How to make a maxi maxi? Morse recipe made of frozen and fresh cranberries. Can cranberry fruit drinks, nursing, children?

How to make a maxi maxi? Morse recipe made of frozen and fresh cranberries. Can cranberry fruit drinks, nursing, children?

Find out what is useful for the fruit drink from cranberries and how to cook it in a blender, a slow cooker. Also read various marines with the addition of healthy berries and other products.

  • Cranberry fruit drinks - a natural storehouse of vitamins. This drink nourishes the body with energy, gives vigor, perfectly quenches thirst, restores strength after a hard day
  • It is especially useful for such a drink in a period when not a season on fresh fruits, vegetables. It is at that time that the body is especially susceptible to infections (in autumn, winter, spring)
  • It’s good if you cook the drug yourself, and not buy in supermarkets. After all, homemade blanks are always more useful than store. About how to cook the fruit drink ourselves and talk further

Can cranberry fruit drinks, nursing, children?

Cranberry berry is one of the leaders among other fruits in the list of useful vitamins and elements in the composition. Therefore, doctors often recommend using it in the form of fruit drinks for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.

Cranberry fruits for pregnant women
Cranberry fruits for pregnant women

The composition of the natural elixir includes:

  • organic acids ( apple, Hinnaya, lemon, benzoic, phenolcarbon)
  • vitamins ( B1, B6, B2, PP, B9, E)
  • calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium
  • carotene, flavonoids, tannins, Polyphenol
  • cellulose, pectin
Cranberry - composition of berries
Cranberry - composition of berries

The benefits of mars of cranberries for pregnant women

  1. When a woman in an interesting position is often weakened by the immune system, problems with gums, teeth appear. Cranberry drink is a natural antibiotic, antiseptic. If you drink it regularly, then the gums will stop bleeding and caries will not develop
  2. So that there are no risks of the development of postpartum depression, psycho -emotional disorders should be drunk. Thanks to him, nervousness will not develop, brain activity will improve
  3. Cranberry is an excellent natural diuretic, prevents the reproduction of any bacteria in stagnation of urine
  4. Morse reduces blood pressure with hypertension, increases the elasticity of your blood vessels
  5. This drink reduces the risk of infectious pathologies, removes the swelling of all kinds
  6. If you have toxicosis, then cranberry fruit drinks reduces vomiting attacks
  7. The benefits of the drink in the fight against varicose veins were noticed
The benefits of cranberry fruits during pregnancy
The benefits of cranberry fruits during pregnancy

What are the restrictions for using cranberries?

  • If you have gastritis with high acidity, ulcer or liver disease, then it is better to drink fruit drinks well diluted with water in small quantities
  • When breastfeeding, you should gradually introduce fruit drinks into food and follow the tent - whether it has an allergy to this drink, the same should be carried out when you enter the drink to the child himself
  • Do not drink cranberry fruit drinks with sulfinee
  • Caution use juice with urolithias with caution
What are the contraindications for pregnant women when using mars from cranberries?
What are the contraindications for pregnant women when using mars from cranberries?

How to cook cranberry fruit drinks from frozen cranberries?

Preparing for winter pores, housewives try to stock up on vitamins for the winter with various methods. It is excellent if the house has a freezer or a refrigerator with a spacious freezer.

You can place cranberries in containers there in containers, and then prepare healing drinks from various diseases in the cold season, for prevention.

How to cook frozen cranberries?
How to cook frozen cranberries?

Frozen berry maxi recipe


  • Cranberry - 400 grams of product
  • Honey is a large spoon
  • Sugar - 45 grams
  • Water - 1 liter 700 grams

Cooking order:

  • Place the berries of cranberries in a separate vessel, pour warm water, rinse, then rinse again on a colander under running water
  • Mix clean berries with a glass of water, chop them in a blender
  • Place the resulting mass in gauze, squeeze into a separate container to get juice
  • Mix the pulp separately with 1.5 water and sugar (sugar can be added more, focus on your taste preferences). Put on the stove, let it boil
  • When the drink has cooled to 40 degrees - strain, add honey to it, and then juice
Preparation of mars from cranberries at home
Preparation of mars from cranberries at home

IMPORTANT: With increased acidity, it is necessary to add more water so that the fruit drink is not concentrated. If the drink annoys the walls of the stomach, refuse to use it.

How to make a fruit drink from fresh cranberries?

In essence, the preparation of fruit drinks from fresh berries is not much different from cooking a drink from frozen ones. The procedure is the same. However, read on.

Recipe: Prepare one kilogram of berries of fresh vitamin cranberries, one and a half liters of water, sugar or honey in a way. First, separate the spoiled fruits, wash the cranberries. Then, again, pour half a glass of water, pour into the container of the berry, gleam the mass. Squeeze the juice from it into a separate vessel. Boil the compote from the remnants of the berries, add sugar or honey when the water comes down, strain. Add juice to the compote. Mix the liquids well, let the fruit drink a little (1-2 hours). Then drink.

How to cook a fresh cranberries?
How to cook a fresh cranberries?

How to cook cranberries in a slow cooker?

To do without pharmacy vitamins in winter, cook a cranberry drink and drink it for prevention periodically during exacerbation of seasonal diseases. A simple method of cooking cranberry fruit drinks is its preparation in a slow cooker. To do this, place the already squeezed berries in a multicooker container, pour water, turn on the “cook” mode when adding sugar and switch to “extinguishing” (ten minutes). Further, as in the above recipe, let us cool, filter, mix with cranberry juice.

Preparing a fruit drink in a slow cooker
Preparing a fruit drink in a slow cooker

How to cook a cranberries in a blender?

The blender serves as an auxiliary tool in making a cranberry drink.

Recipe: Mix three cups of fresh clean cranberries with a small amount of water. Take a blender and chop the berries, chop them well. Then separate the juice, and lower the thick mass into boiling water in a pan (1.5 liter). Leave boiling fruits for 5 minutes over low heat, add sugar. When cool, strain, add the juice of one lemon, cranberry juice.

How to make a fruit drink of lemon and cranberries in a blender?
How to make a fruit drink of lemon and cranberries in a blender?

How to make a fruit drink from cranberries with honey?

Morse with honey has a rather pleasant, aromatic taste and smell. It must be prepared according to the same scheme as described above. Only the composition will look as follows:

  • Cranberry - 550 grams
  • Honey (May) - two large spoons
  • Water - 1 liter 750 ml
Cranberry with berries, lemon, honey
Cranberry with berries, lemon, honey

Cranberry and raspberry fruit drink recipe

In the summer, when raspberries rush in the country, you can just get enough of her fresh form, or you can close useful fruit drinks in banks for the winter.

Recipe: Narpate 750 grams of cranberries and 500 grams of raspberries. Sort the spoiled berries, then wash them. Let the water drain. Place the berries in an enameled pan, add water, a glass of sugar. Cook like compote. Strain the fruit drink, pour into sterile jars, still sterilize, roll up.

How to cook cranberry fruit drinks with raspberries?
How to cook cranberry fruit drinks with raspberries?

Cranberry and currant maxi recipe

The order of cooking a drink from cranberries, currants are the same as frozen cranberries. Only the composition varies, for a fruit drink will be needed:

  • 400 grams of fresh, clean cranberries
  • 150 grams of currant
  • three liters of water
Cranberry fruits and currants
Cranberry fruits and currants

Cranberry and lingonberry fruit drink recipe

Ingredients for fruit drinks from lingonberries, cranberries:

  • Cranberry 450 grams
  • Brusnika 150 grams
  • Sugar rash to taste
  • Water - three liters

Recipe for cooking, as in the previous paragraph.

Brusniks berries
Brusniks berries

IMPORTANT: It is not advisable to use such fruit drinks to people suffering from gastrointestinal tract with high acidity in the body.

Video: Preparation of Morse from Cranberry

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