Dithes funny cool modern - about the village, Russian, medical, modern: the best selection

Dithes funny cool modern - about the village, Russian, medical, modern: the best selection

A selection of ditties of funny cool, modern for raising the mood of your holiday during a mental feast.

Ditties funny cool modern - the best selection

Dithes funny cool modern - the best selection:

We are with a box of sweets,
Let's bring nonsense with you.
We’ll sit with chocolate,
Declaring lunch in the morning.

We cross the belly caramel,
We put the point with a candy.
And we glance with cheesecakes,
Your bunk before bedtime.

We will dream of a cake in a dream,
So the dream was the first variety.
In general, we will have a glorious rest
Let's go to beat the confectioner.


Honey says at night:
Look, the star is on!
Not a star.
Just a cigarette!


On the shelves of cigarettes,
Cigarettes and tobacco.
Where are your all the prohibitions?
I won’t understand in any way!


At least you are sweet and good
Though I love you
But to smoking hunting
I'll beat you off.


Previously, the girls were given
On the box of sweets.
And now the gift is the best
Ten packs of cigarettes.


What to do, what to do
How to prohibit smoking?!
I'll go to the demonstration -
"Do not destroy the nation!"


That's it, I already quit smoking!
I promise you for sure.
I am, brothers, not a fool:
I see, the point is tobacco!


First -grader Marina
I did not come to the lessons:
Behind the curtain with smoke
I did not find my school.


Miss by the Universe Svetlana
There is no chance of becoming, they said:
The teeth cannot whiten
Even Pasa "Blendamed"


Oh, our Russian tobacco
Heals from constipation how!
Grandfather Tobacco put in the nose -
He grabbed his diarrhea!


To admit his love.
Misha Olya escorted.
Nothing succeeded -
The cough prevented him.


The girls are only sweet to me,
That they do not smoke and beautiful!
I love this, not that,
What about the cigarette in the mouth!


Sasha is a beloved girl
Often began to give flowers.
Where do you get so much money?
I just quit smoking.

I was a hero yesterday
And the Reichstag took at "Hurray!"
And today they say -
The medical battalion fluttered.


He goes all over,
Singing songs in mats,
On the pillars, everything is bumping away,
I’ll kill everyone, already yelling ...


And in his hand, his knife,
He is drunk in an insole, you will not take it,
He stumbled into a ditch,
That boys no longer ...


My Milenok is not a find,
I don't want to love him.
On my mind - not me, but vodka,
It is useless to go out.


Cute from Kurev and drunk
He began to talk.
The disgusting of the cursed -
I'm leaving for the hay.


No matter how Milenka I scold -
His arguments are strong:
Then-someone is escorted
Then - salary days.


I won’t even get married
I won’t go for sure:
You will see the fool
While there is wine on sale


You put a bottle of a man
And on equal terms - you drink it yourself.
Are you, girlfriend,
Already crazy?


I loved the dear
He said like a general.
I looked, but the next morning
He collected bottles.


And I love vodka
Pour vodka.
How to get drunk - I'll go back
Clates, do not rob.

We’ll pass ditties to you
About the dangers of smoking.
You are in rejection of habits.
Show zeal.


We know about the dangers of smoking
We are conducting propaganda.
But we buy cigarettes
We can at night or day.


Sprinkle ditties to you
About the dangers of smoking.
Almost everyone smokes around -
There is no longer patience!


Eh, my friend smokes
Smoke is already falling from the ears!
Four -stroke engine
And eyes on rolling out!


It can even be very much:
They will ban the smoke from us!
What to do? How to be?
Ships how to forget?!


See how it goes.
Like a swan, he is floating!
Albeit small in stature.
But behind the ear of cigarette!


Nothing goes to mind,
There are no thoughts in my head ...
What kind of obsession?


Our Ilyusha turned blue
And Vanyusha is white, like chalk.
Why metamorphoses?
From her, from cigarettes!


I ran a hundred -meter -
Here is the gold of victories.
Well, you sit on the edge
There is no strength from cigarettes.


Why does Vanyusha are stirring up?
Because he smokes a lot.
Borsch does not eat and does not drink tea,
He only chews cigarettes.


If the mother smokes,
Then the child will harm.
Nicotine health is destroyed.
Rickets may be born.


What should I do?
What do i do?
Since childhood, I began to smoke.
Help quickly, I'm already like a barmalee!


I smoked for a very long time
I felt patience.
The wind blew - I fell
Then the insight came!


I’m smoking in the ceiling -
I release the rings.
If smoking is banned,
How can I live, I don't know?!


How did we know that you
You smoke right up to hoarse
Just yellow teeth
And carries in three miles.

Ditties funny cool modern without mat

Ditties funny cool modern without mat
Ditties funny cool modern without mat

Ditties funny cool modern without mat:

Wrote to you ditties
Do not tie your ears.
Go all into the Internet
Here someone ... but not.
Choose who you want
Write to yourself what you want.
All beautiful in the internet,
All compliments in the comet.


They will be invited to any group,
About love will write to a friend.
Everyone writes poetry here
About love and about hee-hee.
For three euros Smileik here
He is amused by the people all.
Then flashes with a flower
It blinks with his eyes.


See what lady
Well, as if from Amsterdam.
One hundred years in the column stands,
And there ... strives ...
They treat here without tablets here,
How to lose weight ... everyone knows.
Jokes, humor is
In cards ... too, play.


Oh ... Annemet is expensive,
You became like a drug.
You tied everyone with a crowd
You are branded like a cat.
Here is the night in the yard
It's time for the whole kid to sleep.
One hundred friends still on the site
Well, for now, all ... relax.


What is the Internet?
Can I believe or not?
They say something about the networks
Who, why chewed them?


Where is that fisherman sitting
What caught us on the hook?
And the spider is so esteemed -
Pushed us a web?


There men are modern,
Like one - all supermen.
Women bold and brave
Because the queen.


I will help the ladies with advice:
Be careful with the Internet.
Lovelasov a dime a dozen,
But there is no friend.


A friend advised me
Buy better than a beech.
I bought and at the same time
Connected to the Internet!


Just came out - at this moment
A compliment is ready.
How nice, but insulting:
Who sent is not visible.


I got into the Internet,
You came, said - Hello!
I didn’t even name the name
He clicked with the mouse and ... disappeared.


I hung on the Internet ...
Maybe you noticed me?
We and I along the way
But where to find you?


I came - you are not there ...
How angry I am on the Internet!
You came, and I left ...
These are, brother, things!


They say you run into the chat:
There your friends stick out.
I hastened to listen
They even flashed their ears.


Oh, this Internet!
The whole world had erased.
This is happiness or trouble:
Without an Internet - nowhere!

Ditties funny cool modern table

Ditties funny cool modern tables:

“Oh,” Baba Dusya sighs, “
Put me off in the subway.
Just made a slope -
Immediately inserted a token!


The gypsy gypsy says:
“I have for a long time
On the table a bottle,
Let's go, drink, dear! "


I usually get drunk
I fight against the wall.
Either alcohol acts
Whether it is age.


I have been a hangover in the morning
They beat the kangaroo's face.
Only in the evening they dismantled
That his neighbor was broken.


It used to be, it’s a shame,
From under the skirt of the legs is not visible.
And now, here is grace -
How to bent - you can see everything.


Oh, you offended me
The girl is no one!
Lie to sleep - I crawl out
Got it all there!


Well, girls, don't yawn,
Yes, rather fly,
While I'm still free
Young and fertile!


Two confuses in a restaurant
Gave a presentation.
The whole year then treated
The whole administration.


My Milenok is abnormal
I offered me oral sex.
Climbed under the blanket -
He screamed, and I yelled.


I watered the flowers
On the balcony by leerochka.
For some reason it suddenly became wet
Uncle on a bench ...


What are you, guests, sad,
Hanged heads?
Read these texts -
It will immediately have fun!


The country is my dear country,
There are many fields in it, seas and rivers.
I don't know another country ...
Because I have not been anywhere!


I am a laundry soap
I bought a man to wash.
The husband shouted to the whole quarter
But he did not become economic.


There is a rumor walking around the village
That my dear loves two.
Love, dear, love them,
I myself love three.


At the entrance under the balcony
It smells firmly by moonshine.
This is a husband to his hut
Returns from fishing.


Do not judge me strictly
I don't have fun anyway.
Because I am left
Two months before retirement!


On a diet for a whole year
The girl stayed ...
The doctor will not get in any way
A syringe in the buttock.


Behind the hill, by the stream,
The girl is a draw.
Well, let him lie for yourself
He does not value himself!


I am appointing a date
On a cliff near the edge ...
Will pester cute -
I will teach him to fly!


You’ll run, dear, drowning -
Look to me to say goodbye.
I spend to the river -
I'll tell you the place deeper!


In the evening to your husband
She showed a sex score.
He could not figure it out,
Good - the neighbor helped!


If you want to go to me -
Go to the station.
Give your wife into luggage
And throw out the receipt!


Once on the beach a diver
Savior drowning
And when he married her,
He went and drowned.


If she knew, if she knew,
Who am I married to,
I would tell my mother -in -law
Do not plant cabbage at all!


Sits cute on the porch
With an expression on the face.
Expresses that face
Than sit on the porch.


I bought liquid soap -
A hundred rubles were trampled.
A friend thought jam
She took everything and broke.


Everything in a ditty will affect:
New day and last century.
As if in a mirror, it looks
The Russian man in it.


Cherry blooms in the garden,
Next to her is a bird cherry.
Ah, why did I get married
For such an Olukh!


Oh, advertising - I will not save,
They twist in the morning and at lunch.
Wip out in the evening and at night,
So you can go crazy - for sure!


Hello, my dear,
Russian potatoes!
I dug you for three days -
The back is like an accordion!


I compose ditties
For fun, I sing them.
If you like them,
Then pay the ruble!


We sang ditties
Ninety -nine times!
Really today
Nobody will give us vodka?

Ditties about work funny cool modern

Ditties about work funny cool modern:

I'm walking the last day
I'm going to desperate:
I'll break all the shovels,
I won’t go to rob tomorrow.


Oh you, Mom Rodma,
Why did you give birth to me?
All care and work
To heavy to sweat, -
She dries the fellow
Eh, to the very end.


Our factory is high,
On it, the roof is green.
Pray, women, God:
She would have failed.


I don't drink, does not swallow
Factory water:
Where would I hide
From factory labor?


Shakhtar has a soul in the body,
And the shirt lice is stolen.
Shakhtar chop, Shakhtar beats,
Shakhtar is sinking.


Our ruler, scoundrel.
I tortured us all completely:
We work hard on weekdays,
On a holiday, we do not know.


Ay, my girlfriends,
All with joy they are.
And I, girls, with sadness,
I was pumped into the factory.


Goes, wanders the artisan
In one shirt of fire.
I drank a cartoon, drank a jacket;
Where pi span - everywhere is a tavern.


Our master from the factory
He gets young ladies.
Only we from that work
Only pennies remain.


There are a lot of services in the office
Everyone is counting us.
Well, you will wait for hardships
Eyes are missing.


Demidov has guys
Beded into shackles,
And beautiful girls
The tower is walled up.


From the village in the morning early
Monday Mil will leave.
Neither captured, nor in soldiers,
And at the Sormovsky Plant.


Collected a cat
On the bench lies.
Get ready, good fellow
To chop firewood into the chicken.


Who did not live in the factory,
He did not see grief
And my head
Grassed the combustible.


Ay, in the factory they conduct
The pipes are copper.
Look at the factory,
What are pale.


They say it's hard to part,
If you fall in love with whom.
They say that it is noisy in weaving
And you will get used to it - nothing.


Get up, mother, in the morning
Yes, listen at dawn:
Isn't your daughter crying
On the factory side.


A cute bench will open
Cashmere to trade,
He will put me for the revenue,
Himself - play in Taglinochka.


Like Kuzka at the factory
You disappear either for a penny:
You see the light of the free,
During the day, you drink at night.


Shakhtar mines coal,
Loose day and night,
He dies without bread himself
And he swears with his wife.


We live in the swamp,
We walk on careers.
Annual holidays
We spend in tears.


I washed on the sink
Sweet Schail left.
Golden work
I made me yearn.


Above the city clouds, clouds,
A thunderstorm is going.
On the owner of the plant
Eyes would not look.


I asked the director
Behind the stone wall:
“You let me go, brutally,
From the factory home. "


You ask, I will say
I go to the spinning spacecraft:
Frequent songs to sing
Look at a sweet one.


All the beads were in a walk,
It does not buzz on the vagrak.
All girlfriends got married
But dear does not tell me.


Vologda road
I took a lot of silushka:
I awarded all the rich,
The poor offended.


There is a breed on the mine,
But the breed is Satan,
How many poor people
She crippled.


Owl of our factory
Passed the whole people.
To whom a finger, to whom two,
To whom the elbow is a hand.


All contractors are like devils.
The skin is pulled from us alive.
But they will wait for death
From miners from dashing.


My mother got up early
In the garden, the rose tore off.
I ruined my beauty,
I gave it to sorting.


I will not go a long time
I cut firewood into the chicken;
Easy work at home -
Walk in the evening.


You are the wheel, the wheel,
Twist steeply.
I am turning you all day
And I am a young man.


Cute, black eye,
Pass the case once,
Go through a narrow path,
Calm my heart.


Shakhtar sits in a cell,
With white light it will say:
“Farewell, the sun and moon,
Goodbye children and wife. "


They soaped a lot of gold
They poured it on the ring.
Young girls have
They took out the heart.


The chest was thrust twice
At the Marten's stoves,
I'm blinding on both eyes
If only a head from the shoulders.


Derbenevo office,
Bourgeois himself and sons.
On him, on the evil thief,
I worked for ten years.


I'll look at my son
The heart will break.
The same bitter fate
He gets.

Ditties about the village funny cool modern

Ditties about the village funny cool modern
Ditties about the village funny cool modern

Ditties about the village funny cool modern:

I have thirty Milenkov,
All of different villages.
One walks on Sunday,
Twenty nine - every day.


In the village of Konyukh Vasya
Famous inventor -
Soaning footcloths in kvass,
Receives Pepsi


They say that my beloved
The person is very vulnerable.
And really: I gave it to the nose,
Immediately blood flowed ...


I am appointing a date
On a cliff near the edge ...
It will be cute tolook -
I will teach him to fly.


At our stable is rude
Miss I started to tan ...
And now the two upper teeth
I do not need to delete!


Like Kuzmich's face
Clearly asks for brick.
And the soul of Kuzmich
Clearly asks the Pervach.


Three students of African
They came to the rural club for dancing.
These dances result -
Eighteen are black.


I worked on the tractor,
I kept Manka with him.
And all month already before sweat
Either her, then rye I feel sorry.


I won't be Lusha on you
The forces are wasted in vain
Harvest on the collective farm. Pear
Fucking to hang out


There are our grandfather in the village
He is eighty years old.
Here is the grandfather - so the grandfather!
Girls love like a honey!


Ripen in the garden
Pouring apples.
It’s hard without a hubby
Lonely butterfly.


The pillar has a fool,
Breaks the leg:
Learned from dogs -
Teaches a cat.


The neighbor has an accordion,
I have a thin button accordion
But I drink a little
And the neighbor is drunk all the time.


We stole the carrots,
To cook the soup,
But the collective farmers caught up
And they began to beat the kidneys.


In our village Vitas
He sang with Rasputin all day.
They fell from the duet
Six huts and wattlements!


Mom told me:
- Back to the wall, Vanya!
I do not bite with my wife, I do not fit.
They beat me, I'm smiling.


In the garden, in the garden,
My old grandfather wanders somewhere.
And to find is not surprising -
Pukuket - I will find him!


She ran away from Milena,
I'm not happy myself,
Between two birches stuck,
The stupid is thick.

Milka cries at the barn,
Tears are bitter swallowing.
I didn't offend her
I just didn’t call married!


In the forest of pine and birch,
Oaks grow occasionally.
Do not hiss the old women
You were young too.


My Milka asks for a fur coat ...
I filled up the bear.
I believe, I please my wife
He sewed the fur coat himself!


Angroophabited under the mountain ash
Peter, Frol and Eremey,
They measured it with brushwood,
Who has garbage.


Agronom Comrade Kogan
Politically savvy.
He called me tete-a-tet
To the synovial office.


Yoga came to us in the village,
He lay on the nails for three days.
This is a chapo ... here
The year is already sleeping in manure!


Mowing grass in the garden,
We rest in nature,
We drink cow's milk,
How easily we breathe.


Kissed until dawn
Vanya-Harmonist and Sveta ...
I had to call an ambulance -
The lips became in accordion!


Lived in the village of our bull.
He is not used to failure.
Hinting in half asleep ...
And, in general, he is dear!


I walked around the market,
I bought fifty eggs.
I’ll sit for the hen
And by the spring chickens are erysipelas!


We had a fight in the morning
Two grandmas neighbors, -
Who will drop the first
From the diseases of the slippers.


Bad men in nature,
I tell you, women, no!
There are just bad women
Do not prepare for lunch!


Don't go at the gate
Without a bouquet, an old clinic.
Stole from the village council
From the flowerbed of the rose, a frure!


I was hunting with hunting
The whole village was surprised
Without production, all gray -haired
But the bear and I am alive.


My Milenok is a terminator.
Schwarzenegger Portrait!
Sit down, drunk, in an excavator
Yes, and drove into the village council!


How yesterday a milkmaid dusya
I stood on the skates ...
I won’t do without Bagra,
Help, men.


My Milk is a lupis -eyed
Does not get off the toilet
Roll up from hayfields
He wants to with a diarrhea.


Milenok gave me
Four mandavoshki.
How I will feed them
They are such crumbs.


I asked a friend at the door:
"Poured B to the Cool."
I would have been hunting
But damn it, I didn’t work.

Given Milenok Sasha
Vasilek with a stalk.
Dad scolded him
And hit the furniture.


- In the village we have only Vadik
He does not wide and does not drink.
It’s only a pity that in kindergarten
He will only go in a year.


I remember hay aroma
And sheds,
Well, you, Milenok is glad
See two strips?


We are walking around the village
We distribute gifts to everyone
To whom is a light slap,
Who - we’ll stuff it into a puddle!


Milena and I at the gate
Passion was in full swing, and two grandmas
The incriminating evidence was removed!


In the bathhouse of the woman's fleshy
They languished with longing.
The Communists come in here,
And everyone has the Bolsheviks!


I was lucky with my friends
The whole village was surprised
Wake anyone at night
Vodka to drink will come to help.


I bent down in the garden
Between shovels and a rake.
A neighbor Volodya stood behind ...
You are doing, a male!


Our Miss village Matren
The sponsor was overwhelmed by the thigh ...
The husband from the head took her off the crown
And put on the bucket!


In the sales river, in the don
It smells firmly by moonshine.
This is a husband to his hut
Returns from fishing.


From the depression of the girl
Drinking is not worth Seduxen!
The tractor drivers are young
Heal in the haystack!


Dear does not kiss me,
Says: snub.
How I love him
The devil is long!


Eh, kum Pronka,
Harmon is throne,
And I, Kuma Fenka,
I will dance a little!

Ditties about Covid funny cool modern

Ditties about Covid funny cool modern:

Oh, "Covid, Covid, Covid"!
The mask spoils the appearance!
The mouth holds locked up
How to go on a date?


The girls put on the girls,
The men were all stunned:
Where is my tent?
Let me know, my soul!


But he does not know the tent
Where her sweeter suffers:
Also put on the mask,
And there is no strength to find out!


Masks, mittens, gloves-
Attributes are all right.
Avoids those "Covid",
Who will leave the "Covid"!


Masks-shows are tired:
They just didn’t eat with them!
We took them together
And they left their pockets.


We take it out of your pocket
And, without any deception
We put on by ourselves:
This pass is at least where.


Mask-nasal scarf,
He is on his ear on the castle.
In winter it gets wet, dries in the summer,
And the "Covid" -sludes will not die!


Oh, advertising these days -
There are no forests, only stumps
But the poster hangs on the stump:
"The forest will burn - hell will come!"


And here is one more masterpiece:
“I invite you to an intimate
Gloves, do not forget the mask,
Intellectual, in general. Be! "


"Kovid has a strange look!" -
All of Russia speaks.
Everything is not like the neighbors,
So they have no bears!


I was looking for an elastic band in the morning
To wrap your hair,
I did not find her, a cattle,
I had to tie a mask.


Pandemia - the enemy of the people
The weather even spoils
If you cough in the crowd
Oh, get, damn it, doubly.


And without money, what kind of happiness,
If the weather is bad
There is nothing to quench the soul,
How to live in this way?


And Covid is a bastard.
Cooks all directly to hell
He does not spare anyone
Even Trump himself ...


To wait out this time
For ditties with you
Suddenly we hear the announcement:
"Covid disappeared, the war was hung!"


Three stray at the computer
From the apartment nowhere
The brain is dumb, and the nerve is angry,
Is it really here to sit until May?


You can go crazy with your mind
Kohl will decorate the house,
And it is pushed to the Christmas tree,
Sleeping until spring to sleep ...


Life is also so complicated, sometimes
If you were old, young
That salary, pension -
We looked - you can see, sleep ...


On itself - a wave of a hand,
The best has seen
We are for the baby's soul
Oh, how they were exhausted.


There will be time, we will win,
We note in Russian
We will devote the song of Russia:
Do not defeat us - puffs!


I will take a muzzle from my face
And I'll go for a walk in the night.
If the cop, I will say a resort.
But you sit, be silent!


Panic in some kind of Vienna
The virus changed the genome!
Everyone will die to the phenomenon of the hairdryer ...
All! Now we will die!


You are beautiful in the muzzle,
And in the spacesuit is good.
However, this is all not marvelous ...
But how is your soul?


I did not kiss you
So you must survive.
Or who else remained?
Or are you a wife?


Here spring is already in full swing
And you are locked up.
The media are tired of the nightmare ....
However, you can’t forbid a lie!


I'm sitting on the phone.
Talk only about love
Beauty and about the crown.
Oh, don't talk about her!


Everyone bought up Muscovites:
Buckwheat, salt and cakes!
All infection from Moscow!
Make a fence and ditches ...


Degrees of degrees grew,
Not everyone needs stress
And the virus is not so terrible,
How terrible quarantine.


There is no money, but we held on.
Mood - bend!
How many more are we left?
It is necessary to do the census.


Everything was spinning and spinning.
I wanted to become rich.
But quarantine happened.
Getting played into a shashni, damn it!


The thief went to business in a mask,
So that no one objects.
Did the job without fear
I have not infected anyone!


I wanted to work.
And I'm not joking at all.
It was bored, it was closed ...
Yes, I even pay extra!


Everyone was sitting locked up
To save your life.
And saved from that ...
Fuck knows what.


Everyone was sitting locked up
To save your life.
And already almost saved,
But there was a census.
Received numbers:
It’s time for them in the cemetery.


I wanted to visit the apartment
Unknown angles,
But there are only four corners.
And where to go ...


I really want to fall in love
In self -isolation.
If the prince began to shave,
I would be in prostration!


How I will take a certificate in the hospital,
That I'm not a giraffe with Covid ...
QR code is still in addition-
And the whole world at the feet lies!


We sat under arrest.
We were told quarantine.
Who was thinking there?
Who is the thief and who is nerd?


People are spent in quarantine.
The case moves to the avalanche.
I would like to become free
Go out and sneeze for everyone.


I'm sitting in my kitchen
I jam quarantine.
To lose weight, first chubby.
Motor and to gray hair.


You have a coronisturus
I have a coronovir.
Nothing succeeded
Just two are now minus.


We were foolishly as they wanted
As if everyone suddenly got sick.
And we are durens 100 times,
So as not to die from the same!


We were delivered an order:
Ton of buckwheat in reserve
And a large roll of paper,
If we do not find courage.


Everyone is sitting on quarantine.
They will sit like that in the future!
So as not to think, cattle,
From the "crown" to die!


Under the home, under arrest ...
Tired, no strength! Crap!
And they are very interesting
At our expense to save us so!


Under the home, under arrest ...
Soon there will be no one to eat!
But the bourgeois is interested
Hold us at our expense!


“I probably lost weight!”-
She examined her body.
And how I weighed: “Damn!
Sho, now don't eat now? "


“I probably lost weight!”-
She examined her body.
And how he weighed: “Damn!
All damned quarantine! "


The lady realized late.
In quarantine rounded.
And then summer is on the nose.
What do you show a fellow?


All the muzzles endowed
And we went for a walk in Real.
After a festive week
Few people recognized.


Here everyone has a mask on their faces,
To breathe without fear
In the vastness of the homeland.
Do it together “ku” and “s”!


I have coronovirus-
You have a coronistry.
Why did it happen?
Because you fell in love!


If you are already sick
Do not go to me like that.
Maybe I'm sick myself
To go to another.


I look around powerlessly:
Let terrible, but end.
Something dragged on hard
The endless kapets.


I left the house in the evening
From the Sobyaninsky crown.
Without a reason. Breathe.
Quiet, warmth and grace.


I tried to isolate
Himself in the prime of life.
I was self -curling in a mask.
If there are no brains - hello!


How I will put on my muzzle
And I will go to the station.
But not because Tuesday,
And so that he doesn’t bit anyone.


I am the other day from Pecheneg
Carried away felt boots:
He has a crown - mega,
True, the virus is small.


I haven't met anyone
Worse than these British -
It is not clear that they say
Make a muck.


Old grandmother on the throne
Sitting all day in the crown -
It turned out that e-mine
This is her virus.


Day and night I read
News about the virus,
I go to bed and wake up
Around the coronavirus.


Once upon a time, they did not push
They did not know viruses
What they had - did not value
And now - hit!


We are at the table today,
We drink vodka under the salad.
Quarantine so quarantine,
We’ll sit for a month.


All diseases from China
They melt in our society,
Do not panic
Neither big nor small!


The temperature has risen,
The ambulance arrived
The doctor goes to the new spacesuit,
Either the roof moved.


We don't go to shopping
And in beauty salons,
Soon, husbands will leave us,
They will not recognize us.


Coronavirus from China
What kind of rubbish is still like that?
Get out of Russia,
We did not ask to come!


We defeat the coronavirus
On this planet,
If the mask does not help
Let's kill him with a rocket!


I put on a mask to my husband
So as not to breathe on me.
No is not sick, and not a virus,
It's just a fragment!


I'm afraid to sneeze and cough
I scare the whole people
I am pleased with quarantine
And my cat, on the contrary.


Husband came home from work
Disinfection immediately.
Brought him on a dish
Drink vodka with pepper I.


Konstantin offered me
Conduct a quarantine with him.
I'm at Constantine now
I do not get off the quarantine.


We defeat the coronavirus
We are in the world
Wash your hands all who grew up
And, of course, children!


How they got in the garden
Black crows.
Previously, Tripper was afraid
And now - crows.


Eh, Covid, Covid, Covid,
People have a dull look.
Everyone is sitting in apartments
Only the teliks look.


He walked around Europe
Coronavirus spirit,
Pour a glass as soon as possible
We are antiviral.


Observing quarantine,
I'm sitting alone at home
And imagine what, what,
If no one is at home?


I don't go to the cinema now,
And I don’t bathe in the sea.
Coronavirus punished -
I repent the day and night.


They put us home,
Only forgot to give money.
Well, we will not be lost
We’ll live on potatoes!


We are sitting on quarantine
Until the end of April.
Put things in order at home -
Hands were numb.


Oh, echo-permanhyd,
Give me a lotion!
It is better to plant the liver,
How to catch the "crown"!


I fell in love with Milena
Yes, I forgot who he is.
Black mask on the face -
All my cursed sclerosis.


Take the pandemic
We are all sitting locked up.
Only we can’t keep us,
All the same we will walk!


The virus was put on the crown,
People hold defense!
We are stronger - your mother,
Virus! Do not scare us!


Without the Handra, we are among the people
Insulation passes,
Beer, vodka, sausage,
And ditties until the morning!


The market collapsed, oil slept,
The virus is strengthened,
An optimist must be
After all, life continues.


Our money is running out
Only jokes - to the hell,
Can pay them them
For April for housing and communal services?


For intercourse and affection
I came to my beloved in a mask
And until the sunset itself
Kissed her a respirator.
I really understood only at the end
That he was not on the face


Tired of us friends,
Only this does not matter
Inflation is still waiting.


Dear does not kiss me,
Says - then, then!
He is in a mask of the house all day,
Trains with the cat!


With kum we drive moonshine
From sheets of papyrus -
Only he helps
From coronavirus.

Ditties Medical funny cool modern

Ditties Medical funny cool modern
Ditties Medical funny cool modern

Medical funny funny cool modern:

We have cool doctors
Better than in Europe.
In the pandemic then they
Ended up in ... Ope.

* * *

Bring us shoe covers
Masks and gloves.
The main thing with enthusiasm
Everything is fine with us!

* * *

I fell in love with a doctor
And she admitted in a flash.
He said: go home,
And calm the nerves.

* * *

We will wear my friends and I
White bathrobes
And let's go look for guys
Beautiful in the wards.

* * *

I shortened the bathrobe
To show the legs.
And the head doctor saw me
And he said: Japan Mother!

* * *

Oh girls, help
Dimedrola in me.
The guy threw it. How to forget?
To flood my grief.

* * *

I'm in the city hospital
After a medical school.
Oh work, oh suck.
Wash dirty trials.

* * *

Mom instructed me
Learn to go to the doctor.
To put injections in the ass
Without remorse.

* * *

Medicine, medicine,
You drove me crazy.
Even mommy in the hospital
I gave birth to me in this.

* * *

Eh, girls, raise
Demography is needed.
We are going to give birth
For the native party!

* * *

Our Motherland needs
A doctor and doctors.
We are no less important
Than nano-kilnetics.

* * *

Loved the patient
I am very rich.
So what, that one -eyed
With the back of Gorbatoy.

* * *

My doctor’s husband
And I am a physician
The whole family is in medicine
I am a urologist, my husband is a gynecologist,
We will be you and me!

I say to the patient:
You need to at the Federal State Institution,
And the grandfather is deaf,
Says: "CPSU?"

* * *

In the department masculine
Full chambers.
Well, it’s not for nothing that I gave
The oath of Hippocrates!

* * *

Medicine, medicine,
Life is a complete picture.
Deputy or miner,
All go to the injection!

* * *

In medicine, we have
New orders now.
There is no time to treat people
Report the reports all day!

* * *

We work in medicine
Very, very much like
And so we have
Everyone smiles.

* * *

I am native medicine
I will never leave.
When I become very old -
I will be a nurse.

* * *

Do not be jealous of me, beloved.
After all, the order in medicine -
All doctors are married
Old, pot -bellied.

* * *

I said to my relatives:
I'm going to the hospital.
Do not give birth, but to work,
Have you thought about what?

* * *

In the city hospital, life,
Like in the series.
Jealousy and intrigue - in!
At least make a movie about us!

* * *

If you dream of injections
Two -liter enemas,
So exactly a nurse
You work new.

* * *

Medicine is more
Than one profession.
They work bravely here
Keep balance.

* * *

Medicine, medicine,
What did you bring to.
I have one shoe
And the legs are whole - two!

* * *

Doctors have one care
Their favorite work.
And the nurses have worries
Like 100 such works.

* * *

I’ll go to study at the doctor,
All relatives are very happy.
Everything is treated for free
Suddenly gathered with me.

* * *

Better people do not hurt,
So as not to lie in the hospital,
We have except Dimedrola -
Not a damn thing-a Japanese mother.

* * *

We write a letter to Putin -
That we live well.
For a salary of 10 thousand,
How can you live again?

* * *

You say in vain
That the doctors are cruel.
Just girls-doctors
Very lonely.

* * *

We are very poorly supplied.
For medicines, then a bummer.
Soon our patients
We will treat with burdock.

* * *

We are ditties about doctors
We sing for mood.
So that our listeners
We looked with tenderness.

* * *
We wish you, friends,
Good health,
Drink on an empty stomach in the morning
Milk cow.

* * *

Someone has a husband banker
Someone has a commander.
My beloved is the chief physician,
This is the best of all luck!

* * *

What happened? What's that noise?
The bulb is swinging.
Ethyl alcohol is taken!
The holiday is planned!

* * *

The patient fell in love with me
Bearded old grandfather.
Only I am to him with an injection
He is already standing, waiting naked ...

* * *

The girls have nurses,
Not husbands - one shame.
They are alcohol, that ammonia,
Everyone drinks - even on an empty stomach.

* * *

Oh, we are tired, doctors,
Patients are wild.
It's easier to work in the morgue,
There the patients are quiet.

* * *

He loves his job like that
Our generation,
It will even envy us
Minister of Health.

* * *

The day is unsuccessful today,
I got up from my left leg,
And I am in patients
Gave the head of the traffic police ...

* * *

Read on the Internet,
The whole epic on a diet.
I have one hundred kg in me. Beauties,
It is necessary to demolish the scales in the scrap.

* * *
They say about the neighbor
Like from the moon fell,
Doesn't sit on diets
Dumplings eat and lard.

* * *

Oh, don't hang me noodles,
I'm sitting on a diet.
There is no inspiration.

* * *

The neighbor told me
How can I lose weight by summer.
We need to eat one cabbage,
Well, sweat in sex.

* * *

The girls are now insolent,
We sat together diets,
There are no boobs and there are no priests,
I am an opponent of those diets.

* * *

Do not scold my son
That he did not buy gasoline.
You are on the diet today,
Ride on a bicycle.

* * *

I will give advice on how to lose weight
Behave like a bear,
Saw the whole paw for the whole winter
You, like a bend of a clubfoot.

* * *

Klava told me yesterday,
That she has little place in the house.
Klava, I say: -"Home,
Eat less, and drink more. "

* * *

Milka moved off the coil,
Stopped eating cheesecakes.
There are no boobs now at all,
And they were envy for everyone.
After the third flew,
Milena and I are before bed.
Excellent sex - hungry,
Five kilos flew off the belly.

** * *
Morning, don't open your eyes
And I already dream of a sausage ...
In a dream, burst before lunch,
Very fashionable diet.

* * *

And my friend Olya ...
Exclusively eats standing
Wants to become slim as a doe
Lost in front of our eyes - look

* * *

Suddenly the mother -in -law says
Like she became crowded in the hut.
He gave her a booklet,
"Losing weight - one hundred diets."

* * *

From the depression of Lyubash
Eats cabbage, not porridge
Obviously wants to lose weight
And puff with the cute on the stove ...

* * *

The girls are all ready for spring,
Put up the updates ...
So that a man has interest,
Perhaps you need to throw off the weight.

* * *

Sveta dreamed of a girl
So that there is always a feast on the table.
And now you can see it,
And he drinks kefir on a diet.

* * *

Brought to the Selpo with us,
Pineapples for the fifth time.
Improve the shape of the figure,
And without any physical education.

* * *
A glass of vodka and candy,
Very glorious diet.
Fantik sniffy, drink vodka,
And under the degree of Baldey.

* * *

Ivan decided to lose weight,
Already threw off three hundred grams.
Threw off trousers and panties
I put eggs on the scales.

** * *
And Lidushka, wow - slimmer,
I got into a mini-skirt.
That's what the diet means,
And then the chairs cracked.

* * *

I will not go lose weight to the doctor.
I want to be a fat woman.
The past husband hugged me
He broke three fingers about the ribs.

* * *

In the New Year we drank,
The very least sober up.
We sit together on a diet
And for this you need to drink.;

Funny funny modern sports ditties

Funny funny modern sports ditties:

We are sports ditties
Cooked for you.
They were composed on the go,
We perform for the first time.

* * *

We are physical education lessons
Just adore
Basic standards
Easily ahead.

* * *

Better than any kangaroo
I can jump in length.
I studied this for a long time,
I was not lazy in the lessons!

* * *

Our light is a swallow
Excellent gymnastics.
It flies over the bars,
This is doing!

* * *

Our classmate is Ivan
Sports is fond of:
For girls at school
It is chasing all day!

* * *

All physical education lessons
Anya misses.
How much health
Anechka loses!

* * *

“It hurts and it hurts there ...
The doctor does not tell you to strain ... "
There is always a pretext of Yura,
He is afraid of physical education!

* * *

Everyone who was running around -
I forgot about diseases.
"Running is a great medicine!" -
Hippocrates gave advice.

* * *

Like ours with Yura
Two stands in physical education.
He was allotted and all sweated,
But he could not squeeze!

* * *

In gym class
Petya distinguished himself:
Once climbed onto the bars,
Forty times fell!

* * *

Only once stared Stas,
He failed our friendly class.
I did not go to training
Lost his dexterity.

* * *

We are in any Spartakiad
Let's give a head start a hundred points!
Should not be in our class

* * *

All sports channels
Vlad is trying to watch.
Raming on the couch
Enters for sports!

* * *

Our classmate is Petrov
I scored many goals.
On the account of his heads,
How much is the stake in the diary!

* * *

I'm very proud today
I set a record for me:
Refused the habit
Irka pull the pigtails!

* * *

Max handed over a hundred -meter,
Barely reached:
He fell off at the finish -
I was very struggling!

* * *

We sang for you, tried
But they were a little confused
All sung to the end
Ah yes we! Ay, well done!

* * *

To develop muscles
Engage in physical education.
Train, jump,
Dry your feet more!

* * *

If you work
You can achieve a lot.
Who is stubborn, loves sport,
He will not disappear anywhere!
There is no war and terrorists,
Glory to sports and artists,
Hey, you shut up there, guns,
Olympic ditties.

* * *

Stadium, I'm going in the morning
In the sector ... this ... for the nucleus,
Here I put the kernel in a bucket
The judges rushed to the subway.

* * *

All: Attention! On your marks!
This is a run, the final, excitement!
Right now the judge is fingering, it seems,
The stadium yells: Lie down!

* * *

They shout to me on the water polo:
- Give me a pass to Popov.
I scored a goal - I deceived everyone,
And Popov, damn it ... drowned.

* * *

Two boxers went out to fight,
No, to immediately give a dera,
No, they beat each other so
That both were planted.

* * *

The archer fired everything from the bow.
Not shooting - continuous flour,
And he would shoot from the watermelon,
At least ate from the belly.

* * *

Start in the midst of sunny heat
Danced to the rowers, on the canoe,
Ours returned - boasted for a long time:
- I chopped all the water.

* * *

Sweden cries with happiness:
Above all all the jumps jumps.
I run up: - Uncle, you ...
- Yes, baby, I live on the roof.

* * *

Our goalkeeper repulsed the penalty
And at the same time he made a somersault
He walked away, drank water
What - yes the ball swallowed.

* * *

Here is sports walking
Champion ... know fate ...
Became a strange granny,
Well, two funny goose.

* * *

U! Winter! Skruple jumps.
In the sky, a strange picture.
Ours flies, shouts to everyone: - Kysh!
It is only a pity that without skis.

* * *

Champion Spear Metal,
The shell flew far.
- Oh oh oh! - said Ksyusha
And she fired from Katyusha.

* * *

Football players put the wall:
On the right - Slavka, on the left - Genka,
The coolest goalkeeper Yegor is the coolest,
Building a stone fence.

* * *

We sobbed with happiness.
Well, swimmer! All medals!
Coach judges: - What are you sorry for?
Well, think ... a mermaid.

* * *

And agree that our gymnast
Anyone will give a head start
What will give there? Crush
Will catch up and add.

* * *

All Russian saber
Champions - medalists,
If someone comes,
Our yells: - Yes, I am Chapaev!

* * *

On flying saucers
We shoot very accurately
Missed only once
And they got into someone's basin.

* * *

On running boars
The queue is not for us to shoot
This is how the elephants will run
Then ... And here ... and we!

* * *

Well, trouble, well, right ah!
Lost to everyone on skates.
Well, they don’t roll, well, tight ...
- What are you? Yes, then the sea!

* * *

Ah, how I love football!
You don't even dream
Hockey, fight, handball -
Read a newspaper.

* * *

Without praise and shocking:
I am a long -standing fan,
I would even say so:
You are a sick professional.

* * *

Skalolaz climbs mountain,
Anniversary hundredth time.
Ouch! Does not climb. Oh, flies!
No, it hangs on the thread.

* * *

The football player said the ball:
I want to score you.
But there will be no case
I torture you.

* * *

Just instructed
Strips do not like bar.
As they see, here is a joke
They immediately bury on the floor.

* * *

All wrestlers in life brothers,
Everyone rushes into arms,
But they cannot hold
And you have to throw it.

* * *

Auto women, the roar of the engines!
The dexterity of the hands and the tenacious of the eyes,
Motor drivers are not timid
The third day is gasped in traffic.

* * *

Hockey players! All on the ice!
Hear the pipe calls!
An hour under that dudu
All flew into the pipe.

* * *

The stars once came to Sambo.
To fight with whom would we?
We hear the cry: - Oh! O! O! O!
Vitas is taken on the pain.

* * *

Pistol ... in fact ...
What does pneumatic mean?
Well ... Did you play a pipe?
Or spat in a tube?

* * *

What are they throwing? Disks.
And what does the judge write? Lists.
Are they growing far? Fact.
And I see ... counterfeit.

* * *

Listen! Fast as they run,
Cleverly transmit!
Hm! This is a brother relay!
O! Send them behind the cutlet.

* * *

What does it allow yourself?
I took ours and overtakes.
There are not yours here
Call the traffic police soon.

* * *

In the summer we will win in China
All prizes and all medals!
Well, if there is not enough urine? -
We will take revenge on the winter in Sochi!

* * *

The horse jumps, and on it
Very thin jockey.
Why didn’t the wife sit down?
She ate her oatmeal.

* * *

Hockey final on the grass
Passed along the worn land.
This is who invented well done
The one who let the sheep there.

Funny funny modern ditties on the day of trade, about sellers

Funny funny modern ditties on the day of trade, about sellers:

Happy Trade Workers Day!
Let luck smile
Life will prepare surprises
Only bright as the sun.

* * *

Let the desires come true
There will be happiness without delay:
To work with diligence
And love without delay!

* * *

We wish you customers richer
To always like the assortment,
Partners more accurately - for surrender,
To please you with a percentage.

* * *

Let the crises bypass the side,
And the proposal exceeds demand.
And a holiday of all trade workers
Brings prosperity and growth!

* * *

Trade is a progress engine,
There are novelties in renewal,
Though there are many stress risks,
Do not turn the process back.
And the purpose of trade is profit.
Goods - for any request.
It is easy to buy. Could you sell?
And at what price? Question?!

* * *

Congratulations on the holiday trade,
And we wish everyone good luck.
Let there be demand and there will be profit,
Success, happiness to you - without surrender.
There is talent in this matter -
It is only difficult to convey.

* * *
There are no boundaries for perfection,
They can all sell:
Cucumbers, radishes, cabbage,
Fish, meat, sausage ...
It was empty in the basket - -
And now - I will not take away ....
All trade workers
Very well done
Congratulations to you today, dear sellers!

* * *
Happy Trade Workers Day! Without her, nowhere, now
We are in a hurry we are in stores if we need food,
Behind clothes, boots also urgently need to you,
So let you have the strength, we wish you happiness!

* * *

Let enough health, and love, and mischief, and
So that joy is in life, even with a drop of magic.
All desires were fulfilled, and friends did not let down,
And satisfied customers have come to you more than once!

* * *
Buy-sell-a complex science,
You are in it - like a fish in the water,
There is no boredom in your work
You are here and there, and you are everywhere!

* * *

Let your sales grow
The profit will increase to the sky,
Let everyone find out about you,
And everyone will come to the store!
Health, happiness and good luck
Love, success and victories,
Let the problems solve everything
Live with trade two hundred years!

* * *

Selling - work is not easy,
You try to convince a person
That he needs that binoculars so much
Or bike - carry bags.
Seller - Glorious genius trade -
You are always with a smile on your face
And it doesn’t matter how many opinions there will be,
Behind the counter you are always like in the palace.

* * *

Let them knock on your door on the door
Happiness, joy, respect, success,
Let everything always be successful,
Let the cheerful laugh sound in your family.
And I also wish peace and peace
So that you are always lucky in everything,
So that there is no end to the buyers,
And their number would grow every day!

* * *

Happy Trade Day
We congratulate you
And good customers to you
We wish you a lot
To at home and at work
You were always lucky
And in the shower it is always so that it was
Joyful, warm!
The work of the trade worker
Very important for the country
The state is established
Feast of demand and prices!

* * *

We wish you good luck
So that the goods are in the way,
Let them not ask you to change
Profit multiplies a hundred times!
All trade workers
Sincerely and sincerely
Today I want to congratulate
With pleasure big.

* * *

Let work easily go
Everything is sold at a time
Will be solvent
You have buyers.
Happiness, blue sky,
Respect, good.
And pleasant congratulations
Complete affection and heat.

* * *

Somehow I sailed the Irtysh (or by Lovati?)
And he met Kalmyk naked in handy.
Oh, the task is not simple - to conquer the Kalmyk!
But I took a master kernel from his panties in time.
Where Baikal splashes (such a lake),
I entertained the cube with the fact that under my hand ...
I am grateful to the fate that my cube
I got me to my very hinterland!

* * *

One night on the steep bank of the Amur
Girls scribbled with the gurt "Bolivar's heart."
There I noticed two young tuvins
And all night I stayed between the halves.
One night on the oka, on a barge empty
Chuvashka’s chest, I Called Called in my hand carefully.
We sat on the mattress, rolled the mash ...
And the dream (seven times) young dudes came true.

* * *

Once in broad daylight in Krakow (on Vistil)
The legs of the Polish hung on my shoulders.
The feed of long -legged Polish was good!
By the morning I went crazy, spreading the slices.
And once in the spring somewhere on the Danube
A German mentally sick met me.
I buried in it like a mole, and bit like a blind ...
The German defended the degree after a year.

* * *

One night, the longboat floated on the waves of the Euphrates.
In it, I just accustomed the Kazakh to debauchery.
I aimed my device in a young Kazakh woman ...
The Kazakh woman still has his legs in a wire of his back.
The Nile spilled below in the bone ...
There, I bowed Bashkirka to the porn entertainment.
It was the ninth shaft! .. I was Bashkirk by morning
Barely tore off his scruff!

* * *

Once on the Limpopo river, which is known to children,
I met from our depot of the driver,
That stood in the way, leaning low ...
I was unable to pass by the driver!
Somehow near the wasteland, somewhere on the Hudson,
I picked the storm in the erogenous zone.
And the arrow in the heart of that storm came in love ...
She could not go out for exercises.

* * *

Once on Lake Huron (or on Guron?)
I drove my cartridge into the chamber with the Uzbek.
The Uzbek broke with all my legs from me ...
But in vain - I could not allow misfires.
Past the quiet sat along the ogio river
The Swede naked floated, and even scouring!
It's a pity, her mother is like such a Swede
It can meet on the way extremely rarely!

* * *

Once a Japanese under a bush on the Izhora River
The Waltz Boston sang to Si-Bemol Majore.
Ah, what a beckoning look that of that Japanese was ...
Since then, both membranes have been sick.
A huge crocodile sailed along the end of the Elbe,
Where I and Czech carried out combat firing ...
And back two days at the mouth of Rio Grande
The Ethiopian kneaded the tonsils about me.

* * *

Since Karel came to me and brought Karelka.
I heated a whole plate to her borscht ...
On the bend of the Ob somewhere closer to the night
I loved that Karelka non -standard.
Once on Kolyma (or on Ilmen?)
I fucked Nanai and her deer.
Oh, I’ll leave in the spring of the Amazon's wilds!
The Finnish and Estona stamped there.

* * *

All cashiers and all sellers:
Happy holiday all the congratulations to you!
May work be always relevant,
The salary will reach the heights of unreal!

Ditties about the cottage funny cool modern

Ditties about the cottage funny cool modern:

And we have passion in our country house,
Who is under whom, and who is on whom?
This is the watchman Uncle Vasya,
He sits on the thief.


Once in the garden,
I gave a little to the Mileno
Both in cabbage and in carrots,
Well, wherever she caught up.


Toples went out into the garden
Panama was sunk,
The dog howled, cried the cat,
Am I worse than a scarecrow?


I'm sitting in a greenhouse in the summer
I warm my radiculitis,
God forbid at the time of intimacy,
The lower back will get sick.


I'm sitting in a greenhouse in the summer
And I lay down the cucumbers,
Mine grew in shorts without manure
The greenhouse overtook.


As a potato I'm modest,
Kudryava, like parsley,
As if scared fashionable
Well, where are you, Andryushka.


Planted a ray yesterday,
So that there is a snack in the house,
And vodka, beer, cognac,
They grow in a nearby, in a gastronom.


Oh, I'm tired of digging
You can’t trust a mother -in -law
Says: "There are only six acres."
It was obviously digging twenty -five.


Garden like a battlefield
I’m struggling with me all day,
I want to drink to horror
I will get and get drunk.


Everything was ripening in the garden,
We twist the banks day and night
The Ministry of Emergencies will have to be called
To help us in that Abraly.

They bold cucumbers,
Look, dear already without panties.
He takes out his green
"All the workpieces, the end?"


They bold cucumbers,
Like pipis in youths,
And now for the marinade,
A little larger is necessary.


That you are standing with your mouth,
Dig a cute garden.
To cold in winter
There was a feast on the table.


They do not grow in the garden,
Turnips and cabbage.
And dear in his underpants,
It has not grown densely.


Chairman in gardening
Likes to count denyushki
Not otherwise than the spring.
Will increase contributions.


Treasurer said: "Well, those
I have a computer now
How I will pay taxes
I stick out in classmates. "


The chairman of the treasurer took
From Kloaki HOA
Know now steal together
Swells, everything is already?


A dispute came out in gardening
What should be the fence
The fence should be like that
To crawl under it.


The grandson said: "We need cabbage."
We will not let him down,
This summer in gardening
She will take her six acres.


Gardening is horror
Horticulture is horror.
Without a neighboring look,
And not Pern ... and not Bzdn ....


Carrot was ugly
Such a glorious
And the dear in his underpants,
There is no crop.


Finally bought a cottage
Drink milk from a bidon
The garden is still digging
The sun shines in the ass


In the morning I will take a fishing rod
There are worms languishing
Vodka with beer in a backpack
Subscribes are useful


I buried in the garden ...
And she herself forgot where
Watch twenty acres
Oh, sclerosis led to trouble


The neighbor has horseradish to waist
The women lined up in a row
Thought in the pants an increase
Will love everyone in a row


And in the beds of cucumbers ...
So flooded - well done
The husband suffers from envy
His own current does not rub


I made a dig to a neighbor
Now Tyrya is all in a row.
Oh, my wife is happy with me,
Gives more often I and glad.


Bought two more hundred
It is necessary to buy a tractor.
After all, digging with a shovel
You can stretch your legs.


Near the dacha forest and river
And a shopping store
And we drive the moonshine ourselves
So accepted in Russian.


It is necessary to sell the cottage
Although it is very sorry
Our harvest is excellent
When in the field autumn.


The planting season has begun,
Turnips, beets and zucchini.
And for cute Vanyatka,
On the snack of the beam.


I'm crying bitterly in the country
Oh, there is no strength tired.
But I'm ready for sex
And you did not ask.


My mother -in -law is the commander
Polesh ran to my holes.
Then beat, and then dig,
He also at the dacha "paradise".


I was in a hurry on the date,
That's what I was welcoming
I am waiting in the garden Fedya,
I’ve been standing like a scarecrow for an hour.


My Milenok one night
He was waiting for the thieves - sat in an ambush.
Missed - a neighbor's goose,
In a greenhouse he ate seedlings.


I dug up a treasure in the garden,
Only my husband was not happy.
Then his stash
Oh, I will feel a fight.


Looking along the beds, Klim jumps,
Grandma Manya after him.
Water debt to see
He does not want to fulfill.


Planted in the garden
Onions, now you need to water.
Sorry for the sausages on the snack
It is impossible to plant.


Baba went to the garden,
The dress is backward.
The neckline is half a spin
On the pope, the dimples are visible.


Planted in the garden
Carrots "Scarla - Pioneer."
How to ripen, I will tell my husband:
"Here, equal to size."


Baba went to the garden,
In shorts in tightening.
The neighbor's dog started drooling,
Licked her a thigh.


The May beetle sat on a birch,
Observing the bastard from above.
Where and what we are sitting,
He is always happy to harm us.


Don't scold me Vasyatka
I stick out on the beds all day
Booty to the sun, in the ground with his nose,
Either with a shovel, then with manure.


I began to sleep in a day ...
I'm not lazy to dig a garden.
All in manure and in the ash,
Yes, and also tipsy.


With a laptop in the garden
Between the beds in the morning.
Classmates in touch,
Wait with dittios, whores.


No at the dacha of the toilet
And we do not need it.
We fertilize right in place
Then zucchini, otherwise flowers.


Cucumbers grow in the garden,
With sex, too, everything is in order
With Milka in complete neglect,
In the midst of potatoes, in the chain.


The grandfather began to write a testament,
He collected his whole relatives.
The garden first we dies
I handed it to everyone on a shovel.


Was in the store today,
I took vodka and bought bread,
And beets, pumpkin and potatoes,
He raised in the garden.


In the large city of Hirosaki.
Today only macaques are going.
And the beauties are not otherwise
They are waiting for the garden to dig in the country.

Video: ditties - congratulations from Semin Valery by April 1

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