How long to save the bouquet of chrysanthemums in a vase?

How long to save the bouquet of chrysanthemums in a vase?

We extend the life of a bouquet of chrysanthemums: step -by -step instructions

Chrysanthemums are the last breath of autumn, because they bloom when all nature falls asleep and drops the leaves. In this article we will tell you under which cut chrysanthemums need, so that the eyes in a vase are pleased as long as possible.

What is needed for a bouquet of chrysanthemum to stand as long as possible in a vase: preparation of water and vases

The first thing the florists pay attention to is the condition of the vase. Unfortunately, decorative vases are not always carefully washed and disinfected, which provokes the growth of harmful bacteria. That is why, the first rule that you should know in order to maintain a bouquet of chrysanthemums in a vase for a long time - thoroughly wash a vase with a detergent, and, if possible, pour boiling water or put it under direct sunlight until completely dry for a day.

Before pouring water into a vase, be sure to rinse it.

Luxurious chrysanthemums in a vase
Luxurious chrysanthemums in a vase
  • Now about the water itself. Water from the tap is the most not suitable for flowers, because it has chlorine and other chemistry. Do you want chrysanthemums to stand for a long time? Leyite exclusively purified or spring water.
  • About water temperature. You plan to preserve autumn flowers, and they logically love cool, so water should be not higher than 7 ° C.
  • Remember that water in a vase should be changed every two days, to fresh, while not forgetting to wash the vase. Otherwise, bacteria will grow, and fade flowers several times faster.

What is needed for a bouquet of chrysanthemums to stand as long as possible in a vase: Cut of the stem

They wondered how long to save the bouquet of chrysanthemums in a vase? Proper processing of the stem is the key to success:

  • With a sharp knife or blade, make oblique sections at an angle of 45 ° on each stem. Remember that the purpose of this is to increase the absorption area, but too long a cut on the contrary will cause a breakdown of the stem, which will ruin the harmonicity of the bouquet and the plant will die faster;
  • Measure to what depth the stem is lowered into the water and all the leaves that remain in the water, and above the water by 2-3 cm-remove. There is nothing to spend nutrients on them, and they also begin a quick process of decay;
  • At the bottom of the stem, make cuts with a cross in a depth of 1-1.5 cm, this will allow the plant to absorb useful substances. Bend the edges slightly so that the space remains inside, but do not break the cuts;
  • With each change of water in a vase, be sure to rinse the stems under running water so that mucus does not form;
  • If you see that the tips began to age and deteriorate-feel free to cut from 2-3 cm, and make new incisions in the depths with a cross. Even if the stems look good, it is recommended to cut them every 5 days;
  • Make sure that the stem does not crack and does not break, since such a flower itself will disappear, and the whole bouquet will spoil.

What is needed so that a bouquet of chrysanthemums stand as long as possible in a vase: we form a bouquet and choose a place

Do not know how long to save the bouquet of chrysanthemums in a vase? Never put chrysanthemums in a vase on a sunny windowsill. Yes, the flowers perfectly tolerate the autumn sun when they are on flower beds or in pots. But cut chrysanthemums quickly wither in vases on windowsills.

The inflorescences of chrysanthemum deserve special attention. Cut from flower beds or buy exclusively blossoming buds. The thing is that newcomers choose chrysanthemums according to the type of tulips or roses, giving preferences to buds. But the inflorescences of chrysanthemums do not bloom after the cut. Therefore, if you want a magnificent, beautiful bouquet - choose the largest inflorescences on a thick, juicy stem. This flower has formed and full of strength, and it is precisely such a flower that will spin the longest possible.

The color palette of chrysanthemums is amazing!
The color palette of chrysanthemums is amazing!

Now about the formation of a bouquet. Cool water in the vase is poured, the sections are made and it remains to put the flowers in the vase. Make sure that the stems stand freely, without crushing each other, and do not crack, breaks under the weight of the rest of the stems. Unscrew the ribbons, remove the paper and put chrysanthemums so that they are well blown by air from all sides.

At night, do not forget to take chrysanthemums into a cool place, ideally 2-3 degrees lower than in the room where they are standing.

What is needed for a bouquet of chrysanthemum to stand as long as possible in a vase: bait bouquet

You know that you need to feed flowers in a vase so that they stand longer, but do not know what? In this section, we will tell you how to save a bouquet of chrysanthemums in a vase using the best recipes.

  • Professional means "Crisal". It can be purchased at the nearest flower store, or in a store specializing in garden products;
  • Sugar. For half a liter of water boiling water 25 g of sugar and stir, cool water to 5-7 degrees and put chrysanthemums in it;
  • Aspirin as an addition to sugar. It disinfects water, and it can be changed less often, for example, every 3-4 days;
  • Activated coal Aspirin ActivatedHe is responsible for disinfection. It can be added both to ordinary and sweetened water.

How long to save a bouquet of chrysanthemums in a vase: the second life of a wilted bouquet

So, you carefully looked after the bouquet of chrysanthemums, but he still began to fade. In this section, we will tell you not only how to save the bouquet of chrysanthemums in a vase for a long time, but also how to reanimate it, when it seems that nothing will help.

There are many tips in which it is recommended to put flowers in boiling water. Yes, the flowers are visually reviving, but the action is so short -term, and then the flowers die completely. If you need to make a bouquet of chrysanthemum fresh for several hours at all costs - try it, but if you want to store a bouquet of chrysanthemums in a vase for a long time - this method is categorically not suitable.

Original bouquet of chrysanthemums in a vase
Original bouquet of chrysanthemums in a vase

Another way to temporarily revive the wilted bouquet of chrysanthemums:

  • In boiling water, lower the stems chrysanthemum by 10 cm and leave for 5-7 minutes;
  • Cut blackened ends at an angle of 45 degrees and make notches with a cross in a depth of 3-4 cm;
  • Put in cool water with bait.

Thanks to this method, there is the opportunity to revive chrysanthemums, and the bouquet will still be just a few days.

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