle and bake for about 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  7. Cool the finished biscuit and cut into 2 cakes.

Now you can start cooking Charlotte cream. Full the following stages:

  1. Cool the yolks in the refrigerator in the container. Be sure to cover it with a lid, otherwise the yolks will quickly begin to dry.
  2. Then beat the yolks with sugar.
  3. Add milk to the resulting mass and mix well with a mixer.
  4. Now this sweet milk-yellow mixture must be boiled in a water bath. Stir, and when the mass begins to thicken, remove from heat. Set aside for cooling.
  5. Separately beat with a mixer soft oil, pouring cognac a little.
  6. Continue to mix oil with cognac and add the yellow-milk mixture.
  7. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and pour it into the total mass, mixing everything until smooth. If there is no chocolate, add cocoa and also mix well.

Swell cream cream and coat the cake on top. Then decorate it with sweet colorful sweets, as shown in the picture.

  • You can also decorate the 3 cake with sugar mastic.
  • In this case, fantasy has no limit.
  • For example, you can make the same Charlotte cream without cocoa, soak them a cake, and cut flowers, cars, a rainbow from mastic or come up with a plot: cartoon or any other that your baby likes.
  • This design will necessarily cause delight in the child.
Decoration from mastic
Decoration from mastic
Mastic decoration on cake 3
Mastic decoration on cake 3

Watch the video how you can still decorate the cake for a boy’s birthday to the boy. If you can’t make a biscuit or mastic a figure, then replace it with a candle.

Video: children's cake from mastic. Decoration of cakes. Cake from mastic

A delicious cake in the form of a number 3 for a birthday girl with her own hands from sweets: step -by -step recipe, photo

Tasty cake 3
Tasty cake 3

For a 3 -year birthday cake, a girl can make biscuit cocoa cocoa, for impregnation - pink cream, and for decoration sweet sweets are pink, white or red. The biscuit for this cake bake classic - simple and fast.

Biscuit ingredients:

  • Eggs - 5 pieces
  • Sugar - 200 grams
  • Flour - 1 cup
  • Salt - 1 pinch

Products for cream-consuming:

  • Condensed milk - 50 grams
  • Butter - 100 grams
  • Vanilin - 1 pinch
  • Beets - 1 piece to get pink

Biscuit preparation consists of such stages:

  1. Separate the proteins from the yolks. Beat the yolks with sugar.
  2. Cool the proteins and beat with a mixer into a thick foam with a pinch of salt.
  3. Then combine the sifted flour to the sugar-yellow mixture. Mix well.
  4. Now carefully introduce whipped proteins. Stir the dough until smooth.
  5. Pour the dough into prepared forms and bake for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  6. Cut ready-made cakes into 2-3 parts.

Cream cook this:

  1. Beat the softened butter with a mixer, adding vanillin.
  2. Then pour the condensed milk a little and continue to whip. The cream should turn out to be thick, and perhaps condensed milk will need less, since it all depends on the quality of condensed milk and butter.
  3. Then clean and grate one beets and put it to cook in a small amount of water.
  4. When the grated beets are boiled, turn off the fire and cool the “dye”.
  5. Now add 1 teaspoon of this natural dye to the cream. Stir it and if you want to get a rich shade, add another beetroot decoction.

Swell cream with the resulting cream and grease them on top. Decorate the cake with sweets and refrigerate for a couple of hours for impregnation. Enjoy your meal!

Cake in the form of 3 for 3 years of wedding, anniversary: \u200b\u200bphoto

Three years of life together is a date called a leather wedding. Therefore, the cake for the festive table on the occasion of the celebration of three years from the day of the wedding can be made not only in the form of a number, but also to show imagination and create a real culinary masterpiece. Here are photos and ideas for decorating such a cake:

Cake 3 for 3 years of wedding
Cake 3 for 3 years of wedding
Cake 3 for 3 years of wedding
Cake 3 for 3 years of wedding
Cake 3 for 3 years of wedding
Cake 3 for 3 years of wedding
Cake 3 for 3 years of wedding
Cake 3 for 3 years of wedding
Cake 3 for 3 years of wedding
Cake 3 for 3 years of wedding

Photo of a birthday cake 3 years: decoration ideas

You can bake a child for a child’s birthday not only in the form of a number 3, but also a regular round one. It is important to decorate the cake so that it is bright and beautiful. Here are a few ideas of jewelry and photo of the cake for 3 years:

Cake from mastic. Do not forget to warn the baby that cars are toys and you can’t eat them.

Birthday cake 3 years
Birthday cake 3 years

Biscuit cakes, on top cream made of boiled condensed milk and butter. Decoration along the edges is a cream that is added to a green food dye.

Birthday cake 3 years
Birthday cake 3 years

Here is another option for decorating a cake with 3 mastic - interesting and original.

Birthday cake 3 years
Birthday cake 3 years

Ordinary round cakebut with decoration from mastic in the form of number 3. The machines here are also made of plastic mastic.

Birthday cake 3 years
Birthday cake 3 years

Cake 3 for girls: biscuit cakes and pink and lilac cream. From the remains of dough and cream you can make several cakes.

Birthday cake 3 years
Birthday cake 3 years

Here's another beautiful decoration of a cake for a girl for a birthday. White, pink and red mastic, round sprinkling - the original decoration is ready!

Birthday cake 3 years
Birthday cake 3 years

Such a cake is suitable for a birthday, both a boy and a girl.

Birthday cake 3 years
Birthday cake 3 years

Fantasize and create your culinary masterpieces for the birthdays of a son or daughter. If you like to decorate the cake with oil cream, then do it using special nozzles that will help perform original turns and flowers. Mastic allows you to create figures and other unique jewelry. Do not be afraid to invent something of your own, because this is how new recipes and ideas appear. Good luck!

Video: Cake Robocar Paul. Children's cake machine from A to Y. Detailed step -by -step recipe

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