A delicious breakfast recipe: how to cook granol? Preparation of Batonchiki and Müshley Granolas - recipes

A delicious breakfast recipe: how to cook granol? Preparation of Batonchiki and Müshley Granolas - recipes

Granola is a hearty and useful breakfast known throughout the world. You can cook this dish in the form of flakes and bars easily at home.

Granola. Why is granol useful?

Granol is primarily SNEC (quick food or quick snack). It was invented in the United States for a healthy diet. Granola consists of several components:

  • cereals
  • nuts
  • raisin
  • dried fruits
  • rice
  • cocoa
  • honey
  • seeds

Only useful components are part of the granola. Prepare it in the oven. In order for the mass to acquire a crispy condition, it must be baked, mixing periodically. The finished granol is somewhat reminiscent of quick breakfasts. The advanced recipe allows you to make granola bars.

Useful bars from granola
useful bars from granola

Important: this food is very useful because it contains many vitamins and useful trace elements for the body.

Granola is not rarely taken on a campaign by tourists, as this is a fairly high -calorie snack on the road. It does not weigh much and it is very convenient to transport it.

The ingredients that make up the granola recipes are able to increase immunity and establish digestion. Granola goes well with dairy products and fresh fruits. Very often you can notice granola in desserts, replacing toppings and powder.

Yogurt with granola and blue
yogurt with granola and blue

Granola calorie depends on what ingredients it contains. So, oatmeal and honey are quite high -calorie, compared to dried fruits. When preparing the dish, you can adjust the number of components and this is one of its main advantages.

Important: if you count, then an average of 100 grams of finished product from granola has a calorie content of 400 kcal.

The benefits of Granola are more than obvious. The components that make up its compositions have a lot of advantages and have no disadvantages. The dish contains only the correct carbohydrates that are giving energy to a person, are not deposited by fat deposits.

Video: "Granola dietary dessert"

How to make a classic homemade granola: a recipe?

Homemade granola is baked muesli. Such a dish will be an excellent energy breakfast and a snack when you sharply want something sweet. For the preparation of classic granola, the ingredients will be needed:

  • mugley or oatmeal
  • sunflower seeds
  • pumpkin seeds
  • sesame seeds
  • flax seeds
  • nuts (to taste and capabilities: walnuts, almonds, rachis, pistachi)
  • honey
  • apple juice (freshly squeezed, you can replace mashed potatoes)
  • vegetable oil
  • cinnamon
Classic home recipe
classic home recipe
  1. For preparation, you need the most ordinary flakes that are designed to cook oatmeal
  2. Nuts (to choose from) must be chopped into smaller parts
  3. The consistency should be one -dimensional
  4. Mix in dishes flakes with nuts and seeds
  5. Cut dried fruits (any) with the same small pieces as nuts
  6. Add dried fruits to the total mass
  7. Prepare the fire sauce for granola: in the stewpan you need to mix and warm up honey with apple juice. Add a little vegetable oil and a pinch of sea salt to the sauce and cinnamon
  8. Seed a mixture of flakes with the resulting sauce
  9. Parchment paper is lined on the oven
  10. Put the granola in an even layer
  11. The oven should be heated no more than 160 degrees
  12. Bake granola for about an hour, thoroughly stirring the mass every 10 minutes

Video: "Homemade baked granol, useful muesli"

How to make diet granola, recipe?

Dietary granola can be used by those who adhere to strict diets. The only condition that is required to be observed is to use it only in the morning and not “indulge” in the evening and before bedtime.

Preparation of dietary granola
preparation of dietary granola

To prepare a dietary dish, you will need:

  • several glasses of oatmeal (about three glasses)
  • peeled sunflower seeds (not salty) half a glass
  • almond nuts - half a glass
  • sesame seeds (white) about 50 g and the same amount of flax seeds
  • olive oil - half a glass
  • coconut chips - half a glass
  • dried fruits to choose from - half a glass for each individual type

All dry ingredients are thoroughly mixed in the bowl, butter is added. Mix the mass several times so that the oil gets on all flakes. Add finely chopped dried fruits. We bake in the oven for about twenty minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Video: “Granola. Dietary dessert "

Tasty and healthy apple granol, recipe

From a simple set of ingredients, you can prepare a delicious apple granol.

Apple granol
apple granol
  1. The baking sheet is covered with parchment paper and pour a kilogram of oatmeal on it, evenly distributing along the sheet
  2. We send a baking sheet with flakes to the oven for fifteen minutes at 160 degrees
  3. We clean three large or four small apples from the peel and chop the mashed potato blender (you can use a special grater)
  4. We melt in the microwave 100 grams of butter along with five tablespoons of honey, mix until a homogeneous consistency
  5. In a bowl, mix puree, cinnamon (to taste) and honey-cute mass-this is a special sauce
  6. Pour the dried flakes into the sauce
  7. Mix everything thoroughly
  8. Pour dried fruits and nuts, mix again
  9. We distribute the mass evenly along the sheet and bake half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. Mix every 8-10 minutes

Video: Apple granol with cinnamon

Sweet and useful granol with honey, recipe

Honey granol will become a favorite treat in fasting and on a strict diet. It is recommended to be consumed for breakfast and as a useful snack.

Honey granol with cranberry
honey granol with cranberry
  1. Pour two glasses of oatmeal into a large container
  2. We send a half glass of cleaned sunflower seeds and a glass of nuts there
  3. It is preferable to choose raisins, dried cherries or dried cranberries from dried fruits
  4. All dry components are thoroughly mixed
  5. The mass is seasoned with four tablespoons of honey and vegetable oil
  6. Bake granol forty minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees
  7. Do not forget to mix the mass thoroughly

Video: "Granola with honey, cinema and almond"

Original and delicious granols of buckwheat, recipe

Not everyone knows that for preparing a tasty and hearty granola, far from oatmeal can be used. For example, an unusual and healthy dish can be obtained from buckwheat cereal!

The only condition is buckwheat should be green. Green buckwheat contains many useful elements that are many times higher than brown buckwheat. Green cereal should be germinated and then the granol will be soft.

Buckwheat granol
buckwheat granol
  1. All ingredients are mixed in the dishes in the dishes
  2. Pour two full glasses of green buckwheat
  3. Mix buckwheat with a glass of peeled seeds
  4. Prepare mashed potatoes from one apple and add to the mass
  5. Fun the mass with three spoons of honey
  6. Add raisins and sea salt
  7. Season with cinnamon

Greating green buckwheat is not so difficult: the required amount of cereal is poured over at night with water. After that, the gut of water is drained, the cereal is laid out on the tray and covered with a damp cloth.

A tray with cereal is stored in a bright dry place, on the windowsill for example. Every day you need to change a wet rag. Granol can be prepared when buckwheat lets a sprout of 5 million.

Sprouted buckwheat, ideal for the preparation of granola
sprouted buckwheat, ideal for the preparation of granola

Important: buckwheat granol is considered an ideal vegetarian and raw food dish.

How to cook granola bars?

Batonchik is an improved version of the crumbly granola. The bar is very practical, it is nice to eat it and take it comfortable with you.

Granola brush
granola brush

The recipe for the preparation of granola bars is not very different from the usual, only the cooking technology and the storage method are different. Bars can be prepared with absolutely any nuts and dried fruits.

  1. Turn on the oven for 200 degrees and at this time to prepare the mixture
  2. Oatmeal with seeds and finely chopped dried fruits are mixed in the dishes
  3. It is necessary to add a couple of spoons of oat beet, which will make the mixture in the final result of a denser
  4. In a separate bowl, prepare a refueling: honey, vegetable oil, a little apple juice. Heat the gas station
  5. Pour a refueling to the bulk and mix thoroughly. If it is too dry, add a little more warm apple juice
  6. The baking sheet is covered with parchment on which the mixture is laid out in a flat layer
  7. The mass must be kept in the oven for half an hour until it is covered with a golden crust
  8. Granola is taken out of the oven, removed from the sheet and put on the lattice, after which they are sent to the oven for another twenty minutes so that all sides are dried up and browned
  9. The finished sheet of the granols is completely cooled and only then cut into the bar

Video: How to cook granol member bars?

How to cook granol in a slow cooker?

If the oven is not, granol can also be prepared in a slow cooker. The recipe can be absolutely any of the or simple impromptu listed in this article.

Granola from a multicooker
granola from a multicooker

To prepare this dish in a slow cooker, you must first cover the bottom and walls with one piece of foil so that the mixture does not burn to the dishes.

  1. Mix flakes and seeds in a bowl
  2. Grind the nuts dried fruits to the required size
  3. Add coconut chips, poppy spoon and cinnamon to the mixture
  4. Gas station will serve as oil mixed and heated with honey (two spoons)
  5. Bake granola in a slow cooker in the "baking" mode for about fifty minutes, periodically mixing
  6. Get out of the slow cooker only a completely cooled dish

Video: "Delicious muesli in a slow cooker"

How to cook chocolate granola?

All dry ingredients are mixed in a high bowl: oatmeal, seeds, nuts and dried fruits. The gas station is prepared on the basis of honey and vegetable oil, but if desired, apple juice or mashed potatoes can be added to it.

Chocolate granol with bananas
chocolate granol with bananas

The gas station is poured into the dry mass and everything is thoroughly mixed. The mass can be seasoned with a teaspoon of cocoa and cinnamon.

Important: in chocolate granol, they are not rarely used by real chocolate. Only one condition - you need to choose bitter chocolate, the percentage of cocoa in which is at least 56 percent.

In the oven preheated to 200 degrees, bake the prepared granola. While it gains a golden color, crumble finely chocolate. Chocolate crumbs need to be added only to the cooled granola.

Video: "How to cook chocolate granola from oatmeal?"

How to cook granola: tips and reviews

Granola is the best addition to breakfast. It is very tasty to fill it with milk or yogurt for breakfast. It takes a particularly pleasant taste in combination with fresh fruits and berries.

Granol cooked at home
granol cooked at home

Important: usually a crumbly dish is stored in glass jars or plastic containers for a period of no longer than a month.

The charm of this dish is that you yourself adjust the recipe: remove extra components and add your favorite. In any case, you get a great result.

Be careful, an excessive amount of honey will make your dish cloudy sweet. Always taste the “raw” granola and do not put high temperature in the oven.

Video: “Granola. Cereal"

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you! For me, the granol is one of my favorite breakfasts, when the time allows you to prepare always. And if I am in a hurry, then your favorite Batonchik protein bar sportexpert and a large cup cooofe x))

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