Funny ditties for the holidays - folk, Russian, to raise the mood: the best selection

Funny ditties for the holidays - folk, Russian, to raise the mood: the best selection

Any holiday will be fun if you approach its preparation as seriously as possible. Guests should not only enjoy delicious food and drink alcoholic beverages. So that all those present at your event are satisfied, be sure to take care of the entertainment. You can invite guests to sing funny ditties, you will find ideas in our article.

Funny ditties for adults - a selection for holidays

Funny ditties for adults - a selection for holidays
Funny ditties for adults - a selection for holidays

Funny ditties for adults - a selection for the holidays:

Oh, accordion, play,
Fuck us a fool.
We will dance, we will whistle
I will knock with heels!


I will play you on the accordion,
I'll raise the mood
I know a lot of songs
And I love the accordion.


Oh, funny accordion,
The harmonist is more fun,
Our harmonist fell in love
Oh, he misses her ...


You are an accordion, accordion,
Do not call my Vanka
I'm dancing a little
I'll forget about love.


I dressed up today
Gubonki made up
On a date to Athos
I climbed out the window.


Harmonist, you, harmonist,
The width is torn,
You at least cover you with an accordion
His shastydinochka.


Vasya, Vasya, Harmonist,
All girls love
Well, Vasya is on the accordion
Grits to the side.


I sing ditties to you
My bra is cracking at the seams,
Do not shame, mother knows
This spirit is not enough!


Eh, harmonica, accordion,
Multi -colored furs.
I will play the accordion,
I will attract the groom.


I mentioned dancing
I tear my throat
All the ditties have already sang
I don't know anymore!


Mom calls me:
Cucumber soul.
Without cucumbers of salty
I can't live a day.


I boast of your bust,
He has the size of the sixth.
Girls, eat cabbage,
To make the chest big!


Are you going to diet?
Have you stocked up with vegetables?
There is no better for a diet,
What is a useful vinaigrette!


Something's vision fell,
Can I change your glasses?
But a friend advises6
You eat carrots more often.


Puree soup, french fries,
Chips, flakes, jelly,
Without a beloved potato
Even life will not be sweet.


Herring without a “fur coat” is bored,
Borsch will disappear without beets,
Let everyone know in the world:
Red beetroot honor!


Green and parsley,
Celery, dill, lavrushka,
If greens on the table -
Be healthy children!


So that the salad is excellent,
You add a Teplichny tomato,
It is brighter - just not
After all, he absorbed the sun.


He keeps up with everyone faster
Early radish,
Everyone loves her
It bows low.


We are a comrade Khrushchev
We are still grateful
Rubbing corn,
Rejoice, please us, popcorn!


Zucchini lie on the garden
Like piglets
There will be guys.


We are old women young
We are not vulgar, not evil.
Now we will finish beer,
And we will sing ditties to you.


I boasted a neighbor:
What else my grandfather is strong,
And she said: “You're lying
Your Semyon is no longer a go! ”


I am an iPhone for birthday
Seryozha gave her grandson,
My grandfather this Sunday
They pounded the nuts!


On the fence of the pantalons
Dry three minutes.
The grandson took into the aero club -
I thought - parachutes!


I am a cure for sclerosis
I drink, almost handfuls ...
I hid the stash somewhere,
Well, where - I don't know ...


On a ticket, on a plane,
I am smoking for a year.
Just need for the resort
My pensions are five hundred.


Something my grandfather suddenly washed
Isn't he falling in love?
I will not go to Ana's neighbor,
Let him live now in the bathhouse.


Grandfather grabbed his back:
You need to treat
Asks: Give me moonshine
And a sandwich sandwich!


We went with a neighbor
To the city for goods,
Distracted, entered the tavern
And they returned drunk.


To our village in the week
Casting came to the model.
Unfortunately, girls
There are all bbw in the village.


Eh, not joy, our old age,
Everything hurts and aches,
Even a grandfather without a sob.
The third day is already groaning.


Advise me the cream
To rejuvenate
Look at 25,
And fall in love again.


I read the lifestyle and I read
Much was remembered
For example, to become rich
You need to eat the dollar rumpled.


Oh, I'm sick in the morning
I'll go drink cognac.
I have to eat a bread with a bread,
And then the grandfather will saw.


I don't want to be a grandmother
I will love grandchildren like that.
I'm only 50,
I want youth back!


Do not judge me strictly
So what, that grandmother.
I am more likely to love
Grandfather is next to it!


I'm young granny
I am funny, cool.
With youth, I hang out
I don't want to retire!


We sang ditties
Grandmas whose success was thundered,
We will again need -
Contact e-mail.

Merry ditties are funny and mischievous for adults

Merry ditties are funny and mischievous for adults
Merry ditties are funny and mischievous for adults

Merry ditties are funny and mischievous for adults:

We laid the garden
The guys had fun.
It became hot, we shared,
And they fell.


Honey soared in the bathhouse
Yaro whipped with a broom,
And we got to sex,
He said he was tired.


There is a bathhouse on the hillock,
There is a smoke from the pipe,
Gather girls in the bathhouse,
Fly to the canopy.


Plowing in the field in the spring
Our tractor drivers,
And they kiss under the pine
Our harmonists.


If you ask me
Why I suffer
I earned three rubles,
I don’t know what to lower.


My sister is beautiful
Guys go on the heels.
One - drives by car,
Another in the bast shoes goes to us.


A maniac climbed to me at night,
In the window stuck neither like this nor Syak.
I put nettles
He hung him on the priest.


My favorite letter,
Teaches the literacy of people
His boots in manure,
And on the ass of a burdock.


I cooked an omelet
I did not spare the eggs
To be cute at night
I was not lying idle.


Lilac blooms in the yard,
The aroma is disturbing.
My man who is day
Without love cannot.


Well done do not love me
And men do not like,
And I'm running with snot
And I let the bubbles.


They gave me a scarf
Blue flowers,
I'll go to it to the sweet
To Vasya Vasilechka.


Oh, my relatives stumbled:
I didn’t take it into my husband.
Have you looked in the mirror?
Admire yourself!


Oh, my mother -in -law,
Let me dug up
Not your moonshine by yours -
I wouldn't get married!


Eh, brother, my brother,
We are stupid, they say.
The dad is to blame for this,
Looks like he is also stupid.


Do not look, women, askance,
That I live without a husband,
I will take off the braid
And I’ll go to the nun.


I recognize my boyfriend
According to the chiserable horse,
You just have to put your hand
To me in the underpants to him.


Cavaliers, gentlemen,
Petit, Vasya and Valera,
Do not follow me
Kolya is dear to me!


In the village we have pop
Prays in the evenings.
Because all day
There are girls with girls.


In the village of a store,
Soap, nails, but gasoline,
The seller is shy
There is nothing to buy.


District ditties
We sang, tried
Sorry, we are relatives,
If you mature!

Funny ditties for free for a feast

Funny ditties for free for a feast
Funny ditties for free for a feast

Funny ditties for free for a feast:

Eh, Elena Veselushka,
The vocabulary, good.
It is revealed in a ditty
Her Russian soul.


I loved Sasha
Slack gate.
And now I love Kolka
Hair under the Polish.


You keep in mind my dear Vovik
What I want to tell you.
If you will quarrel vodka,
I won’t let it go to myself.


I loved Vovka
Respected Vovka.
And now Vovka
For logging.


Curled Volodya,
I ordered shoes.
Please, you Volodya
Powers are higher than heels.


My Petya, my Petya,
And I'm Petin.
Petya chopped pegs,
And I was throwing it.


There was a bazaar
I saw Taras.
He is so, he and Syak,
And I did not give myself.


Do not scold my mother
What the sour cream spilled.
Aleshka walked outside the window,
I was without memory.


Play Lesha, play Lesha,
I need more fun.
I will not forget the sulfur eyes,
Wherever they are.


Thank you Lesha
Played, amused.
Yes, thanks to it,
Who loved, but changed.


I will not kiss
No hahal.
I will kiss Lesha
For a piece of sugar.


I gave Nikolai
Near the house by the porch.
And I saw my dad,
And cut off two eggs.


Kolya, Kolya, Nikolai,
Kolya, Nikolashka.
You don't deceive me
Like a parashka Yashka.


Kolya, Kolya, oh Kolya,
Kolya from Vaganov.
They drove Kolya drunk
From a bucket of filthy.


If the skirt is not in the cell,
I would not wear.
If the droplet is not a ring
I would not love.


Cute Kolya sleeps in the field,
I'll go to wake Kolya.
I have grief on my heart
I’ll go to tell me.


I am an accordion on Colin
I will put Belu Lilac
To Colin's accordion
She played more fun.


I used to love Kolya
Called Kolya - Nikolai.
And now Kolya's infection,
Don't get on your eyes.


The girlfriend of the drill Kolya,
I have an earright.
I didn’t get rid of it, lured
Far road.


My friend and I danced
On the floor of the tesovo.
Thank you Kolya
I have fun for the game.


I rode on the swing
I dropped the brooch.
Well, who cares
That I love earrings.


And at Tanya, at Matani
The doors were removed and the cow was taken away.
And Matani was punished
Do not tell anybody.


Matani has a high
The grass was overgrown with sedge.
I'll get sedge
I’ll ask Matani.


I used to love Valya
Valya called Valentine.
Now on Valentine
Pailed quarantine.


Shura, nimble handsome,
There is only one flaw.
On a large road stolen
The woman has a suitcase.


Previously, Shura called it
Shura, Shurochka, Shukok.
And now I call it
From a shoe lace.


Roofing felts because of roofing felts,
Felts because of the yurochka.
Attached to me
Yesterday there are four fools.


Oh, Semyon, Semyon,
Your navel is green.
The shirt is long,


Oh, Semenovna,
Baba Russian.
You yourself are fat
And the skirt is narrow.


The plane is flying,
And the motor is buzzing.
And Semenovna
He sits behind the wheel.


Oh, Semenovna,
So fashionable.
I bought shoes
The very hungry.


When is it really
You will dry out for me.
Know our Emelya,
In vain, the cartoon on the head.


Oh, my bast shoes
Lapti varnish.
Yerma and Thomas have
The same.


Eh, Dui Dunka,
Blow Dunka.
Fire from under Dunka,
I'm running from Dunka.


Dunya, moss,
I accumulated a lot of fleas.
Fleas bite,
Dunya matches.


Nina Color, Nina Color,
Nina Dandelion.
Nina I love you
Only I'm not a boy.


There used to be a time
Two went with Lenochka.
Now the time is not that
No one will come to Lenochka.


Matryukha gave birth to two.
Boy and girl,
And the beggar Verochka.


Cute Vasya I took off
Naked without a shirt.
Do not think for the bad
Now the fashion is new.


Funny funny ditties for adults

Funny funny ditties for adults
Funny funny ditties for adults

Funny funny ditties for adults:

Do not blame, do not blame
In the garden, a bathhouse.
Do not get married, don't get married
My Milenok Vanya.

Stopped, protered
In the garden, a bathhouse.
He got married, got married
My Milenok Vanya.

Dear Ivan,
We will change the muds.
You have more, I have less.
I am a penny.


My sweetheart yesterday
Book Medvedko.
So it is necessary to Satan
Which rarely gave.

I had a millennya
His name was Yurka.
There is no village in any village
Such a half -breath.

I had a millennya
His name was Mishka.
Will never bring
"Lamptei Bear"

I loved Mishutu
The shirt is embroidered.
The shirt is embroidered with silk
Good guy Mishuta.
They say that I have
Slender figure.
I have three boyfriends
Kolya, Lenya, Shurochka.

Curls curl, curls curl,
Like Voroshilov.
But I don’t get something
The fool is lousy?

I'm not Alla Pugacheva
And not Olga Voronets.
Binge, so download
The dear end.

At six o’clock the rooster sings,
At ten Pugachev.
The store is closed to two,
The key to Gorbachev.

Asterisk fell from the sky
Right to Hitler on the nose.
All America found out
That Hitler has diarrhea.
Putin dear,
Many times.
I say thank you
What are you taking care of us.

Valentina Tereshkova
For space flight.
Khrushchev was presented by Nikita
Dick is automatic.

I used to give everyone
Except for the astronaut.
Wow, oh you,
We are all astronauts.

At the lifting of firewood,
Petrov persuaded.
I thought, thought:
What kind of love is with him?

I approached the phone,
I took a tube.
I called Buchilov
I called for a gylyanochka.
I have a drunkard.
And I love Vinco.
He gets drunk, breaks down,
Well, Drulya Zolotz.

A raven is sitting on a bitch,
The funnel feeds.
From some connectors
I will repel a little mile.

I walked with the Milenoye,
At the swamp, at the pond.
We scared us frogs,
We cherished there.

I stood at the calica
Milena was waiting.
He came to descend,
And I gave him.

There is a ditch, here is a ditch,
What the hell digging her?
Mileynok walked on a date,
He hit her with his head.
On the high Lesin
My Milenok climbed.
Suddenly Lesinushka broke
The cartilage is on the stone with his head.

My Milenok is stingy
I bought a dry lamb.
I'm a stupid girl,
Through three weeks cropped.

My little millenon is hot
I gave me a Muscovite.
It's useless,
I did not fit into it.

My Milena
Say in the night.
She is on chi, yes on ch.
So both trepachs.

My little one is like a calf
Only the difference is one:
My Milenok drinks from the saucer
A calf from a bucket.
My little sweetie is not a calf
Not a cow, not a bull.
How will this hat dress,
A real fool.

My little one is like a calf
Only break the brooms.
He led me to the house
He could not kiss.

Gold, curled
Thin needle.
There was no mind in my head,
All because of the cute.

My Milena,
There is a pocket watch.
I will do it
Dress wooden.

My Milena,
A cunning mother.
Where he will see, he says
Our young.
Milena curls curls
Curls curls to the eyebrows.
He does not go to the party,
It does not give a panting of bast shoes.

My friend
Curls curl to the eyebrows.
And Milena’s shirt,
He takes out only to the mude.

I have two miles,
There is no present.
Will you find you
What a litter?

I have two miles,
Two and relies.
If the first does not spend,
The second will guess.

Funny funny ditties to uplift the mood

Funny funny ditties to uplift the mood
Funny funny ditties to uplift the mood

Funny funny ditties to cheer up the mood:

What is this village
What kind of village is this?
A lot of people gathered
And they walk fun!


Don't look at me
You will break your eyes,
I'm not from your village
And you don't know me!


Kiss me a friend
Without separation 40 times,
Then I will believe you
That love is with us!


Why did you hit me
Balala on the shoulder?
Very simple, dear
I want to meet!


If you want to meet,
Sit down obliquely
Look at me more often
Squint the eye.


Girls in the lake bathed

Rinse the charms!
I was sitting on a pebble
Like zander on spawning!


I wanted to marry
So I thought that I was married!
Girls in the lake bathed,
I saw, now I'm afraid!


Do not marry girls
Married sadly!
I didn't wash socks
I didn’t hang it there!


Vanka did not wash everything
Forever snot from the nose,
Now, look-
Representative to business!


Songs sing - legs crooked,
Dance - the voice does not.
I would go to visit the mother -in -law
I don't know where he lives.


Sparkle the soul,
Easy eyes
Come on the country
They moved your feet!


I wanted to get married
Mother does not give a cow,
And what a groom came across -
Without a cow does not take!


You don't sing, you don't sing
The tem has not a voice.
There is such a leg -
It stands on end of the vombies!


It’s good to mow the grass
Which is not rumpled
It’s good to love this
Which is not busy.


Two old women without teeth
Interpreted about love:
- You and I are in love with you
You are in jelly, and I'm in pancakes.


Why are the bushes thick?
No one will cut them.
Why are the guys angry?
Nobody loves them.


I stood on the bridge
About the railing was rubbed,
I winked at one -
Seven came up.


I loved him
Black, it seems.
And he, a red dog,
Gutalin smears.


Why are sweets sweet?
- They have sugar on them.
Why are girls smooth?
- They have powders on the top.


Who has what bath -
I have a spruce.
Who has what Milka -
I have poor.


Who has what bath -
I have bricks.
Who has what kind of millennok -
I have a trepach.

The hemp swatter me,
And the pockmarked vying.
Shovel, with a shovel,
And the pockmarked poker.


I will put on a razor sweater,
Who will sit next to Milenk,
I shy the face.


It’s good to mow the grass
Which is insolent.
It’s good to love this
Which itself asks.


The plane is flying,
The wheels erased.
We did not call you
And you come up.


I went to dance
Aunt Pelagia.
Ahead - drum
Behind - battery.


Sing, girls, ditties,
Sing, do not shy.
You are affectionate words
Do not give in to the guys.


I was visiting the mother -in -law
Changed food:
In the morning, tea, at lunch of seagulls,
In the evening, tea.


All the village was bought on Wednesday
Balalaika cannibal
He plays - his rushing,
None of us eats!


I'm dirali to sing
And the accordion on the shoulder
Ask it hotly
Yes, I'm still reduced you!


Optica! Apsy!
Tomatoes, eggs!
I would sang ditties further,
Yes, fingers are tired.


They robbed something in the village
New dining room,
They dragged the cook
The healthiest.


And in the village of our thieves
Stole tomatoes,
Grandfather Petrus tore them,
What I'm afraid to say.


With an unfamiliar key
I swim along the river,
But I can't moor
With a stick, a husband on the shore.


I didn't bathe for three weeks
And he caught a louse not a belly,
She is fat, big,
You can’t kill from the rifle.


I don't need a pood of peas
And one pea.
I don't need many girls
And one good.

Funny modern ditties

Funny modern ditties
Funny modern ditties

Funny modern ditties:

The virus walks along the planet -
He wants to take possession of the world.
We will drive these crown:
We do not need to endure the fool!


Wants a pandemic to live
Pouring your fingers.
She can't break Russia:
We are not the Chinese to her!


Get up from the couch!
The virus is not nirvana.
And, in short,
Eat ginger root.


The virus walks the king,
Says: "Let's go with me!"
No, my dear, you won’t take it!
As you came, you will leave!


Everyone is sitting in their apartments:
The country took care of.
So they made up each other,
You need you, and I need it!


Eh-Ma, Kuterma,
Everyone hid in houses!
There is no rest or sleep:
There is a wall and there is a wall!


What is this soda?
The whole house walks a shaking!
Here is a school and a kindergarten,
And work for everyone!


The whole family teaches lessons.
Even grandmother and grandfather.
To be in one stream,
All climbed on the Internet!


Grandma cries: “Oh, trouble!
Grandfather was completely furious!
Pandemia did not take -
I fell in love with the Internet! "


Pandemia for you is not a "duck",
We can get sick at once.
Only with a song, only with a joke
We can overcome everything!

Funny ditties on the anniversary, birthday

Funny ditties on the anniversary, birthday
Funny ditties on the anniversary, birthday

Funny ditties at the anniversary, birthday:

The anniversary did not stir up
He rolled a feast and a ball.
He is there for Russia
Small business supported.


Life is given once
And, alas, short.
To forget about it,
Let's drink beer with vodka.


We know a lot of ditties.
Maybe sing a day.
So that we are already silent
We need to give us a thousand.


We sing and dance loudly,
All talents spray ours.
How we walk at a banquet,
There will be a video on the Internet.


Our anniversary is enchanting
And smart and ironic,
And the handsome man - at least where!
Not afraid of him!


I see the legs of the anniversary -
And I'm a little worried ...
After all, they grow - from the neck!
Oh, I am stunned from them!


I bought Push-up a banquet,
Yes, I forgot about age,
It’s more modest time
After all, there are children nearby.


Stars are already shining in the sky,
Light everything around.
Our anniversary does not subside,
The birthday man is a generous friend!


Our anniversary is the upper class,
Admire us to us!
The fun was spinning us,
Do not forget what was here!


How the tables I saw
The mind immediately lost!
Meat, fish and sweets -
I eat everything! Goodbye, diet!


Namedays are heavy,
Again the year to count ...
It's good that how we get drunk,
I'll quit worry!


Namedays are heavy,
You need to drink a lot,
To become beautiful again
And forget about age!


Namedays are heavy,
For a diet - straight kayuk!
Can everything be a birthday!?
If only a belt of trousers was a whole!


The birthday girl walks -
I love to light up!
All the stagnacons are lost -
Will work again!


We poured a glass -
It became warm to us right away ...
Good on the anniversary
We all were very lucky!


On the table wine and vodka,
Olivier and jelly.
Meat, sushi and herring -
We must drink, finally!


On the table wine and vodka -
Yes, and a noble snack!
There will be a holiday - what you need!
And to be sad for us is not a reason!


I dressed up for the holiday -
The coloring is a redness ...
I myself admired -
How good I am!


I dressed up for the holiday -
How good I am!
I sang and danced -
The soul was torn from the chest!


I seriously declare -
I don’t give a damn for years!
Since I am young with my soul -
I will light up again!


I dressed up for the holiday -
Look - it's me!
So beautiful - does not know
My whole family!


Who will not have fun -
So we will not pour it!
And cheerful and fervent -
Feed and add!


Ducks and two goose fly.
Let them fly - a mother!
We are sitting on the anniversary -
You need to proclaim a toast!


I dressed up for the holiday -
I wrapped my hair!
I will sing and have fun -
I'll come off at least half an hour!


How many times have I raped
Beer with vodka do not interfere ...
I forgot again ... I apologize -
I would like to lie down now!


On the table wine and vodka -
It would be better not to interfere with them ...
The anniversary is a decent holiday,
Under the table you can not lie!


I won’t go to work -
Oh, how tired I am!
At the banquet of the anniversary
Lighted cool!


I wanted to dance -
I will show passion!
Did not twist the lower back -
This is the whole danger!


I wanted to dance -
I want and I will!
And about what I do not know how, -
Just forget it!


I wanted to dance -
And the soul sang!
I will wag -
The legs are dull boldly!


The end is approaching -
Everyone was worried ...
Not dedicated, not
Oh, how in vain they were shy!


And all that was enough for us-
Everyone fed-drunk!
The glorious holiday turned out -
Only in the morning they scattered!

Funny ditties for mood

Funny ditties for mood
Funny ditties for mood

Funny ditties for mood:

Oh, my harmonica,
Brilling buttons.
Harmonists for love
The guys are suitable.


I didn't want to dance
She stood and shy.
How the accordion began to play
I could not resist.


Does not play harmonica
His hands are white.
Not attracts with harmonies,
And the eyes are gray.


Play alternately
Unknown guy.
Your gray eyes
Burn like a light.


I was called to dance
And the circle is small.
The harmonist sits plays,
Like a scarlet flower.


Just went to the porch
Placed Polobayan.
I thought so, heart
It will break in half.


Somewhere, somewhere they played,
I thought the Milena.
Listed for a long time, stood
The green Christmas trees.


Play, Sasha, play, Sasha,
Play, Sasha, do not be lazy.
I once also have
There was a rack of a harmonist.


How many years have I raped
To sing songs under Talianka.
How a Taglian will play,
Mom does not endure the heart.


Play, play
For me, something
So that the heart does not hurt,
The chest did not upset.


Play, dear, in half,
I'll give you a handkerchief.
Sewed, washed, skating,
From the mother is hidden.


The orphan was born
Orphan has increased.
I studied at Talianka,
I became good young ladies.


I'm on Colin Taglianochka
I hang flowers
To Colin Taglinochka
I played about love.


I didn’t sit down
Not your village
Not for you - I sing to you
I apologize.


I go out to dance
I'm starting to imagine.
I have four brothers
Everyone went to give birth.


I go out to dance
Please do not laugh.
My brown eyes
Afraid of conscience.


I go out to dance
I start with the combat:
I have no today
Escorted home.


I went to dance
There is nothing to bite at home.
Crackers and crusts,
On the legs - frills.


And I'm not Mamenkina,
And I'm not Papenkina.
I walked on the street
The chicken found me.


Oh, dear girlfriend,
Let's make it together:
You are with mine, and I - with your
The evening will stand.


Oh, dear friend,
I don't want to change.
My good, your bad
Everyone will laugh.


I am a girl ataman,
Under the hollow I wear a nagan,
I smoke a Mahorka, I drink wine,
The guys love anyway.


I had a millennya
His name was Nikolai.
I will tie him, it happened:
Nikolai, Horses, Horses!


I can sew, I can shave,
And pin the boards.
I can circle my heads
Turn the pockets.


They say I'm fighting
Well, the truth is the chieftain.
The head of the police
Cut off my pocket.


They say I'm fighting
The combat is not quite:
Forty is loved by fighting
And seven suffer from me.


I loved Vanya
For lipsticks a jar
And the lipstick was raised,
I went to another.


I loved Vovka
No sense
Better if I passed it
For meat supply.


I used to be Kolya, Kolya,
I used to - Colineck!
I was waiting, it happened, Kolya -
I did not extinguish the light.


I am in Bori in the corridor
Borya kissed me
And I was fashionable.


I loved Tolya, Vitya,
I loved the two of them.
Tolya - for his accordion,
And Vitek was my fiancé.


Oh, dear girlfriend,
I am lucky for names:
Lesha was, there is Lesha,
Lesha, I think, to lure.


I had a millennya
His name was Mikhail.
Maybe remember guys,
The mouth, losing, walked.


I had Milenok
His name was Mishka.
He overshadowed semolina
And Lyubov is a lid.


Oh, chi-chi, chi-chi, chi-chi,
One is bad on the stove.
Better to lie with Lesha,
He is so good.


All guys, like guys,
Well, and mine, like a fool,
He fell into the ditch
And shouts: "Pour a hundred grams!"


I loved him -
Devil's line,
Tired of buying
The foul soap.


And people say to me:
"Your Milenok does not drink."
Sunday looked
It takes out the land with a mustache.


I used to be Kolya, Kolya,
I used to have a ring
Lead me home
Kiss Peretnichko.


Girls are three pennies,
And the guys are a ruble,
How to get married,
Three -cape are taken.


Oh, dear girlfriend,
Guys are cheap:
One ruble, one nickle,
And nosy - for so.


There used to be boys -
Drove to restaurants,
And now youth -
You will not find three pennies.


Funny ditties about the bath to entertain guests at the holiday

Funny ditties about the bath to entertain guests at the holiday
Funny ditties about the bath to entertain guests at the holiday

Funny ditties about the bathhouse for entertainment of guests at the holiday:

Once at the women's bathhouse
The bull covered the cow mania.
I don't visit the bathhouse
I am not covered with walking.


Once at noon, in a rural bath,
Ter Vanyatka back mane,
Sex, alas, did not suggest
What to say? Looks like a moron


Once at noon in a rural bathhouse,
I confessed to Mane in love
And she did not appreciate
I beat me with a broom.

In the bathhouse they stuck the stove,
Already bake pancakes,
The box of vodka was bought,
Oh, Gulin, so frenzy


We were lying with Manya yesterday,
On wards in a rural bathhouse,
Overheated, no strength
I didn’t even ask.


Changed Lucy Vanya,
A dark night in a rural bathhouse,
Vanka F was late in the bathhouse,
He took two girls on the highway.


Flooded on Saturday a bathhouse,
The fighters gathered.
He attacked and soaped everything
Eh, I didn’t miss Malin.


My comrade and I walked
Near the women's bath.
They persuaded the girls,
Wash with us.


You know my slack
I love a soft Perink.
And on a hard bath shelf,
We will spend time with the time.


Well, they got me again,
I am with anger, already boiled.
I went to the bathhouse, drank a glass,
Lubbed, younger.


I have one desire
I don’t know to implement.
To the girls in the bathhouse,
They did not forget to invite.


We closed with a cute in the bathhouse.
Oh, and put out
Entertained, so entertained,
They only forgot to wash.


We will go to the bathhouse with you,
We’ll rest, wash.
In the meantime, - sex in the bushes,
After all, the bath is still being built.


Emelya invited me
For sex in the bath, in the week.
It will not be possible on the weekend,
After all, the wife will scold.


In the courtyard lilac blooms,
Dear with a broom goes.
Basin, I did not forget vodka,
I invited me to the bathhouse.


Mother -in -law knitted.
The son -in -law invited to the bathhouse.
The son -in -law to the bath is not your own,
Take the vodka with him ........


Birds gathered in flocks,
To see the south to fly.
I took a basin, I'm going to the bathhouse,
Milka rub the back.


Oh, what's wrong with me
Waiting for a day off in excitement.
Oh, will my dear come,
We would have frolic in the steam room.


Sex age is not an obstacle,
If only there was a couple.
Well, and in the bathhouse, with the heat of the heat,
Cool sex for glory.


She looked into the bathhouse in the slot.
To see what I wanted to.
Dear did not call to wash,
Really cheated?


On the way after the bathhouse
I found a bubble in my pocket
How last time I got drunk
In the lining, the scale was lost.


The eyes are cunningly pressed, Vanya,
Says - "Today is a bath!"
I could not warn
I love Vanya in the bath.


Something Milka became evil
Angry for what, I don't know
It is necessary to lure in the bathhouse,
Wash, focus, love.


In the bath I washed off sins
That there was already not enough water
We will continue to sin,
You can pump water ...


Baba go to the well
Bath Day in the village with us
How to attacked fame,
We will drink vodka and kvass ...

We washed down with a cute in the bathhouse,
Gently rubbed their backs.
Then in the Sentsi, on the cold,
Damn the perine.


Girls lured in the bathhouse,
The backs of the ter and neck was washed.
So tired that there is no strength
And about sex, fool, forgot.


He went to the bathhouse with a basin on Saturday,
It turned out - a women's day.
The women were sent so at all ...
In a puddle I wash now.


Drill a hole in the bathhouse,
Super-spray had to buy.
Dreamed of a female shower,
And he drilled in a male toilet.


Kvass and vodka bought it,
I loaded it into the refrigerator.
It is a sin not to drink after the bathhouse,
Aida wash with us.


It was hot hot,
We do not feel sorry for the water for you.
And the soap is enough to wash everyone,
And pour vodka into the glasses.


The husband does not drink the third day
Know will fight on a bath day.
The last time there was a drunk with a bathhouse,
Demolished the gate and wattle.


I'll climb the birch
I will knit brooms.
How I attacked Milka in the bathhouse,
We will light in sex.


A basin, soap is a broom,
Well, in sex I am an intake.
It is necessary to hurry to the bathhouse
Hunting girls to please.


The new bath was cut down,
Gangs, brooms washed.
The stove was washed and firewood,
And there was no time to wash.


In the bath, to accept 100 grams,
You can sell pants.
Suvorov himself allowed
He loved to drink in the bath.


I love the bath day to tears
I can smoke the earth and manure.
Eh, I love a bath heat
The main thing is not to wash off the tan.


Bath day, just a holiday is
I'm dressed from a needle.
I will show my outfits
Babs will be aligned.


Everyone went to the bathhouse,
If you want you to get you.
You will shine like a basin
And pour vodka now.


Do not fool me, dear,
Kohl from the bath without a port.
He was hooked on the branch,
I feel, then Svetka's tricks.


Milka knitted brooms,
Know for the bathhouse prepared.
Liter of vodka is ready,
Well, that is how.

Song-tick funny for the holiday

Song-tick funny for the holiday
Song-tick funny for the holiday

Song-tick fun for the holiday:

I don't need a pood of peas,
And you need a pea.
I don't need many girls
We need one - good!

I didn't bathe for three weeks,
And he caught a belly in the belly.
She is fat, big,
You can’t kill from the rifle.

In the store the saleswoman
I called me a "pig."
Grandmas thought pork
Started in line at me.

In the city of Kalyazin
The girls were jinxed,
If we were not jinxed,
We would not have slanting them.

Ah, my mother -in -law -
Worse fever:
Cooked, spilled,
Rummaging the heels.

There is cute at the gate
He opened his mouth wide.
I didn't think for a long time
She came up and spat.


We asked Ivan
To sing ditties to us without a mat.
Of all the words we dismantled
Only one thing is clear - a shovel!

Oh, you are a month of mischievous,
Well, why peep?!
We are our beloved happiness
We do not want to postpone!

Dear, you will lose happiness
You can't get married.
I will cry the only day
You will disappear forever.

I'll go dance -
There is nothing to bite at home:
Crackers and crusts -
On the legs are supporting.

Where, dear, you harness
White -haired horse -
Or woo the rich?
Rent me first.

And the dear changed me
I thought I died.
My dear, your betrayal
I threw from the bridge to the river.

I don't know how you are
And we have in Yakutia
Thus, rather the bananas ripen
Than frosts fiercely.


There is fog in the yard.
A diaper is dried.
All love is your deception
Handing a child.

Our cavaliers are fashionable
They are not good nowhere,
Give a panicle in your hands -
To drive rats on the barns.

I mowed haymaking
Cooked hay WHO
Divided into a shill:
Klok to the cow, a clock to the bull.

Ah, my skirt -
Four wounds.
I want at home I spend the night
I want Ivan.

You, Semenovna,
Baba Russian:
The chest is high,
The jacket is narrow.

Why did you rack
When am I not nice to you?
You would have said since autumn
I would not go winter.

Oh, my rival,
Once again you look at Kolka,
I shy the face!


My Milenok once
Sleeped on the mattress,
And I could not sleep either
So the child was born.

My Milenok is pierced
When I baked a pie,
I have broken myself, now it suffers -
And all the crumbs eats.

Mommy is not native
The stew is cold,
If there was a dear one,
I poured hot hot.

Oh, dear girlfriend,
Do not imagine from yourself.
You have love
Crowning in the head.

A neighbor is building my eyes,
Only in vain tries ...
On her crooked legs
I do not dare to look!

Funny ditties for harmonies

Funny ditties for harmonies
Funny ditties for harmonies

Funny ditties for harmonies:

I loved him
He's on the face - nothing
And how I look at the pants
Like a punks.


I loved him
And he, girls, a driver.
He has love -
Carburetor and motor.


I loved him
And he, girls, scythe,
I'm going a straight road
And he scratches the strip.


I loved him
I thought it flies
I come to the airfield
And he sweeps.


I loved the Tula
Loved Smolensk.
It turned out there are no guys
Better village.


Licked, entrusted,
And I did not think to walk.
From a cheerful guy
Made gloomy.


Dear does not kiss me,
Says a snuber
How do I kiss it
Long -legged line?


Dear does not kiss me,
Only promised.
And love without a kiss
Strictly prohibited.


Dear does not kiss me,
Says: "Then, then",
I came, and he is on the stove
He trains with the cat.


I fell in love with him.
What was me for him!
For him, for gray -eyed
The whole village is jealous.


I fell in love with him.
What was me for him!
Going to kill,
I will love anyway.


Dear Milenok,
Spend to the Christmas trees,
And I - to the stream,
I'll tell you where I am.


My mother is fighting
And the dad of the fighting.
And I'm fighting myself
At three o'clock I go home.


Oh, dear girlfriend,
How good you are!
If I were like that
The soul would not hurt.


My flying is mother
How shameless.
Really I'm not standing
Her son is red?


Do not scold me, Mom,
That I got caught a cold.
I am in Bori in the corridor
She studied dance.


Do not scold me, Mom,
For the rose of the fellow.
Remember, dear mother,
How you loved your father.


Do not scold me, Mom,
Do not swear menacingly.
You yourself were like that -
I came late.


Do not scold me, Mom,
What the sour cream spilled.
There was an earring under the window,
I was without memory.


Near us under the window
He ran a calf.
I am from the hut barefoot
I thought the Milena.


On a green sundress
White ribbons in a row.
I'll go, I will lick
All Voronezh guys.


I'm walking, they stand
Four Christmas trees in a row.
Christmas tree behind the Christmas tree.
I love a boy with a click.


I have three miles,
Three and relies.
One escorts to the house
Two others swear.


I have two miles,
Two and relies.
If Vanya does not spend,
Kolya will guess.


I have two miles,
In that edge and in this.
I love one in winter
And the other - in the summer.


I entered, raised
I entered seven weeks.
And one was found -
And repulsed one day.


Respected, respected,
I respected for anything.
And now I respect him
From under the wall with brick.


Dear I spent me
And I wanted to kiss.
Mother saw in the window:
"Citizen, do not pamper!"


I'm not beautiful on my face
It looks like a gypsy.
I loved two comrades -
Bring to the knife.


My eye is like a sled
Just do not ride
I don't lure the guys
They themselves entertained.


I am in Kolya in the corridor
The boots were measured.
What did Kolya tell me
And I, a fool, believed.


Do not judge, women, us,
You have a daughter.
They will grow large
Maybe they will be worse than you.


Women - fools, women - fools,
Women are furious people.
As they see a girl with a guy,
So they stand with their mouths.


I was seven shores
I stood aside.
One most of all.
Her son went to me.


Do not judge me, women,
I am not the defendant.
Let it judge me at home
Mother is darling.


I am in Kolya in the corridor
Heel stomped.
Although I did not like Kolya,
And the sweets were burst.


Kolya kissed me -
He squeezed to the wall.
From the pocket of the Troopian,
He whistled him.


Remove, circle,
And I do not go.
You dance well
And I will not give in.

Funny ditties - texts for a feast

Funny ditties - texts for a feast
Funny ditties - texts for a feast

Funny ditties - texts for the feast:

Put the ears on the tops,
Listen carefully,
About America
It will be entertaining!


Who said it is bad to live
Living in Russia is bad?
Why are we still
Didn't all rest?


They say it's good there
Good in America,
You will earn money
Maybe hysteria ...


I laugh with all my heart
And not like in America,
They don't have a smile - -
Some generics!


Oh, it was strong strong,
Strong America!
Why, she went crazy
From the coast to the shore?


I don't want to kiss
Black boots
And see in reality
Scary pictures ...


Donald and Biden fought,
Donald strained
Winner - Biden Joe -
He bit stronger ...


They say Joe forgets
Forgets the mother -in -law
And goes to look for her
In a blue grove ...


Bayden announced to the children, -
Choose children,
Whether Mary call you
Either just Petya!


The lilac was bloomed in the garden,
Acacia bloomed, -
We are sitting in the liver
Your provocations!


We spit to the west
And on your sanctions,
Let's smile - and send
There are all authorities!


How offended us
Good America,
We sing all the songs to her,
She has a hysteria!


And in America now
Life is completely different
Democracy stumbled,
She became like a stranger ...


The dollar staggered strongly,
The legs staggered
These are cunning Chinese
Holes are being built!


We were checked for lice,
We were not confused - -
They scored all the sanctions,
And they were not scared!


They say the dog barks
The breeze is carried
We know what a hillock
We are always reproached.


To find guilty
To find guilty
And dump on him-
On the enemy of the damned!


How America breeds
Color revolutions -
Do not give a damn about people's lives
And on the Constitution!


Did not forget anything
Vietnam and Hiroshima, -
Represents the Pentagon
Just a threat to the world!


If they hadn't had
Arms race,
Would rise from earthlings
Up the mood!


As Zadornov said
There are all stupid ...
And they work for them-
Ours, relatives ...


Brains flowed there,
Who is just not there!
Promoting the Internet,
Move rockets!


They banned, suddenly, Newton,
That physics law
They say- not good,
A lot of white lyrics!


Mayakovsky said
You get your eyes
It's good that we have
And what is in the West!


Ah America girlfriend,
How I love you
And with a pistol pistol
I have been sleeping calmly for many years.


I know all the laws here,
I love the Constitution,
And how the cartridges will end,
So I will buy new ones.


I know all the orders here
I pay lawyers
I play hide and seek with the FBI,
And they will tie, so silent.


Well, if I have to
Be behind the hill,
A blue passport helps
With an impudent gold eagle.


On running or racing
I will not refuse to go,
Lower the thousand to the casino
I'm never afraid.


I love freedom of speech
Black girls I love
And in verses again and again
I praise America!

Folk funny ditties

Folk funny ditties
Folk funny ditties

Folk funny ditties:

Not a cuckoo cuckoing,
Not Solovushka sings.
Rodna Mamenka grieves,
That his son drinks vodka.


Oh, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard,
Zero visibility.
The stall has a man -
Russian "Real Estate".


I'll get married, come,
The bridegrooms are sorcerers.
Just bring the certificate,
That not alcoholics.


Something quickly I'm drunk-
Suspicious symptom.
They told me the idea -
Drink not a glass, but a bucket.


And in Russia he drinks vodka
The best patriot.
After all, the last penny
He carries to the country's budget.


What are you sadly singing
Alla Pugacheva?
Do not hang out to two
At Mishka Gorbachev.


And in our garden
Cherry smells.
My dear will come soon,
The bottle fucks.


They say that vodka is bitter
Sweet vodka, like honey.
The vodka adds strength,
Vodka gives courage.


Moonshine, moonshine,
Who does not cook you!
City Executive Committee, district executive committee
And the police are secretly!


I will not go to dance with him,
He yells: Cookies! "
And why pour
So much vodka to a fool!


Dear Daughty got drunk,
I say: "Go to bed!"
He did not listen and took
Drive the devils.


Ah, what I was:
I did not smoke, did not drink.
And now with Ilyukha
And I smoke and smell.


My Milka got sick
She stopped drinking vodka.
And on the door she wrote:
"Do not enter without a bottle!"


What are you girls, eat vodka
And are you waiting for good guys?
They won't come to you good
And they will leave bad from you!


We eat onions
And they are bananas.
They drink whiskey from glasses,
And we have glasses!


Vanya is sitting on the couch
Smokes cigarettes.
When you grow up a big one -
They will not take the sailors.


Christmas trees, Forest Forest,
Vanya is idle.
He would be happy to marry
But he drank completely from vodka.


Enough, Vanya, drink vodka,
Let's go to work.
You will receive money
Every Saturday.


The foreman, the foreman -
Shaggy hat.
Who will bring half a liter
That horse.


Our moonshine is driven from us
From a sugar storm.
If someone is faced with
He is a fool.


Funny ditties online

Funny ditties online
Funny ditties online

Funny ditties online:

You stumbled upon the stitch
Even damn it, did not stink,
What to give you in the face -
And what is it to thump now.


Oh, something is missing
I have in my stash!
Instead of money - two tampons
And two packs of chewing gum.


I always have in the stash
Dunes Touched Back
Though the curve and the lame -
Girls run in a crowd.


You stumbled upon the stitch -
I was upset so far ...
It would be necessary to find a sponsor to me -
Spin it slightly!


You stumbled upon the stitch -
But I did not understand that mine ...
Well - I also chose -
Like - you yourself hide, not me!


I hired all the stoops,
So that the crisis does not find.
Suddenly, the currency will jump out
I had a shock.


You stumbled upon the stitch -
I'll just smile ...
I found yours 4 -
Tomorrow I will break away!


I can't find the stash ...
And from sclerosis powder,
I solved the problem for five years -
I did not look at the night pot.


You stumbled upon the stitch -
And the stash is empty ...
In vain you hid from me, friend -
I am still the bloodhound!


He is a Cossack, and I am a Cossack,
Does not give a lot of money!
But I know where the stash
Enough for me not for a day.


I'm used to counting money.
Trifle, not packs.
And once there was a man
I am always with stoops!


All for the woman lowered the stitch
And stayed on Meli ...
I ask my mother -in -law I handle:
Mila Mom, I had a hangover!


I somehow hid me a stitch
Beloved in shorts.
A whole pack was emerging there,
All thought out in rubles!


I come to my home
Yes, from anger is not his own:
The wife went to the sweet,
And I took the whole staging!


You stumbled upon the stitch -
Yelled, e-May!
At first, the matuled -
But she dragged her.


All the nurtures raked off,
Not even enough.
I tore my tail to the fox
In the hop -up courage.


I looked at the sheepskin coat;
Ohala and ahala.
It costs so much! Just awful!
The whole stagnant smelled.


You stumbled upon the stitch -
Some kind of detective!
I'll hide a new one tomorrow -
You will cry, forbidding!


Resumed jumps in Moscow
Is this - Brothers, not a surprise?
President, damn it, all the stitch
He pulled it to the main prize!


I can not find a stash.
There was a pack of money there!
Apparently, the mother -in -law found
Yes, I lost happiness!


Funny Russian ditties

Funny Russian ditties
Funny Russian ditties

Funny Russian ditties:

We know a lot of ditties
And good and bad.
It is interesting to listen to
Who does not know any.


Eh, dear girlfriend,
The whole people know about us.
No one will dance without you
Without me, he will not pound.


Shop, shop plot,
Do not sit down with me.
Better poor, but sweet
He will sit next to me.


I'm a ditties for a ditty
Like a thread, I knit.
You give, girlfriend,
If I don't give it.


Don't look at me
That I'm thin.
Mom did not feed the lard,
I'm not guilty.


Do not scold me, Mom,
Do not scold so menacing.
You yourself were like that -
I came late.


In the sky, the month is young,
He hid behind a cluchee.
Come to me soon
I torture with caresses!


I used to give everyone
Turns from the gate.
And now one has remained -
No one takes married!


Dandruff her husband lime
Now the thing is a shed.
But how to build up
Something sensible.


There is fog in the yard
A diaper is dried.
All love is your deception
Handing a child.


Behind the village on the pond
The frogs croak.
And I am a little cinquefoil
I hang on the ears.


Spring day has come
The cat yelled on the roof.
I’ll get together soon, too,
I really want to marry!


Our edge is famous for the forests,
Thickets, edges,
And the villages, our villages
Praise with ditties.


There is a trench, there is a ditch ...
I don’t know how to get through, right.
The war is not with us -
Then gas is being carried out in the village!


Like rural at the river
The old people were gathered.
They began to think and guess
Like an old woman to go to the barter.


We have singers, dancers,
There are musicians.
You will not be able to count
Rural talents.


Youth in the village of Krutaya,
Likes to frolic.
Not dance to the recreation center,
And get drunk in a cafe.


There are a lot of shops in the village,
Much more is being built
And you look at the prices -
It is unlikely that the mouth will close.


There are light and gas in the village, and
The Internet is connected,
But you will calculate the payments -
Oh, a difficult case!


My neighbor bought a car
Washed for a long time.
And in the village they are now wondering
Was there a jeep, or Volga?


Not forced, sweet, in galoshes,
You are not alone in the galoshes:
Although I'm a girl-girl
But you are not a gentleman!


In our years, young
It was fun to walk
I wish the old fun
Return to the village again!


The grandmother cries of a neighbor -
She lives in poverty!
Why then with fat
Her stomach swam all?


Oh, straw, you straw,
You are white straw
Do not tell the villagers
What I did in the girls.


Oh, you, pit, pit, pit ...
I don't know who dug.
There was a sweetie on a date,
Cloudly fell into it.


Brought me to the court,
And I'm all shaking:
A hundred eggs were awarded
But I'm not talking!


What is this walk:
You are home and I - home.
And, in my opinion, walking:
You are home and I'm with you!


Are there really few branches:
Will you chop birch?
Are there really few girls:
Do you love married?


I'll go to the garden
I dug a horseradish.
I pushing Sasha in my mouth
For his betrayal.


I don't need a pood of peas,
And you need a pea.
I don't need many girls
We need one - good!


I didn't bathe for three weeks,
And he caught a belly in the belly.
She is fat, big,
You can’t kill from the rifle.


In the store the saleswoman
I called me a "pig."
Grandmas thought pork
Started in line at me.


Harmonist, let's wider
You stretch the furs.
We composed ditties -
They themselves are torn from the language.


About health, worrying
I will call the harmonist.
I scare all microbes,
Only ditties of binge.


You are my good harmonist,
I'm your girlfriend.
Play the accordion -
I will sing my ditties.


I didn't want to sing ditties
Sat and shy.
The harmonist only played,
I could not restrain myself!


We are fighting girls,
We vote for the decree:
Harmonists do not marry
Up to seventy years.


The harmonist fell in love
Mini's skirt,
He is a dashing musician
Sorry, a lover is no.


I fell in love with the harmonist
And then she repented -
All three years with a harmonist
She did not live, but flashed.

Funny ditties for children

Funny ditties for children
Funny ditties for children

Funny ditties for children:


In the morning, our Mila
I gave two sweets.
I barely managed to give
I immediately ate them.


I was too lazy in the morning of Vova
Comb the scallop,
A cow came to him,
Combed my tongue!


The chicken went to the pharmacy
And she said: “Cook!
Give soap and perfume
To love roosters! "


Irishka rode from the hill
- was the fastest;
Ira even her skis
I overtook it along the way!


Trin - Branus - rubbish!
I would have performed all day!
I am reluctant to learn
And ditties to sing is not too lazy!


Once Alyosha went himself
For cereal at the universal.
“Mom, but there are no cereals there,
I had to buy sweets! "


Leshka sits at the table
It picks it in the nose
And Kozhaka answers:
I won't get out anyway!


Yegor's two shoulder blades,
And Nina has molds.
I am for this language for them
I will stick out of the window.


I baked the cake
I treated Vanya.
He showed for this
I have a beetle in a glass.


The grandfather taught the mouse, the grandfather taught
And they came out Karakuli.
The mouse received a deuce.
And both cried bitterly.


I'll go out, I will go out to dance
In brand new boots,
All the guys say
That I am like a picture!


We dug in the garden
Chervyakov in the ground found,
So the girls were scared,
That they completely left!


Lenechka went to the gym.
Lenya rocked the muscles.
He defended the girl -
Komarov nailed on it.


Having rested at sea somewhere,
Gleb has changed over the summer.
What are the changes?
Pants became knees.


I asked the boy
Show your truck.
And the boy, like a monkey,
Showed the language in response!


Kolya quarrels with friends,
He launches fists.
Blind under the eyes
Bruises do not pass.


I taught my sister Masha:
"You need to eat porridge with a spoon!"
Eh! In vain taught -
I got a spoon on my forehead.


I bought a ball yesterday,
I'm not happy anyway
Because I am punished
For a broken window.


Play, balalaika,
Balalaika - three strings!
Sell, don't yawn,
Come out, dancers.


Says a lazy person:
"Take your bed!"
And the lazy person: “Mom,
I'm still small. "


Sloped pan
Julia cleaned with sand.
Three hours under the shower Julia
The grandmother was soap later.


Dima dressed in the morning
And for some reason fell:
He put it for no reason
Two legs in one leg.


I washed my hands under the tap
And I forgot to wash my face,
I saw me Trezor
He banged: "What a shame!"


In the morning, our Mila
I gave two sweets.
I barely managed to give
I immediately ate them.


Boiled milk
She went nearby.
I go up to him again:
You can’t see milk.

Video: Group of Diligyans. Doncils in Russian only for adults

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