Diet on the water for the lazy. Slimming menu for a week, vitamin complex

Diet on the water for the lazy. Slimming menu for a week, vitamin complex

The simplest diet for the lazy. How to lose weight on the water. Diet without refusing the usual nutrition.

“Diet” is the word associated with us with determination, willpower, victories and achievements. But what if we do not want to change the usual rhythm of power, diet and daily routine? In this case, there is an option, which is called - a diet for the lazy. Or diet on water. She will require you to a minimum of effort.

Your body asks to drink

Dr. Fereyidun Batmanghelije became famous for trying to treat almost all diseases with the help water. And although this method does not have a medical basis, it can be noted. Not for treatment, but for a diet.

  • His idea is as follows. Hunger center and thirst center in our brain Located very close. Therefore, often, when it seems to us that we want to eat, in fact we need only a couple of glasses water. But we do not realize this report
  • At the same time, modern life saturated with stress distracts us from thoughts about our body. The body signals us: "I need water!" “But we just don't hear this
  • You could notice that after sitting for three hours at a computer or TV, we can never go to the toilet and want to drink. The abundance of information distracts us from the signals of our body
  • If you felt that you began to gain weight, or you have worsened exchange processes, it's time to listen to your body

Diet on the water: how to become slimmer in one week?

Diet on water is a special mode of eating and water. It cannot be used for too long. The optimal period is one week. Usually during this time people manage to throw off from 3 to 18 kilograms. But do not expect one hundred percent miraculous results from her.

Only those whose body really “asking for drinking” can be free from extra pounds with the help of this system. If you do not have this problem, then the results will be modest. Again, you cannot drop a lot if your weight is given to you by nature and optimal from a medical point of view. Diet on water It does not help to “touch” to the state of the model from the catwalk. They just bring your body to the optimal state.

To whom she comes up:

  • if you want to support the results achieved with other diets
  • if you plan to lose weight, but are not yet ready for radical changes in your diet
  • if you want to cleanse your body of toxins and toxins accumulated, for example, while taking some drugs

Who should not use a diet for the lazy in the water?

The diet is contraindicated to everyone who needs to limit fluid intake. For example, if you suffer swelling. Be sure to consult a doctor if you have any problems with the genitourinary system or kidneys. The lazy diet is not suitable hypertension.

Pregnant women Also, do not experiment with your weight and health. Adhere to the drinking regime prescribed by the doctor. If you feed the child with breasts, do not abuse this diet. Excessive water consumption can do milk liquid.

  • At the same time, even being completely healthy, do not use this diet for more than a month. Many medical systems and power systems do not approve of a lazy diet
  • For example, the famous popularizer of official science Asya Kazantseva claims that diets act only on those who are ready to improve their lifestyle. That is, a diet cannot be lazy by definition
  • And the system of Indian medicine Ayurveda prohibits drinking water before eating. It is believed that food in our stomach is burned in the digestive fire of Agni. Water can make it out. Then the food will not be digested and will not be assigned properly

Day mode for a week for a diet on the water

So, what drinking mode is needed for a lazy diet? The scheme is simple: every time before eating, you need to drink 2-3 cups water. You need to do this in 20-30 minutes for meals. After that, you can eat everything that you usually eat.

Water You need to drink slowly, in small sips. Then she will fill stomach And it will give a partial feeling of satiety. During the subsequent meal, you will no longer be able to eat a lot. Another feature is that during eating and after two hours you cannot drink.

The diet should be something like that

  1. After the alarm clock, drink a glass or two warm still water. This will arouse your digestion
  2. Breakfast. Twenty minutes before it, drink 200 ml of water. It may be that waterthat you drank after waking up. Then eat your usual breakfast. It would be ideal to saturate this meal with complex carbohydrates. It can be any porridge, preferably - on water. This is your key energy all day. If you saturate the body with complex carbohydrates, then during the day it will demand less fast sugars from you. That is, the desire to eat a sweet buns or chocolate batonchik will pass by itself
  3. Lunch. In front of him, we drink 200-400 ml water. Eat what you are used to. If you follow the instructions from the previous paragraph, then the desire to eat will come in 2-3 hours. Now you can eat everything that we are used to counting breakfast. Simply put, squirrels: cottage cheese with berries, croutons with cheese, scrambled eggs with bacon
  4. Dinner. Before lunch, we drink 400 ml water. This meal most often makes us at work. Well, if you develop a habit of taking with you a full dinner From home or eat it in the dining room. Refuse pies from a neighboring kiosk with fast food, hastily brewed noodles of quick cooking, tea with sweets. Let it be a piece meat or fish with a vegetable side dish or soup(broth from the soup does not re -not derce the rule not to consume liquid while eating)
  5. Dinner. Now you need to drink 600 ml water. Only then eat our usual dinner

The charm of a lazy diet is that it does not forbid us luggling The moment of the day is in people. The only "but" is that before each bun or sandwich you need to drink a glass and wait 20-30 minutes. As a rule, the desire to "look" leaves after water.

Is it possible to drink tea, coffee and other drinks instead of water?

As the basis for a diet, you can take any clean non -carbonated water. It can be a filtered tap water, bottled, spring or any other, as which you are sure. You can add a slide lemon, orange or a couple of leaves mint. But so that the taste is not obsessive.

Try to abandon other drinks during this diet. Tea and coffeehave a diuretic effect, and our task is to saturate the body water. Compotes, morse and juices Not suitable due to sugar content. We may not guess how many extra pounds give us sweet drinks. Water The stomach leaves quickly, and we are hungry again. But sugar is deposited in the form of fat.

A complex of vitamins at a water diet for lazy

Since we eat during the lazy diet as usual, no additional vitamins, except for those that you already consume. There are more “tough” options for this diet for quick weight loss.

They prescribe to drink waterbut nothing at all. With this mode, vitamins and trace elements are quickly washed out of the body. Therefore, an additional vitamin complex with trace elements and unsaturated fatty acids omega is required - 3.
But this system is designed for 3 days. With proper nutrition and accepting the vitamin complex, after leaving the diet, problems should not arise.

Lazy diet: photo before and after

Diet for the lazy in the water: tips and reviews

Diet on water Many girls tried. Reviews say that, starting to change your diet with water, they, without noticing it, switched to more healthy diet. Here are some tips.

“I eat everything I want. I myself am surprised at the effect of water. I lost 6 kg. True, since then, for a month and a half, the weight has been holding at the same mark. It is probably time to switch to something else. ”

“I went through this technique, and now I know. The weight is greatly reduced in the first month. Then for two months there is no progress. Then it all starts again. ”

“You can drop a lot if your initial weight is very large. Scarreys who have only a couple of extra pounds will fight them for a very long time. Good luck!"

“Girls, don't boil water For this diet! When boiling, its water-salt balance changes. Salt will be removed with the liquid, and boiled water Do not make up for their deficiency! "

Video: Water diet for the lazy

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Comments K. article

  1. I am also sitting on a diet, but I am ready to give up, since I have bloating, after eating. And it bothers me very much.

  2. Olga, no need to give up. You can take some means to take bloating. For example, I accept Orlix. So TTT I am now and diet in joy. So take a note.

  3. Interestingly, and a hundred still remedies about which Arina writes tried?

  4. Julia, I also accept Orlix if I sit on a diet. I have because of cabbage, garlic, onion, bloating happens. In ordinary life, I do not eat them, but in the diet of many diets, cabbage enters, so I am saved by these pills, I accept them and there is no bloating.

  5. People have different concepts about breakfast, lunch and dinner). I personally started a day with sandwiches and your 2 glasses of water would not help remove extra calories in the diet. Losing weight is standard for me: training, calculation of high -risk, reduction of carbohydrates. In order not to break into prohibited products, I accept the turboslim neuro, helps.

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