How to quickly dry the leaves for herbarium in the oven, microwave, iron? How to dry leaves for crafts in 1 day? How to dry leaves, bouquet of flowers at home?

How to quickly dry the leaves for herbarium in the oven, microwave, iron? How to dry leaves for crafts in 1 day? How to dry leaves, bouquet of flowers at home?

Methods of quick drying of leaves for crafts, herbarium.

Autumn is a magnificent and very beautiful time, as well as a period for dreamers. At the same time, there are a large number of multi -colored foliage on trees, which can be used for herbarium, or children's crafts. In this article we will tell you how to quickly dry the leaves for herbarium and crafts. 

How to dry the leaves with an iron?

In most cases, leaves are necessary for babies of preschool and primary school age. With the help of leaves, you can make beautiful applications, crafts, the main goal of which is the development of creative thinking, as well as fine motor skills.

How to dry the leaves with an iron:

  • The easiest and most common option that allows you to get perfectly smooth, smooth leaves suitable for crafts. For drying, in no case can you use fabric and very severe heating.
  • The best option will be the choice of silk mode, or delicate fabric, such as wool. It is necessary to take a sheet of A4 format, it must be white. Leaves are laid out on a sheet, and on top are covered with another sheet.
  • It is necessary to turn on the iron and stroke from the side for several minutes. It is worth putting on a hard surface so that the leaves are not pushed and not crumpled. This will prevent the appearance of crumbs, and the breakdown of the leaves. It is necessary to repeat the manipulations until the leaves are completely dry. 

How to dry leaves for crafts?

The simplest, but not fast, is a way using the press. This option is used if flat plants are needed and voluminous inflorescences are not required.

How to dry leaves for crafts:

  • In this case, usually leaves or small flowers are laid between the pages of the book, which is covered with a press from above. On average, the drying period is about 1 week.
  • If the buds are large and the leaves are fleshy, then the time may increase. This method is not suitable if it is necessary to urgently make a herbarium and dry the leaves for crafts to school. Therefore, the use of a hairdryer will be an ideal option.
  • To get the starting raw materials for crafts, it is necessary to divide the leaves on a flat and clean surface and turn on the hair dryer into medium power. In no case do not turn on very hot air, as it will change the color of leaves and inflorescences.
  • If you do not want the inflorescences to become clouded, pale or change the color, then be sure to turn on the hair dryer for the average heating. Please note that you should not immediately dry the plants completely. From time to time, let the leaves lie down. Otherwise, they can become excessively dry and simply crumble after drying. 

How to quickly dry the leaves for herbarium?

To dry volumetric flowers and preserve the natural shape of the buds, you can use absorbers and substances that absorb moisture. An ideal option will be a drill, silica gel.

How to quickly dry the leaves for herbarium:

  • These materials are very expensive, although they allow you to dry the inflorescences quickly. If there is no money, but you need to dry the flowers without changing their shape, you can use the method using corn flour, starch, or wheat flour.
  • It is necessary to pour the absorber into a small container at the bottom, plunge into the inflorescence, pour flour on top. On average, such a design should stand for 5-7 days.
  • Summer residents, which need to dry a lot of buds and inflorescences at once, use the most standard way. The flowers dry in a suspended form in the air. However, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.
  • It is necessary to tie the stems with ropes and knit plants in small bouquets. They are suspended and left for about 2 weeks. Please note that in no case direct sunlight should fall on such leaves and inflorescences. This can cause color changes, as well as a deterioration in the healing properties of medicinal plants. 

How to dry flowers for herbarium?

Special attention should be paid to drying the buds along with the stems. They do not dry in the form as they grow. If a stem is needed for the composition, it dries for a very long time, but in the end it becomes very brittle.

How to dry flowers for herbarium:

  • For compositions, where the stems are glued to the surface before drying, they are cut into two halves along. Thus, a semicircle is obtained. It is in this form that you can dry the stems.
  • If it is necessary to dry the buds for a voluminous composition, then in this case volumetric drying is carried out. For these purposes, it is previously necessary to separate the buds from the stem. Moreover, the cut should be diagonal, that is, oblique.
  • Now the stem breaks down into two parts along to get half. It is necessary to put the stem between the books and squeeze the load. In this state, he will dry for 3 weeks.
  • The bud is dried separately. To do this, take a container, pour on 2 cm of river sand. Next, the bud is laid out and with the help of a scoop, swaying movements from the side, the petals are filled with one by one.
  • Such way can be achieved by preserving color, as well as the volume and shape of the petals. It is necessary to leave a rose or other flower for about 2 weeks. You can also use other fillers, such as starch or semolina.
  • Please note that river sand, before used for drying plants, is previously calcined for 1 hour in the oven. It is necessary that it becomes absolutely dry.
  • It can be sifted to get rid of heavy interspersed, which can damage or contribute to the appearance of dents on the petals.
Dry leaves
Dry leaves

How to dry the leaves at home?

Very often it is necessary to dry very thin petals, which, after drying, become brittle and lose their color. You can fight this preliminarily.

How to dry the leaves at home:

  • Before starting drying, it is necessary to lubricate the petals with gluepVA, diluted in the water and attach very thin paper. It is best if it is tracing paper.
  • It is necessary to allow the glue to dry and squeeze between two large sheets. This is necessary so that the remains of the glue do not stick to the paper surface. Nothing will stick to the waxed surface.
  • On top of the sheet it is necessary to lay the press. You will be able to maintain the initial color of the petals, as well as prevent brittleness in further working with herbarium. 

How to dry a bouquet of flowers?

There is another way of drying flowers, but without the use of absorbing components. It is worth adhering to a certain technique.

How to dry a bouquet of flowers:

  • First of all, this applies to whole bouquets. To do this, you need to put a fresh bouquet in the water, as soon as the wilting process begins, it is necessary to extract a bouquet from a vase, cut the ends of the stem and split them into four parts.
  • Now it is necessary to put in a jar, but without water. Sand or semolina can be poured to the bottom. In this state, it is necessary to leave for 2-3 weeks. So that the flowers, buds during the drying process do not hang the heads, they must first be cut off, a piece of the stem is also cut off.
  • It is pierced with a match or needle, you can use a toothpick. Next, two parts are connected: a bud, as well as a stem. The bouquet is left until completely dry. 

How to dry the leaves in the oven?

If you need to dry the leaves very quickly, while the appearance does not really bother you, then you can perform all the actions in the oven. For these purposes, it is necessary to take a baking sheet, put washed and dried leaves with a thin layer.

How to dry the leaves in the oven:

  • It is necessary to press them to the baking sheet so that they fit tightly to him. The oven heats up to a temperature of 100 degrees.
  • It is necessary to withstand the leaves until completely dry. Please note that an increase in heating will not lead to fast drying, but will contribute to the withering and twisting of the leaves, also their darkening.
  • Therefore, do not risk, it is better to dry them a little longer, but right.
Autumn leaves
Autumn leaves

How to dry the leaves in the microwave?

Drying in the microwave is quite popular, since with its help you can dry the leaves in just 2-10 minutes. It all depends on the density of the leaf, and the content of moisture in it.

How to dry the leaves in the microwave:

  • Typically, for these purposes, a container is used, into which a little water is pre -poured. This is necessary so that the leaves do not dry out, and do not burn in the microwave. A plate is installed on top of the jar on which the leaves must be placed on.
  • It is advisable to pre -wipe it with a damp cloth and smooth it out. Further, the microwave is included in the maximum power, examples for one to two minutes. If during this time the leaves did not have time to dry, gradually add another 1 minute.
  • In no case should you immediately set a lot of time, since the leaves will simply burn. If there is no desire to use a jar of water, you can put the leaves on a damp cloth.
Drying in the microwave
Drying in the microwave

How to dry the leaves in glycerin?

A very unusual way to dry whole bouquets and compositions is the technique of preserving colors. Glycerin is usually used for these purposes.

How to dry the leaves in glycerin:

  • It is mixed with water in a ratio of 4: 1. It is necessary to take a fresh bouquet, cut the ends and split them into four parts so that the mixture penetrates well into the stem.
  • It is necessary to fill the container by about 4 cm glycerin water, and lower the stems.
  • From time to time, increase the amount of solution, adding it to the container. Glycerin displaces water, so there are practically no moisture in the stems, leaves.
  • In this case, the color of the petals is completely preserved, and their shape. They do not become dark, transparent and do not drill.
Drying of leaves
Drying of leaves

To dry the leaves for herbarium, time is needed. Sometimes it is simply not if you need to make crafts from today for tomorrow. If there is fresh foliage, it is necessary to turn it into dry. Our methods will help to do this quickly. 

Video: quickly dry leaves

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