Hydrangea in a bouquet: how to preserve hydrangea in a bouquet longer? How much does hydrangea cost in water?

Hydrangea in a bouquet: how to preserve hydrangea in a bouquet longer? How much does hydrangea cost in water?

The bouquet of hydrangea looks very original and original. Of course, I want him to delight his eyes as long as possible.

What to do so that the flowers stood in a vase for a long time and at the same time remain fresh? You will learn in detail about all this and much more from this material.

How to preserve hydrangea in a bouquet: VAZ requirements

  • Start by checking the vase itself - it should be absolutely clean, without dust, sticking to the walls of the vessel of dried up the remains of the previous bouquet that stood in it.
  • The same goes for water - The cleaner it will be, the better for hydrangea. Use the usual household filter that will help to clear the water of the salts present in it. Fill the vase with water so that at least two -thirds of the length of the stems are in the water.
  • Before loading the stems of this beautiful flower in the water, they, like the stems of many other colors, are necessary cut. You need to do this, observing angle of 45 degrees.
  • Thus, you will help the flower, because after it has been cut, not a minute passed, but at least for several hours. During this time, the cut place managed to be covered with a protective crust and air bubbles, which will prevent the penetration into the stem of both water and nutrients.
  • Having cut off part of the stem, at the same time, you remove the managers to form at the site of the first cut bacteriathat lead to clouding of water and the formation of unpleasant smell rot. It is for these reasons that it is necessary cut the stems, substituting them under a stream of cold water.

Since hydrangea stalks are quite rigid and voluminous, in addition to cutting the ends, they must also be split, as recommended, for example, with roses stems. It is best to use a knife for this purpose, it is also possible to apply a secateur. But to do this with a hammer is extremely undesirable - you can damage the stem.

  • And another very important rule to maintain hydrangea. Before placing hydrangea in water, the lower part of the stem must be freed from the leaves so that they do not fall into the water - otherwise the leaves will begin to rot, secreting bacteria that are destructive for the flower.
  • The choice of a vase is also important - hydrangea does not like metal vesselsso the vase should be for her glass, crystal or ceramic.
It is important to keep it in a glass vase
It is important to keep it in a glass vase

How to preserve hydrangea in a bouquet longer: care for hydrangea in a vase

  • Hydrangea flowers require a large amount of water, Therefore, the more the vase is filled with, in which the bouquet stands, the better.
  • In addition, hydrangea feels best in a cool atmosphere - based on this property, it must be placed as far as possible from heat sources - batteries, fireplaces, heaters, ovens.
  • To maintain hydrangea longer It is also undesirable that a vase or a tray with fruits stand nearby, since many of them distinguish substances that are destructive for hydrangea.
  • Sun rays Hydrangea are also contraindicated. Do not forget about the daily ventilation of the room, while taking the flowers from the room.
  • It will be good for the bouquet if you add special to the water flowering for flowers, According to florists, this method can increase the “life expectancy” of a bouquet by a third.
It is important to properly contain a bouquet
It is important to properly contain a bouquet
  • Change water in flowers every day, Moreover, it is important to change it completely, and not just add to the top to the volume that is in a vase so that do not provoke violations of the acid-base balance.
  • When changing water Rinse the stalks of hydrangea under running water also.

What to do to maintain hydrangea in a bouquet?

  • After you shorten the stem and make several longitudinal incisions (i.e., split) by approximately 2 cm, the cut is necessary burn over the burner of the slab or candle.
  • This will contribute removal of mucus, which the flower emits, and which provokes barrowing of blood vessels, which prevents the passage of water.
  • Cauterization will lead to the fact that the mucus will become ash, which is permeable for water. You need to cauterize about 15 seconds, making sure that the flowers and leaves themselves do not fall into the flame. Then the burned stems should be placed in the water.
  • It is not recommended to keep flowers in vinegar and any chemical compounds, Since they will damage the respiratory tract.
  • Only specially intended solutions can be added, among which florists note "Crisal."Its composition contains all the necessary elements that will allow longer the cut flowers of hydrangea flowers fresh and beautiful.

What to do to maintain hydrangea if a bouquet of hydrangea is withering?

If you did not have the opportunity to put the bouquet in the water for an hour, it begins to gradually fade. To maintain hydrangea longer, use the following methods.

It is important to properly preserve the bouquet of hydrangea
It is important to properly preserve the bouquet of hydrangea
  1. When you will place flowers in a vase, Pour more into it cold water and add ice - It will contribute to the tension of hydrangea cells and prevent their destruction. Start by plunge into the water Hydrangea inflorescences And hold them like that for half an hour. And then add ice and dip the flowers for a couple of hours.
  2. A good "top" for hydrangea will be citric juice or citric acid. They will need a little-only 4-5 drops or 1/4 tsp, if you use acid. This amount is enough to confront harmful microorganisms, And the excess will lead to the fact that the petals will fade, change the color or completely lose it.
  3. Hydrangea needs humidity, so it will benefit it Air moisture In the room where the bouquet is, with the help spray gun. Put a cellophane cook on flowers - it will help preserve moisture, and let it stand this way for an hour.
  4. If you want to extend the bouquet for a few more days, then you can resort to the method called thermal shock. At first glance, it may seem that this method will finally destroy the flower, but believe me - the result can really shock you!
Save the bouquet using thermal shock
Save the bouquet using thermal shock
  • First, build something like a cap using something like a cap filmAnd cover him with a bouquet.
  • Now let's use boiling water. It can be poured directly into the vase to a height approximately 5-7 cm, But if this is crystal, then high temperatures are undesirable for it, and then you can use any container for the “resuscitation” of the bouquet: a kettle, a high narrow pan, etc.
  • Put a bouquet covered with a film directly in boiling water and hold it so literally 2-3 minutes. Now it remains to pull the stems from the boiling water and cut the stem again, cutting about a couple of cm above the part that was immersed in boiling water.
  • And, as usual, putting a bouquet in a vase, you need split the stems. It is unnecessary to say that The vase should be filled with cold water.

How much does cut hydrangea cost in water?

On average, a bouquet of hydrangea is in the water about 2 weeks. But, as the florists assure, some varieties of a flower, if you carefully care for them and follow all the requirements, can stand up to 30 days.

  • Today, breeders even managed to bring special varieties, which are designed specifically for cutting, which are not just for a long time, Keeping freshness, But it is also natural to go into a state of dry flowing, while preserving aesthetics and beautiful appearance. Usually these are hydrangeas, the flowers of which have green shades.

Council in order to maintain hydrangea in a bouquet for a long time:

  • Hydrangees are very sensitive to the lack of water after cutting, so the best way to transport this flower will be precisely its room in the water.
  • To do this, you can ask the seller to place flowers in a special container, Filled with water, take care of the container in advance, in which you will transport hydrangea, or simply wrap the tips of the stems with wet paper towels.
  • These flowers are very sensitive to drafts, Therefore, make sure that the bouquet is in a place inaccessible to the slightest draft.
Do not hold the bouquet in the draft
Do not hold the bouquet in the draft
  • So that hydrangea stood fresh longer, choosing flowers, give preference to the one whose buds by the time they were cut, almost all were disclosed.
  • In order to trim the stems, do not use the scissors that can squeeze them, but do it a sharply sharpened knife. If the stems are very thick, you can cut them with the help of garden scissors.

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Video: How to create a beautiful bouquet of hydrangeas?

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