Tasty mastic for a cake at home: 7 best recipes, ideas, photos

Tasty mastic for a cake at home: 7 best recipes, ideas, photos

In a festive cake, not only delicious content is important, but also a beautiful feed. This is what a sweet decoration will help.

Decoration of the cake with mastic Allows you to turn home baking into a culinary masterpiece, make a confectionery product not only tasty, but also attractive. But it is important to be patient and gain skills. Any interested cooking culinary will cope with this task thanks to our selection.

How to paint mastic for a cake: important tips, secrets of cooking

  • The main component of mastic for the cake Sugar powder acts. High -quality sifting of powder affects the properties of the workpiece. The presence of lumps and large sugarins worsens the integrity of the design.
  • Increase the plasticity of mastic allows a cool temperature. The mixed product must be placed at least half an hour in the refrigerator. AT  the film is well stored for more than a week. The freezer of the product extends the safety of the product up to two months.
  • To tighten the cake, the mastic is rolled out with a wooden rocking rock. It is better to make a workpiece with a margin. Extra pieces are easily cut with a knife.
Determination of the norm
Determination of the norm
  • Sugar -based dough is tinted in the process of mixing the components. When using several shades to decorate the cake, colorless mastic is first divided into portioned pieces.
  • When tinted by one of the pieces, the rest of the blanks must be wrapped with cellophane and sent to cool in order to avoid drying.
  • The dye is most convenient to add inside the formed ball and knead until a homogeneous shade of the whole mass.

How to paint a mastic for a cake:

Dyes are used both natural and synthetic. Their composition can be dry, liquid or gel.

  • It is very easy to give the color from ordinary products. Beet juice allows you to get shades from light pink to dark red. It all depends on the amount of juice added. The brightness of the shade gives a pinch of citric acid.
  • Source orange protrudes carrot juice. It must be crushed and fry as much as possible. After that, you can squeeze and use the juice.
  • Juice of dull spinach Allows you to get green color. Various color shades are obtained from berries and grapes.

Honey mastic for a cake at home

List of components:

  • Half a glass of honey
  • 35 g of water
  • 10 g of gelatin
  • 2 glasses of sweet powder

How to cook honey mastic:

  1. Pass the sweet powder through a sieve.
  2. Cover the gelatin with water, and give time to absorb the liquid.
  3. Melt honey to a liquid homogeneous state.
  4. To add gelatin to the hot honey product and knead until the grains completely disappeared.
  5. The resulting mass is gradually connected to the powder. We control the softness of the mastic.

Sugar mastic for a cake at home

List of components:

  • half of the lemon
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • 0.5 kg of sweet powder
  • 15 g of gelatin
  • 1 g of Vanilin
Yellow-white decoration
Yellow-white decoration

How to cook sugar mastic:

  1. According to the recommendations on the package, dilute water with gelatin.
  2. The prepared gelatin mass is combined with vanilla and a spoonful of citrus juice.
  3. Gradually attach sweet powder. We knead until the lumps are eliminated and the optimal elasticity of the workpiece. Sugar mastic for cake Ready for staining.

On a note: Excessive mixing of sweet powder turns the mastic for the cake into dry crumbly mass

Children's mastic for a cake at home

List of components:

  • 0.15 kg of children's mixture and sugar powder
  • 0.1 kg of condenses
  • 30 g of lemon juice

How to cook milk mastic:

  1. We pass the store sweet powder without additives through a sieve.
  2. We sift a quality mixture for kids and attach to powder. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Mix condensed milk with citrus juice and gradually attach dry ingredients.
  4. We mix to smoothness and, if desired, add the dye.
  5. Military mastic for cake It is placed in a storage film in a cold place. It takes no more than 30 minutes.

How to make a mastic for a cake at home from marshmallow?

List of components:

  • packaging Marshmallo
  • half a glass of sweet powder and starch
  • half of the lemon
  • 1 tsp. butter oils
A wonderful combination
A wonderful combination

Mastic for a cake at home:

  1. Pour marshmallows into a deep glass bowl. Heat in the microwave for 20-30 seconds.
  2. Add lemon juice and liquid butter. Knead a homogeneous mass.
  3. The starch is connected to the powdered sugar and pass through the sieve.
  4. Gradually connect dry ingredients with liquid. We knead a thick elastic mastic. The mass should shine and do not pester.

Chocolate mastic for cake: Recipe

List of components:

  • 1/2 tiles of dark chocolate
  • 100 g of marshmallow and sweet powder
  • cube of butter (20-30 g)
  • 40 ml of cognac
Sweet tooth
Sweet tooth

How to make chocolate mastic:

  1. Cross chocolate tiles into pieces, put in a small pan and melt over low heat.
  2. Next, add marshmallow. We constantly stir the ingredients, gradually connecting butter and cognac. We knead the thick liquid mass and remove it from the heat, adding the powder.
  3. Manually knead until softness and elasticity. Chocolate mastic for cake should not stick to your hands.

Mastic from gelatin for cake

List of components:

  • 1 tbsp. l. honey and gelatin
  • 1 tsp. citric acids
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • 1/2 cup starch
  • 1 cup of sweet powder

How to make a gelatin mastic:

  1. Gelatin is covered with water for swelling. Using a water vapor, bring it to a liquid state.
  2. Combine liquid gelatin with honey and citric acid.
  3. Dry ingredients are gradually added to the gelatin mass and smooth homogeneous mastic is kneaded.
  4. We cover the deep bowl with cellophane and pour the mixed mastic for the cake. Put in the refrigerator for thickening.
  5. After the refrigerator, you need to knead it well with your hands. If necessary, heat a little in the microwave.

Mastic for a cake from condensed milk

Mastic for a cake in condensed milk It works perfectly as the main coating for the cake, as well as small figures.

List of components:

  • 0.4 kg of milk powder
  • 250 g of sweet powder
  • 180 ml of milk of condensed
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice

Mastic with condensed milk at home:

  1. Combine dry milk with sweet powder. We get rid of lumps with a sieve.
  2. Pour the condensed milk into the roomy dishes, add lemon juice and mix.
  3. We gradually pour dry ingredients to condensed milk and knead the elastic mass. Properly involved mastic is not sticky and similar to plasticine. The stickiness is regulated by powdered sugar.
  4. For the preparation of colored mastic, we divide the workpiece into several parts and mix separately with dyes.

Compliance with recommended proportions when kneading and proper storage will achieve a good result.

Ideas for decorating cakes with mastic: photo

It is important not only to choose the right ingredients for mastic, but also to beautifully decorate it with a cake. Therefore, having studied the methods of preparation mastic for the cakenow it's time to look at what masterpieces can be created.


For the holiday
For the holiday

Video: Decorate the cake of the house

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