How to save Gerber's bouquet in a vase fresh? How long have Herberes in water stand?

How to save Gerber's bouquet in a vase fresh? How long have Herberes in water stand?

Useful tips to preserve the gerber bouquet.

Gerbera is an African chamomile whose homeland is tropical countries. In their structure and characteristics, the flowers resemble Margarita and chamomile, but larger. The bud can be both terry or flat. In this article, we will tell you how to save Gerber's bouquet in a vase fresh.  

How much do the gerberes cost in the water?

These flowers are taken to our country from abroad. If all transportation conditions were met, then such a bouquet can stand at home for more than two weeks.

How much are the gerberes in the water:

  • These flowers differ in their long shelf life. They do not fade for a long time, but, like other colors, they have their weaknesses. It affects the period of storage of flowers in a vase. The duration of their transportation. It is necessary to have time to transport cut flowers within 36 hours. Moreover, transportation conditions should be as follows: inhysy humidity, tenvironmental capacity +3 +5 degrees.
  • Herbers are transported in a dry state, not in water. Before transporting, they are soaked in water for several hours so that they are fouled with liquid. If the transportation conditions are met, you will receive a fresh bouquet that will stand at home for 2-3 weeks. 

Do not buy ready -made bouquets, which are a huge number in flower stores. Florists can “utilize” not quite fresh elements, thereby slipping 1-2 wilting flower. This negatively affects the period of freshness of the entire bouquet. Even 1-2 withering buds can significantly accelerate the process of the death of the bouquet. Be careful and ask to make a bouquet with you. It can be the exact copy of the finished one, but at the same time you can control the components and inspect each flower.

Bouquet of the Herbiers
Bouquet of the Herbiers

How to choose a bouquet of Herber, how to save?

At the initial stage, it is necessary to inspect the buds. They should be even, with dense and shiny leaves.

How to choose a bouquet of Herber, how to save:

  • Please note that the petals should not be directed down or bend at an angle to the ground. If this happens, it means that Herbers have long been in a flower store for a long period of time, they will soon be wound up. Look carefully at the escape.
  • At the site of the cut should not be dark or putrefactive spots. The escape in the cut area should not be slippery. There should not be dark and light spots, some damage. The weakest place Herber is the junction of the branch and bud.
  • The colors have dense baskets and inflorescences, but a thin, weak stem. Sometimes he does not withstand, and the gerbers lower the heads, which contributes to the rapid wilting of the bouquet. To prevent this from happening, they often use a special wire to support the heads, or simply wrap a bud with paper to create an artificial frame, support for Herber heavy baskets. 

Herberts: How to save the bouquet longer after the acquisition?

In order for the flower to stand for a long time, after returning home, perform several simple manipulations. 

Herbers, how to save the bouquet longer after the acquisition:

  • Cut a small piece of shooting with a sharp knife, about 2-3 cm. This must be done under a stream of cold water. It is impossible to carry out manipulations in the air, since oxygen will fall into the place of the cut, which will prevent the absorption of water and contribute to the rapid wilting of the bouquet. Do not carry out this manipulation with scissors so as not to take the cut site.
  • Close the cut place with your finger and immerse it in a vase. The choice of container for storing the bouquet is different from other colors. The vase should be narrow enough so that the gerberes fit tightly to each other, but are not squeezed.
  • The main task is to make the shoots be immersed in water by about 3-5 cm. In no case can you immerse the shoots in the water completely, because this contributes to decay. Please note that the stems do not touch the bottom of the vessel.

In what conditions is the bouquet Gerber in a vase longer stored longer?

It is necessary to make a kind of frame that will support the bouquet on the neck. Usually use fishing line, wire, or special frames for bouquets. They do not allow the stems to fall completely into the vase and touch the bottom.

For a better nutrition, you can split the stem by cutting it along 2 cm cross-crest. Or in the oblique cut that you received after the update, you need to stick a match or toothpick, making a hole. This will improve the food process and water retraction.

In what conditions the bouquet Gerber in a vase is stored longer: 

  • In no case should you put flowers on the windowsill and in sunny places, near the heating batteries. Herberts are very fond of shadow, so nothing bad will happen if you leave a bouquet in the middle of the room, in a shady place, without drafts.
  • Flowers love coolness, an ideal temperature of 10-18 degrees. They do not tolerate heat, and require constant spraying of baskets. Use the sprayer and spray the flowers twice a day with cold water. This will extend the shelf life of flowers in the summer heat or in a warm room. 

Herberers - what to add to the water?

Do not spare the stems, shortening them daily by 2-5 cm. The shorter the stem, the longer the flowers will stand in a vase. Also make puncture in the cut with a toothpick. So the water will go faster into buds, reviving them. 

Herberes - What to add to the water:

  • You can also feed the plants by adding citric acid to the water (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water), or activated carbon (5 tablets per liter). Acid retains flowers fresh for a long time.
  • You can also add a little potassium permanganate (weak pink solution) or aspirin 2-3 tablets per 1 liter of water.
  • Sugar does not need to be added to the water with gerbeers, since these flowers do not like such additives and quickly wither. 
  • Well helped to keep the bouquet top dressing for cut flowers - Crisal, Living Bouquet, Tsvetalon, Bon Forte, Etisso. They are sold in flower shops.

In what water to put Herobers to put?

Flowers should not touch any objects. Even minor creases on the petals lead to damage, drying, decay and wilting. Be sure to put the vase on the table on which there is nothing more. It is impossible for Gerber's bouquet to touch the wall or the wrapper in which he was sold. After delivering the bouquet home, the wrapper must be removed, while cut the tape and free the flowers. It is impossible for them to be in a vase in a bound state. Indeed, in the space between the stems, pathogens often propagate, contributing to decay and wilting. 

In what water to put the gerberes:

  • Use a clean water to storage gerber, which is standing. Ideal is melt or rain, but in its absence it is suitable from under the tap, which should stand at room temperature for 4 hours. During this time, all the chlorine will evaporate from the water, which will have a beneficial effect on the state of the bouquet.
  • Florists recommend using water not from the tap, but boiled. These flowers are sensitive to bacteria, which are contained in ordinary drinking water. It is necessary that there is nothing left in it. Conventional distilled water is also suitable, but in this case, nutrient additives, such as citric acid, aspirin, must be added to it.

Herberras: How to save a bouquet in a vase, in the heat?

If you brought flowers from frost, do not rush to put them in a vase. Leave at room temperature for about 1 hour. Plants should get used to temperature change.

Herbers, how to save a bouquet in a vase, in the heat:

  • If you brought a bouquet from the summer heat, and the buds hang the heads, the gerberes can be refreshed.
  • Type cold water into the bath and lower the bouquet, after removing the package from it, dismantling it to the components.
  • Only after that can you cut the stem when the bouquet will recover.

Herberras: How to save a bouquet in a vase if flowers fade?

On the stem there is a edge, which consists of thin hairs. The main difficulty is that it is on it that a large number of pathogens and bacteria accumulate on it. Soon this place becomes slippery.

Herbers, how to save a bouquet in a vase if the flowers fade:

  • You can use a special solution. It is necessary to add 10 ml of ordinary ethyl alcohol to a liter of water and one drop of ammonia.
  • In this solution, lower the stem for several hours. This will help plants again become dense and acquire freshness.
  • If you do not want the plants to fade quickly, it is necessary to treat the stems with antibacterial agents. It can be a weak solution of potassium permanganate, or furatsilin.
  • It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in one of the antibacterial solutions and thoroughly wipe the stems immersed in water. The stems, which remain dry, do not need to treat antiseptics.

Read on our website about preserving the following cut flowers:

The florists consider Herberes rather moody flowers, because due to the presence of villi they are quickly covered with mucus and begin to rot. Experts advise using salt to clean the cut place, which is immersed in water. Salt in this case plays the role of an abrasive, which reveals pathogens of microorganisms, and at the same time breaks down the cut place into small fibers. This improves colors.

Video: How to save Herobers?

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