15 options for a snack without harm to the figure. What can be eaten without harm to the figure?

15 options for a snack without harm to the figure. What can be eaten without harm to the figure?

Recipes for making dietary dishes to improve the figure. Options for light snacks at work and at home are considered.

Almost any work, especially in the office, is associated with stressful situations. Many workers “seize” depression with high -calorie products. Usually these are simple carbohydrates: rolls, sweets and chocolate. There are few benefits from such products, in addition, they lead to the appearance of extra pounds. What to eat so as not to recover?

Products without harm to the figure

The most interesting thing is that it is not necessary to abandon your favorite sweets. Scientists have proven that thanks to the presence in the cocoa bobs of theobromine and caffeine, you will quickly cope with stress. Only one piece of chocolate is enough to improve the mood. There is even a chocolate diet, whose fans are models. They rarely can afford sweets.

Useful products include:

  • Dried fruits. They contain a lot of fructose, so they smoothly increase blood sugar. This contributes to a long feeling of satiety. In order to get rid of hunger, eat 2-3 dried apricots or prunes
  • Dairy. This is especially true for kefir and cottage cheese. Be careful with hard cheese, because 100 g of this product contains 40-60% fat. Drink milk no more than 0.5 liters per day, best fat -free. This product causes fermentation in the intestines and can cause dysbiosis or skin rashes
  • Seafood. AT They contain unsaturated fatty acids. They take part in metabolic processes and help improve the body's resistance to viruses and infections
  • Bananas. This is the source of the hormone of happiness - serotonin. Do not abuse, this is a fairly high -calorie fruit
  • Low -fat meat and offal. Eat chicken without skin and low -fat offal. You can eat chicken liver and stomachs

Snacks at work without harm to the figure

Typically, at work, they have a snack with sandwiches and fast food. This should not be done categorically. And, most importantly, do not drink Coca-Cola, sweet tea, coffee and milk cocktail. These are liquid carbohydrates with which you quietly saturate the body. Throw the snacks too into the garbage.

Safe list of snacks:

  • Cottage cheese. You can buy a children's sweet cheese. Do not buy desserts with chocolate filler or jam. Such additives increase the calorie content of food. It is best to eat low -fat cottage cheese
  • Yogurt. It is best if you can cook it at home yourself. Get bacterial leaven and use the thermos or yogurt. Sugar can not be added. If desired, sweeten a spoon of honey
  • Fruit. You can eat any fruits except grapes. Give preference to citrus and apples
  • Dry fruits, marmalade and marshmallows. These products can be safely attributed to low -calorie sweets
  • Whole -grain bread sandwich With red fish. Cereals are a source of complex carbohydrates that contribute to a prolonged feeling of satiety. There are many useful fats in fish. You can’t smear bread with oil, use soft cheese or cottage cheese
  • Muesli. This is also a source of complex carbohydrates. Buy muesli with nuts and dried fruits

How to eat in the evening without harm to the figure?

Do not go to bed on an empty stomach. You will wake up at 3 a.m. from hunger and go to the refrigerator. To prevent this, have dinner 3 hours before bedtime. Dinner should be easy. Here are a few options for a good dinner:

  • Cottage cheese casserole
  • Boiled fish with salad
  • Baked chicken breast with cabbage
  • Curd dessert
  • Fruit salad with yogurt

As you can see, in the list of products is not side dishes, that is, rice, potatoes and pasta. These are simple carbohydrates that will lead to the appearance of a “rescue” circle at the waist.

Fish and chicken breast belong to protein products that break down for a long time and spend a large amount of energy for processing.

Than to eat after dinner:

  • A glass of kefir
  • Apple
  • Banana
  • A handful of berries
  • Boiled beets
  • Orange
  • You can make a cabbage salad with a drop of olive oil

What to eat at night without harm to the figure?

At night, the body should rest, respectively, no food at night. But, if you regularly wake up in the middle of the night, and you want to eat terribly, there is a way out:

  • Be sure to have breakfast. Night festivities in the kitchen are provoked by a lack of food that you ate during the day. Start morning with oatmeal or egg omelet with salad. In no case do not refuse breakfast
  • At lunch, eat the soup and the second. It is best if porridge is on the side dish
  • Dinner should be low -calorie and consist of fruits, vegetables and protein products
  • Founding correctly and without missing meals during the day, you will wash off to forget about the nightly hunger

While your body gets used to the new regime, you will still wake up for a while at night.

In order not to gain excess weight, eat such products

  • Kefir, low -fat cottage cheese
  • Warm tea with honey
  • A piece of boiled chicken without a skin
  • Apple
  • Almonds, kuraga, prunes
  • Be sure to drink a glass of water
  • Omlet from proteins with bell pepper and tomatoes

How is it sweet without harm to the figure?

Remember, the main thing is the time in which you use sweets. Chocolate, sweets and cakes must be eaten in the morning. This is the main rule. But do not fight with handfuls of sweets and biscuits. No more than 70-100 g of cake and a couple of chocolate sweets are allowed.

Pay attention to the composition of sweets. If you think that the sugar substitute promotes weight loss, then you are mistaken. After eating such products, you risk getting diabetes and autoimmune disease.

Allowed in the morning

  • Sephir
  • Marmelad
  • Paste
  • Ledes, caramel
  • bitter chocolate
  • Walnut sweets

Baking recipes without harm to the figure

Want to cook tea, but afraid to get better? Cook delicious and healthy recipes.

Ducan cottage cheese dessert

  • Take 200 g of low -fat cottage cheese and send it to the blender
  • Pour a little fructose instead of sugar
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of oat bran with an egg and a tablespoon of milk
  • Put the dough in the cupcakes, and lay the cottage cheese on top of the dough
  • Bake for 20 minutes

Dietary oatmeal cookies

  • Take a glass of oatmeal "Hercules" and pour them 200 ml of kefir
  • Let the mass stand for 1 hour
  • Grate 3 apples on grater, juice
  • Add apples and a teaspoon of cottage cheese to the oatmeal mixture
  • Cover the baking sheet and put the cookies with your wet hands
  • Bake for 20 minutes

Pancakes from bran

  • Mix 2 eggs and 50 ml of milk in the vessel
  • Add a spoon of sugar or fructose
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of flour
  • Stir and fry in a pan, greased with oil

Cheesecakes without harm to the figure

Cheesons are a delicious and favorite breakfast. This is a great option if you want to keep the figure.

Recipe for dietary cheesecakes:

  • Grind half a glass of oatmeal in a blender
  • Mix 500 g of cottage cheese with 2 yolks and half crushed flakes
  • Beat the squirrels into a lush foam
  • Add 50 g of sugar and beat again
  • Add the proteins to the cheese weight and gently stir
  • Roll cheesecakes in the remaining oatmeal and put on a baking sheet
  • Bake for 20 minutes

This dish is low -calorie due to the lack of wheat flour and frying oil. You can supplement the dessert with tsukatas or raisins.

Curd casserole without harm to the figure

To prepare the dish, use low -fat cottage cheese. Here is a detailed recipe

  • Clean the apples of the core and cut into thin slices
  • Put apples on the bottom of the form so that there are no gaps
  • Pick a pack of cottage cheese with one egg and fructose
  • Put the curd mass on apples and bake 30 minutes
  • Casserole from cottage cheese and pumpkin
  • Grate the pumpkin and apples. Pumpkin need 400 g, apples 2 pcs
  • Mix 500 g of cottage cheese with 2 eggs and sugar
  • Add apples with pumpkin to the curd mixture
  • Put the mass in the mold and bake 30 minutes
  • Leave to cool in the oven

Desserts and sweets without harm to the figure

Surprisingly, in order to lose weight, it is not necessary to eat only lean and low -fat food. With the right selection of products, you can eat tasty and balanced.

The curd dessert is dietary

  • Pick 500 g of cottage cheese in a blender and 100 ml of kefir
  • Add fructose to the dairy mass
  • Soak a gelatin bag in cold water
  • After it swells, put the saucepan on the fire until the grain is completely dissolved
  • Pour the gelatin fluid into the curd mass
  • Add a banana and beat until smooth
  • Pour into cremes and put in the freezer for 2 hours

Caramel pumpkin

  • Cut the pumpkin with thin plates and put it tightly on a baking sheet
  • Mix cinnamon fructose
  • Sprinkle the pumpkin with cinnamon mixture
  • Sprinkle the mass with lemon juice
  • Bake for 30 minutes

Recipes without harm to the figure

Remember, your enemies are fat and simple carbohydrates. Therefore, exclude from the menu of a product of height and sugar flour. Replace these products with oatmeal, bran, linen seed and fructose. Here are a few delicious recipes that will help you lose weight.

Chicken soup

  • Pour chicken breast with cold water and bring to a boil
  • Remove the foam and add onions with carrots
  • Cook for 40 minutes
  • Add celery and broccoli cabbage
  • Cook until cooked, salt and add spices
  • Grind in a blender, serve with sour cream

Stuffed eggplant

  • Grind chicken breast in a blender
  • Add chopped champignons and tomatoes
  • Salt the mixture
  • Cut the eggplant along the two parts
  • Remove the middle with a spoon, you should get boats
  • Fly with minced eggplant and pour on top with natural yogurt with crushed garlic
  • Bake 40 minutes

You can eat tasty and right. Such food will help you lose weight and become healthier.

Video: Useful snacks at work

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Comments K. article

  1. How long has rice become a simple carbohydrate? It was always complicated, and it can eat it at least all day, but it is better of course at lunch. But to bite, and even after dinner, fruits, there are simple (!) Carbohydrates, this is generally a game! Fruits in the morning and until the evening is maximum. In the evening, protein and a minimum of complex carbohydrates. Here is the whole diet. Article nonsense.

  2. But what about various bars? There are among them with a very good composition, and with dried fruits, and with muesli, and even protein (the same Turboslymovsky). I am a student, there is almost no time for snacks, so useful bars for me are just salvation. Health benefits and figures :)

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