How to care for tulips in a vase in order to save them the longest: tips. In what water, what temperature is it better to put cut tulips, and what needs to be added to the water for tulips so that they stood longer? How often to change water in tulips?

How to care for tulips in a vase in order to save them the longest: tips. In what water, what temperature is it better to put cut tulips, and what needs to be added to the water for tulips so that they stood longer? How often to change water in tulips?

The article includes practical tips that will allow you to extend the life of tulips cut for the bouquet.

How to care for tulips in a vase in order to save them the longest: tips

The first thing you should remember: tulips are spring flowers. It is this fact that determines further care of them.

To maintain the freshness of the bouquet as long as possible, adhere to the tips:

  1. How to unpack a bouquet correctly
  • Remove the plastic packaging immediately when buying. So you check the freshness of the flowers. Ideal packaging for tulips is paper.
  • Tulips are quite tender and poorly tolerate sharp temperature fluctuations. Ideally, the bouquet should rest for 40-60 minutes, after you brought it to a warm room.
  • Before putting the bouquet in the water, remove the white -fed (dead) part of the stem or update the cut on the stems, remove the extra leaves. The cut is updated with a sharp knife (not scissors). The slice must be done under water to prevent the clogging of transport vessels of the stem with air bubbles. You need to update the cut every day.
  • It is better to remove packaging from flowers after they stand in water for 40-60 minutes. This will save the stems perfectly even.
  • It is better to put a bouquet in a cool shaded place without drafts. At night, a vase with flowers can be taken out onto the balcony.
In the photo on the left, you can see correctly peeled stalks of flowers
In the photo on the left, you can see correctly peeled stalks of flowers
  1. Water for the bouquet
  • River, rain, tap (after defending). You can not use filtered or bottled water!
  • Water for tulips should not just be cold, but very cold! Cubes of ice added to the water will not hurt your flowers at all. Do not forget, for spring colors, a temperature of 4 to 6 ° C is considered comfortable.
  • The amount of water in a vase: the maximum permissible, which is called "to the edges." During the day, water in a vase with flowers will have to be added, and even better, add in the form of ice.
  • Water should be changed once every 2 days, better in the morning. Before replacing water, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the vase from the inside and rinse the stems of the colors.
  1. What to add to the water for power:
  • sugar, at the rate of 20-30 g per 1 liter of water.
  1. What to add to the water to prevent the occurrence of putrefactive processes for 1 liter of water: sodium salt - 0.2 g and potassium chloride - 0.3 g. You can also add several tablets of activated coal or a piece of wood to the water.
Tulip antigns (6 pcs.): Their removal can extend the life of a cut flower
Tulip antigns (6 pcs.): Their removal can extend the life of a cut flower
  1. What flowers cannot be put in one vase with a bouquet of tulips:
  • sweet pea,
  • hyacinths,
  • lilies,
  • daffodils,
  • poppies,
  • lilies of the valley (only mono -butter tolerate well),
  • mignonette,
  • primroses,
  • orchids,
  • roses.
  1. Which plant is recommended to put in one vase with a bouquet of tulips:
  • branch of the cypress or thuja.
The cypress branch in a vase not only improves the general condition of cut tulips, but also makes the color of the petals brighter
Cypress: a branch of the cypress in a vase not only improves the general condition of cut tulips, but also makes the color of the petals brighter
  1. Other secrets:
  • never put a bouquet next to ripe fruits or vegetables,
  • sometimes, to slow down the process of losing petals in the open colors, anthers are removed.

In what water, what temperature is it better to put cut tulips: warm or cold?

A fresh bouquet is put only in cold water (t-4-6 ° C).

A bouquet is put in warm water, which requires a kind of restorative complex:

  • the stems of wilted flowers are cut;
  • flowers are wrapped in thick paper to level the stem;
  • they put together with paper in warm water (temperature - just above room). In this case, the flower head should be above the water;
  • after 1 hour, the water is changed to cold. A light source is installed above the bouquet, for example, an electric lamp. Leave flowers under artificial lighting for 2-3 hours. This will help flower heads up up.

What needs to be added to the water for tulips so that they stand longer?

Each bouquet has its own nutrient mixture. Tulips love water with the addition

  • sugar (20-30 g per 1 liter of water),
  • ordinary table salt (0.2 g per 1 liter of water),
  • potassium chloride (0.3 g per 1 liter of water).

The addition of activated coal tablets or a small piece of ordinary charcoal to the water is very good in tulips.

Transforms flowers neighborhood with a toury twig.

The unfading composition of tulips is a floral trend
The unfading composition of tulips is a floral trend

Do I need to cut tulips in a vase, after buying?

Necessarily! The height of each new trim is 1.5-2 cm. Focus on the whitewashed part of the stem-it must be removed completely.

How often to change water in tulips?

Water in a vase is changed once every 2 days.

How much are cut tulips in water?

With proper care: from 3 to 5 days.

Important: yellow tulips in the bouquet last longer.

Tulips love sugar, cold or warm?

Tulips love sweet cold water. In addition, the air temperature is very comfortable for them within 4-6 ° C.

Can you put tulips with bulbs in water?

Yes, you can. But the bulbs must be thoroughly and gently washed. Put pebbles or balls of hydrogel on the bottom of the vase. Little height: 5-10 cm. Gently pour water on ¾ layer. Install tulips.

Please note: the vase in this case should be quite high.

Video: We save the life of flowers | Tulips

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