How to save a bouquet of lilac in a vase longer? What to do so that the lilac stood in a vase longer, in what water to put?

How to save a bouquet of lilac in a vase longer? What to do so that the lilac stood in a vase longer, in what water to put?

We extend the life of a bouquet of lilacs: how to cut, in what water to put, the secrets of care.

In the spring, even the air is filled with romance, a floral aroma and a good mood are hanging around! Probably, there is no such person who would not inhale the aroma of flowering lilac with special pleasure. Every mistress knows that a bouquet of lilacs will set up a family in a pleasant, calm way. And every man knows, the best spring present is a bouquet of lilac!

How to save a bouquet of lilac in a vase longer?
How to save a bouquet of lilac in a vase longer?

This article will help maintain freshness of lilacs for the most long time with small secrets.

How to cut a lilac correctly?

If you yourself cut a lilac for a bouquet yourself, be sure to follow a few simple rules:

  • The ideal time for cutting twigs is earlier in the morning;
  • Cut the branch as soon as it begins to bloom, this will provide a long flowering in a vase;
  • Optimal brushes are those where 1/3 of flowers or half opened;
  • Make a cut obliquely as long as possible (if the bouquet is already donated, make such a cut on each branch). You can also crush the lower 4-5 cm branches with a hammer or cut along several parts with a knife.
  • It is strictly forbidden to cut scissors. They crush the vessels of the branches and will not allow the water to be absorbed later. Use a knife and better a blade;
  • It is imperative to remove all the lower leaves from the bouquet, it will not affect the appearance, but without them the bouquet will stand longer;
  • Turn the twigs into a wet fabric immediately, and the bouquet in soft paper. This will help to convey the bouquet to the destination in perfect condition.

In what water to put a torn or cut lilac to?

Water for the bouquet must be melt or cleaned, if there is spring or from a well - perfectly!

Let the water settled, and be sure to warm up. Water must be at room temperature or warmer at room temperature by a couple of degrees.

When the bouquet will stand 1-2 days, add cold water when replacing water.

It is imperative to soften water with citric acid or potassium permanganate (add a very weak solution to the water).

If your bouquet becomes sluggish - put in hot water, and it will instantly blossom! And then rearrange in the cold.

Means that help the flowers stand fresh in a vase longer
Means that help the flowers stand fresh in a vase longer

What to do to make a bouquet of lilacs longer in a vase?

They noticed that the bouquets that professional florists take care of are longer than? And not surprising, because the extension of the life of cut flowers is real art.

In order for the bouquet to stand for a long time you need to cut it off at the moment when the flowers begin blind, and also do not forget about the time of the day described above. And follow the classic rules for lilacs.

  • Prepare water and pour a solution into it: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of citric acid and 150 mg of salicylic or boric acid. Stir thoroughly so that there are no insoluble crystals;
  • In addition to home remedies, you can add a special remedy for freshly cut flowers of crisals to the water. There are also top dressing in flowering flowers - this is a colors, a living bouquet, etisso, Bona Forte.
  • Cut each stalk obliquely with the maximum cut length, and also fluff a little so that the moisture is absorbed freely;
  • Remove all the leaves from each branch, since they consume the main moisture and do not leave it for buds, and also cause decay;
  • Put the bouquet in first in warm water and only when replacing the water, pour cold, do not forget to spray with water every few hours.

But that's not all! Daily procedures are required:

  • Every night send flowers to the "bath". Dear the flowers under the water, fix so that they do not rise to the surface and leave it until the morning;
  • Rinse and cut the barrel for 1 cm in the morning and do not forget to fluff a little;
  • Do not forget to change water once a day and each time cold and with a nutrient solution;
  • Spray regularly, and the longer the bouquet costs, the more often spraying.
  • You can also affect the freshness of the bouquet if you place it in a cold place at night, on the balcony, but where there are no drafts.
  • He does not like lilacs, drafts, heat emanating from heating devices, batteries, sunlight.
Crisal - a remedy for freshly cut flowers
Crisal - a remedy for freshly cut flowers

Why is lilac in a vase quickly wither?

Not always fast wilting a sign of improper care. If wilting was noticed in the bouquet, check, the uniformity of the process. If not, take out the firming branch, carefully examine the stem above the water coating and if you find a cracked place, you need to make a cut 1 cm above the damaged area and rinse thoroughly under a stream of water, immerse it in hot water and return to the bouquet after 30 minutes.

The bud wlee evenly, and you want to reanimate it? Put in hot water (almost boiling water) for 10 minutes and then return again to cool water (necessarily clean and with additives).

Lilac is recommended to be placed in the distance from other colors, as it suppresses their aroma, and even gets faster. But this rule does not apply to tulips.

Why can't you bring a lilac home, and put it in the house?

There is a common opinion that you can’t take a bouquet of lilacs home. Transmitted from mouth to mouth, the rule has become overgrown with a mass of myths and horror stories. Everything is difficult! Lilac cannot be placed in the bedrooms where they sleep. Since the smell of the bouquet makes strong and stupefying. By morning, not only a head can hurt, but also to become bad. For allergies, in principle, it is contraindicated to be indoors with flowering bouquets. And if during the day they save the window open for ventilation, then the night may adversely affect.

Find out how to save longer:

Video: how to extend the life of freshly cut flowers | Lifehaker

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