How to save a bouquet of peonies in a vase longer? How much do peonies cost in water? What to add to the water to save peonies in a vase longer: Florist's advice

How to save a bouquet of peonies in a vase longer? How much do peonies cost in water? What to add to the water to save peonies in a vase longer: Florist's advice

Ways to save cut peonies in a vase longer.

Piones are unpretentious flowers that are stored longer than the rest. In this article, we will tell you how to extend the life of cut peons in a vase.  

How to save cut peonies in a vase?

First you need to figure out when and how to cut them correctly. The perfect time for cutting flowers is an early morning or evening. It is during this period that the stems, leaves and petals contain a large amount of moisture. Thus, cut flowers will stand longer in water. In no case should you break flowers, as this will damage the stem can cause the rapid wilting of plants.

How to save cut peonies in a vase:

  • In order for the flowers to stand in a vase for a long time, it is necessary to cut them with ordinary garden scissors or a secateur. Try to make a cut at a large angle.
  • The larger the angle, the longer the flowers will stand. After cutting, it is necessary to lower each twig into the water at room temperature and update the cut vertically, using a very sharp knife. An ordinary stationery knife is suitable.
  • As a result of this, you will receive a segment, the length of which should be approximately 4-5 cm. It is this cut that will allow the stem to absorb water more actively. 
  • To extend the freshness of peonies, it is necessary to give them time to adapt. Take a little water at room temperature in the basin and immerse the twigs for 1 hour. Thus, the flowers will get used to that they are not on the street, but in the room. In order for the flowers to stand longer, it is necessary to choose half blossoms, they are often called marshmallows. When pressing the bud, it is rather elastic, not soft, but inside there is space. Thanks to this, a similarity arises with a marshmallow.

Do not cut completely blossoming flowers. They are very beautiful, but they will stand in a vase for only a couple of days. In blossomed colors, moisture is much less than in dense buds.  

Piones in the bouquet: compatibility with other colors?

To contribute to the rapid disclosure of colors, you can resort to cunning. Pion heads in hot water. After a few minutes, the buds will become open. For these purposes, you can immerse the stalks of flowers in a solution of alcohol. 

Piones in the bouquet - how to save with other colors:

  • Pay attention to the conditions of storage of the bouquet. In no case do not put peonies in drafts and under direct sunlight and near the batteries. This contributes to the rapid evaporation of moisture, so the flowers will be much faster. Before putting peonies in a vase, it is necessary to perform several simple manipulations.
  • Take a vase of dark glass, pathogenic bacteria and microbes that contribute to decay of water multiply more slowly in it. 
  • Be sure to rinse the vase with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This will prevent the growth of pathogenic microflora in water. Next, you can lower the peonies into the vase.
  • Remember that these flowers do not tolerate the neighborhood with fruits. Therefore, in no case should you install a basket with apples and pears. The flowers will quickly wipe, and the fruits will rot.

Piones are flowers that get along well with other plants. With their participation do not make mixed bouquets. The exception is orchid and cyclamen. The remaining flowers are better to keep from peonies. Such a neighborhood will negatively affect both the state of peonies and other colors.

Pion wedding bouquet
Pion wedding bouquet

How to keep peonies in a vase during the summer heat?

The weak point of these colors is the rapid evaporation of moisture.

How to save peonies in a vase during the summer heat:

  • Ideal storage conditions in the greenhouse, which maintains a high level of humidity. It is necessary to cover a vase with a bouquet at night with a thin cellophane, or paper.
  • Thus, the effect of a greenhouse will be created, in which a high level of humidity is observed. Use the sprayer from time to time, and spray the buds with water.
  • Before loading peonies into a vase with water, it is necessary to cut off several sheets that fall into the water. It is necessary that there is not a single sheet in the vase, as they contribute to decay. 
  • Flowers do not like warm temperature and warm water. Therefore, find a place for a bouquet more cool and when replacing water also take cool.

How to process peonies to save cut flowers: care rules

How to put a bouquet of peonies in water: Rules

  • The stem should be immersed in the water about half.
  • Do not install twigs too tightly to each other.
  • It is impossible for the stems to touch each other, since pathogenic flora often develops between them, contributing to decay.
  • If yellow leaves appear on the stem, they must be urgently cut off.
  • If one wilted bud appeared in the bouquet, it also needs to be removed. Flowing flowers, as well as leaves, contribute to the rapid drying of the entire bouquet.

How to process peonies - how to save cut flowers:

  • Regarding special additives that help save the flowers longer, then peonies are very they love a sweet and sour environment. If you want to extend the life of peonies for about a week, you must dissolve in a liter of water 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar. Such a solution nourishes the plant, saturates it with useful minerals and trace elements. Thanks to this, peonies will stand in the water for a week. 
  • Piones feel good in bourn or citric acid solution. Salicylic acid is also suitable. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of any acid in a liter of water and put peonies.
  • Every day it is necessary to update the slice, splitting the stem or piercing the cut place with a toothpick.This will contribute to the renewal of the cut, which can be covered with slippery, sticky coating. This plaque is a layer of bacteria that multiply in a humid environment.  
  • When replacing water, wash the vase and the stems that were in the water.

How much do peonies cost in water?

The duration of preservation of the freshness of peonies depends on the state, degree of disclosure of buds and temperature. The most comfortable peony temperature is 17-22 degrees.

How much do peonies cost in water:

  • Try to put them in the middle of the room, in the area of \u200b\u200bmultiple light. In such conditions, flowers can cost 7-10 days. Exclude direct sunlight. You can not put peonies on the window, in such conditions they very quickly fade due to the presence of draft and direct sunlight. 
  • It is worth changing water in a vase daily, updating the cut.
  • If there are petals on the buds, which are directed down, they must be carefully removed. The remaining petals on the bud do not need to touch.
  • Piones love a lot of space, so use a deep and wide vase.
  • If the buds are completely bloomed, unfortunately, they will not stand for more than 2-3 days.
Men's peonies
Men's peonies

How to save peonies in a vase longer if they fade?

If you brought a bouquet that you purchased on the market, because of the summer heat you lost its freshness, you should not be upset. It is necessary to reanimate such a bouquet.

How to save peonies in a vase longer if they fade:

  • You need to dial in the bathroom and immerse the bouquet at about the night. There is no need to turn on the light, it is necessary that the flowers are in water in the dark.
  • If the option with the bathroom is not suitable, then use a wide and deep vase in which there is a lot of cold water.
  • To reanimate the bouquet, it is necessary to create the conditions of the greenhouse or chamber, with a high moisture content. For this, withreturn the cap from the newspaper, glue it with tape, cover the bouquet and sprinkle abundantly with water from the sprayer. It is necessary that the newspaper is wet through and through. The bouquet should be about 2 hours in such a cap.The petals will pull moisture from the newspaper and acquire freshness.

How to save cut peonies in a vase for a long time, so as not to bloom?

If you want the bouquet not to bloom longer, or plan to give it the day after the purchase, you should store it in a cold place.

How to save cut peonies in a vase for a long time, so as not to bloom:

  • In the summer heat, such a place can be found in the refrigerator. Type in a 3 liter jar of water, add a little activated coal to it and immerse the stems of peonies. Put on the lower shelf of the refrigerator.
  • To make moisture enough, you can cover with a bag on top, or a wet newspaper.
  • Please note that it is impossible for the temperature in the room in which the peonies are located lower below 5 degrees. Low temperatures are destructive for flowers, because the movement of juice inside the stem stops, the flowers quickly fade. The main goal is to make sure that the maximum water is received.
  • So that the bouquet does not fade for a long time, it is necessary to disinfect water, preventing the reproduction of bacteria. Aspirin is used for these purposes. It is added in the amount of 1 tablet per liter of water. You can make a weak solution of potassium permanganate so that the liquid becomes light pink. You can use activated carbon. Pull 2 \u200b\u200btablets, turning them into powder, and add to a liter of water.  
  • In addition to these additives, there are top dressing for cut flowers such as crisals, Tsvetalon, Bona Forte, Living Bouquet, Etisso. They are sold in flower shops.

A feature of peonies is a dense and hard stem. That is why it is cut vertically on a height of 2-5 cm from below, creating peculiar fragments, in other words, split the stem.
Some flower growers recommend inserting a match into the hole, expanding the cut place.

Find out how to save longer in the bouquet:

Video: How to save peonies in a vase?

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