Flowers - folk signs and beliefs, the value of color color. Positive signs about flowers, flowers bringing negative to the house, what flowers to put in the living room, kitchen, bedroom, nursery, give as a gift: a list, description. Floral signs for a wedding

Flowers - folk signs and beliefs, the value of color color. Positive signs about flowers, flowers bringing negative to the house, what flowers to put in the living room, kitchen, bedroom, nursery, give as a gift: a list, description. Floral signs for a wedding

Almost each of us has flowers in the house. But are we knowing about all the signs related to them?

In addition to the beauty of flowers, which enchants and makes people think about the magical origin of plants, they have a huge amount of useful and harmful properties that you should know about before giving a flower or bringing it to the house. Perhaps that is why a huge number of mystical beliefs are connected with them and even there is a floral horoscope.

About flowers

Positive signs about colors

There are plants that have a positive effect on the microclimate in the dwelling. Among them spathiphyllum, bamboo, Christmas, Aloe, Morte and Crassula. It is believed that they have a magical ability to lure money, prosperity, health and love in their home. Below we will talk about a small fraction about them and other domestic plants, and we will also tell you which of them can be given or grown at home.


The people are popularly called a crap or a money tree. If you want it to not only decorate your house, but also attract money, when the plant is transplanted, put a coin with a number 5 on the bottom of the pot. They believe that after that each leaf that grows on a monetary tree will mean profit.

In order for the Crassula to take root in belief you need to steal a sprout. Singing the fat woman say "Money comes, money is growing, they will find money in my pocket."


When choosing a plant, be sure to pay attention to the leaves - if they are small - a trifle will ring in your pocket, and if large, fleshy and healthy - the plant will bring you crispy bills.

Aloe (Sabur)

This plant is considered an indicator of the owner’s health. In order for the plant to bloom, it is necessary to devote more care and attention to it - then the plant will bloom, and any disease will leave you.

Health indicator
Health indicator
  • If the house is running out of the house, buy several plants and place on the windows extending east. They will create a strong protective aura and drive out of your house of trouble.
  • Dried roots, stem and sabur's leaves were worn in linen bags on the neck like a talisman.
  • Lonely people in order to call a partner need to tear 13 sheets of aloe, dry in a dark place and burn on fire, and scatter the ashes at the threshold.
  • If you cut the leaves from the sabur, ask the plant forgiveness so that it is not offended by you.
  • Sabur is able to protect the house from uninvited guests.


If this plant develops well near your desktop, then your affairs will soon pack. If things are not going very well for now, put a pot with five twigs of bamboo in the working area.

  • The number of planted bamboo stalks in one pot is of great importance. If you are sitting two A stalk, then plant it in the southwest-they mean a strong marriage and love relationship.
  • Three Plants attract prosperity. Five The twig will help you establish a financial flow. If you place seven stems In the central part of the apartment or at home - the health of your loved ones will be strong.
  • Eight - They promise your home endless prosperity, prosperity and other benefits. The composition, composed of nine stems, will attract good luck in the sphere in which you need, but it needs to be “settled” in the appropriate room.

In no case do not put 4 stems of bamboo in the house - they are a symbol of failure and even death.

Myrtle (myrtle tree)

Morte was considered sacred by many peoples of antiquity - the Egyptians, the Romans, the Greeks and the Jews. It is believed that when the Lord expelled the first family from paradise, he allowed them to take only one plant with him - myrtle. The Mirta tree is a symbol of family happiness in many countries.

  • If your tree suddenly dropped the leaves, this is normal, but if the plant dries, pay attention to your relationship with a partner. Start communicating more and try to change something, as this is a bad sign.
  • If the bride gives the evergreen fragrant twigs to the guests at the wedding - her family will be strong and blessed in everything.
  • The myrtle tree is considered a powerful protective talisman, because it is treated with great respect. The mistress of the house should plant it, having previously put on new clothes. Be sure to plant a sprout in a new pot.
  • For myrtle to bring prosperity - admire them in the morning and be proud of them.
  • If the tree perishes or you throw it out of the house, the prosperity will leave the house.

Thank the myrtle tree for success, joy and prosperity in the house - the more you do it, the more positive it will attract into your life.


Spathiphyllum is also called "female happiness" or spathifloam. People believe that the plant helps to harmonize energy and life flows, helps family members find a common language and enhances charm.

  • The presented pair, the flower will refresh emotions and accelerate the appearance in the baby’s house. And if the spouses inhale the aroma of his flowers, love and consent will reign in their house.
  • People who are in search of true love need a plant to release seven buds at a time.
  • In order for spatifalum to bring prosperity to the family, you need to grow it out of the sprout, wait until it bakes, collect the color in a small bag of green matter and put in where you keep your blood.
  • To return the faded flame of passion in the marital bed, put with spathifloam in the bedroom.
  • Spathiphyllum’s sprout can be given unmarried to a friend with a sincere wish of happiness and home warmth. Only to buy sprouts as a gift for this purpose can only be on the so -called "female" days among which Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. The girl will find love when Spathiphyllum will bloom for the first time.
  • In order for the flower to bring prosperity to your family that each family member smells the first flower of spatifalism recently brought to the house, and when it bakes to store in some small closed container.
  • Когда вы будете пересаживать растеньице в новое кашпо приговаривайте "Just as spatifalum in a new house moved, so to my house - new happiness". The spell will help you call for good luck and drive out troubles.
  • If the flower died shortly after it was presented to you, the donor's wishes were insincere. The sick flower promises troubles and failure. It must be cured to prevent trouble.
  • If you want to conceive a child, buy a small plant with several buds and wait until they bloom in your house.

Representatives of the weaker sex, who have problems with female health, advise to cut off the leaflet of spathiphyllum, put in matter, and to wind up to the place of the worker so that during the night the bandage does not shift, and in the morning to bury or throw it into a pond with running water.

Christmas (Decembrist, Klockaktus, Schlumberger)

Zigokaktus is a plant permeated with a warm home atmosphere. It feels even small changes in the fate of your loved ones. Every woman who cares for the plant can predict the smallest changes that are waiting for her family.

  • Of course, the most positive sign is considered the flowering of the Schlumbergers. During the buds that appeared, they talk about the harmony of love and prosperity in the family.
  • If Zigokaktus bloomed in December (after all, it was not for nothing that he was nicknamed the Decembrist) - the year ahead will be full of magical events.
  • The Decembrist, who bloomed ahead of time portends life changes or pleasant acquaintances, as well as a possible salary allowance or an unexpected inheritance remaining from an unfamiliar distant relative.
  • Flowers that have bloated after December can become a harbinger of ailments, problems with study, work or other unpleasant events.
  • The flower is very sensitive and is able to respond to the most insignificant changes in the energy field of your loved ones, so you need to look at them and their behavior.
  • If the plant is withering out despite proper care and care, this is an omen of a big trouble. It may not be an unexpected death. If you manage to heal Zigokaktus - your loved one who is sick, will recover.
  • In appearance, a fragile plant is a very powerful bioenergy. According to the state of the flower, our ancestors determined the energy of a new person who came to the house. If, when a new person enters your house, a plant becomes sluggish and lifeless, you should not let him into your life.
For heat
For heat

With zygocactus, you can not swear, scandal and use non -normative vocabulary. Negative thoughts and bad deeds can also affect the condition of the plant.

The flower growing in the office room will create a friendly working environment, and will help employees relieve stress and find a compromise. Positive emotions that the plant causes can help increase the working capacity of the team.

Zigokaktus loves communication - talk to him, consult, talk about what is happening in your life.

  • Sansvieria (Mother -in -law, a tongue, a pike tail) can boast of the ability to activate the flows of positive energy from the cosmos thanks to the escaping shoots.
  • Azalia, begonia and geraniumthey consider it capable of reducing negative moods in the house and turning even harm into jokers.
  • Violetan ambiguous plant - some consider it capable of showing the creative talents of the owner, while others believe that it attracts female diseases and loneliness.
  • The people believe in the ability balzamine Open the talents of households.
  • Talents cyclamen and Yukki, according to folk beliefs - to form self -confidence in children and adults, independence and the ability to quickly make correct decisions.
  • In order for the children in the house to be inquisitive, balanced and kind - they plant in the house aloe and lemon.
  • Ability citrus fruits To influence the mood, vigor and mental abilities is proved by science. They do this loved by all the lemons of tangerines and oranges with the help of essential oils that are released.
  • Fern Helps fight magical manifestations and unclean power. A mystical plant, which appeared on the planet more than 400 million years ago, is considered able to determine and overcome damage and evil energy. If your plant has turned yellow and withered, it means that it took a blow to itself.
  • Anturium - A real friend of a man, according to folk beliefs. The people endow it with the ability to arouse ambitiousness and will to victory in a man, as well as treat problems with potency and give the owner success in women.

Flowers about which there are many bad signs

Among them are the following plants:

  • Ivy I have long considered dangerous for women. A woman holding ivy in the house will not be able to get married. Painting is considered a plant - the owner who will not tolerate other people's men next to the mistress.
  • Violetit is also considered not the best companion of a young girl - they promise hardships and disappointments in the love and illness of the female organs.
Not for a girl
Not for a girl
  • Ficus -the comrade, although attractive, but ambiguous. On the one hand, it is believed that he brings the owner financial well -being, and on the other hand he is accused of energy vampirism. And if you believe Feng Shui, Ficus will benefit where they often swear, since it absorbs negative energy.

Flower color value: signs

Of course, among the beliefs about flowers there are those that relate to their color. According to folk beliefs, you can even predict the future in color of the bouquet that you are given.

  • Red Throughout the world, it is considered a symbol of passion and amazingly strong emotions. It is believed that if a man presents a red bouquet - his intentions are more than serious. This is a sign of a quick marriage.
  • In yellow colorsfrankly bad glory. Yellow flowers not only portend, but also attract separation. If you do not want to part with a person dear to you, choose flowers of a different color.
  • On the other hand, people whose lives have settled despondency and longing will help clean the aura of a couple of bright yellow or orange bouquets placed in the corners of the room in front of the mirrors.
  • Blue petals- A sign of kindness and sincerity. They are a symbol of purity of thoughts and intentions, as well as a strong emotional connection with the one to whom you give such a plant or bouquet.
  • Plants that bloom white and white bouquets - This is a purely wedding gift. White symbolizes purity and innocence, as well as new undertakings. White flowers donated outside of marriage also symbolize an early marriage.

What bring flowers to the house: signs

Before choosing a plant, it is important to understand that not only its characteristics and beliefs that are associated with it, but also how the plant looks like a negative or positive effect on the environment in the house. The beliefs of the people, of course, do not ignore the plants that grow in our homes.

Do you give a plant in a kashpo in the house?

Many people give their loved ones plants in kashpo. If you decide to make such a gift - think about the fact that it should be made with the heart and with a pure heart. The people believe that in this case the plant will protect the owner and his household. Moreover, a unique energy connection arises between the donor and the plant and, if it worsens or breaks the pot with him, you need to call the person who gave him and find out how he was doing.

From the heart
From the heart
  • There is a division of home plants into male and female. If you choose a plant for a gift or to your house, then pay attention to it, because, like all living things in this world, each plant has its own energy that affects others.
  • So, the energy of some plants is compatible with the masculine principle, and the energy of others with female.
  • Great friends for a woman will become spathiphyllum, hibiscus, Garden, or orchid.
  • If you want to hold male energy in the house and give your beloved strength, or just look for a plant as a gift to a man, pay attention to Juniper, Anturium, as well as a polyscene.
  • When creating landscaping, choose among plants those whose positive impact has been proven. It is also worth paying attention to the color of the flowers - it will also affect harmony in your house.
  • Among the colors that will positively affect the microclimate of the house as a whole - myrtle, Spathiphyllum, Bamboo, Aloe, Crassula, Orchid, Gerani, Hyacinth, Dragon, Zigocaktus, Cyclamen, Mint, Rosemary. Cacti placed on the windowsills are on guard of home comfort. It is believed that thorns are able to scare away not only a potential thief, but also invisible evil forces. Geranium is considered capable of supporting people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Cozy guards
Cozy guards
  • If you pay attention to what plants are popularly called energy vampires, it becomes clear that they have one or more of the qualities below: they can grow rapidly, covering the entire possible area with a dense carpet, distinguish substances that affect the state of the nervous system and, finally , have a very strong smell that can cause a headache.
  • The widespread opinion that only some plants absorb oxygen at night does not have a scientific basis - all flowers in the absence of the sun absorb oxygen, but the amount of oxygen, absorbed at night, is negligible compared to the amount of oxygen that plants produce during the day.

Conversely, donor plants purify the air in the room, produce oxygen, secrete volatile phytoncides, and moisturize air.

What plants to put in the bedroom?

The bedroom is a place where everyone is gaining strength for the future. In no case do not put flowers with a bad reputation in the bedroom. If plants with a strong aroma appear in your bedroom (hyacinth, rose, the valley or tulips donated by someone)-in the morning you will wake up with a constant headache and completely unsuccessful.

Myrtle and citrus fruits in the bedroom will not only clean the air, but also saturate the air with useful essential oils and will fight bacteria, helping you relax. Spathiphyllum in the bedroom promises marital prosperity. Begonia will absorb pathogenic microbes and spread a relaxing aroma that is able to fight depression and relieve stress.

For the bedroom
For the bedroom

Other useful plants in the bedroom - geranium, dracaena, ficus, chlorophytum, aloe, tradescantia, cyclamen.

Flower magic in the kitchen

In the kitchen, it is worth collecting aromatic herbs and plants that not only saturate the air with useful volatiles, but also become reliable partners in the preparation of healthy and delicious dishes for the whole family.

Rosemary, mint, thyme, thyme, basil, sage - The magical aroma of such a “bed” will delight all year round, and their healing properties will support your family’s health.

For kitchen
For kitchen

Citrus and decorative peppers will perfectly arrange in the kitchen. In addition, with their bright fruits, they will arouse their appetite. And if you want to add a little magic, set the ficus to the kitchen. They say that it guarantees a complete goodbye refrigerator and financial success.

Working area or office: magic and symbolism of flowers

To create a favorable working atmosphere - put in a place where you most often work appropriate plants. So, the dracaena standing in the working area is able to make a profit and is revered by the people as a symbol of success.

For profit
For profit
  • If a man works more often in the working area, put an anthurium next to the desktop or on it. It is better to place in the female zone spathiphyllum.
  • Cacti on the desktop are able to protect you from the negative influence of the computer screen.
  • Zamioculcas is considered a symbol of success and is the most common green gift in business relations.
  • Bamboo and Crassula are also considered attracting successful plants.

Flowers for the living room

The living room is a place where the family and people who come to the house are most often gathering. Try to choose for it not only functional depending on the lighting in the premises of the plant, but also the defenders who can absorb negative energy.

As defenders, you can choose christmas, cacti, fern, azalia, begonia or geranium. Graceful beauties of orchids are perfect for decoration.

Nursery: energy flowers for the room

Fill the child’s bedroom enhancing energy by plants, since the kids are most susceptible to the environment and bioenergy of people around. For example, aloe able to balance the energy of the baby, and lemon It will saturate air with useful essential oils for the vigor and health of your child.

Flowers as a gift: what signs and signs should you pay attention to?

Flowers in a pot or cut - the most universal and, in principle, a neutral gift. They are given men to women and vice versa, friends, colleagues, artists after performance. This list can be continued for a long time.

There are not so many signs of rule associated with the gift of a flower that it is worth knowing so as not to look stupid:

  • Artificial flowers can only be bought in a cemetery. Do not purchase them as a gift or to your house.
  • Do not give dry flowers, they are a symbol of lifelessness and stagnation.
  • Yellow flowers Give only if you know for sure that the addressee loves them. Yellow - a sign of separation and such a bouquet can be incorrectly interpreted.
  • If a plant that you give a sunny color or inflorescence, such a gift will protect from the evil eye, envy and negativity.
  • A great gift for a romantic date - bouquet stepproke, which have long been considered a symbol of fidelity and mental affection.
  • The donated branch of lilac will tell your chosen one about the excitement that you experienced before the date.
  • The color of acacia will brighten up relationships and emphasize love.
  • Donated or purchased roses, set in the bedroom, will become the key to the fidelity of the partner.
For a gift
For a gift
  • If you wanted to present Calla as a gift, make sure that in the country where your addressee is, these extravagant flowers are not related to death or other negatives. If you bought Callles for yourself, put the pot on the floor. On the windowsill, they will bring deprec.
  • The valley of the valley is a very touching gift, but you should not give them a loved one - they promise separation and extinction of feelings.
  • If a living plant is given to you, bite off a coin so that the negative energy of those who own them before that before. In addition, the plant for which was given a fuss will grow better.
  • Do not give fresh flowers (in pots). In the acting environment there is an opinion that this is a bad sign.

Floral signs for a wedding

Wedding is one of the most important events in human life. No wonder a huge number of signs and beliefs are connected with him. Here are those that concern the flowers:

  • frequent flowers in the hair of the bride - a bad sign
  • red roses donated to the wedding are misfortune
  • and the most popular - a bride’s bouquet caught at the wedding is a sign of an imminent wedding.

The contradictions of floral signs

It is important to understand that in folk beliefs there is an opinion, since people explained the influence of magic of flowers that they could not understand or express in the other way.

  • For example, some signs do not recommend storing dead or wilted plants in the house, but at the same time, many believers Orthodox Christians have been kept in the houses consecrated on the Trinity or saved bouquets.
  • In the case of waging plants, this is primarily a matter of hygiene - bacteria and microorganisms can accumulate in rotting stems that can affect the health of others, and the smell can unpleasantly affect the mood of your family and the general atmosphere. If you were presented with a flower composition, change the water in a vase every day.

We tried to collect in our article floral signs that relate to different sides and areas of life. Believe it or not - you decide, but we recommend that you believe only in good and smile more often!

Video: Signs about home flowers

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