How to save cut irises in a vase in water longer? How much can the irises in the water stand fresh?

How to save cut irises in a vase in water longer? How much can the irises in the water stand fresh?

Seven tips that will help to save irises in a vase for a whole week, and possibly ten days.

At the end of May and early June, they bloom in the flower beds irises, they amaze the imagination with a variety of their juicy colors and shades. It is interesting that the irises received their name on behalf of the goddess Irideswhich the ancient Greeks revered as the goddess of the rainbow.

Irises of all colors of rainbow
Irises of all colors of rainbow

The irises of the flowers are very delicate, they quickly die under the scorching sun and if you tear off a flower with a short stem, it will endure very quickly, literally for half an hour. Therefore, the questions how much the irises in the water can stand fresh and how to save cut irises in a vase in the water longer seem relevant. However, do not worry, feel free to collect a bouquet of irises to decorate them with a house or give it to relatives and acquaintances.

In the room, irises live even longer than in a flowerbed. And to the question of how to save the cut irises in a vase in the water longer, we will answer in our article. If you cut the right flowers and care for them correctly, then a bouquet of irises will be able to stand in a vase for 7-10 days.

How much can the irises in the water stand fresh?

There is no universal period that determines how much the irises in the water can stand in the water. But with confidence we can say that a separate bloomed irisa flower fades in just 3 days.

And therefore, if you find fresh flowers, then they will definitely please you from 3 to 5 days. It turns out that the bouquet pleases with beauty up to 10 days, you need to choose the stems with yet unwinded buds.

For a bouquet, stems with still closed buds are better
For a bouquet, stems with still closed buds are better

How to save cut irises in a vase longer?

How to save cut irises in a vase longer:

  • Council 1: Choose the stems of the irises on which the first bud was blossomed.

The second is a very important point regarding how to save the cut irises in a vase longer is the amount of water in a vase. Water should not be more than 5 centimeters. The fact is that the stalks of irises have an unpleasant ability to rot in water, and in order to avoid this, use its minimum amount.

  • Tip 2: Water in a vase with irises should be only 3-5 cm.

The irises love cold, and even, being cut off, in the room they will bloom longer than on a flowerbed under the scorching sun.

  • Tip 3: Choose the cool part of the room to put a vase with irises. Do not put flowers under the scorching direct sunlight.
In the room, irises bloom longer than on a flowerbed
In the room, irises bloom longer than on a flowerbed

Another important point, on which it depends on how much the irises in the water can stand fresh, the removal of the lower leaves from the stem. These leaves should in no case be in water. The leaves are torn with their hands, neat movements, which are directed in the opposite direction from the direction of the growth of the leaves. Do not use scissors or knife for these purposes.

  • Tip 4: Gently cut off the lower leaves with your hands.

The florists, talking about how to save the cut irises in a vase longer, advise not to forget to change the water and wash the vase thoroughly.

  • Tip 5: Change the water and wash the vase every 2-3 days, so you will save your irises longer.
Irises at the plant exhibition
Irises at the plant exhibition

It is better to cut the stalks of irises at an angle. And to do this preferably with a sharp knife, and not with scissors or a secateur.

  • Tip 6: Changing water, cut the stems of irises. Do this with a sharp knife at an angle of 45 degrees.

Water for flowers placed in a vase should be defended throughout the day, so that they are better preserved.

  • Tip 7: In order for the irises to be preserved in a vase longer, use the defended, and even better mineral water.

Video: Florist's advice, how to save flowers in a vase longer

Beautiful bouquet with irises: ideas, photo

We bring to your attention two options for compiling beautiful bouquets and irises. Below you will find step-by-step master classes and tips.

  • Yellow-violet bouquet with irises and bush roses

It is believed that for an interesting floristic composition you need at least three types of colors. A bouquet with irises from our example is relatively budget, but, despite this, interesting, gentle and spring. To create it, they are used:

  • Small chrysanthemum Santini.
  • Bush rose with small flowers.
  • Blue Magic varieties (Blue Medzhik).
Bouquet with irises, bush roses and chrysanthemums
Bouquet with irises, bush roses and chrysanthemums

First, you should make the basis of the bouquet of twigs chrysanthemums. It is better to cut off the leaves on chrysanthemums only at the very bottom, where the stems will be in contact with water. Tips on how to save cut irises in a vase in water longer are suitable for chrysanthemums. It is believed that in a good bouquet, all flowers should fade at the same time. We leave the upper greens on chrysanthemums, since we need it to give volume to the bouquet.

We collect chrysanthemum twigs, clasping their hands around the middle of the stem. So we get a bouquet of medium splendor. In the language of florists, this is called "Making the Middle Spiral."

We create the basis of a bouquet with irises from chrysanthemums
We create the basis of a bouquet with irises from chrysanthemums

After chrysanthemum add small to the bouquet bush roses. Roses for our composition are more suitable, because the bouquet should turn out to be gentle and spring. We try to arrange roses evenly so that there are approximately the same amount from any side of the bouquet.

Add rose to the bouquet
Add rose to the bouquet

Irises They must become the final note of our bouquet. We insert them where there is emptiness in the bouquet. We try to make the irises evenly distribute throughout the circle.

Add irises to the bouquet
Add irises to the bouquet

If desired, the bouquet can be supplemented with some kind of delicate herbs or green berries hipericum (St. John's wort).

Video: Compilation of a bouquet with irises

  • Drawing up a spring bouquet with irises and tulips

Another delicate bouquet with irises from the same florist. This time the bouquet will be in white and purple tones. And it will include:

  • White bush roses.
  • Tulips of the White Marvel varieties (White Marvel).
  • Irises Blue Medzhik.

We start by creating the basis of the bouquet and setting its future form, using bush rose. We cut off the leaves from the twigs only at the very bottom, it is necessary to preserve the cut irises in a vase in water longer. We need the rest of the foliage to give the bouquet the volume. We capture the roses with our hand in the lower third of the stems, so we will create a fairly large volume that our bouquet needs.

We create the basis of a bouquet with irises from white bush roses
We create the basis of a bouquet with irises from white bush roses

After roses, the bouquet is added tulips. In our example, they are variety White MarvelWhat is translated means "white desert." If there are damaged leaves on tulips, carefully break them with our hands.

It is interesting that the tulip - this is a flower that grows in water. Try to consider this when you make up a bouquet, and put the tulips a little lower than the place where you would like to see them.

Our bouquet is tender and spring. Therefore, choosing between roses and tulips, we give the main role to the tulips, which means that we put them a little higher than the rose.

Add white tulips to roses
Add white tulips to roses

Add the last to the bouquet irises. We distribute them evenly. In order for the irises to be preserved in a vase longer, we cut off the lower leaves, make oblique sections on the stems and do not pour a lot of water into the vase.

Bouquet with irises
Bouquet with irises

Video: How to make a spring bouquet with irises, tulips and bush roses?

How to create a bouquet with irises of an unusual shape?

You already know how to save cut irises in a vase in water longer. But, do you know that bouquets with irises can be very unusual forms?

If you want to create an original, fantasy composition with irises, use wire frames. For example, make up bouquet in the form of a fanAs Florist did in our next master class.

Bouquet on a wire frame in the form of a fan
Bouquet on a wire frame in the form of a fan

In flower arrangements, birch branches and grass with "panicles", painted with paint in a variety of colors, look great.

Video: Bouquet in the form of a fan

Bouquet on the frame, which in shape resembles umbrella - Another unusual, fantasy work of design art. Romantic lilac dry grass, surrounds flowers with a delicate haze. And to save the cut irises in a vase in the water longer, it will turn out with a bouquet of this shape, because all the stems of colors converge together and tightly adjoin each other.

Creating a bouquet in the form of an umbrella
Creating a bouquet in the form of an umbrella

Flowers for creating a composition can be very different. In the video, these are exquisite orchids and roses. But we think that more common lilies and irises would also look good in a bouquet-zont.

Video: How to make a bouquet-zontic?

You may be interested in our other articles:

Video: composition with birch branches and irises

Video: Tips for growing irises, how to correctly cut and store flowers

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