Flowers as a gift - to whom it is customary to give what flowers according to the rules of floral etiquette?

Flowers as a gift - to whom it is customary to give what flowers according to the rules of floral etiquette?

Each bouquet of flowers carries a specific semantic load. The quantity, variety, shade of the flower should correspond to the upcoming event, so what is floral etiquette and what flowers to give in various situations?

Important holidays and events are always surrounded by flowers. Beautiful bouquets help to express emotions or a special attitude, any woman will not remain indifferent, having received a floral arrangement for no reason.

Are flowers a gift?

  • Are flowers a gift? Most often, flowers play the role of add -on to present. But there are situations when the dear present is completely inappropriate. In such cases bouquet of flowers It is an excellent alternative.
  • At choosing a bouquet of flowers as an independent gift It is not necessary to focus on quantity and size. It is enough for your choice to be individual and extraordinary. Choosing flowers for an unfamiliar person, it is better to avoid red shades, implying a feeling of love and affection.
  • If you want to make a sign of attention without reference to a specific date, then the floral composition will become an independent and original gift.
  • To express his gratitude to a person, a bouquet of flowers must be handed personally. If the task is to give a sign of attention, it is quite appropriate to use the services of courier service.
By etiquette
By etiquette

What hand to give flowers?

When compiling a floral arrangement, it is very important to observe a sense of proportion. Too thin bouquet without proper beautiful design will be more like a broom and is unlikely to make a positive impression in order to exclude awkwardness when handing over a bouquet, it is important to know which hand to give flowers, at what point they need to be handed and many other nuances.

Compilation of the bouquet is better to entrust the florist. But the donor is useful to take into account several rules of floral etiquette:

  • Cellophane Designed to transport colors, before handing over the bouquet to etiquette, you need to remove the packaging.
  • Bouquet of flowers is given with your left hand, with the right hand, the culprit of the celebration is performed.
  • A bouquet that is presented from a married couple is given after greeting.
  • At the celebration Male anniversary The bouquet is presented the wife of the birthday.
  • The bouquet must be carried ahead of yourself Present with pride and respect. Flowers should not dangle down the inflorescence or hide in a bag.
  • Given a bouquet of flowers it is placed in the room where the event takes place. A small floral arrangement can be placed in the center of the table.
  • Bouquet that is transmitted courier, must contain a note with a small text.
Give the odd
Give the odd
We make up
We make up

How to wear flowers correctly?

  • A bouquet of flowers easily dilutes a tense atmosphere, successfully complements the interior, becomes a pure sip of air for a sick person.
  • If the bouquet has to overcome a long distance, then it is necessary to take care of the safety and integrity of the bouquet.
Important rules
Important rules
How to give?
How to give?

Transportation of colors or how to wear flowers correctly:

  • The packaging is not a decor, but a necessary element for the safety of colors. The bouquet must be protected from cold, heat, wind, rain, snow.
  • To avoid damage to buds and stems, especially in windy weather, flowers need to be carried Budons down.
  • You can avoid drying out cut stems in hot weather turning the tips with a damp cloth.
  • After frosty air, flowers should adapt to room temperature for about a quarter of an hour, and only then put the bouquet in a vase.
  • The bouquet is awarded without packaging in the left hand.
  • It is better to place flowers in defended water with preliminary cutting down the ends.
An important advice
An important advice

Flowers as a gift in a pot: Flower etiquette

  • Flowers as a gift in the pot are classified as practical presentations. In the West, it is very fashionable to give lively sprouted flowers.
  • Of course, it is much more pleasant to look at the flourishing buds in the pot than waging buds in a vase. The flowering plant will be a great reminder of the past holiday. But what does this floral etiquette say? Is it possible to give flowers in pots? According to etiquette, it is wrong to give flowers in pots, but there are exceptions to the rules.
  • Flowers in pots symbolize a long life, so such a gift to a woman At the age will become a wish for longevity.
  • If a person who is intended for flowers is engaged in flower breeding, then your flowers in the pot will be appreciated. In this case, it is better to please than to adhere to the rules of etiquette.
  • Pot with flowers It perfectly decorates the workplace, so such a gift is appropriate for a work colleague.
  • An ideal occasion to give flowers in a pot is a housewarming, celebration of the event with neighbors, a congratulation for a teacher, a sign of attention on March 8.

When choosing flowers in a pot, it is better to give preference to plants at the initial stage of flowering. For young women, it is better to choose delicate and bright shades. For older women, you can select dark and rich colors.

  • Some flowers in pots imply a specific meaning. For example, a violet in a pot is a universal flower for women of any age. Roses in a pot personify love and passion. In order to avoid misunderstandings, such a flower is not given to the authorities and unfamiliar people. For a beloved girlfriend or colleagues, tulips in a pot will be an ideal option.

How to choose flowers as a gift for a bouquet?

Choosing a flower
Choosing a flower

Gift to mom - flowers

  • Choosing flowers for mom is best based on her preferences. You may remember what colors she admires. The most universal option is roses, but at the same time they are template and trivial.
  • Emphasize tenderness and location Mom will help the varieties of colors in pink shades. It can be roses, peonies, lilies, tulips. Any flowers can be diluted with several branches of greens. If there is no binding to a specific event, then you can opt for field colors.
  • A good option for mom would be Bouquet of daisies or chrysanthemums. Such flowers will stand in a vase somewhat longer than roses.
  • Mom’s housewife will taste flowers in a pot, They will provide additional comfort and heat in the apartment.
  • Buy flower basket for mom It is advisable only for special dates. From loving children, it is pleasant for mom to get even a small bouquet of lily of the valley.
  • What flowers as a gift to mom You have not chosen, make up the composition to your taste. Do not opt \u200b\u200bfor finished bouquets. Check the total number of plants by cuttings. For the classic version, 7-11 buds are enough. With a smaller number of colors, a beautiful appearance will be lost.

Flowers as a gift for dad or husband

  • The point of view that flowers are not given to men is erroneous. Representatives of the stronger sex with pleasure accept flowers.
  • Bouquet of flowers as a gift for a man It must emphasize his courage, therefore there is no place with delicate and fragile colors in this case. Chrysanthemums will be a universal option.
  • For the men's bouquet, dark shades of flowers are well suited. For example, burgundy gladioli are a symbol of good luck, and violet asters Emphasize your love and gratitude.
  • Respect will help to express bouquet of irises, the blue shade fills them with a masculine character. The combination of irises with narcissories is considered to be a wish for good luck.
  • A bouquet for a husband or dad can be made from lilia, orchids, dolphiniums. Also suitable calles, Herberes, Heliconia, Strecilia.
  • A male bouquet should have an elongated angular shape and a minimum of details. Paper for packaging should be very conservative.

Flowers as a gift to a friend

  • Choosing flowers as a gift to a friendGive preference to light delicate shades. You can choose a beautiful combination of several varieties of colors.
  • White flowers They will help to express your friendly attitude. Snow -white peonies, roses, tulips, roses emphasize your sincerity and trembling attitude.
  • Yellow and orange shades will become a source of sunlight, symbolize happiness and joyful emotions.
  • For an interesting combination of colors, combine eastomas and Freesia, tulips and irises, lilies and calla. Todes such as white, pink and purple.
  • To emphasize the tenderness of the bouquet will help barberis, eucalyptus, asparagus, russian branches.
  • Do not collect too much bouquet. Otherwise, a girlfriend might think that you want to emphasize your material well -being.

Flowers as a gift to a man

  • Before Give flowers to a man, Think about whether it is worth doing. He is unlikely to appreciate a similar gesture. During courtship, the flowers should receive a woman.
  • An exception to the rules may be indoor flowers as a gift that will dilute the men's interior or replenish the collection of a young man. A loved one can decorate an interesting variety cactus.
  • Such a flower will emphasize the intelligence of your man and minimizes the negative effect of harmful radiation of gadgets. The money tree will become a symbol of material well -being. If you have already decided to give flowers, then instead of amateur performances, use the services of professional florists.

Flowers as a gift to a colleague or leader

  • The sign of attention to the boss or colleague should be timed to a specific event. Otherwise, your gesture may be misinterpreted.
  • Flowers as a gift to the boss must have the correct content and packaging. Most likely you do not know the preferences of your leader, so stop choosing at universal VIP-compositions.
  • Choose flowers In one color scheme. For a bouquet, chrysanthemums, roses, lilies, gerberes, worshipalus are ideal for a bouquet.
  • For the bouquet, select the boss Saturated shades. The symbolic color is yellow and orange - emphasize the success and authority of the personality.
To work
To work
  • Leave the form of the bouquet traditional. Accessories should be strict and stylish. You can supplement the bouquet with a congratulatory card.
  • It is appropriate for some events to give dwarf bonsai tree. Such a flower will perfectly fit into the interior of the head of the leader.
  • Bouquets for men Turn to significant events. The floral composition should have a strict design and correct coloring.
  • In addition to traditional ones cloves and gladioli, A male bouquet can be filled with roses, irises, callas, astraces. It is better to choose flowers for the boss in red, burgundy, blue, purple.
  • No need to gain too many flowers. 5-7 pcs is enough. The geometric shape of the bouquet will emphasize the male character of the bouquet.
  • An ideal decision for a gift to the boss will be a basket of flowers, complemented by a bottle of cognac or souvenir.
  • For the anniversary of a colleague or boss It is better to give roses of dark shades. Large compositions of flowers perfectly complement solemn events.
  • An extraordinary gift for a male colleague will be flower in a pot of Anturium. Such a variety of the flower symbolizes the extraordinary and masculinity of a man.

Flowers as a gift to the grandmother - which one to give?

  • Flowers as a gift to grandmother First of all, they must take into account her age. The appearance of the bouquet should be conservative and exclude rich aromas. Exotic flowers will not be able to emphasize your warmth, respect and love.
  • Flowers for grandmother should be with large blossomed flowers. The classic bouquet consists of roses, cloves or cal. If you know the preferences of a loved one, then of course, stop choosing on these colors.
Do you agree?
  • Dark flowers are not given to the elderly person. Light pastel colors They will become a new sip of air for the grandmother. Choose pink, cream, yellow shades. A combination of white and red colors will become interesting.
  • It will become an expressive bouquet a magnificent composition of daisies, poppies, cornflowers. To give flowers to the elderly grandmother, it is not necessary to wait for the reason. Make a loved one pleasant just like that.

Flowers as a gift to grandfather - what flowers to give?

  • Flowers as a gift to grandfather are a sign of deep respect. The character of the bouquet should emphasize the strength and masculinity of the grandfather.
  • Bouquet of majestic gladiolov It will become an ideal composition for an elderly person. A bouquet of red edelweiss or cloves It will help to express your love and trembling attitude.
  • Mental warmth can be expressed with the help of a composition of yellow colors. Blue hyacinths or irises are suitable for the creative composition.

Flowers as a birthday gift

  • Flowers as a birthday gift must correspond to the age of the anniversary. The most win -win option is a rose. The royal flower will always be relevant.
Queen of flowers
Queen of flowers
  • Flowers as a gift to a man for an anniversary It is better to choose dark and rich shades. Cloves, gerbers, callas, roses, gladioli are suitable.
  • Flowers as a gift to a woman for an anniversary You can choose in pink and cream shades. Roses, lilies, orchids, tulips, chrysanthemums are suitable.
  • For the anniversary, the style of color design is important. Choose strict and stylish accessories. The appropriate addition will be a decorative basket.

Flowers as a gift for March 8

  • Flowers as a gift to 8 March should correspond to spring weather, so we prefer primrose. Shades of colors should be bright and cheerful. Despite the fact that the yellow color symbolizes separation, March 8, this color is very relevant. Red and yellow tulips will become a symbol of happiness and harmony.
  • The relevant gift for March 8 will be spring flowers in the pot. These include hyacinths, crocuses, daffodils, primrose. A universal gift will be an orchid or senpolia in a pot.
  • A bouquet of colorful tulips is suitable for both mom, grandmother, sister, as well as boss, colleague, girlfriend. A teacher, girlfriend, grandmother can give a bouquet of yellow daffodils. Mom, grandmother, colleague will delight a twig of a yellow mimosa.
  • White tulips and yellow irises, daffodils and irises, multi -colored tulips, etc. can be connected to the floral composition.
Spring flowers
Spring flowers

Flowers as a gift for February 14

  • Flowers as a gift on the day of lovers They help to express tremulous and warm feelings. The bouquet for February 14 should be creative. The composition in the form of the heart will have to be in handy. Toys from fresh flowers look interesting.
  • In the cold season, flowers are a source of heat and light. The most romantic flower is considered rose flower. To express your feelings, one red rose on a long leg is enough.
  • Orchid It will help to emphasize the mystery and mystery of the moment. Bright gerbers will help to embellish a cloudy gray day. Tulips will remind you of the approach of spring and arouse new feelings.
  • The number of colors is symbolic. During the period of romantic relationships, it is enough to give one flower. For recognition of love, the number 3. A large number of colors will emphasize strong love and well -being.
For the holiday
For the holiday

Flowers as a gift at the birth of a child

  • A bouquet of flowers for the birth of a child should emphasize The peculiarity of the event. An unusual floral arrangement will be an ideal gift for a newly made mother. Flowers as a gift that will be delivered to the ward should not have bright aromas and crumble quickly.
  • For a bouquet for the birth of a child are suitable roses, chrysanthemums, chamomile, gerberes, tulips. We give preference to light shades - cream, pink, beige, white. Color can emphasize the floor of the newborn. If a boy was born, you can give Blue chrysanthemums, irises, bells.
  • Many dads express their love and appreciation with huge bouquets. If you all be a financial situation, then a large number of colors will come in handy. For convenience, you can give a basket of flowers.
  • An interesting combination will be a bouquet and a small plush toy. The most important thing is that the flowers are presented from the heart.
On the floor of the child
On the floor of the child

Flowers as a gift for a wedding

  • It is customary to give a wedding celebration gorgeous bouquets. Flowers as a gift for a wedding are a rule of good tone. A luxurious option will be a basket with flowers.
  • Roses for the wedding are not the most successful option. If roses, then only white. But peonies and dahlias will become a symbol of innocence and purity. A popular wedding flower is Lilia.
  • The color of flowers for a wedding Must emphasize the innocence and purity of the bride. Flowers of white and pink shades will cope well with this task.
  • Modern bouquets for the wedding are performed in the form of various figures. Such a composition will emphasize your creativity and effort.
  • The decoration of the celebration will be a composition from chrysanthemums and tulips. A symbol of a happy married life will be a bouquet of sophisticated feces. A bouquet of peonies will become a wish for wealth and devoted love. An interesting and unusual bouquet will be a warm memory in the memory of the newlywed.

Video: Flower Etiquette Rules

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  1. Great article !!!

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