A delicious children's and simple cake in the form of a number 5 for a birthday to a boy, a girl, for 5 years of wedding, an anniversary, in 5 minutes in a microwave, without baking: step -by -step recipes, photos, decoration ideas. How to make a number 5 from a biscuit for a cake in the form of a number 5: Instruction

A delicious children's and simple cake in the form of a number 5 for a birthday to a boy, a girl, for 5 years of wedding, an anniversary, in 5 minutes in a microwave, without baking: step -by -step recipes, photos, decoration ideas. How to make a number 5 from a biscuit for a cake in the form of a number 5: Instruction

Cake 5 for the birthday of a son or daughter simply do. You will find step -by -step recipes and ideas of decoration in this article.

Will your child be 5 years old soon? It's time to think about the holiday, decoration of the table, dishes, competitions for children and all other details that will help make the holiday unforgettable.

  • An excellent completion of any birthday is a cake. It should be beautiful and original.
  • Make this dessert in the form of a number 5, and it will certainly cause delight with the hero of the occasion and the guests.
  • In this article you will find several recipes for making a cake in the form of a number 5, as well as the ideas of jewelry and tips that help make a figure from biscuit cakes.

How to make a number 5 from the biscuit: instruction, photo

Making a number from cakes is simple. It is necessary to bake the biscuit according to any recipe and cut out the elements of the five from it. Here is a detailed instruction on how to make a number 5 from the biscuit:

You will need 2 forms for cakes: round - with a diameter of 20 cm or more, depending on what size you will make the cake, and the square shape - in size 15cm x 15cm or 20cm x 20cm. Bake the biscuit according to your favorite recipe, cool the cakes.

Number 5 from biscuit
Number 5 from biscuit

Then, using a glass, make a hole in the middle.

Number 5 from biscuit
Number 5 from biscuit

Now cut part of the cake, which is not needed, as shown by arrows.

Number 5 from biscuit
Number 5 from biscuit

Such a detail should turn out. Do not worry, if you cut it off not too smoothly, then you can correct the errors with the help of a cream during decoration.

Number 5 from biscuit
Number 5 from biscuit

Now proceed to create other parts of a square cake. Divide it visually into 3 parts and cut one part.

Number 5 from biscuit
Number 5 from biscuit

Attach the part in your place, as shown by the arrow.

Number 5 from biscuit
Number 5 from biscuit

Then, out of half another part, make a “tail” for the five. The number 5 is ready!

Number 5 from biscuit
Number 5 from biscuit

It remains only to smear the cakes with cream and decorate. Such a cake can be baked and decorated in an hour - quickly and simple. Below you will find several recipes of delicious biscuits.

Tasty children's birthday cake 5 years old boy with your own hands: step -by -step recipe, photo

Delicious children's birthday cake 5 years
Delicious children's birthday cake 5 years

If you do not know how to make mastic or it doesn’t succeed, or you are just afraid to do such a complex decoration due to inexperience, then you can decorate the cake with multi-colored sweets and bright sprinkling. Such a decoration will look great on a chocolate cream. Therefore, make a biscuit with cocoa and dark cream.

Products that are needed for a biscuit dough:

  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Flour - 120 grams
  • Sugar - 160 grams
  • Cocoa powder-40 grams
  • Baking powder - 6 grams
  • Salt - 3 grams

Components for cream:

  • Egg yolks - 6 pieces
  • Cognac - 40 ml
  • Milk - 300 ml
  • Cocoa powder-2 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 250 grams
  • Butter - 240 grams

Cook the biscuit like this:

  1. Separate egg whites from yolks. Cool the proteins in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  2. Beat the yolks with a mixer with the addition of sugar - 80 grams.
  3. Cool cooled proteins and beat with the remaining granulated sugar.
  4. Then connect both sugar masses and beat for another 3-5 minutes.
  5. Combine flour with baking powder and cocoa. Then sank all together and add this mixture to the eggs beaten with sugar.
  6. It turned out a chocolate dough, in consistency resembling a thick sour cream. Pour it into round shapes with a hole in the middle and bake for about 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  7. Cool the finished biscuit and cut into 2 cakes.

Do the cream like this:

  1. Cool the yolks, and then beat them with sugar.
  2. Add milk to the resulting mass and beat well with a mixer.
  3. Now this sweet milk-yellow mixture must be boiled in a water bath. Stir, and when the mass begins to thicken, remove from heat. Set aside for cooling.
  4. Separately beat with a mixer soft oil, pouring cognac a little.
  5. Continue to mix oil with cognac and add the yellow-milk mixture.
  6. Add cocoa and mix well. The cream is ready!

Now we are starting to make a cake:

  1. Cut the cakes into 2 or 3 parts.
  2. Smoke cream and combine. Also smear the cake with cream.
  3. Sprinkle with bright confectionery crumbs on top.
  4. On the sides, decorate the number glazed multi -colored candy.
  5. Now make waves of cream along the edge with a special nozzle for a confectionery bag.

The cake is ready. Put it in a refrigerator for impregnation, and then serve to the table. Such a cake can be made for a girl for a birthday, as it turns out festive and bright.

Tasty children's birthday cake 5 years old girl with her own hands: step -by -step recipe, photo

Delicious children's birthday cake 5 years
Delicious children's birthday cake 5 years

Such an unusual cake is simple, despite the fact that the idea and technology of cooking seems difficult. The biscuit turns out delicate, as well as the cream. Decoration - multi -colored mastic and bright candles.

Biscuit ingredients:

  • Eggs - 10 pieces
  • Sugar - 400 grams
  • Flour - 2 glasses
  • Salt - 2 pinch
  • Color food dye (if there is no dye, you can use cocoa)

For protein cream:

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup sugar
  • a few drops of lemon juice

Cook like this:

Of the half of the products for the biscuit, make the dough. Divide it into 5 parts and add your dye to each part.

Biscuit from a bright dough
Biscuit from a bright dough

Fill the form with a colored biscuit, pouring the dough out of confectionery bags randomly.

Biscuit from a bright dough
Biscuit from a bright dough

When the biscuit is ready, cut it into pieces. Then, using a special shape (you can buy it in any confectioner store), make five from each piece of biscuit.

Biscuit from a bright dough
Biscuit from a bright dough

Again, knead the dough for the biscuit, and in the form in which you baked cake to create multi -colored numbers, begin to fill in the dough. First pour the bottom of the shape, then install the biscuit numbers and fill the form completely with the dough.

Biscuit from a bright dough for cake 5
Biscuit from a bright dough for cake 5

Bake the cake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Then cool the biscuit and pull it out of the mold. Prepare a protein cream with a mixer whipping with icing proteins with powdered sugar with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice. Cover cake with cream.

Cake 5
Cake 5

Now you will need color mastic. It can be bought in a confection store. Mix from 6 to 8 colors of mastic, roll out the sheet, and cover it with a cake coated with cream.

Bright cake 5
Bright cake 5

Before serving, insert candles into the cake and light them. In the section, the cake looks very interesting, since in each cut piece there will be a number 5.

Advice: Instead of mastic, you can use a cream decoration in the form of roses, waves and other elements. Fantasize and you will be able to create your own unique masterpiece.

A delicious and simple recipe for a cake in the form of a number 5 for 5 minutes without baking, in the microwave with your own hands

Currently, those dishes that can be quickly and simply cook are of great value. We are used to the fact that you need to spend time on baking the cake - 1 hour or more. But there are recipes for cakes that can be made in 5 minutes. Below you will find several recipes.

Cake in 5 minutes in the microwave.

Recipe No. 1.

The time for impregnation is not needed, since the cake turns out delicate and tasty immediately after cooking. Here is the prescription:

Biscuit ingredients:

  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Sugar - 80 grams
  • Nuts (walnuts) - 200 grams
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - a quarter teaspoon

For cream:

  • Banana - 1 piece
  • Boiled thickening milk - 150 grams
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons

Stages of cooking cake:

  1. Beat the eggs with sugar.
  2. Grind the nuts in a blender to a flour state.
  3. Add chopped nuts, a little salt and baking powder to the sweet egg mixture. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Pour the dough into a microwave mold and bake for 5 minutes at maximum power.
  5. Get cake, let him cool.
  6. Now prepare the cream: mix 1 banana, condensed milk and sour cream in a blender.
  7. Pull the cake from the mold and cut into 3 parts. Lubricate each part and top of the cake with cream.
  8. Decorate the finished dessert with grated chocolate or nuts. The cake is ready!

You can also decorate this cake with colored cream on top by drawing your baby’s favorite plot from a cartoon or fairy tale. From such a test, you can bake the cakes and cut out the number 5. The cake 5 will turn out to be delicate and soft. You will find an idea for decorating such a cake below.

Video: luxurious cake in 5 minutes. Insanely tasty!

Tasty cake in 5 minutes without baking.

Recipe No. 2.

Such a cake will appeal to your baby and guests, and no one will guess that it is made without a baking process.


  • Cookies - 600 grams
  • Homemade sour cream - 0.5 liters
  • Sugar powder - 0.5 cups
  • Boiled condensed milk - 1 bank

Cook the cake like this:

  1. First make a cream. If you do not have a home sour cream, then it is suitable from the store, but it needs to be thrown back on a colander so that the glass is excessive liquid.
  2. Mix sour cream with powdered sugar.
  3. Add condensed milk and beat well with a mixer.
  4. Now take one liver, spread with cream and lay on a dish.
  5. When all the cookies are used, cover the top cream.
  6. Then decorate the dessert to your taste. You can draw a number 5 with cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Watch in detail in the video how to prepare such a cake correctly.

Video: Cake in 5 minutes without baking. Awesome chocolate cake

Video: a very tasty sour cream with condensed milk. Cream from sour cream that will suit any cake

Cake in the form of 5 for 5 years of wedding, anniversary: \u200b\u200bphoto

The anniversary of 5 years of life together is called a wooden wedding. Therefore, the cake for this holiday can be made, both in the form of the number 5, and in the form of an original fairy -tale tree, hemp or branches. Here are a photo of ideas on how to decorate a cake on a five -year wedding anniversary:


Cake 5 for 5 years of wedding
Cake 5 for 5 years of wedding
Cake 5 for 5 years of wedding
Cake 5 for 5 years of wedding
Cake 5 for 5 years of wedding
Cake 5 for 5 years of wedding
Cake 5 for 5 years of wedding
Cake 5 for 5 years of wedding
Cake 5 for 5 years of wedding
Cake 5 for 5 years of wedding

Ideas for decorating a cake in the form of numbers 5: photo

If your baby has a birthday soon, bake a cake and decorate him with your own hands. The child will be delighted with such a mother’s surprise - colorful and original. Here are the ideas of cake decoration 5 - Photo:

The simplest decoration is ordinary cream and bright sweets. Put each color with a separate strip - rosy and beautiful.

Cake decoration for 5 years
Cake decoration for 5 years

A cake for a girl is a delicate decoration with confectionery beads, flowers and butterflies. These jewelry for the cake can be bought at any pastry store.

Cake decoration for 5 years
Cake decoration for 5 years

Cake from mastic for a boy. Ready mastic can also be bought at a confectioner store. If you have this plastic “material”, then you can easily make such an interesting and tasty cake.

Cake decoration for 5 years
Cake decoration for 5 years

This cake combines a decoration of cream and mastic. Favorite cartoon heroes adorn this sweet masterpiece.

Cake decoration for 5 years
Cake decoration for 5 years

Cream and forest residents made of sweet multi -colored lipstick or special paper for cakes - interesting and beautiful.

Cake decoration for 5 years
Cake decoration for 5 years

Another decoration of the cake for the girl. Mastic will always be spectacular and appetizing any cake.

Cake decoration for 5 years
Cake decoration for 5 years

Such a cake and cakes will be eaten instantly. In addition, a bright cake will become the main decoration of the table.

Cake decoration for 5 years
Cake decoration for 5 years

Again cartoon heroes, but already on the cake for the girl. A real green meadow with flowers, butterflies, mushrooms and God's cow is beautiful and very realistic.

Cake decoration for 5 years
Cake decoration for 5 years

Bake a biscuit cake is simple. The jewelry is also easy if you use ordinary cream with the addition of food dye or multi -colored mastic. Of these sweet materials, you can create any picture on the festive table.

Video: How to collect and decorate the cake number 5? Cake with a man spider

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