Favorable flowers for the bedroom: influence on our life, health and relationships. What flowers to choose for the bedroom on Feng Shui? What flowers cannot be placed in the bedroom?

Favorable flowers for the bedroom: influence on our life, health and relationships. What flowers to choose for the bedroom on Feng Shui? What flowers cannot be placed in the bedroom?

In this topic, we will talk about favorable colors for the bedroom.

For each person, the bedroom is a special place in the house. This room is intended only for the owners. In this room, we spend a lot of time for sleep or rest. It is because of this that the sleeping is quite intimate in nature-this is a place where you can relax after a hard working day and put your thoughts in order. And therefore, you need to choose flowers for the bedroom correctly, which we will talk about in this material.

Favorable flowers for the bedroom: influence on our life and health

It is no secret that the air in the rooms where we spend most of our time are many times more low -quality than outside. This is due to the fact that pollutants and substances haunt us everywhere: benzene and formaldehyde are present on furniture, carpets, in household chemicals, cleansing agents. The constant inhalation of such contaminated air can lead to serious damage to our health.

Flowers serve not only for decoration
Flowers serve not only for decoration

General recommendations for choosing colors for the bedroom

  • The easiest way to clean the air in the house and protect yourself from ailments is to resort to the placement of indoor plants and flowers. These home assistants They produce oxygen, reduce the amount of bad elements in the air, and also remove chemical poisons.
  • The choice of indoor plants and flowers for the bedroom, where we spend a decent amount of time, must be done responsibly. After all, the bedroom is a special room: during sleep, our breathing is deeper, so different plants of plants can negatively affect well -being.
  • Stunning bedroom options are plants that They have antibacterial properties, and can also moisturize air.
  • It is important to remember that fresh flowers affect the psycho -emotional background of a person. With the help of fresh flowers in the bedroom, you can reduce nervousness, remove excess excitement, fill the room with the energy of love and trust.
  • To make this room as comfortable as possible for your stay there, it is necessary to ensure a constant influx of clean air, think over the correct location of the furniture and comfortably distribute the lighting.
  • When choosing living plants for the bedroom, it is necessary to study as much information about them as possible. But the most important thing is This is the absence of possible allergies and the allocation of toxic substances. Also, do not place plants that have a strong or specific aroma.
  • Give preference to those colors that release oxygen at night, In order to clean the air.
  • It is better to choose plants that They grow slowly In order not to violate peace in the bedroom with their energy. Also, do not put them too close near the bed for the same reason. The optimal distance is 1.5-2 m.
  • It is important to properly care for the colors, because only healthy flowers affect the well -being of a person. That's why Drowned or injured plants are better to temporarily remove.
Do not put them too close to the bed!
Do not put them too close to the bed!

List of the most favorable colors for the bedroom

  • Chlorophytum - An excellent living plant, perfect for the bedroom. Since it has the properties of neutralization of toxic elements and fights with various microorganisms in the air. It copes with such a substance as formaldehyde. It also has a moisturizing in the air properties.
  • Spathiphyllum - This plant is an excellent oxygen manufacturer, both day and night. It perfectly cleans the air from harmful components (benzene, acetone, ammonia, xylol, methyl alcohol). The flower is able to increase the moisture content in the air in the room by 5%. Moisture from this indoor flower fights perfectly with allergenic microbes.

At the same time, this plant also normalizes sleep, and helps to fight insomnia. And for girls, such a flower brings female happiness!

Ideal for the bedroom and female happiness
Ideal for the bedroom and female happiness
  • Sansvieria or mother -in -law language- A flower that produces oxygen at night and perfectly cleanses the air. But his main merit in increasing immunity.
  • Hamedore - This flower does not just cleanse the air, but absorbs all the poisonous evaporation. Including discharge from synthetics and plastic. And also the plant can neutralize benzene and trichloretilene.
  • Geranium - This plant amazingly cleanses the air of chemical compounds, carbon monoxide and fights streptococci. It also has the properties of the production of negative ions, which very beneficially affect the state of health of our body. Stabilizes blood pressure, relieves headache, increases the body's immune system, and fights sleep problems. What is a lot of important - geranium scares away various insects. We take a note to fight mosquitoes.

Important: geranium or pelargonium can cause allergies.

In the commoneria, geraniums are called kalachiki
In the commoneria, geraniums are called kalachiki
  • Laurel -it has long been famous for its properties to normalize sleep. It should especially be placed near the crib. The flower also cleanses oxygen, eliminates headache and increases brain activity.
  • Cactus Extremely useful for placement in the bedroom. Preference should be given to cacti with long needles, they are more effective in cleansing matters. This living plant fights with various microbes, reduces the amount of harmful ions in the air, and also protects our body from electromagnetic rays. That is why cacti are simply necessary in rooms where various computer equipment is present.

Important: but wisdom Feng Shui warns that flowers with needles make the owner the same prickly and impregnable. Therefore, succulents should be chosen with a smoother surface - so you will improve the quality of life.

Cacti and their relatives are necessary in a house with an abundance of technology
Cacti and their relatives are necessary in a house with an abundance of technology
  • Kalanchoe - This plant is famous for emitting a huge amount of oxygen at night, and also helps to fight depression. It has a pronounced calming effect, helps to cope with insomnia.
  • Violet- This is a female plant, which is perfect for a berth. It is this plant that will be calm and relaxed, which normalizes sleep. By the way, white flowers are able to calm the nerves and protect from nervous breakdowns, and purple - establish a spiritual connection between relatives. Red tones or pink colors - give the owners joy.
  • Asparagus This flower is endowed with active energy, helps to fight depression, increases immunity, and also facilitates breathing at night. Asparagus is an excellent assistant in the fight against various diseases, it sterilizes the air, kills microbes, cleans it of heavy metals. Promotes quick recovery.
Different colors of violets affect our lives differently, but they all harmonize female happiness
Different colors of violets affect our lives differently, but they all harmonize female happiness
  • Dracene - This plant, which increases human tone, and also saturates the room with positive energy. In addition, this flower normalizes family relationships and sets the correct microclimate.
  • Ficus Benjamin - This indoor plant emits a large amount of oxygen. It also fights well with air pollution, destroys toxic discharge from chemical cleaners, furniture, etc. Helps relieve stress, promotes quick falling asleep.
  • Begonia - For the bedroom, it is worth giving preference to the royal begonia. This home flower destroys harmful substances and microorganisms in the air. The light aroma that this plant has, relieves tension and nervousness, helps to fight depression. Begonia in various diseases is especially shown.
  • Aloe - A great plant for home. Aloe reduces the amount of toxic and toxic elements in the air, also produces a large amount of oxygen at night and absorbs carbon dioxide. In addition, he can truly be called a home doctor.

Note: according to the beliefs of aloe, it helps to protect the owners from the evil eye and an accident. It is especially recommended to put it in a children's bedroom to normalize the microclimate.

Aloe should be in every house
Aloe should be in every house

The selection of flowers for the bedroom on Feng Shui to harmonize relationships

In no case do we place dried or artificial flowers in the bedroom! They deprive you of vitality.

  • To ensure harmony in the bedroom, it is necessary to place the following flowers:
    • in the room where the spouses rest, it is necessary to arrange Calles. These plants eliminate the disagreement and misunderstanding, contribute to better understanding;
    • also, for the same reason, it is recommended rose and red poppies;
    • ficus It has the ability to unite people. This plant is recommended to place in the room to those who plan to replenish in the family;
    • general flower Increases human vital energy. It contributes to the filling of forces to new and grandiose achievements;
    • money Tree Increases femininity and family happiness. And also gives financial prosperity;
    • crassula like a money tree also increases wealth, but has more powerful energy;
    • all citrus plants give an increase in energy and refresh the air, cleansing it;
    • but bamboo Provides good health and a long life. And also binds lovers and helps them find understanding, harmony in relationships;
    • guzmania eliminates depression and improves well -being;
    • nEMANTUSacts as a healer for other plants. And also - absorbs all negative emotions;  
    • plusmaria gives longevity and health;
    • bonsai gives protection and improves a surge of energy;
    • rosemary increases immunity and is shown for sick people that suffer from ailments of the upper respiratory tract;
    • the strongest flowers that will give you happiness - This is a lotus, chrysanthemum, peony, magnolia and orchid. By the way, it is not necessary to grow them in a pot, can be used in the form of a picture or painting.

Important: ideally, place flowers on the southwestern window or wall, as well as in the eastern spectrum.

Each flower carries its own energy
Each flower carries its own energy
  • The meaning of flowering colors also plays the role:
    • white flowers able to reassure and stroke conflicts;
    • violet buds help to solve difficult situations in life;
    • but Blue colors open the channels of wisdom;
    • black or dark buds they bring profit and give advance on the career ladder;
    • to increase intimate attraction in the bedroom, it is worth resorting to flowing flowers red and pink shades;
    • generally, All spectra red I increase passion, romanticism and improve financial affairs;
    • orange - stimulates the brain;
    • and yellow flowers It is charged with optimism.
The role and color scheme of buds plays the role
The role and color scheme of buds plays the role

Which plants are better to refuse or unfavorable flowers for the bedroom

  • Jasmine - This indoor plant emits a barely perceptible sweet aroma that has relaxing properties. It is proved that jasmine produces a sedative effect on a person, which positively affects the dream. But its severe aroma with prolonged contact can cause headache. Therefore, it is undesirable to put it in the bedroom or in the case of personal intolerance.
  • Hydrangea- The same fragrant and beautiful plant as jasmine. But it also very often causes allergies to pollen or aroma itself.
  • Orchid- A beautiful flower, which can wake you with a headache in the morning. And it's all about strong essential oils that they will not let you sleep well.
  • Lilycontraindicated for the bedroom! It acts the opposite - absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide in large quantities.
  • According to the same principle, and fern!
Dieffenbachia is not the best option for a residential building at all
Dieffenbachia is not the best option for a residential building at all
  • Oleander- This plant, which worsens well -being, and can even cause dizziness.
  • Diffenbachiait looks beautiful, but it is only suitable for the office. With prolonged contact, especially in the bedroom, causes headaches and poisons with harmful substances;
  • Monster many are attracted by an exotic look, but this is an extremely dangerous plant. After all, it distinguishes a large amount of toxic substances into the air, so it can cause severe allergies. Especially in pregnant women and young children.

Important: extremely dangerous colors for the bedroom and even the whole house can be called philodendron and Azalia. They violate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and provoke cramps!

As you can see, even the choice of greenery and flowers in the bedroom plays an important role. After all, you should not always be guided only by an attractive appearance!

Video: what flowers can be, and which cannot be kept in the bedroom?

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