A delicious cake for a boy’s birthday and girls in the form of 10 years of wedding, anniversary, in the microwave in 10 minutes, without baking, with mastic, without mastic: step -by -step recipes, photos, videos, ideas for decorations for cakes with your own hands. How to make a number 10 from a biscuit for a cake: Instruction

A delicious cake for a boy’s birthday and girls in the form of 10 years of wedding, anniversary, in the microwave in 10 minutes, without baking, with mastic, without mastic: step -by -step recipes, photos, videos, ideas for decorations for cakes with your own hands. How to make a number 10 from a biscuit for a cake: Instruction

In this article you will find recipes for a cake in the form of a number 10 for a child’s birthday, a wedding anniversary and other holidays. Create culinary masterpieces and surprise your family and friends.

The first big anniversary of your son or daughter is a big holiday. The birthday of a child 10 years old always wants to be celebrated on a large scale. After all, a 10-year-old boy or a girl can no longer be called a baby. The adolescence will begin soon, and your child will grow up by day, but by the clock.

If you want to celebrate the 10th birthday of a child with a beautiful and magnificent feast, then bake the original cake in the form of the number 10. Seek the cake recipes and decoration tips below.

How to make a number 10 from a biscuit for a cake: Instruction

A dozen consists of "one" and «0». Both a unit and zero can be cut from a raw scattered layer or from an already baked sweet structure. Here are some tips:

  • Mix all the components of the recipe and knead the dough. Then take it into the refrigerator for an hour.
  • Remove the workpiece from the cold and roll out on the table.
  • Cut the unit and zero first on the A4 sheet - you get a stencil, and then transfer it to a test workpiece.
  • Gently cut at the edges and put the numbers to bake.

This method of creating numbers is suitable for brittle scattered dough. Read more how to do it in this article on our website. If you have plans to bake the biscuit in your plans, then for a unit it is worth making a roll, and then cast a number from the finished product, and zero can be created from a round biscuit layer.

Interesting to know: You can prepare two biscuit layers and create numbers on the stencil from them. Then it remains to cut the resulting products along, grease cream filling and the cake is ready. It remains only to decorate it and submit to the guests.

The numbers from the cakes
The numbers from the cakes

As you can see, creating a figure from a test workpiece is simple. Now let's look at which recipes of sweet dessert are best suited for such original pastries.

Delicious cake for a boy’s birthday and girls in the shape of a number 10 without mastic: step -by -step recipe, photo, video

Cake 10
Cake 10

Try to bake a biscuit room with cream filling and cherry jam. It is quite easy to create a unit from it. For zero, bake a round biscuit layer in a pan or in another form. So, here is a recipe for a delicious roll:

Components of cake products:

Components of cake products
Components of cake products

Start the bake like this:

  1. Dry the yolks separately from proteins with granulated sugar.
  2. Stir the proteins with a mixer to peaks.
  3. Mix millet. Flour, starch and baking powder, sare and enter into the yellow mixture.
  4. Also enter whipped proteins and vanilla concentrate into a test workpiece.
  5. Put the resulting test workpiece on a baking sheet, previously covered with baking parchment.
  6. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.
  7. Brew the cream from the package, as written in the instructions.
  8. Put the finished cake on a waffle towel, remove the parchment, first lubricate with cream, then jam and gently turn into a roll.
  9. When the roll cools a little, cut out a unit out of it.

From the same products, bake the round biscuit cake. After that, make a shared cut of the cake into 2 or 3 parts, lubricate with cream inside and jam. Now you can put the numbers on a large tray and come up with an original decoration.

To decorate separately, make a cream filling with cottage cheese or cream. Cream recipes that are great for decoration can be found in article on this link. Divide the finished cream into several parts, put in each of them food paint of different colors and using special confectionery tools decorate the top of the dessert.

Video: Cake number 10.

Delicious cake for a boy’s birthday and girls in the shape of a number 10 in a microwave in 10 minutes: step -by -step recipe, photo

Cake 10
Cake 10

In the microwave, you can also prepare a yummy for the most important family holiday - the birthday of the child. This process will take much less time than if you prepare this dessert in the oven. But the cake will turn out to be just as tasty, juicy and soaked. From the finished layers of the dough on the stencil, cut the numbers, soak them with cream filling and decorate them as you wish. So, here is the recipe for the cakes that we will bake in the microwave:

Components for one cake:

Components for one cake
Components for one cake

Preparing the dessert must be like this:

  1. Combine the egg and mix with sugar.
  2. By mixing the egg mixture, add cocoa powder and continue to interfere.
  3. Mix flour, starch and baking powder, sereth and put it to the chocolate mixture.
  4. Pour in the plant. Oil and stir everything well.
  5. Pour the dough that turned out into the baking dish in the microwave. Pre -lubricate the shape with a piece of butter.
  6. Put a cup of dough in a microwave for 5 minutes with a capacity of 800 watts.
  7. When the timer works, take out the shape with the cake and let it cool slightly.
  8. Get out of the form cut the number "1".
  9. From these products, bake the second cake and cut out of it “0”.
  10. Cut the cakes along and grease with any cream. Above in the text, in articles by links, you will find various recipes of creams that are great for cakes from a biscuit.
  11. Decorate the upper layer and serve guests.

To complete your idea on top of the cake, it is better to use the cream "Cream". It holds its shape well and does not spread. The cream is white and therefore you can add a food dye of any color to it to achieve the desired shade. Here is the recipe for the cream "Cream":

Products that are needed for cooking:

Components for the preparation of dessert
Components for the preparation of dessert

Stages of cooking:

  1. Mix sugar, milk 100 ml, eggs, flour, salt to get a mixture without lumps.
  2. In the pan, warm the rest of the milk to a hot state (80-90 degrees).
  3. Pour into the heated milk a little earlier prepared mixture. Warm up on fire, stirring constantly. The cream should warm up for 2 minutes, but do not burn.
  4. Cool the cream to room temperature, covering the pan with cling film. Also take out the drain. The oil from the refrigerator so that it goes limp.
  5. Beat oil with vanilla to Bela.
  6. Then, gradually add custard and do not stop whisking so that the mass does not drop, but on the contrary, it becomes airy.

Advice: At the end of whipping, cognac is added. Naturally, it is better to do without it if the cake is prepared for the child. If the dessert decorates the table at the anniversary of the wedding, then you can add cognac. It will give the cream a unique aroma, and the taste will make it rich and unforgettable.

Recipe for a real cream "Cream" It contains this ingredient, so cognac is indicated in the ingredients, and put it in your cream or not - solve only you.

Delicious cake in the form of a number 10 per anniversary, anniversary 10 years of wedding: photo

Cake for a wedding anniversary 10 years in the form of numbers 10
Cake for a wedding anniversary 10 years in the form of numbers 10

Wedding anniversary of 10 years is a special date. After all, not everyone can live together such a long time. Naturally, you need to throw a feast for the whole world, invite friends, relatives and gather them at a beautiful festive table.

  • A cake in the form of “dozens” will help to complement the solemn situation - stylishly, unique and appetizing.
  • It is possible to bake sweet blanks for a large sweet cake in the anniversary of life together in the same version as it has already been described in this article.
  • A biscuit roll with a cream-arrow and a unit jam and a round sweet layer-for zero.
  • It is better to decorate the dessert for such a celebration with white cream on cream, melted with chocolate tiles with cocktail cherries or just icing.

What other jewelry can be used for such cakes, and how to cook the glaze, read the article on this link.

Cake for a wedding anniversary 10 years in the form of numbers 10
Cake for a wedding anniversary 10 years in the form of numbers 10

Here are a photo of the original sweet cake at the anniversary of the wedding for 10 years, although it is not made in the form of “dozens”.

Cake for a wedding anniversary 10 years
Cake for a wedding anniversary 10 years

Delicious cake for a boy’s birthday and girls in the shape of a number 10 without baking: step -by -step recipe, photo

Cake in the form of a number 10 without baking
Cake in the form of a number 10 without baking

In fact, a dessert without baking in a hot oven can be prepared so that it will not be distinguished from the baked one.

This dessert will turn out very tasty, with interesting aftertaste and original.

  • For the festive table, a delicate chocolate-banana cake with cookies is perfect.
  • They are so well saturated with cream, which is supplemented by a banana, which cannot be distinguished from real biscuit sweet layers.
  • It will take no more than 10 minutes to prepare such a cake, and at the end you will get a delicious festive dessert.

Here is the recipe - components of products for a cake without baking:

Component products for a cake without baking
Component products for a cake without baking

The process will consist of such stages:

  1. First, make the egg mixture for cream filling: mix the yolks with sugar-sand and vanilla concentrate. If the mixture is poorly mixed due to the density, add a couple of tablespoons of milk.
  2. Then put the flour, stir.
  3. Place the milk in the pan on the fire, heat.
  4. Transfer eggs to it and stir all the time so that there are no lumps.
  5. Cook until the appearance of density. Remove from heat, cool a little and add a soft drain. Oil (first pull it out of the cold). Mix the cream and oil.
  6. Put the layer of filling in any baking dish.
  7. Then put the cookies in one layer. If the dish is round, then the cookies will have to be broken on pieces. Do not worry when the design is saturated, it will not be noticeable.
  8. Do in this way until the dish is filled to the edges.
  9. Put the resulting sweet design at low temperature (from +8 to 0 degrees) for 2 hours.
  10. Then take out the dessert from the cold and shape, cut the numbers along the paper stencil-polling stencil, and smear on top with cream. Remove again in the cold.

At this time, make the glaze:

  1. Break chocolate into pieces.
  2. Add 40 ml of milk and a spoonful of vegetable oil.
  3. Put in a microwave or in a water bath. When the chocolate melts, mix all the ingredients.
  4. Pour a dessert with a lipstick and remove it again for the cold.

Absolutely everyone will like such a sweet chocolate structure, and no one will even guess that it is made without baking. Decorate the cake with chocolate, cookies and colored sweets - the festive dessert is ready!

Delicious cake for a boy’s birthday and girls in the shape of a number 10 with mastic

Cake for 10 years with mastic
Cake for 10 years with mastic

It seems that only a professional confectioner can decorate the cake with mastic, but this is not so. This material is very plastic and allows you to quickly create a real masterpiece from ordinary sweet cake.

Advice: In order not to mess with the preparation of a mastic mass, purchase it at a regular confectionery store. In it you can also find another decor for the cake.

You will see the ideas for decorating the cake below, and bake the cakes according to the recipe stages described above. If you still want to make a plastic mass for the decor yourself, then here is the recipe:

  1. Soak one teaspoon of ordinary gelatin in 60 milliliters of water. Let it brew for half an hour.
  2. Then warm the mixture in the pan, but not on fire, but on a pan with a large volume with boiling water, to a hot state.
  3. Remove the heated gelatin mass from the heat and add a little lemon juice and vanilla concentrate.
  4. Now put the sugar powder a little, kneading the plastic dough. Make sure that the dough is not too hard, otherwise the mastic will not be very plastic. She will be torn and it will be impossible to do something out of it.

You can store such a plastic mass in the refrigerator. If you need a mastic mass of different colors, then at the stage of sugar powder, add the baking paint of the required color.

Ideas for decorations for cakes in the form of numbers 10 for the birthday of a boy and girl with your own hands

Now you know that the cake in the form of the number 10 is simple. You can use both sand and biscuit cakes. But the most important thing in creating a festive cake is its decoration with sweet products or cream, which is a final and important stage in creating a beautiful dessert to create a festive mood. Here's how you can decorate the cake in the form of "dozens":

Mastic of pink and golden color. It turned out a great gift for a real princess.

Cake 10
Cake 10

Again mastic, but already white and colored. See what original decoration for the cake can be done with its help.

Cake 10
Cake 10
Cake 10
Cake 10

White and color cream "Pimbir" allows you to make any plot on one cake - stylish and original!

Cake 10
Cake 10

Green mastic on the cake, and cubs are also made of this plastic material.

Cake 10
Cake 10

Cream, berries and confectionery decorations create a unique single composition on one confectionery product.

Cake 10
Cake 10

Pink and chocolate mastic helped make an excellent decoration for a birthday cake for a 10-year-old girl-an unusual and interesting surprise!

Cake 10
Cake 10

Even if you never worked with mastic and did not make complex jewelry on cakes from the cream, do not be afraid - try, create and create culinary masterpieces for your households, friends and relatives. Enjoy appetite and fun holiday!

Video: Cake number. Pavlova. Recipe.

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