Tea rose - how differs from a regular rose: signs. The value of the tea rose

Tea rose - how differs from a regular rose: signs. The value of the tea rose

What is the difference between a tea rose and a simple one? A unique aroma, interesting buds, beautiful flowering.

Rose - An amazing flower. There is beauty and solemnity in it. These are flowers for the first date, and the wedding celebration, and the anniversary. They compose poems about the rose and sing songs. It was depicted on ancient canvases, and contemporary artists, admiring the flower, draw it. There is a female name - a rose.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Wedding bouquet with your own hands". You will learn how to make a bouquet of a bride from satin ribbons, roses, peonies, tulips.

From this article you will learn what tea rose is and how it differs from the usual. Read further.

Tea rose: what is it, botanical characteristics, features

Description of the tea rose
Description of the tea rose

This beauty arrived at us from a distant country called China. It is very similar to a Chinese rose, but a marvelous aroma similar to the fragrance of brewed tea from the best Chinese varieties, and the homeland, which is the ancestor of tea, gave her such a name. A characteristic difference between a tea rose from the rest is an elongated and pointed bud. Brought to Europe in the 19th century, the beauty was very capricious to new climatic conditions. But, having won love with her marvelous beauty and aroma, she attracted the attention of breeders and gardeners. Varieties resistant to cold climate were bred. And now, without requiring complex features of care, it grows in almost all climatic zones.

Botanical characteristics and features inherent in a tea rose:

  • The height of the plant depends on the variety and is from 50 cm to 2 meters. It happens that the bushes grow higher.
  • Up to 60 petals are collected in the bud. Gradually opening, the flower acquires a lush, slightly pointed shape. The size of a fully opened bud is from 5 to 15 cm in diameter.
  • Flowers and buds grow on an elegant, but fairly strong stem.
  • The leaves have slightly jagged edges of a dark green color. Large enough and have an oval shape.
  • The color scheme of inflorescences is diverse. Including snow -white, orange and red tones, turning into dark, burgundy. Classic color is considered white and pink.
  • Opening completely, the bud resembles a rosehip flower. With yellow stamens in the center located on a clearly protruding cone, only with many delicate petals around.

Even in ancient times, the healers knew about the beneficial properties of a rose tea, calling it a medicine for aristocrats. To cook tea, it is best to take fresh roses petals. Dry the remaining supply and put in a glass jar. You can prepare a mask, lotion, pink oil at home.

Now let's figure out how this type of this fragrant flower differs from a conventional rose. Read further.

Tea rose: how is different from a regular rose, signs

Tea rose
Tea rose

An ordinary rose is a collective name for all varieties and types of rosehips growing in nature, or cultivated varieties in gardens. This differs such a teaspoon flower that stands out into a separate variety. The first roses began to grow in the gardens of Ancient Rome. The history of such garden flowers began in the early 19th century with the appearance of tea. And if the roses are simplified, that is, cutting, potter and garden.

You can meet a wild tea rose in nature only in China. If you more accurately describe her ancestor, this will be a type of rosehip. New created varieties are called hybrid tea. Their number is constantly increasing. It is worth noting several popular varieties among gardeners. Here is their list with signs:

Tea rose
Tea rose "Parade"
  • Gloria de. This variety has several more names. It is considered a standard. A flower in a diameter of about 15 cm. The petals of a unique delicate yellow color with a pink border. The flower seems to be embedded by a skilled master. Blooms several times per season with small intervals in time.
  • Aida. An elongated bud and a rich bright red color. Refers to terry varieties. The petals are like from the finest velvet. The flowers have a strong sweet aroma. Their size is up to 13 cm. The height of the bush does not exceed 1 m.
  • Parade. This is a weaving shrub. Bright pink petals, the edges are a little paler, and by the middle they become ruby \u200b\u200bcolor. With a thin unobtrusive aroma. The bush is simply strewn with flowering blooming colors and still unsolved buds.
Tea rose Belveder
Tea rose Belveder
  • Gazebo. Budons from 10 to 12 cm painted in an orange shade with pink tints. Directly growing bush - up to 1 m high.
  • Comeses de Provence. Pink inflorescences with coral petals in the middle and a sugary aroma from 8 to 10 cm in diameter. The plant grows up to 1.2 m high.

Each gardener has loved varieties for the pingering eyes of the color and aroma spreading in the garden.

What is the difference between a floribunda rose and a tea rose?

Rose Floribunda
Rose Floribunda

Floribunda is also a rose. Features: low bushes - just above half a meter, more flexible stems. Flowers are collected in inflorescences. The flowers themselves are not large, in diameter from 4 to 9 cm. They can consist of a small number of petals. In semi -lane varieties from 8 to 20. In terry flowers are more magnificent, consist of more than 20 petals.

  • Distributes Floribunda from a tea rose A variety of flower shapes. These are cup -shaped, gorgeous, there are flat.
  • A variety of colors and shades exceed tea.
  • But the championship is inferior in the aroma.

It is impossible to confuse these roses. If single flowers on the bush are a tea rose, and if the bush is decorated with many inflorescences, this is a floribunda.

Tea rose buds: how are they different from the frame?

Tea rose belongs to the family of pink -flowered ones, and the frame - “hibiscus, Sudanese rose, Rosella” belongs to the mallow family. The main difference:

  • In a flower rose, a bud is called a flower, and in hibiscus the inflorescence consists of five edges fused at the base of the petals with the edges bent out.

Europe got acquainted with the frame in the 18th century, but the originality of sour taste was not evaluated. And only in the last century did he take root as a decorative plant and as a drink. The birthplace of hibiscus, where it is grown and prepared by fragrant tea, is Egypt, Sudan, India. In Egypt, it is called a "drink of the pharaohs."

  • It is believed that in addition to an amazing taste, the frame has many healing properties. It is often called red tea, but in fact it does not apply to it - these are hibiscus flowers collected and manually dried.
  • Bright red petals give it color. The Egyptians gave him the name "Kandahar" and consider it their national drink.
  • The dry petals of this plant were found by archaeologists in ancient tombs in Giza.
  • This beautiful garden plant is used by landscape designers in the design of gardens and parks.
  • It is used by confectioners in the preparation of desserts. Appreciated as a dye. Used in the preparation of sauce for meat. A little resembles the taste of cranberry.

But traditional is considered in the preparation of drinks. They are drunk hot and cold, adding sugar and lemon.

The value of the tea rose: what symbolizes?

They love a rose for its unusual aroma, for an attractive gaze a blossoming bud. And she is rightfully called the queen of flowers. What symbolizes tea rose? Here's the meaning:

Tea rose is the symbolism of constancy and indestructibility. Here is the value of shades:

  • Rose without spikes - indicates an ardent love from the first meeting. Legends say, this is about a virtuous woman who grew up in paradise, but all these events took place before the fall of the human race. After God drove Adam and Eve from a paradise, spikes began to grow on flowers - this is a reminder of mortal sinfulness.
  • Yellow buds of roses - Take a strong friendship, a happy time spent together, a joyful mood. The buds of this shade indicate the most pleasant emotions. If you study the language of flowers in more detail, then such roses have nothing to do with treason or parting. Despite the fact that such an interpretation has already taken root among people).
  • White RoseLike other white flowers, indicate the innocence of the subject of adoration, as well as the purity and chastity of the Mother of God. Virgin Mary was called a magic rose, a rose of heaven, a rose without spikes. A long time ago, the Archangel Gabriel took white, yellow and red roses and made three wreaths from them for the Virgin. Such a decoration for the head of white buds meant her joy, from red - a suffering path, from yellow - recognition.
  • Red roses - Passion and desires, love contrary to. It is believed that it is the red and pink buds, deliciously smelling, that indicate true love and passion. In addition, it was such a shade of buds at all times that men gave women as a sign of admiration for the lady, to whom the bouquet was intended.
  • Burgundy rose, like scarlet - means sensual ardor, love, frantic passion and hill. A bouquet of such colors will help to admit and replaces the words: "You are very beautiful, that you do not even realize it."
  • Blue (blue) tones roses -symbolizes mystery, the desire to achieve something unattainable. Such an interesting color acquired pink petals using the use of a special selective method and artificial removal of specimens. They look mysterious, so such bouquets are presented to young girls, just as interesting and inaccessible.

Tea rose is mysterious and even magical. Plant it in your yard and a unique aroma will delight you throughout the summer. In addition, very tasty jam is obtained from fresh petals. The petals of fresh tea roses with a bright color and a pronounced aroma are used. It should be prepared if there is a small child. Such jam treats stomatitis and sore throat well.

Video: What is a tea rose?

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