Do I need to cut the leaves from strawberries for the winter? How to make autumn trimming of strawberries: Councils of experienced gardeners

Do I need to cut the leaves from strawberries for the winter? How to make autumn trimming of strawberries: Councils of experienced gardeners

You need to cut the leaves in strawberries for the winter, but it is important to do this correctly.

Do you want the beds with strawberries to be strewn with large delicious berries? To do this, take care of plants almost all year round. And before preparing for the rest of strawberries in winter, it must be fed in the fall, completely or partially trim each bush, cover it from frosts. And then the next year you will get the perfect result.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to distinguish a women's strawberry bush from male". It describes the purpose of the definition, options for proper thinning of bushes, as well as advice to summer residents and gardeners.

From this article you will find out whether it is necessary at all cut the leaves in strawberries for the winter and how to do it right in the fall. You will find advice from experienced gardeners. Read further.

Why cut the leaves in strawberries: is it necessary?

The leaves should be cut off by strawberries
The leaves should be cut off by strawberries

Yes, you need to cut the leaves in strawberries, and there are several reasons for this:

  • It helps to get rid of dried, old and sick leaves, young and strong will appear in the spring.
  • There is a rejuvenation of strawberry bushes, which extends the life of the plant and increases productivity.
  • When cutting the leaves, we partially get rid of many insect pests ready to withdraw on them.
  • The procedure is a prevention of fungal and bacterial diseases of the plant.
  • Timely pruning will not allow the disease to switch to healthy plants. It is easier to cure the sick, cutting the leaves and treating it with fungicides.

You can cut the leaves on strawberries only after the end of the fruiting of the bushes. If the cutting period is selected correctly, then the stress for plants will be insignificant, and the benefits for strawberry plantation will be effective.

Когда делают обрезку листьев у клубники: весной, летом, осенью

So, we figured out that we need to cut strawberries. This is necessary if you want to get a good harvest. So, when do they do the cutting of leaves in strawberries?

  • The very first event spring There will be pruning for strawberries. After the snow has come down and completely melted, we remove the winter shelter. Depending on climatic conditions, the pruning time will be different. For the southern regions - the middle or end of March. The middle strip - starting from the second half of April. The northern regions are the last numbers of April and the beginning of May.
  • Summer pruning - Partial. Cut only sore and dried leaves. So that the plant does not spend nutrients and moisture in vain. Cutting will give a new impetus for the growth of the bush and fruiting.
  • Having collected the last crop from the bush in the fall, without waiting for cold weather, we make a pruning. We remove the dried and damaged leaves without affecting the central part, leaving young leaves. Do not forget about the mustache, they should also be removed if there is no task to propagate strawberries.

Disputes about the pruning season do not subside. Some do not see the point of cutting to in the fall, considering to treat the plants sufficiently from diseases sufficiently. In the spring, the plant wakes up, activates to growth, easier to transfer the procedure. Others recommend doing this in the fall, do not leave the plant with hibernation with pests and possible diseases. Still others are advised to carry out two strawberry scraps. How right? Read further.

How do strawberries do the cutting of leaves?

Strawberries after trimming
Strawberries after trimming

Pruning violates the integrity of the plant, you should carefully and carefully carry out the process. It is advisable to choose a warm day and dry weather, this will prevent the likelihood of rotting of the slices of the plant. How do strawberries do the cutting of leaves?

Tools necessary for trimming:

  • Coater or garden scissors
  • Working gloves
  • A bucket for collecting cut leaves

Stages of trimming:

  • We clean the beds, tearing off the entire weed of the grass.
  • Water thoroughly with warm water.
  • Raise the foliage on the bush of strawberries, clasping it with a palm.
  • Cut at a height of 10 cm from the ground, leaving the kidneys, small leaves and peduncles, what will bring the crop for the next year.

Send cut foliage to compost. Everything is ready, now the bushes will bear fruit and bring a good harvest.

How and when is the trimming of repair strawberries?

Repair strawberries give two full -fledged crops. Separate varieties are fruit throughout the season until late autumn. At the same time, there are flowers, ovary, mature berries and ripe on the bushes, the process seems endless. Therefore, cardinal processing of the bush is not carried out.

Proper trimming of strawberries
Proper trimming of strawberries
  • Pruning is done throughout the season.

Cut off drooping and dried leaves or when detecting damage on the sheet. Attention should be paid to this moment:

  • The plant is actively striving for vegetative propagation, throwing a lot of mustache. This applies not only to the repair berry, it is necessary to regularly check and cut off the extra.
  • There are varieties of strawberries that do not give a mustache, but for some reason, “Usatics” are more popular among gardeners.
  • The emerging air shoots weaken the mother bush, pulling out useful substances to their height.
  • If the next season there is no need for new bushes, it is better to get rid of them. And if the need for breeding a beloved variety occurs in the spring, strong bushes are chosen and no more than two shoots are left on them.
  • After rooting, the young plant is separated from the mother and transplanted.

For repair strawberries in the trim in the fall, there is one rule. Before the onset of frost, it is necessary to cut off late peduncles. They will not have time to give crop, but they will take the forces from the plants necessary in preparation for winter sleep.

When to cut the leaves in strawberries for the winter?

The leaves of strawberries are sick, so they are cut off
The leaves of strawberries are sick, so they are cut off

Experienced gardeners know that strawberries are relatively capricious plant, and begin pruning in the fall, when the main garden and surgery are already completed. By this moment, berry bushes tired over the summer are standing with not green foliage, but as if painted in the fall. Fasted: pink, brown, white spots cover them. In fact, they are so painted by diseases that struck over the summer. The foot of the bushes is covered with dried foliage.

But is it worth doing a radical trim? When to cut the leaves in strawberries for the winter? Remember, this can destroy the plant.

  • A feature of strawberries, like many berry plants, is the preservation of foliage in the winter.
  • After fruiting, the leaves accumulate a supply of substances that help plants not freeze in winter.
  • Foliage protects flower buds from the cold, removing it, you will leave the center of the “heart” bush to pieces of bad weather.

But when deciding on trimming, remove only the old dried leaves and stalks of peduncles. We save all bright green leaves. In the event of the detection of diseases, the heavily affected bushes is cut and treated with one of the fungicides suitable for the detected plant damage.


  • All cut foliage, and fallen, carefully collect and burn.
  • After removing the foliage, the bed must be mulched.
  • You can use for this: straw, peat, sawdust.
  • The use of a non -woven spanbond canvas is a more common method.

The main rule: Pruning should be done in the fall. The plant should go into wintering with young shoots that have managed to grow to the cold.

DO NOT FORGET! Do not cut the leaves on the bushes of the first dozen.

How to make autumn trimming of strawberries: advice of experienced gardeners, basic rules

The successful result of the trim is affected by the time and attitude to the plant in this procedure. So, how to make autumn trimming of strawberries? Here are the advice of experienced gardeners:

  • Garden scissors or secondary

The tools should be absolutely clean, with well -sharpened blades, so as not to bring the disease and excessively harm the plant.

  • Hurrying up to put things in order, inexperienced gardeners mow leaves

They do this with a lawn mower or a regular braid. This leads to damage to the heart of the bush, the plant will hurt for a long time and will not bear fruit in the next season, or maybe die.

  • You can hear advice that instead of trimming it is better to tear the leaves and mustache with your hands

Don't do so! The stems of peduncles, mustache and leaves are firmly attached to the socket “Central part of the plant”. Pulling out and tearing off, you can damage the bush. There is a great probability of pulling it entirely from the ground.

Remove all unnecessary leaves close to the base of the plant
Remove all unnecessary leaves close to the base of the plant


  • Cut air shoots and unnecessary leaves close to the base of the outlet, acting carefully, avoiding additional injury to the plant.
  • When pruning, remove all weeds from the beds and loosen the soil between the rows of bushes, a little hilling everyone. The depth of loosening of the soil should be about 15 cm in depth between the rows, and in the bushes - not exceed 5 cm.
  • Having completed the trim procedure, the plants should be fed. It can be complex drugs or you can use a solution of mullein with wood. The plant needs to recover quickly, forces will be required to increase new outlets.
  • After trimming the bushes and before sheltering for the winter, it is not recommended to weedIn order not to damage the root system of plants, they may not have time to recover.

But the main thing is not only correctly carried out the pruning process itself, but it is also important to take care of the plant after cutting. Read further.

Strawberry care after trimming: tips

Strawberry care after trimming
Strawberry care after trimming

So, the first frosts will come soon. You cut the plants and it is time to care for strawberries after this process. The final stage of preparing strawberries for winter is suitable. Below you will find some tips.

To protect against the cold, the plants should be covered well, especially in areas where a lot of snow falls. You can use the branches of coniferous trees "spruce". Plants are completely covered, but one should not forget about good air circulation. Many gardeners for shelter are dry leaves, tops and straw. But remember:

  • Turning, the leaves limit air access.
  • In dry plants, a field mouse can be sutured.
  • During the occurrence of the thaw under dry straw or grass, the temperature will be quite high, and strawberries can begin to begin to begin, which will lead to their death.

It is better to use modern materials. For example: Spanbond "Agrovolokno". Pull it onto the arcs, forming a small greenhouse above the beds. The material is airy, under it, the necessary humidity and temperature are preserved, this will help strawberries comfortably overwinter.

Now you know how to correctly and when cutting strawberries. Do not forget about care after pruning the plant. If you miss some important point, the culture can be poorly fruitful next year or at all-to die. Do everything right, and a tasty and fragrant berry will always be on your table.

Video: Do \u200b\u200bI need to cut the leaves from strawberries for the winter? How to make autumn trimming of strawberries - advice of experienced gardeners

Video: Strawberry care in the fall!

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