How to scatter breast milk? The rules for expressing milk with stagnation. How much milk needs to be expressed?

How to scatter breast milk? The rules for expressing milk with stagnation. How much milk needs to be expressed?

In what cases is accumulation it is necessary and how to do this is described in the article.

Often competent decline in milk can solve the problems of a young mother. Therefore, every young mother should know the principles and rules of this procedure.

Why express milk?

The reasons for expressing are different for everyone:

  • Stagnation formed (read below)
  • The chest is too tight, the baby cannot take. It is necessary to dash a little milk until the baby can take breasts
  • The child cannot or does not want to suck his breasts. Expressing milk, then you will feed it from the bottle
  • The child is not with you, but you want to feed him with milk from a bottle. Express every three hours the maximum amount of milk and hand over a bottle of milk for the baby

  • If it is impossible to feed (for example, when taking drugs) to maintain lactation. In this case, you need to express at least once every 3 hours. Otherwise, milk will begin to be produced less. And after the restoration of feeding the child, he will not have enough milk
  • To strengthen lactation (read below)
  • Mom needs to leave. Scatter the necessary portion of milk and leave for storage according to the rules Storage of breast milk. How to store how to store, at what temperature
  • The chest is crowded, painful sensations. The main thing here is not to overdo it: scatter exactly as much as you need to stop painful sensations. If you express more, then the next time the milk will come in more quantities than you need. And then you will walk around the closed circle

Important: if you are touched by one of the above reasons, then study the technique before expressing so as not to harm your chest

How often to express breast milk?

The frequency of accumulation depends on the cause of the calculation:

  • If to increase lactation, then after each feeding and in the intervals
  • If to relieve breasts, then in fact: it hurts - express, does not hurt - do not express
  • If to maintain lactation, when the child does not eat breasts for any reason, then every 3 hours. If less often, then milk will become smaller and less
  • If stagnation has formed, then every hour - one and a half

How to express your chest correctly?

The regulation rules depend on what method you chose: hands or dairy. Read about both methods in this article below in more detail

Important: there is only one general rule: you need to express in such a way as not to injure the chest. And if you experience very severe pain, then you probably do something wrong

Breast milk accumulation time

The time of accommodation also depends on the purpose of expressing:

  • To relieve-2-3 minutes
  • For feeding from a bottle-until you scatter the right portion, for about 20-30 minutes
  • To enhance lactation-5-10 minutes after feeding and 10-15 minutes between feeding
  • With stagnation - to a decrease in the seal, but not more than 30 minutes. Otherwise, you injure the chest

How to properly express breast milk with a dairy pump?

Important: the main condition for any sowing is clean hands

  • 20 minutes before sowing, drink hot fluid. This will improve a surge of milk
  • Before expressing, you can warm the chest in the shower. This will facilitate the outflow of milk
  • After warming up, you can slightly massage the chest (read more about massage below)
  • Thoughts about your baby help the body make an outflow of milk easier

  • Relax - this will also help the outflow of milk
  • It is advisable at least a few drops to scatter with your hands. So the nipple will take the desired shape and the breast pump will express better
  • Insert the nipple into the middle
  • The first pressure on the breast pump should be very light, otherwise you run the risk of getting a crack on the nipple due to a strong vacuum
  • When the breasts are already easier, it does not hurt so much, you can slightly accelerate the process. But don't get carried away in the speed anyway
  • Periodically remove the breasts from the chest and massage the chest again
  • If the outflow is bad, then try to lean a little forward
  • If the nipple becomes wet, then wipe it and only then continue to express. Wet chest is much worse.
  • After expressing for prevention, anoint the nipples with cream, such as Bepanten

IMPORTANT: Molotosos is a technique that does not feel whether it hurts you or not. Therefore, conduct the accumulation very carefully, especially the first time. After the chest gets used to and perceives this process easier

The success of expressing a dairy pump directly depends on the model you have chosen. How to choose a suitable model, watch in the video below.

Video: How to choose a dairy tide? - Dr. Komarovsky

Will the combustion help increase lactation?

Claying can increase lactation, but no one promises you 100 %.

Milk is produced on the principle of demand. So combustion helps that gives the body extra signals, that more milk is required. So the body begins to produce more.

The principles of expressing to increase lactation:

  • After each feeding, try to dazzle the same chest that you fed. Even if you are a few drops, it will be good. The body will perceive these attempts as demand. And it will develop more milk
  • In the intervals between feedings, too, try to click for 10 minutes, which you do not plan to give the child. Otherwise, he will not have enough milk. Or click in a sterile bottle, then to feed the baby and this milk
  • It turns out very well to express one breast when the baby eats with the second. During feeding, the flare of milk occur in both breasts. These tides are very easy and will fall through the dairy oxen in a bottle

But not all mothers manage to increase lactation in this way.

The main problem is that even a drop of milk is not possible.

Important: many mothers manage to achieve an increase in lactation with expressing

How to express breast milk with your hands?

Equipping with your hands is good because you feel your body. At first it is quite difficult, but having adopted, you will do it very quickly and efficiently.

Training To express the same as with the breast pump (see above):

  • Clean hands
  • Hot drinking
  • Shower
  • Massage


  • Put the nipple between the thumb and forefinger so that it takes a more elongated shape
  • With your left palm, select the chest from below
  • Remove the thumb and to the side so that your hand, as it were, holds the whole chest
  • The right thumb put on the top of the nipple on the line of the nipple-kozh
  • The index and middle finger put on the same line, but under the nipple
  • With your fingers, you must feel something like balls on the line. If you feel, then you definitely do it right
  • Next, press your fingers towards the back, i.e. to yourself and squeeze a little nipple along this line

Important: the last two movements should be done very quickly

  • The breast shares that are located on the side of the fingers, which directly express the chest, are well expressed
  • Therefore, you need to constantly turn your fingers clockwise and counterclockwise, so that all the shares are expressed

Important: most likely, nothing will come of you the first time, but you try and try it. Feel yourself and everything will work out

The first molestation of milk

  • The first expressing, as a rule, is carried out in the hospital when a lot of milk comes, which a small baby is not yet able to eat
  • You need to express in order not to form stagnation in the chest
  • Scheduled technique is standard (see above)
  • But at the first sowing, you must be extremely attentive so as not to injure the chest

IMPORTANT: If you express with a dairy pump, then the craving should be minimal. If with your hands, then the movements should not be too strong and sharp

How to scatter your chest with lactostasis or veneration?

Claging with swallow or mastitis is the most compulsory treatment point if the child cannot dissolve stagnation himself. Therefore, expressing must be done correctly. The adolation technique is described above with a dairy and hands. Some are only features:

  • With lactostasis, a nursing mother usually feels in what share there was stagnation
  • Preparatory shower and massage should be directed mainly to this share of the chest
  • Do not overheat the chest strongly, since with purulent lip is unacceptable
  • Glongly pat on a stagnant share with your fingers
  • And when expressing, all your efforts must be directed to this share
  • For this, the fingers of the left palm should be from the side of the stagnation, as well as the index or thumb of the right hand

Important: in no case do not press the place of stagnation!

How to dash stone breasts?

Stone breasts are a problem of almost all mothers in the first month after childbirth.

The accumulation technique can be used standard for manually expressing or expressing a dairy (see above), taking into account some features:

  • The breast can not immediately take the breast chest. You must first give the elongated form a nipple and try a couple of drops to scret your hands
  • If the stone breasts became the first month after childbirth, then the difficulty is that the ducts are still narrow, not developed. For this reason, milk can drip a drop
  • Do not give up. Try and try. Stagnation may form otherwise
  • With a stone chest, you can try to grab the chest at the base with both hands and, as it were, stretch them to the nipple, pressing them a little. So milk can flow easier

Important: the most effective way to staging stone breasts is to give it to the baby

How to dash milk in a bottle?

All modern dairy hoes are equipped with bottles of the kit. We are not talking about a dairy-bruise. This dairy can be injured in the chest and expresses worse than the rest.

Therefore, in order to stir in a bottle, you need:

  • Sterilize the dairy and a bottle
  • Dry
  • Attach a bottle to a dairy
  • To express milk

Important: you pour such milk into a clean bottle for feeding or into a package for storing milk ( Storage of breast milk. How to store how to store, at what temperature)

Back milk when expressing

When accumulating, you can see that your milk first has a transparent and bluish color, and then it becomes yellow and opaque.

This is yellow and opaque milk and there is a posterior milk. If you leave the milk, you will see how it was divided into layers: cream on top is the posterior milk.

It is more difficult to express a dairy milk with a dairy pump. More often it turns out to get only the front.

Important: with your hands the chances of getting posterior milk are usually higher. But this is all individual.

Therefore, if you can’t scret the posterior milk, do not be discouraged, since this may happen.

Massage for expressing milk

  • Rubbing of the chest with two hands in a circle
  • Rubbing with two hands from the base of the chest to the nipple
  • Patting with your fingers on the chest


Important: all movements should be light and calm to prevent damage to the mammary glands

How much milk should be when expressing?

The amount of milk depends on when you express it:

  • If you express after feeding, then you can not dash and drops
  • If you express your chest before feeding, you can dial the desired portion for the child (both 50 and 100 ml)
  • At night, you can scode more milk, since the hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of milk, begins its active work from 2 to 6 in the morning

Some mothers cannot even score 10 ml before feeding: this is due to a violation of the accumulation technique.

After feeding, on the contrary, you will rather not be able to dash and 10 ml, if it is not about hyperlactation.

Why is little milk expressed?

  • Disruptions in expressing
  • Preparatory measures have not been completed (see at the beginning of the article)
  • Bad Museum (See about the choice of dairy ties above)
  • The child eaten everything
  • You cannot relax

Important: not a single breast pump or hands will scattered as much milk as a child can suck. If you cannot scode before feeding and 20 ml of milk, do not think that there is no milk in your chest. There is milk in the chest and the baby will suck it


Claging milk before feeding

It may be necessary to express milk before feeding if:

  • You are excommunicated and you need to dit in a bottle
  • You smeared your breasts with something, after which it is recommended to dial a little milk before feeding in the sink
  • The baby does not take his chest and you are forced to express milk every time for him
  • The chest is too tight or stone and the baby cannot take it

Important: it is easier to express your chest before feeding

Claging milk after feeding

  • Previously, doctors and our grandmothers recommended that every time after feeding, express their chests to the last drop. Now this approach is not considered correct, since the body considers that the milk expressed after feeding was also useful to the child. So, next time it will produce milk a little more. Then you will fall into a vicious circle, which will subsequently lead to an excess of milk, which in turn is fraught with constant stagnation
  • To increase lactation. Expressioning after feeding for this purpose is quite justified. Read about this method in this article above whether to express lactation will help to increase lactation?
  • If there is too much milk, and the child eats very little. When, after feeding, you still experience pain in the chest from excess milk, you need to scode a little until your condition is relieved. A lot - it is impossible, as it will also lead to hyperlactation

Claying is sometimes simply necessary, but remember that the best assistant in expressing your chest is your baby.

Unique video: lactostasis: how to express milk?

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