How to save a bouquet of bird cherry in a vase longer? How long can the bird cherry stand in the water?

How to save a bouquet of bird cherry in a vase longer? How long can the bird cherry stand in the water?

Seven rules to save a bouquet of bird cherry. How to make the bird cherry stand in a vase for a week?

The flowering bird cherry is charming. As soon as the first flowers begin to bloom on it, a heady, delicate smell already spreads a dozen meters from the tree and fascinates passers -by. I would like to take this beauty and take it home.

But how long can the bird cherry stand in the water and how to save a bouquet of bird cherry in a vase longer? It is known that these flowering twigs are very moody, they quickly wither and the petals begin to crumble from them.

How long can the bird cherry stand in the water?

  • How long can the bird cherry stand in the water? If nothing is done, then the bird cherry will fade in a vase for everything 2-3 days.
  • But our life hacks will tell you how to save a bouquet of bird cherry in a vase longer, and your flowers will be able to stand before 7 days.

How to save a bouquet of bird cherry in a vase longer: 7 rules

Broken sprigs of bird cherry very fast. Having collected a bouquet of bird cherry, try to put it as soon as possible, in the water. It is also believed that those branches that were collected in the morning of the day are better, and that for the bouquet there is better inflorescences on which there are still unwinded buds.

Tip 1: Try to put a bouquet of bird cherry, as soon as possible, in the water.

Belon branches absorb water very poorly. Therefore, for these colors it is especially important to make long slanting sections on stems So that their area of \u200b\u200bcontact with water is maximum. Cut the branches not with scissors, but with a sharp knife. Also very useful cut the stem with a knife below 2 or 4 parts. Some housewives advise you to make many cuts in the lower part of the branches, so that it turns out literally a “panicle”. We do not advise you to do this, since such branches can rot.

Tip 2: Make oblique sections at the bottom of the branches with a sharp knife, and then split the branches below in half.

Trying bird cherry branches to put it quickly in the water
Trying bird cherry branches to put it quickly in the water

If you are interested in how to save a bouquet of bird cherry in a vase longer, remember that the leaves in the lower part of the branches must be cut off. Being ripped off, the shoots of bird cherry losing a good nutrition. And the lower leaves do not perform any function except the evaporation of moisture. Therefore, without them, the plant will last longer.

Tip 3: Cut off the lower leaves from the branches. There should be only naked stems of bird cherry in water.

Add special top dressing for cut flowers to the water. They can be bought in stores for florists, and sometimes in stores with indoor plants. The package is small, in the form of disposable bags resembling cosmetics samplers. Such fertilizers are very inexpensive.

Tip 4: Use special top dressing for cut flowers.

From purchased means, the safety of the bouquet will provide special additives for colors, for example, Crisal and others that can be purchased in flower stores.

Crisal - top dressing for freshly cut flowers
Crisal - top dressing for freshly cut flowers

At least once every two days, but in general, if time permits, it is better to change the water every day and update the cuts.

Tip 5: Change water every two days and update the cuts on the stems.

If several days have passed and your bird cherry is already starting to fade, use our next methods. Thanks to them, how long a bird cherry can stand in water, depends not only on nature, but also on your efforts.

You need to take a hammer, a branch of bird cherry and literally break the lower part of its trunk. So that the threads are made of it. In this form, put the bird cherry in the water. But only for 2 hours!During this time, the twigs will come to life, but it is impossible to leave them in this form, since they will begin to rot.

Tip 6: If the bird cherry already fades, break the bottom of its twigs with a hammer, and leave in this form in water for 2 hours. Then make new cuts.

The second way to restore the already wilting bird cherry is to scald it with boiling water. To do this, boil the kettle, then cool the water to the temperature 80-90 degrees And pour it into a separate ceramic vase. We lower the sprigs of bird cherry in this water in this water 2 minutes. Then we take them out, update the sections and put them in a vase with water of the usual temperature.

Tip 7: Restore the stitching bird cherry, lowering it for 2 minutes into hot water. Do not do such a manipulation with fresh branches, it will only harm them, because the temperature difference is a shock for any cut colors.

Cherry sometimes also loves tea

Cherry sometimes also loves tea

How long can the bird cherry stand in water with sugar or aspirin?

Above, we wrote about how to save a bouquet of bird cherry in a vase longer, using special top dressing for cut flowers. But if you do not have such at hand, folk methods and means from a home medicine cabinet can come to the rescue.

  • Sugar. In a vase, in which there is about a liter of water, it needs to be poured 2-3 tablespoons with a hill. Experience shows that in such water the bird cherry costs longer.
  • Aspirin. It gives about the same effect as sugar. It needs 2 tablets per liter of water.
  • A solution of potassium permanganate and activated carbon. There is a point in using them only if you take water for a bouquet somewhere in a river or in a bad well. For water water, additional cleaning that these products provide is not needed.
Cherry in a vase needs pure water
Cherry in a vase needs pure water

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