Eustoma in a bouquet: how to save Eusta for a long time in a vase, in water?

Eustoma in a bouquet: how to save Eusta for a long time in a vase, in water?

Eustoma is a beautiful flower with high indicators of vitality after cutting. Buyers often call this plant variety a rose, in some countries other eastoma names are really found - a bell, a rose, lysianthus.

One bush branch of eastoma can become an independent bouquet. Eustoma in the bouquet is harmoniously combined with other colors and at the same time retains its properties.

How to choose an eusta in a store to save the bouquet longer?

  • Pastel colors and the delicate structure of the petals give Eustoma unique tenderness and at the same time require special care after cutting.
  • With the right approach you can save an eusta in a vase for up to a month. The lifespan of the flower in a vase largely depends on the right choice in the store.
  • The price of a bouquet with eustomas is fully justified by their long flowering.

When purchasing an east in the store, make sure that the flower is fresh. What to pay attention to when buying eastoma?

  • Eustoma leaves should be whole with a homogeneous color without spots.
  • In fresh flowers, the bulk of the buds is in flattened semi -overwhelmed state.
  • The length of the stem should be at least 60-70 cm. A short stem is a sign of numerous cuts, which means that the flower is not fresh.
  • All flower heads should hold vertically.
Flowers should stand vertically
Flowers should stand vertically
  • On stems from a store vase there should be no mucus Take the branch in the hand before it is packaged.
  • Eustoma has a slight slightly perceptible aroma. The presence of pungent odors indicates the abuse of chemicals.

Feel free to ask the seller of interest to the seller. You pay money for flowers and has the right to get quality goods. Pay attention from where the flowers brought you. The latest product is extracted from paper, not a vase.

  • If a couple of buds breaks in the process of packaging the bouquet, it's okay. Eustoma is a very delicate flower.
  • The seller is quite correctly cutting out the broken parts and flowers will retain their attractiveness.
  • Transportation of flowers from the store home is carried out In the wrapper down buds.

Eustoma: How to save longer a bouquet in a vase?

  • Eustoma is resistant to temperature differences, but in the cold season the bouquet needs to be given time to acclimatization. Bringing flowers from a cold climate to a warm room, give a bouquet lie half an hour without water without removing the wrappers.
Let it lie down without removing the wrappers
Let it lie down without removing the wrappers
  • The stems are cut into 1.5-3 cm using a knife or a secateur, since the scissors are strongly squeezed and impede the flow of water.
  • Cut all the lower leaves that can be in water. Leaves in water create additional decay.
  • After a couple of hours, the bouquet of eastomas put in the vase the most filled with water, so it will be easier to nourish moisture with colors. An hour later, water is drained, reducing the level to stems without leaves.
  • You can save Eusta for a long time using special top dressing from flower shops. Good top dressing is a crisal, a living bouquet, Tsvetolon, Bon Forte, Etisso.

Additional food in a vase stimulates the full disclosure of all buds.

  • So that all the buds on the branches of the eastomes have time to open up, gently pinch off Already faded flowers.

How to save eusta in the water for a long time: care

Following simple rules, you can save the bouquet of eustoma at home for a long time:

  • Water for eastoma There should be room temperature or lower.
  • If you did not use top dressing from the store, then water in a vase for eastoma You can sweeten a little sugar. Approximately 2 tbsp. tablespoons per 1 liter of water.
  • To extend the life of cut eastoma will help Silver coin or jewelry thrown to the bottom of the vase.Or drop 10 drops of colleine silver into a vase.
  • To exclude rapid drying out of thin foliage, a vase with flowers is placed far from direct sunlight and other heat sources.
  • Water in a vase needs change every day Or at least once every two days.
  • When changing water, you need to rinse the vase, stems and cut off the ends of the stems.
  • Cut eustoma in a bouquet It is poorly preserved in the draft.
  • Eustoma stems, immersed in water, should not contain leaves - this will eliminate the process of decay.
  • Place a vase with eustomas in a cool light room, without drafts.
  • Citric acid or salicylic or boric acid on the tip of a knife added to water will extend the flowering of cut eastoma.
  • Eusto in the bouquet save longerit is possible in melt or boiled chilled water, where there are fewer putrefactive bacteria.
  • Optimum air temperature for cut eastoma 8-10 ° C. Temperature drops provoke decay of leaves.
When fulfilling all the advice of Eustoma, it can stand in a vase for a very long time
When fulfilling all the advice of Eustoma, it can stand in a vase for a very long time

Thanks to the above recommendations, we have the opportunity to enjoy the colorful colors of eastoma longer. Despite thorough home care after abundant flowering and prolonged aesthetic pleasure, the cut eastoma will be tucked.

We also recommend reading how to save longer:

Video: Florist's advice on saving flowers

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