A delicious cake in the form of numbers 8 on March 8, 8 years of wedding, a boy’s birthday, girls, from cream, mastic, children with your own hands: step -by -step recipes, photos, videos. How to cut a beautiful number 8 from paper and dough, how to decorate a cake in the form of numbers 8: tips, ideas

A delicious cake in the form of numbers 8 on March 8, 8 years of wedding, a boy’s birthday, girls, from cream, mastic, children with your own hands: step -by -step recipes, photos, videos. How to cut a beautiful number 8 from paper and dough, how to decorate a cake in the form of numbers 8: tips, ideas

The cake for 8 years or on March 8 should be special. After all, both birthday and spring holiday should be memorable, and the thematic cake will be an excellent end to the feast.

Often on some kind of holiday or birthday I want to bake a particularly tasty, beautiful and original cake.

  • Any confectionery is a dessert, and it is the dessert that ends in the feast.
  • This is the end of a cheerful holiday, which your guests will recall for a long time.
  • A cake in the form of the number “8” can be baked for the birthday of a boy or girl, or on March 8. If you turn the figure, you get an infinity symbol. Such a cake is suitable for the holiday of a married couple, as a symbol of endless love and fidelity.
  • In principle, you can bake any favorite cake, but decorate it in the form of the number “8”. To do it is simple, and you will not even need any special skills or tools.
  • In this article you will find several recipes of delicious cakes and learn how to arrange a cake in the form of a number “8”.

How to cut the number "8" from paper, from dough: tips

You will need any paper, but it is better to use A4 or larger sheet if you need to bake a large cake. To cut the number “8”, follow the stages:

  • Divide the sheet into 2 parts - draw a line with a pencil.
  • Choose a plate or pan of this size that the dishes are a little more than one such half. The circle of the bottom of the dishes should go beyond the edge by 1-2 cm.
  • Draw two circles to get the number "8".
  • Inside each part of the eight, draw two small circles.
  • Then cut circles outside and inside the digit.

When the eight on paper is ready and you have already made the dough, you can make a figure from the dough:

  • First, roll a piece of dough on parchment paper and remove it with parchment in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.
  • Then take out the rolled dough, attach the template and cut the digit. It is easier to cut out of the frozen dough, it will not be deformed when cutting and baking.
  • After that, place the cut figure along with the parchment in the preheated oven.

Now you can bake the resulting eights, and make flowers, hearts and other forms of cookies from the residues of the dough. The most beautiful can be used to decorate the cake.

Tasty cake for March 8 in the form of numbers 8: recipe, photo

Tasty cake for March 8
Tasty cake for March 8

When you have already prepared a paper template, proceed to the dough preparation. On March 8, you can bake a cake from a delicate sand dough. Here is the prescription:


Products for the cake
Products for the cake

Now start creating the test:

  1. Beat eggs with granulated sugar.
  2. Add the melted and cooled butter to sour cream - stir.
  3. Mix the flour with baking powder and pour it to the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Stir everything well. You will get a tight lump of dough.
  5. Divide the dough into 3 parts and take it into the freezer for 15-20 minutes.
  6. When the dough cools down, take it out and cut off three digits 8. Make cookies from scraps.
  7. Bake cakes for 5-7 minutes no longer. Watch not to dry the cakes.
  8. Prepare the cream: beat all the ingredients for 3-5 minutes.
Cake jewelry 8
Cake jewelry 8

Now you can impregnate the cream with cream and with the help of a confectionery bag, decorate the top of the cake.

Advice: Apply the cream between the cakes also with the help of a syringe, it will turn out beautifully and original. To make the cream slightly colored, lubricate the inner surface of the syringe with the dye. Then put the cream and start squeezing. You will turn out white roses with a colored edging.

Wrap vine flowers from below with cling film, cut the stem. Now they can decorate the cake.

Preparation of fresh flowers for the cake
Preparation of fresh flowers for the cake

On such a cake, cocktail cherries, colored meringue and curly marmalade will look beautiful as a decoration. Put the cake in the refrigerator for several hours to impregnate and serve.

Delicious cake in the form of a number 8 for a birthday girl: recipe, photo

Delicious cake 8 for a birthday girl
Delicious cake 8 for a birthday girl

For a girl for a birthday, I want to bake a special cake so that she remembers this holiday for a long time. If your daughter is 8 years old, make her a cake in the form of a number “8”. Stock up with a confectionery bag, the workpiece “8”, as described above, and proceed to the manufacture of dough and cream. Here is the prescription:

The following products will be needed:

Products for cake 8
Products for cake 8

Stages of cooking:

  1. Close the cold butter into pieces.
  2. Add sugar powder to it, both types of flour, and grind everything well with your hands into small crumbs.
  3. Put the egg and yolk in the dough. Mix the dough, it should turn out to be elastic and soft.
  4. Wrap the dough in the food film and take it into the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  5. Now make a template template from paper if you did not make it in advance.
  6. When the dough cools, divide it into 2 parts. Put one part again in the refrigerator, and roll the second on parchment.
  7. Then the rolled dough on parchment paper also take into the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  8. Now take out the dough sheet, attach the template and carefully cut the figure.
  9. Pierce the dough in several places with a fork and set to bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 7-10 minutes.
  10. Do the same with the second cake.
Number 8 from the dough
Number 8 from the dough

The turn came to cook the cream and soak the cakes to them:

  1. Mix all the ingredients in the bowl for the mixer and beat well until a homogeneous mass. Cream and cheese pre -cool in the refrigerator.
  2. Transfer the cream and jam to confectionery bags with a nozzle to create colors.
  3. First, put the cream "bumps", then between them - drops from jam.
Cake impregnation 8
Cake impregnation 8

Cover this cake with a second eight cream and repeat the procedure again with a “bump” from the cream, but without a jam.

Decoration of the upper cake of cake 8
Decoration of the upper cake of cake 8

Now you can start designing the top of the cake. Show imagination and create your original culinary masterpiece.

Cake 8
Cake 8

A delicious cake in the form of a number 8 for a birthday 8 years for a boy from a mastic with your own hands: recipe, photo

The cake for the boy should be made in strictly boyish theme. Mastic is good for decorating such a cake. Making it yourself will not be difficult. Cakes can be sandy or walnut flour, as in previous recipes. Choose the cream to your taste, but for such a cake a cream made of condensed milk and butter. Here are a couple of options, how to arrange a cake for a boy for a birthday - 8 years:

Tasty birthday cake 8 years for a boy from mastic with your own hands
Tasty birthday cake 8 years for a boy from mastic with your own hands
Delicious birthday cake 8 years for a boy from mastic
Delicious birthday cake 8 years for a boy from mastic

Prepare the following ingredients to create mastic:

  • Marshmallow - 160 g (you can make the desired color with food dyes)
  • Sugar powder - 1 kg

In the microwave, melt the marshmallow, and then replace the dough with powdered sugar. Before laying sugar powder, divide the marshmallow into several parts and add the nutrition of the desired color to each part, because we need multi -colored mastic.

Important: If the mastic is too dense, you can add a little boiled water.

Now follow the following:

  1. Bake cakes for the cake.
  2. Prepare a cream from one can of condensed milk and 200 grams of butter.
  3. Beat these products, lubricate the cakes and the top of the cake.
  4. Then, from a mastic rolled dough, make the desired figures and large sheets to cover the cakes in the form of numbers impregnated with cream.
  5. Take out the extra mastic. Decorate the cake from above with different figures. You can even put real small cars. But then do not forget to tell the child that these are toys, not a treat. The creative cake for the boy is ready!

Your baby will simply be delighted with such a cake, and together with his friends will gobble him up for both cheeks.

How to make a delicious children's cake for a child 8 years old without mastic: recipe, photo

Tasty children's cake for a child 8 years old without mastic
Tasty children's cake for a child 8 years old without mastic

Children are very fond of colored sweets, so you can use this, cook a cake and decorate it with such multi -colored balls. The cakes inside can be honey-chocolate or sand, and the impregnation is a regular creamy-welded cream with fruit jam. Here is the prescription:


Products for cake 8
Products for cake 8

For chocolate lipsticks you will need the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 cups of milk
  • 0.5 cups of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa
  • 2 tablespoons of butter (or 20 grams)

To prepare such a bright and colorful cake, follow the following stages:

  1. Put a pot of sugar, milk, butter and honey on a small fire. When the oil and honey are well dissolved, remove the pan from the stove.
  2. Add soda to melted ingredients. Foam formation will begin. Stir so that the soda dissolves well. Set aside the pan to the side, the mass should cool down a little.
  3. When the melted mass becomes warm, add the egg and mix well. The protein from this egg can be beaten in advance so that it becomes airy. Thanks to this technique, the dough after baking will become delicate and soft.
  4. At the end, pour cocoa and flour. Stir and take the dough on the table.
  5. Remove the dough in the refrigerator for half an hour, having previously put it in a bowl and covering it with cling film or lid.
  6. Divide the dough into 3 parts, roll out on parchment paper. Place each sheet in the refrigerator again, and then cut the digit. Do this with each sheet.
  7. Bake cakes at a temperature of 180 degrees for no more than 7 minutes.

Now prepare the cream:

  1. In a saucepan mix sugar, starch and jam. Put it on the gas, stir it, and after boiling, boil for 1-2 minutes. Set aside a pan with hot ingredients to the side.
  2. Cool cheese, cream and sugar, beat with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Mix the resulting cheese mass with a sweet starchy-jam solution that you have already cooked.

Chocolate lipstick is preparing this way:

  1. In the stewpan, mix 0.5 cups of milk with 0.5 cups of sugar.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of cocoa and 2 tablespoons of butter (or 20 grams).
  3. Now put the stewpan on a small fire and stirring, cook the lipstick for 10 minutes until a slight thickening. The lipstick should thicken a little, but not burn. If you see that it is still liquid, then cook a couple more minutes.

Now start making a cake:

  1. First, put a cream in the form of large cones for one cake.
  2. Then repeat this way with other cakes, covering the previous ones with them. Two cakes need to be smeared with cream, covered with the third cake and connected to the cake.
  3. Complete the entire cake with lipstick, and then decorate with sweets. The cake without mastic is ready!

For decoration, you can still put candles or other sweets, for example, Chupa-Chups.

Beautiful cake in the form of a number 8 of cream: recipe, photo

Beautiful cake from cream
Beautiful cake from cream

A light and air biscuit in this cake goes well with a delicate protein-cream cream. Such a cake is eaten instantly, it is very tasty and looks very festive and elegant. Here is the prescription:


Products for cake 8
Products for cake 8


  1. Beat the eggs with sugar until it is completely dissolved.
  2. Then add flour, baking powder and vanilla sugar. Beat everything again.
  3. After that, add cocoa and mix everything again so that the dough is without lumps. By consistency, it should resemble thick sour cream.
  4. Turn on the oven to warm up.
  5. In the forms (there should be two: large and small, to get the number eight), for baking biscuit, bed parchment and pour the dough into them.
  6. By this time, the oven should already be heated. Put a temperature control of 180 degrees, and send forms with biscuit dough for 20-25 minutes to it. The cakes will be ready if they are covered with a crust on top and baked from the sides. To check readiness, pierce the cake with a toothpick when it is ready, the toothpick will be dry, and not sweet and in the dough.
  7. For cream, beat the boiled brown condensed milk and a pack of butter.
  8. Cut the finished cakes with a special thread for cakes for 2 or 3 parts, and soak with cream.

Now you can start cooking protein cream and decoration of the cake:

  1. For the cream, whip chilled proteins with powdered sugar and starch. You can add a few drops of lemon juice.
  2. When the cream is ready, smear it completely biscuit cakes.
  3. Then decorate the sides with a confectionery bag with a star "Asterisk". Squeeze the cream in the form of "waves".
  4. Now in the middle of the circles, draw a spider web. Then, using other nozzles and colored cream (you can paint the cream with food dyes), make decoration and flowers. Fantasize and create your protein roses, chrysanthemums and other flowers.

Watch the video how the master makes such a cake and decoration for it - original and interesting.

Video: Cake for March 8. Cake number eight of cream. Decoration of cakes

Cake for 8 years of wedding: photo

A birthday cake can be 8 years old, but often it is made in the form of a number. On the anniversary of the wedding, I want the cake not just in the form of a number, but thematic. 8 years - a tin wedding. Therefore, the cake can be made in the form of a tin can with the inscription: “8 years in one bank” - original and interesting. Of course, it is difficult to make such a cake yourself, but it can be an excellent idea for ordering a product in any of the professional confectionery workshops.

The decoration of such a confectionery is made of mastic, as well as the figures of these cute animals.

Cake for 8 years of wedding
Cake for 8 years of wedding

Another version of the cake for 8 years of wedding. This unusual cake does not even look like a confectionery, but your guests will definitely like it.

Cake for 8 years of wedding
Cake for 8 years of wedding

This bright cake will certainly become an adornment of the festive table of the heroes of the occasion.

Cake for 8 years of wedding
Cake for 8 years of wedding

Any of these cakes can be presented to the "newlyweds" for their holiday. It will be unforgettable and very interesting.

How can you decorate a cake in the form of numbers 8: photo

Each housewife will be able to bake the cake on their own, but without a bright and festive decoration, he will not complement your holiday in full. Here are a few options for decorating the cake 8:

Cream decoration - Suitable for the cake and on March 8 and on the birthday. Incredibly beautiful roses on a white background look great. There is nothing complicated in the cream decoration, and even a novice confectioner will be able to perform it. The main thing is to buy special nozzles for creating flowers, leaves and openwork turns on the sides.

Decoration for cake 8
Decoration for cake 8

This pink-white cake It will indicate the tender age of the birthday or in the spring mood if it is intended for a gift on International Women's Day.

Decoration for cake 8
Decoration for cake 8

Such a lilac decoration with a bow From mastic makes the cake bright and beautiful. It is intended for a girl who is 8 years old.

Decoration for cake 8
Decoration for cake 8

Contrasting colors of this jewelry Add the product of originality and originality. Patterns are made using ordinary chocolate lipstick, and a white-pink background is made of mastic.

Decoration for cake 8
Decoration for cake 8

Sugar icing red - This is a beautiful background of such a cake. Flowers and leaflets can be made using a special shape that can be bought in any confection store. Small blue flowers are painted with colored glaze.

Decoration for cake 8
Decoration for cake 8

This cake in tender color Talks about the spring mood, positive. He will make the holiday bright and bright.

Decoration for cake 8
Decoration for cake 8

Excellent recognition of love On March 8, his soulmate.

Decoration for cake 8
Decoration for cake 8

Creative decoration of the cake for a girl 8 years old.

Decoration for cake 8
Decoration for cake 8

Real forest glade in the springWhen there are many flowers and butterflies. Therefore, this cake is perfect for a gift by March 8.

Decoration for cake 8
Decoration for cake 8

Chocolate-cream cake with a machine, depicted on an edible sweet postcard, any 8-year-old boy will appeal.

Decoration for cake 8
Decoration for cake 8

If you are worried that you yourself will not be able to make a culinary masterpiece, then just show the photo you like the cake to the condy and make an order. The cake will be made at the highest level - tasty, bright, beautiful. Enjoy your meal!

Video: Cake for March 8. Design of cakes. Decoration of cake cream CAKE Decoration

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