The most expensive flowers in the world are price, description, photo: TOP-9

The most expensive flowers in the world are price, description, photo: TOP-9

Flowers are a wonderful gift and joy for the soul. Let's find out how much such a joy can cost.

Even before the appearance of man on Earth, flowers were undoubtedly considered the most beautiful masterpiece of nature. This is a symbol of recognition, love and respect. They can be given as a gift, and simply, as a sign of sympathy. There are people who cannot live without flowers. Therefore, many of them found themselves in the art of growing flowers, which became not only a hobby, but also gained a larger value - collecting.

Thanks to such amateurs, now we can find all kinds of colors. There are also exclusive varieties that are not only the most excellent, but also very expensive. It is not for nothing that they relate to the rare group. They will decorate the simplest bouquet and make a masterpiece out of it.

The most expensive flowers in the world: TOP-9

9th place occupies Hydrangea- The flower can be found in Asia and in some areas of America. The flower received such a name thanks to the beautiful princess of Hortense, who was the sister of the Roman prince.


Basically, each head has 2 types of flower:

  • Small ones that can multiply, they are in the middle.
  • Large - are not able to breed, and are on the sides.

Hydrangea costs an average of 6.5 dollars. And this is only for 1 flower.

8th place belongs Gloriosis - For the first time it was raised in South Africa. This flower is quite difficult to find and its cost is huge. The name of the flower of Latin origin - which means "great", the majority call - "flower of glory." It in itself is quite long on a thin leg, on which huge flowers of bright red color with yellow edges or yellow are attached with green edges. The length of the flower can reach 3 meters. 1 flower costs about 10 dollars.

Flower of Glory
Flower of Glory

7th place You can give Rainbow rose - She was brought out by Peter Van De Verken - Dutchman by origin, who is considered the founder of a flower company. Taking the experiments of Dutch firms as a basis, it has developed a special technology that helps mix paints in a special way. In order for each petal to be different colors, breeders divide the process into many channels, thanks to which the rose absorbs the paint of different dyes. So, without much effort, you can turn a snow -white rose into a rainbow. If you order flowers directly from the manufacturer, then 1 flower will cost you $ 10, but a bouquet of 30 pcs. It will cost 325.


6th place of the most expensive colors in the world We gave The king of the night -A variety of tulips, a feature of which is a purple-black hue. This, undoubtedly, is an expensive flower, but now the boom of “tulip fever” has passed, and it is not particularly popular. In the ancient centuries, for 1, the onion of the King of the Night could be helped with a herd of sheep, 4 well -fed pigs, 4 strong bulls, 4 tons of wheat, 8 tons of rye, 300 l of excellent wine, 250 kg of better cheese. In the present time, for 1 bulb is asked for 15-20 dollars.


5th place occupies Eden Rose, another name Pierre de Ronsar - A variety of climbing roses, they can rightfully be called extraordinary. For the most part, these are buds of pale pink velvet color with different shades. Buds of huge sizes. They have a charm of antiquity and seduction of modern roses. This name roses was acquired thanks to the famous poet of France. But beyond France, his fame did not spread, and therefore it was decided to give the roses a different name - a paradise rose. This variety has numerous awards. The cost of one flower is within 20.5 dollars.


4th place belongs Sweet Juliet - This is one of the varieties of roses, which has become known throughout the world thanks to Virgin Austin, a famous English breeder. It took a lot of effort and money to withdraw this flower. 15.8 million dollars were spent and this work took as many as 15 years. The world saw this miracle in 2006, at the Chelsea Flower Show exhibition, which took place in the UK. A bouquet of such elegant roses will cost the buyer 150 dollars, but 1 - it costs within 25 dollars.


3rd place He heads Medinylla - A flower with a gentle pink shade. For the first time it was found in the forests of Asia with a fairly wet climate, as well as in Africa. There is no beautiful flower on the planet. From this it received the name "beautiful." When Medinella blooms, it resembles clusters of grapes hanging to the ground, small flowers simply fascinate with their tenderness and beauty. The price of such magnificence is in the range of 50 - 150 dollars.


2nd place occupies "Gold Kinabalo" - The extraordinary beauty of the orchid. In the world of florists is considered the most expensive flower on the planet. Finding this flower is not so easy, it is located at the top of the Kinabal Mountain, on the beautiful island of Borneo. The orchid refers to the extinct appearance and blooms only once for 15 years. Its color is also unusual. The base of the yellow color, on which dark veins are clearly drawn. Flowering falls on March-May. Fans of exclusive will have to lay out a lot-one escape costs 5-6 thousand dollars.


First place In the ranking the most expensive colors in the world It belongs to right Shenzhen Nongke - Orchid, which was grown artificially. She saw the world thanks to the Chinese breeder. In honor of which the flower was named. For 8 years he worked to create this masterpiece. In order for the flower to fully show its beauty, you need to wait 4-5 years.


Handsome Shenzhen Nongke In 2005, he was purchased at auction for 202 thousand dollars. The buyer remained unknown. From that moment, this is rightfully the most yeast flower on the planet.

Video: TOP of the most expensive colors in the world

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