The most beautiful flowers of the world: Names, photos

The most beautiful flowers of the world: Names, photos

A selection of colors with photos, names, brief description.

Flowers, independently, large or small, bright or not very, can safely be called the decoration of our planet. They are always beautiful, and at the moment when they wake up after winter hibernation, and during violent flowering, and even during their wilting. In confirmation of our words, we bring to your attention a selection of beautiful colors with photos and names.

Beautiful flowers with beautiful color: Names, photo

Sometimes flowers amaze with their color combination and deep shades. Sometimes it is difficult to believe that such a creation is the fruit of the work of mother nature.

Beautiful flowers with beautiful color:

Beautiful flower with beautiful color

In its homeland, in Japan, this beautiful flower is called tecyrtis. But here this name is not very popular due to the complexity of the pronunciation. Therefore, the most understandable name is most often found - zhabya Lilia. A bright beautiful color makes it very unique, and something like a sea star.

Beautiful flower with beautiful color

The color of this flower is also very interesting. If you look closely, you can understand that the pattern on the petals is somewhat similar to a chessboard. Perhaps that is why the people call him chess flower. Scientists call this outlandish plant hazel grouse.

Beautiful flower with beautiful color

The name of this exotic beauty - Strongilodone Kolodnokystva. Yes, flowers can be like that. This miracle of nature in the Philippines grows and is a close relative of the bobovs familiar to us. Only we grow them for eating, and the Philippines for decorating the garden and a personal plot.

Beautiful flower with beautiful color

Is it really a bit like a human hand? This scarlet miracle is called - The hand of the devil. A more cunning name - xirantodendron.His homeland is considered to be Guatemala and South Mexico. Previously, due to such a unique look, the plant was used to conduct various magical rituals. Modern man uses chirantodendron exclusively for decorative purposes.

Beautiful flowers with beautiful color

Another scarlet miracle of mother of nature - desert peas. From the name it is clear that the plant will grow in the arid regions of our planet. More precisely, in the fields of Australia. But this plant is allowed to tear in the presence of a special resolution, since it is small.

Beautiful flowers with beautiful color

Present to your attention Rostral Heliconia. A bright combination of juicy pink and delicate yellow, makes the flower very noticeable. But scientists call Heliconia so sonorously and pathos, and ordinary people more often call it more simply - krabia claw. And all because plant buds visually resemble crab claws.

Beautiful flowers with beautiful color

Fiery lily or gloriosis luxurious - A beautiful and delicate flower, from which it is impossible to take a look. But let all this beauty and airiness do not deceive you. In fact, fiery lily is a poisonous plant that can provoke allergic reactions. Therefore, in some countries this beauty is considered weed, and is subject to eradication. Moreover, complete, with the root system.

Beautiful flowers with beautiful color

Aquilegia - The plant can be called forever flowering. And all because several buds are tied on one stalk at once. But they bloom in turn. A fresh and bright bud remains for a week, and then it wither. Once this happens, the next one immediately opens.

Beautiful flowers with beautiful color

This plant does not leave indifferent a single person. It is so beautiful that it just clings to the eye. Initially balsam I grew exclusively on the territory of Africa and North America. But people liked it so much that they deduced a hybrid that can grow in almost any conditions. But in addition to a beautiful appearance, the flower has another feature. If you touch him, then he will immediately begin to shoot his seeds. For this reason, it is often called incorrect.

Beautiful flowers with beautiful color

Wanda - A beautiful plant from the family of orchids. He feels best in China, in the Philippines and in India. It is here that very beautiful and as large representatives of this species grow. With proper care, the flower will delight the eye from 100 to 120 consecutive days.

The most beautiful flowers: names, photo

It is difficult to say which flower is considered the most beautiful, because absolutely all flowering plants are attractive in their own way. But still we will try to surprise you with the most cute and beautiful colors.

The most beautiful flowers:

The most beautiful flowers

Kalania - A representative of the orchid family, growing in Australia. On this part of the land, it is often called flying duck, and all because the bud of the plant is very peculiar. Kalania orchid is a plant producing honey pollen. With her help, she lures the bees in the bud, and they carry out the pollination of the flower.

The most beautiful flowers

Brugmansia - A resident of hot forests of South America. It attracts everything in the plant - a bud, impressive size, an interesting shape and a bright, pleasant aroma. But the plant has a significant minus - it is poisonous, contains psychotropic substances. Drug addicted people use this, and they cook a kind of potion from the petals for fun. Therefore, in the countries of South America it is banned.

The most beautiful flowers

Lithops - A plant that managed to survive in the harsh conditions of Africa. To survive, he has to hide under the stone, all the time while the sun sews the earth as much as possible. But as soon as the heat subsides a little, it shows its beautiful bud, somewhat reminiscent of chamomile.

The most beautiful flowers

CARTERA CHARTRAY -a resident of Southeast Asia. Its second name is bat, And all because visually he is similar to this night creature. But the similarity is not only in silhouette. The dark and rich shade of petals is very afraid of sunlight. If the Contri Takka will stay in the sun for a long time, it will become colorless. In view of this, when sunlight enters the petals, the plant simply closes them into a dense bud.

The most beautiful flowers

Diploma - Air, injected plant that can bloom for a long period. In addition to a beautiful and bright bud, the plant has another big plus - it makes a very pleasant, fresh, slightly citrus aroma. Therefore, it can be used as a natural freshener of air in the room. True, in order for it to exude the aroma, it must be correctly watered and not allowed to dry out the soil.

The most beautiful flowers

Hippeastrum -a flowering plant derived by the breeders of Central America. Initially, it was indoor, but now you can find views for the garden on sale, though they are very whimsical in care, and they are best growing in a warm climate with enough moisture. Therefore, if you decide to grow it your own garden, be prepared for difficulties.

The most beautiful flowers

Emergency - A delicate plant that grows in almost all corners of our planet. The uniqueness of this flower is that it blooms when the rest of the flowers are already preparing to winter. In the spring and summer it is just a bush with a large number of large leaves, but closer to the fall they fade, and almost air buds are knocked out of the root. But it is important to remember that the non -renunciation refers to toxic plants that can cause burns of the skin. Therefore, it is undesirable to touch it.

The most beautiful flowers

Surprisingly, isn't it? Yes, in front of you is not a completely standard flower, but from this it is no less beautiful. It is called psychotria.This beauty is growing in America. Inside this peculiar bud in the form of sponges, there is another smaller flower.

The most beautiful flowers

Epifillum - A bud, similar to the air and light dress of the bride. The plant is very sensitive and demanding on the environment. It will bloom only if it receives a sufficient amount of heat, sunny and moisture. But in this case, it will be difficult to see a beautiful flower. As a rule, it reveals the bud after the onset of darkness.

The most beautiful flowers

Coorias - Wild species can be seen on the island of Trinidad. It is here that they grow larger and brighter. The plant blooms almost all the time, and very abundantly. Thanks to this feature, it is almost imperceptible that the buds of the plant are not very large.

Beautiful flowers of roses: names, photo

Roses - are the most popular colors on the planet. They are equally loved on all continents and the farthest islands. There are a huge number of varieties of this royal plant, but we will introduce you to the most beautiful.

Beautiful flowers of roses:

Beautiful flowers of roses

Variety - George Lessland. This flower is famous for its delicate pink color. To the touch, the bud’s petals are like satin - soft and delicate. The bud itself is very large, though it will be so only under favorable conditions.

Beautiful flowers of roses

Bush rose - Heidi Klum Rose. With proper care, the bush will grow up to 1.5 m high. A healthy bush will be covered with a large number of bright purple buds. But remember, if there are a lot of roses, then their size will decrease markedly. But they will still remain very beautiful.

Beautiful flowers of roses

Variety - Frau Karl Drushka. A distinctive feature is a large white bud, with terry petals. In some cases, depending on the conditions of growth, the petals can have a light pink. The rose blooms for a very long time - to a stable autumn cold.

Beautiful flowers of roses

Variety - Ferdinand Pichard. Such beauty is difficult not to notice even among a large number of colors. The combination of white and raspberry color makes the bud unrealistically attractive. From a distance, people take a flower for paper. Such a natural illusion.

Beautiful flowers of roses

Variety - Mr. Lincoln. Classic blood-red rose. The bud is very beautiful - dense, keeps the form well even in the dry period. The only minus of the variety is its height. It can reach two meters. And therefore, in the flower beds they need to be planted behind the rest of the plants, otherwise they will block the review, and the garden composition will not look beautiful.

Beautiful flowers of roses

Variety - Black Bakkara. This species is very fond of real connoisseurs of roses. In this case, the main highlight is the color scheme. In the open state, the bud is very dark, but still there is a pronounced burgundy on the petals. And when the bud is tightly compressed, it seems almost black.

Beautiful flowers of roses

Variety - Focus. Another variety that is very popular among gardeners. The main feature of the rose is the almost complete absence of spikes. I want to say separately about the bud. Its petals are an ideal combination of juicy burgundy and bright yellow shade. The plant tolerates a lack of moisture well, and therefore after cutting it will calmly remain fresh at least 7 days. And this is without special conditions.

A photo-
Beautiful flowers of roses

If you like a more calm color scheme, then feel free to choose Variety Red diadem. It has medium -sized buds, but on one stem there is a little more than usual. And this feature compensates for slightly smaller sizes. Red diadem is actively and quickly grows, because in a short period you can get a lot of young animals.

Beautiful flowers of roses

Variety - Amber Carpet. In common people, these roses are very often called apricot. Such associations in people cause the color of buds. Not a particularly whimsical plant, tolerating a lack of moisture and sun. This feature allows you to grow roses in containers in half -closed rooms, on loggias, balconies.

Beautiful flowers of roses

Variety - Agnes Shilliger. A very interesting rose with a fluffy bud. The flower exudes a very beautiful aroma. In cool times, it is fruit, and with the onset of heat it is diluted with sweet notes of oriental spices. If you cover the root system well, the plant will decorate the garden with its flowering until the first frosts.

Beautiful flowers in the morning: Names, photo

In the morning, all the flowers are beautiful, but some especially. You will now take them away.

Beautiful flowers in the morning:

Beautiful flowers in the morning

Crocus A close relative of the world famous Sharn. The color scheme of the crocus is very rich. Depending on the variety, it can be snow -white, white, pink, purple, or combined. In the afternoon, the crocus bud is completely open, but closer to the night the petals always close.

Beautiful flowers in the morning

Plusmaria -The birthplace of this magical plant is Latin America, but at the moment it can be found in India and South Asian countries. In addition to beautiful color, plumeria is endowed with a beautiful aroma. It is simultaneously refreshing, citrus, sweet, with notes of caramel and jasmine. Challenge are not true?

Beautiful flowers in the morning

Lotus - A symbol of purity, spiritual beauty, harmony and perfection. In ancient times, he was considered a sacred plant and treated it as respectfully as possible. Only in exceptional cases, natural beauty could be cut off. It was allowed to use it only when conducting sacred rites. Now the lotus is not so revered, only Buddhists belong to it with reverence.

Beautiful flowers in the morning

Aquilegia - A very bright and beautiful flower. The first mentioning the plant are dated to the 17th century. It was grown in all corners of our planet, and most often used to decorate the garden. But in the 18th century, people learned that the petals of the plants are very fragrant, and began to use them for the preparation of teas. It was believed that such a drink makes a person more strong, hardy, confident.

Beautiful flowers in the morning

Ixor - Flowers that can delight a person’s eye for a long period. In heat climate, such a plant can bloom up to 7 times per season. In such a country as India, it blooms almost all the time, only sometimes falling asleep to restore strength. True, without fluffy buds, the shrub remains beautiful. It belongs to evergreen plants, and therefore completely never fades.

Beautiful flowers in the morning

What do you say about such a fluffy miracle? it callestemon. Of course, in our understanding, not very similar to flowers. But in fact, they are. Callestemon is an evergreen shrub that grows in the arid regions of Australia. Nature took care that the plants of the plant could adapt to the environment and make them such a bizarre shape. It is she who helps the buds to retain moisture and always remain beautiful.

Beautiful flowers in the morning

Beauty of anemon - She looks great at any time of the day, but it is in the morning that is especially good. Few gardeners know how the name of such a bright plant is translated. Its translation into Russian sounds like "Daughter of the Winds". So called Anemone in antiquity. And all due to the fact that even with the slightest blowing of a light breeze, the bud spells began to tremble. If a lot of flowers on the site were planted, then visually this process looked very colorful.

Beautiful flowers in the morning

Middlemist red - A very rare flower that for a long period cannot be propagated. He is so whimsical in leaving that no one is able to germinate his seeds. At the moment, only two copies of such beauty are left, and they are guarded as the most expensive jewelry in the world. One copy is located in a private greenhouse, the other in the garden of the Queen of Great Britain.

Beautiful flowers in the morning

Wisteria -the beauty of these colors is difficult to describe in words. In reality, they look so fantastic that it is difficult to believe in their existence. But this beauty is quite real, it can be found in America and Asia. There, a shrub, in the form of vines in colors, is used in landscape design. People grow huge gardens of such beauty to attract tourists. Wisteria can be white, pink, peach and purple.

Beautiful flowers in the morning

Camellia- A beautiful flower that is used both in cooking and in gardening. The flowering plant is used as a garden decoration, and when the bud begins to fade, it is cut off, dried in a special way, and used to make tea. The homeland of Camellia is Japan. The Japanese love this flower and consider it a symbol of simplicity and reunion with nature.

Beautiful Russian flowers: names, photo

Beautiful Russian flowers:

Beautiful Russian flowers

This type of garden plants stands out against the background of the rest with a very interesting shape of the flower. It is not entirely standard - one voluminous bulging yellow petal is framed in a bright crown of long and narrow petals. All this does ladies' slippers A very unique plant.

Beautiful Russian flowers

You probably learned popular in Russia pansies. Gardeners love this not very large plant for a beautiful combination of flowers on the petals. In healthy plants, the bud is always tricolor, and this is what distinguishes pansies from the rest of the representatives of this species. Another significant plus - the plant tolerates low temperatures well.

Beautiful Russian flowers

Well, what about without stepproke, these plants in Russia are found everywhere. In order for this delicate flower to grow as beautiful and spectacular as possible, it needs moisture. And the more, the better. It is for this reason that in the wild, forget -me -nots choose wet soils for their habitat. They can be found near reservoirs - lakes and streams. There is also a swamp forget -me -not, which perfectly feels at 100% humidity.

Beautiful Russian flowers

Little -leaved marigolds -another beautiful flower that has taken root well in Russia. These bright representatives of the flora look great in personal plots. The birthplace of the usual plant is considered to be America. But in the 18th century, the Spaniards bought seeds of marigolds, and already from Spain it got to Russia. The buds of this plant have a very rich color scheme-from bright yellow to dark brown.

Beautiful Russian flowers

Hyacinths - Beautiful, but very delicate flowers. They bloom very early, but unfortunately their inflorescences are very quickly faded. The breeders tried to extend the life of the flower, but so far they were not able to do this. Therefore, most often it can be seen planted in flower pots. Thus, it is possible to create more favorable conditions for growth, and at least a little extend flowering.

Beautiful Russian flowers

Kaluga - A plant that loves moisture very much. It has a Latin name - kalazos. Translated into Russian means a basket. But in Russia, the name Kaluga took root. And all because most often these bright inflorescences spread out on marshy soils. That is why in some places of growth, ordinary people call the plant frog.

Beautiful Russian flowers

Broken heart - An original plant captivating from the first seconds. It has another interesting name - the heart is magnificent.And this plant is really great. If you look closely at him, then you can understand that the petals of the bud is two -color. From the outside, they are almost always in pink gamut. Inside, they can have contrasting veins - white, yellow, turquoise.

Beautiful Russian flowers

Chamomile - A plant that is well familiar to absolutely all people living in the post -Soviet space. These white flowers can be seen almost everywhere - in flower beds, in gardens, on the sidelines of roads, in the fields. There are a large number of types of daisies, and they are all equally beautiful. But this flower is used not only for decorative purposes. Camomile medicinal is widely used in medicine.

Beautiful Russian flowers

Aster -A flower reminiscent of a pompom. Astra's color scheme of buds is so large that it is sometimes difficult to choose which variety you like more. But in addition to color, this plant also has a variety of buds. It can be voluminous and fluffy, it can be similar to similar to chamomile, just a little more flush.

Beautiful Russian flowers

Lily of the valley - The harbinger of the warm season. In Russia, he feels best in the European part of the country. He loves rich soils and enough moisture. The ideal place of growth is deciduous forests. True and in coniferous it is often found. The plant has protection, and therefore it is prohibited to tear it in large quantities.

Beautiful flowers of the world: Names, photo

Our world is multifaceted and able to surprise us endlessly. See how many interesting and beautiful colors exists on our planet.

Beautiful flowers of the world:

Beautiful Russian flowers

Lily has another folk name - Tsarist curls. And they call her so for nothing. This flower is very beautiful and perfect. About 16 varieties of lilies have taken root in Russia. True, they all require the most careful care. Most often, for breeding, gardeners choose finished onions, since it is difficult to grow a flower from seeds. Although, for example, in Germany there are varieties that can even winter without much insulation. But in the climate of Russia, this, unfortunately, is impossible.

Beautiful flowers of the world

A flower that all people are associated with a bump. This bump is called - ginger hive. And all because the petals of the plant are natural bowls filled with liquid, which issues a ginger aroma. Periodically, brighter paired petals germinate from these bowls. And then it seems visually that the bump was surrounded by light moths.

Beautiful flowers of the world

This delicate and air flower is called ghostly orchid. It is attributed to very rare species of plants on the verge of disappearance. And therefore, in the places of the growth of the orchid (in the Bahamas, Cuba and in the USA of Florida), it is forbidden to tear it off, damage and touch it. People do everything to preserve this beauty for future generations.

Beautiful flowers of the world

This beauty will grow in the vastness of Asia and America. They call it there Starstomt. As you can see, the plant has not only a name, but also a very interesting and original coloring, and the shape of the petals. The flower attracts hummingbirds, and therefore local residents lead tourists to it so that they can admire them.

Beautiful flowers of the world

This is a beautiful plant, something similar to a rose, has a name durman.You can see this flower live in Europe and Asia. But let you not exchange its sophistication and tenderness. The petals of this miracle of nature are filled with toxic substances. Therefore, contact with them can lead to poisoning of the body, and as a result, the appearance of hallucinations. If a person is making a petal, then it may even die.

Beautiful flowers of the world

Leoceperum Katerina. This bright and beautiful flower has very delicate petals. They are filled with sweet and very aromatic juice. And that is why small rodents and insects like to enjoy them. Therefore, in nature, you can meet Leokospreim in perfect condition only after a strong drought or fire, when all the pests will die.

Beautiful flowers of the world

Banxia Proteus - This fantastic plant is a symbol of Australia. And despite the fact that it grows in arid regions, it looks great. Moreover, it is a honey plant that gives food to bees. Another feature of the plant is the propagation method - a dense box opens only when the flame of fire is exposed to it.

Beautiful flowers of the world

Neventes- At the same time a beautiful and terrible plant. Its brightness is a kind of bait for insects. The flower exudes the aroma that really likes insects, and thanks to the bright color, they see it from a rather impressive distance. But as soon as the insect sits on a kind of bud, it gripes slightly and swallows the prey. If the plant is very large, it can swallow the frog or mouse.

Beautiful flowers of the world

Tulips They grow everywhere. And we do not consider them very beautiful. But in fact, in nature there are varieties that are really able to surprise. In the Netherlands, such a rainbow variety was brought out, and huge fields are planted by them. Visually, such a tulip field looks like a canvas of an artist, from whom it is impossible to take a look.

Beautiful flowers of the world

This flower has two official names - black cosmia and chocolate space. The latter suits him very much. The plant emits a pronounced smell of chocolate. Moreover, the more the inflorescence is revealed, the brighter the aroma is felt. The bud itself is also very interesting. In certain lighting, it may seem almost black or dark chocolate. Although closely replacing burgundy notes.

The most beautiful bouquets of flowers in the world: photo

As you probably have already seen, all the flowers are beautiful! Regardless of the color, size of the bud and the height of the stem, absolutely all the creations of nature have their own zest, which distinguishes them from the rest.

Beautiful bouquet of roses of the Juliet variety

As for the most beautiful bouquet in the world, they are considered a composition from roses of the Juliet variety. This bouquet is not only gentle and beautiful, but composed of the most expensive colors on the planet. If you want to present such a gift to a loved one, then you will have to spend on him from 11 to 16 million dollars. The price will depend on the size of the buds.

What is the uniqueness of these colors? They know how to change their color as the bud dissolves. The cream-colored rose will gradually pink, and when it is completely revealed, it becomes dark pink. All this beauty is complemented by a very beautiful aroma. But besides this, an undeniably beautiful bouquet, there are other, no less beautiful. And now we will introduce you to them.

The most beautiful bouquets of flowers in the world:

A beautiful bouquet of flowers
A beautiful bouquet of flowers
A beautiful bouquet of flowers
A beautiful bouquet of flowers
A beautiful bouquet of flowers

The most beautiful home flower in the world: photo

Indoor plants are also very beautiful, and are not inferior in attractiveness to plants growing in wild conditions. But still the most beautiful home flower, in our modest opinion, can be called poinsettia. Another name for this beautiful flower - christmas star. Photos of this beauty can be seen below.

Christmas star

This flower is from Central America. There he grows in wild conditions. And with a sufficient amount of moisture, reaches huge sizes. Our plant is a indoor flower, and most often it is chosen as a color accent in the design of the room. Bright inflorescences of the plant stand out well against any background.

And finally, a few more beautiful home flowers:

Beautiful indoor flower

Gloxinia - One of the most popular indoor plants that does not require close attention.

Beautiful indoor flower

Bugenville - A plant that will help make any interior cozy and warm.

Beautiful indoor flower

Even cactus It may be beautiful if you care for it correctly. Such a room flower will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

Video: The most beautiful flowers in the world

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