Congratulations for noisy holidays - the best selection for adults

Congratulations for noisy holidays - the best selection for adults

Do not know how original to congratulate a loved one? Do this with ditties of congratulations. You will find ideas for such an original surprise in our article.

Ditties congratulations for noisy holidays

Ditties congratulations for noisy holidays
Ditties congratulations for noisy holidays

Congratulations for noisy holidays:

We wish you, friends,
Good health,
Drink on an empty stomach in the morning
Milk cow.


Be healthy, be rich
Do not regret anything
Be happy, in general, let
Everything will be in life!


May happiness be like a spring -
Inexhaust and great.
Let the birthday have fun
And it promises a lot of joys!


OPA, yes op,
We wish you a lot:
Live richly, have everything,
And in happiness to storch.


And we also wish you love
Yes, such that oh-th,
Money, joy, good luck,
Well, other things.


Let the success meet you,
Happiness pours over the edge,
And everything that hurts
Send away!


OPA, yes op,
You look cool
Stay like that
Cute, bright, enviable!


So that you smile sweetly
All sparkled with joy
So that your dreams come true
Life seemed sweet!


I wish to take off high
Grasping the tail,
And all I want to be able to
Let the path to success be simple!


Let the hardships and sorrows
They will bypass you.
So that every day of the week
Was for you like a day off!


We wish you, dear
Always be healthy,
So that you live for a long time,
Never aged!


Happy birthday to congratulations
And we wish you, friends,
Do not get sick and not get old
More fun to look at life.


Chickens go with roosters,
Chicks are found with a bull.
We wish Olga sex
With an ideal man!


Let not fail health
And love comes to your house.
Grandchildren are also pleasing to children
And our gift in the envelope!


Let from today
Life will begin sweet
You will have the skin
Like the baby is smooth.


Be healthy and successful,
And be the number alone
And in family, personal life
Be love, indispensable!


We wish you happiness, joy
And, of course, do not get sick.
Heroic wealth
And always have friends!


Made a son, built a house,
You planted a tree.
Here is a real man,
To live the same number!


Our dear man
You live at least a century
You live, don't worry
Just do not get enough.


Now I will say a toast
So that your growth is in life!
This is so necessary
So that life is marvelous in life!


And let the grandmas roll up a bunch,
Not those that guard the entrance.
Those who ring are rustling!
How to spend? I will spend the educational program.


Spend so that the money does not end,
And they arrived every day.
So that the deposits are increased,
To make a profit laziness.


So that on the sofa and with beer,
And you can - a river and a campaign.
And so that the success does not rummage past
And it was to the contrary.


So that the fleet is from Mazerati,
Watch football in the telly,
To the stadium, to the Avtopati,
For the winners to root.


To be healthy, no need to argue!
Health is the main thing from benefits.
I wish to build my palace,
Create your family family.


So that there is everything chicks-Bambony!
And realize your dreams,
So that life and happiness is in unison
Hits played joy!

Congratulations in the form of ditties - the best selection

Congratulations in the form of ditties - the best selection
Congratulations in the form of ditties - the best selection

Congratulations in the form of ditties - the best selection

I wish the happiness of the oceans
And full pockets,
Friends of responsive and faithful,
Colleagues with the authorities of only approximate


And life is sweeter than jam
So that Gene rushes on birthday,
So that every moment - gifts, surprises,
Everything would be fulfilled whims!


I wish this birthday
You are very lucky.
So that life gives you a ticket
For departure to a circle.


Take a good company
Do not forget about us too.
We will walk until the morning
So that the head is sick.


I wish you to find happiness
And a lot so - so that you can not take away.
More money and health
In order to meet the sunset by the sea in old age.


Let the rain pour champagne,
Let the lanterns shine during the day
Let it be handed over,
To the stars and of course the moon.


Let it be a birthday
Filled with moments of happiness,
Let everyone be good,
Let the bad weather quickly run away.


Today you can do everything
From laughter to the floor, fall,
And stand in the rain,
With friends for health,


Let the house be full of laughter
There will be a million jokes
The table from the edible breaks
All day of birth will be remembered.


And not just part to toast,
And when the guests came,
Take the gifts soon
Be today in the blow.


We dance and dance,
Songs in chorus binge,
Let the neighbors know ours -
We will not let you down!


Drown in the sea of \u200b\u200bbeer,
Never know the problems
Decide all things yourself
Do not be able to be on friends.


Do not run away from work,
Do not scold the kids in vain
Do not be lost in a round dance
COO attacked.


Drinking a glass of tea quickly,
I wish without hesitation
So that everything is in openwork,
Release in graduate school.


Treat with neglect
To all kinds of perversions.
The intellectual


Let the house be shaking from music,
After all, you have a noisy holiday
Let the fireworks up, to the sky tearing,
And hug everything, loving!


Let the gifts be sea
That you have been waiting for so long
Sadness will go beyond the handle with grief,
You are joy, you will find happiness!


We will congratulate you today
And we will give you at least an elephant
If we buy it in the store,
But, we are not in Africa now.


Better give flowers
We hope that you are not an allergic
Or a beer of a large box,
So that our holiday is a success.


I wish you gold reserves
You have huge
A car is a large super-class,
So as not to sweat at work!


And let this day on this day
Mercedes will be presented to you
Well, for inspiration -
Apartment, cottage, money press!


Charming! What an outfit!
I don't know you directly!
However, I'm still glad
That you smiled for me!


You ask - what if you are "you"?
Oh, this is quite logical -
Birthday day, soon old age ...
Without hands! Congratulations! Police!


Wind, calm, snow or downpour?
What, answer me, the difference!
Fact - became a year older for a year
Our crazy beauty!


Spit for the weather and the environment,
The main thing is the birthday girl!
I am flying with congratulations I am to you,
Prepare the table. Gostiny people from me!


Let on each finger a ring,
Not simple, but gold!
Everything that has been dreamed of since childhood,
Also, let it be with you!


Even a house in bugamas
And five pairs of steep cars,
To go in your swing
Presidents at the same time!


I want to joking a gift to wrap
Like a sweet and tasty candy!
And wish you just a little bit
What is happening in life rarely.


Beloved to be like in the summer of Eskimo,
More desirable to the fan in July.
Let everything fall into your hands,
Lunches boil pots without you.


Products, dresses, shoes and perfumes
Not transferred to the house, like cockroaches.
And the men are letting down with saliva,
When you rush in a car on an autobahn!

Cool ditties congratulations

Cool ditties congratulations
Cool ditties congratulations

Cool ditties congratulations:

I wish you not to get sick
Let the ailments retreat.
Your body does not know
Even weak pain.


I always wish you strength
Bodily fortresses.
So that life does not seem to you
Boring or fresh.


We wish peace on earth,
And bread-salt on the table,
And so that health is strong,
And never failed
So that joy is knocking at the house
In the morning, in the evening and day!


I wish you the most important
Good health, because without it
All colors, tastes, meaning loses,
It gets nothing.


Let all the ailments bypass the side,
Let the body of the body not let you down,
Let only positively find you -
Then in any case will be lucky!


Let there be vitamins, minerals
All as much as you need for you.
I wish you dreams of healthy most
And I wish you ease!


Today is your holiday. And outside the window
The weather is happy and the sun laughs.
I wish you, let your house
The fun will be, the song is pouring loudly.


Let you bypass you
The days are cloudy, any difficulties.
Let the flight, slow down the ball of the earth,
And nearby will be close, relatives!


Congratulations! Let today
You will remember forever
Wonderful, good,
Very kind person!


Let the desires fulfill
Let them be more
But let's not be problems
Absolutely no!


Let the flowers give a bunch,
Both gifts and sweets,
So that you eat them
For the next ten years!


Congratulations and wish
Never lose heart
And on a white Mercedes
Disable on the roads!


There is caviar with a huge spoon
Drink champagne, Beilis,
Sunbathe on a personal yacht,
Pour under a marvelous breeze!


And I wish you love
Both success and money,
So that you couldn't be saved
From green, arrogant thousand!


Oh, and joyfully today will be everyone,
On this holiday, we are like a pool with our heads!
And let's not even remember any problems
Only the next morning you would forget your address!


Congratulations, and I wish from the heart
Fun and a little intoxicated!
Well, you will write down the address on your hand,
So that you don't have to regret it tomorrow!

Congratulation ditties are funny

Congratulation ditties are funny
Congratulation ditties are funny

Congratulation ditties are funny:

Let it be beautiful on this day
The weather will be clear
Not only behind the window
But in the soul a little.


Let the life be a high
With money, new Villa,
Luck and love
And complete health!


Which is more important to you:
To be richer or smarter?
On your day I wish a swing
Become a botano-oligarch!


To flow money,
And the brains worked.
Well, who will I be?
The first deputy you have!


So that the channel is open into space
Together with him, the third eye.
Let the aura be clean
And transparent, like a diamond.


Go to Nirvana,
The chakras opened all their own.
Let the mood in life be
Only on positive.


So that your love includes:
Understanding, cool sex.
Let there be enough romance
And enthusiastic miracles.


Do not drown as the neighbors,
It was powerful that the car.
Joyful mood
Let no one spoil.


The house shakes with fun,
Everything in him walks a shaking
Just a nice birthday
They are noted today in it,


Our birthday,
We congratulate you
The holiday will be your beautiful
But let the earth not crack


I wish to live and smile
It's sweet to get enough sleep,
Well, if you don't sleep,
Then walk with friends.


And I also wish you
From finance crops,
Lexus or BMW
To stand in the garage.


Eat with spoons caviar
In the resorts in the morning,
Do not get old, but are young,
Be fun, not be lazy!


What to wish you that day
Which has become your beginning?
To sadness, sad shadow
Your face was not overshadowed.


Great love for the whole century,
And happiness is also a lion's share -
All that a person
It is sincerely satisfied.


A year has been added to your years.
He flew in, as in a fairy tale, imperceptibly.
The last day left for the turn
In order to return unnoticed in a year.


And this year - he will remember again -
After all, there were joy and bad weather in him.
And on this day let us wish us
Success, joy and happiness.


I wish you joyful events
Pleasant festive discoveries,
Big and fabulous good luck
Success loud in addition.


I wish you great health,
Days full of happiness and love,
Do not know resentment and grief,
And congratulations on birthday!

Congratuances of congratulations

Congratuances of congratulations
Congratuances of congratulations

Congratively Congratulations:

Eat sweets and jam
Right is increased to science.


Know, milk cow
Good for your health.


The path to success is not far:
Look for a thick wallet.


Spit through the shoulder three times,
So that June was happy!


If you know a lot,
Then your mother will praise you.


Let there be peace in the house, peace
And you study, dance and sing.


Make a black cat so
I did not bring you trouble.


I want you to wish you
Pass the exams of life on "five".


The choice is made, the lot is thrown,
So that there is a good path in life!


If it scratches in the nose,
So you caught the Os.


If you finished work,
You can drink a pepsicole!

Languid look and appearance
Improve a friend's appetite.


Be healthy, grow big
And do not choke on the noodles!


Keep the vigor of the spirit
Even if they gave it in the ear!


There are many joys in life,
But do not run into the nasty things!


It’s very harmful to think for a long time.
Sleep, probably at night.


You will love nature
And the people will be remembered!


Get the joy in life,
Drink only coffee or tea!


You will be famous for you
That you pay a loan on time.


Throughout life, friend, not Mayas,
Better for sports you give up.


Copy money, be a man
You will buy a car soon!


Your life will pass without drama.
You will be a dad or mom.


More often visit you dancing
Suddenly you jump out for a foreigner.


If someone gave you in the eye,
Then put on a gas mask!


Avoid lies in life.
After all, what you sow, you will reap!


Let the things go to Nishtyak
So that there is enough for cognac,
On an iPhone and on Ferrari,
Abroad and safari.


Be healthy and not pain
Laugh more often, not the elders,
Rest and take off
And do not doubt anything!


Until sand is pouring off you,
And the jaw does not lie in that glass,
I wish you naked hands
Catch good luck right by the toe.


While you remember your name
And you don't go to work in slippers,
I wish to rest so that on Saturday
Wake up and guess: you are there or here.


I wish you, friend, not to diagnose in trouble
Solve problems at once, without thinking,
And to old age to live without demented,
And to be warmly accepted everywhere.


Congratulations to you today,
I wish you health
So as not to torment either sclerosis,
No other arthrosis there.


Let everything be always beautiful:
And a yacht, a house in the Maldives,
Auto and personal plane.
Let the rest be all year round.


You drown in the sea of \u200b\u200bbeer
And don't forget about me.
Let there be a barbecue for the beer.
And happy birthday, old man!


I wish you a yacht and dough
So that there was sweetheart nearby.
Cool car, business, clothes,
Caviar overseas to hiccups!


Have wishes for execution,
For part of the Philoska adventure.
Do not grow old and heart
And master the body masterfully!


I wish you a whole cosmos of beer
And weekends a length per year.
The salary to be beautiful,
Wife is big! Kidding. Vice versa!


For the fifth point of adventure
And "Olynclusive" for the soul,
Pleasant dreams and awakening
And sometimes to download oil in silence ...


So that you disperse the clouds in a word,
So that the brain does not torment garbage.
I wish to be the best everywhere.
And happy birthday to you!


We wish the sea of \u200b\u200bpositive
Not to see negativity in life,
Smiles, joy, luck,
Excessive mood.


We wish you a quality cottage,
Two millionths in addition,
Good, devoted friends,
To be more energetic, more fun.


We wish you peppy movement -
Forward and straight, only with luck.
And every day meet you brightly
And everything will be in order in life.

Congratulations with congratulations

Congratulations with congratulations
Congratulations with congratulations

Congratulations with congratulations:

We (name) hug
And give her flowers!
Congratulations on the anniversary
The queen of beauty!


The cook loves to bake cheesecakes
The carpenter loves to insert the door.
Well, my friends and I love
Our (name) to congratulate!


The anniversary is not the hell of the dog!
For (name) it means a lot.
We help with what we can:
We drink, eat and congratulate!


Fedor Konyukhov, poor fellow,
I went around the whole planet
But more beautiful (name)
All the same, he did not find!


Once decided by ours (name):
"I'll sit on a diet tomorrow!"
But I did not calculate a little,
And she broke a diet.


(Name), you are a star!
You were so born!
I would be a man -
I would fall in love with you!


March brings us many days.
The best is the number eight!
We will be drunk today!
Congratulations to you, (name)!


Hands reach for salad,
He wants the eye of salting.
The whole department wants to shout:
"(Name), Happy Birthday!"


Hooligan corporate ditties
If I were rich,
Yes, what is beautiful,
So that it becomes with me
Our cute company?

Eh, once! Again!
Many, many times!

If I am and a foreign car
I put it at the gate
That deep trace of sorrow
I left my colleagues.

Eh, once! Again!
Many, many times!

If I drank cognac,
Yes, even with fuepers,
Then became famous among you
Elite manners.

Eh, once! Again!
Many, many times!

I would show a striptease,
Yes, I'm afraid of confusion.
They will all shout to me “BIS!”
Having lost constraint.

Eh, once! Again!
Many, many times!


What are you, lads, are depressed

Smoke on a bench?
And we dance and sing
And we are all to the light bulb

Guys are held in high esteem -
On the couch in slippers ...
And we dance and sing
And we are all to the light bulb

“We give a kiss” -
They say to you ladies ...
And we dance and sing
And we are all to the light bulb

It's a pity that only the car
You call a swallow ...
And we dance and sing
And we are all to the light bulb

Look at the girls -
All such paws ...
And we dance and sing
And we are all to the light bulb

We congratulate you together,
We throw their caps up up ...
And we dance and sing
And we are all to the light bulb

We hope you all
Go out for the frames ...
And we dance and sing
And we are all to the light bulb

We guys drink for you
A hundred times on the gram ...
And we dance and sing
And we are all to the light bulb

Pour up the girls soon -
Yes, to the full charm ...
And we dance and sing
And we are all to the light bulb

Congratulations to teachers

Congratulations to teachers
Congratulations to teachers

Congratulations to teachers:

Teacher's day has come
For a long time I waited for this day
You need to start soon
Holiday for teachers!


Six lessons every day,
But I'm not too lazy to learn.
After all, with us always, always
Favorite teachers!


I'm going to school in the morning
Teachers are waiting for me.
They will torment in the lessons -
I will torment them and I.


We will joke today
After all, today everything is possible.
The teachers told us
There will be nothing to us!


We hasten teachers
Happy holiday to congratulate!
Maybe someone will want
“Five” put in the diary!


In our school, the main holiday is
Teacher's day we meet!
All teachers at once
Let's say: we congratulate you!


We wish you success,
Glory, honors, victories,
So that you do not know grief
So that the trace is cold from trouble.


And the director of our school
Issued such a decree:
Who will receive one hundred and fives;
She will crush the bonuses.


We are in front of you today
We will dance for a long time.
Oh, what you can't do
For a well -deserved five!


Oh, you school, our school,
Blue windows!
Lovely teachers,
We are not stupid at all!


Why is the sun above us
Does it shine in a special way?
Because in our school
The best teachers in the world!


And our teacher
Loves silence very much.
Why not like to make noise
Well, I don’t understand.


Be happy, healthy
Let the dreams come true.
This day is so funny,
It will be remembered for life.


In the office class yesterday
Ours broke the window
We told the teacher:
"The midge flew."


We will sing for you today,
And we have one motive.
Happy Teacher's Day to congratulate
Very - we really want!


Thank you for science
Wise teachers.
Because, we understand,
You drove us for nothing.


We fill out reports
Already from morning to evening.
Well, more in our school
It seems to be nothing to do.


All in the affairs of our director,
It’s not easy to manage the school,
This is not ditty for you
Perform at the concert!


Happy Teacher's Day we are you
Congratulations to everything now
We wish you health
Dance so that the fire is not dangled!


Lovely teachers,
I am grateful to you!
I will become very smart,
Although he was mediocre!


Congratulations to the teachers!
This holiday is only yours!
Let the ditties of our school
Call the excitement!


I want to get the five
But I do not want to teach!
Favorite teachers.
We will agree, maybe, huh?


Let the country respect you
Very much appreciates
Adding to salary
It will not be weak.


So that you are fashionably dressed
Were incomparable
To wait for the bank
The amounts are fabulous.


We are joking a lot today
And we give the spaciousness to dreams
Because we love it very much
Because we believe you.


You are all kind, such
Rejoice, love
And flowers from us, relatives,
Accept with warmth.


In the lesson I am "on BIS"
Answered the questions
You can not teach tomorrow:
Do not ask anyway.


We moved to grade 5
And they were very afraid of you.
But used to it - appreciated
And of course they fell in love!


Teacher's day has come
And our teacher slept.
I delayed, did not come
Well, and we are good!


And we will sing to the director
We are a separate verse,
To at school this day
Rule fun!


Strictly ordered
Wear the school uniform,
To make it without tension
All under the smart ones to say.


With gilding October
A glorious day comes to us.
We are in a hurry, unanimously,
Congratulate teachers.


Let our beloved director
He will forgive us for pranks!
On the day of the teacher - let by
The harsh look will fly away!


So that the smile illuminates
She is a beautiful face!
Every day we repeat:
Our director is Zolotzo!


Though not very assessments,
Petya is very famous
Because, by the way,
He moves his ears.


Have fun, don't lose
Joy of a moment.
Congratulations, accept
In your honor ditties.


Informatics subject
Strange little ...
Lucky that the teacher himself
Though we have from God.


Our Sergey this week
I handed the teacher a notebook.
He does not know what to do with her -
Clean, wash or wash.


Being a teacher is not easy
Only read your subject.
The teacher should teach
How to do in our lives.


On the day of the teacher, everyone at once
Let's say we teachers:
We will be quiet in classes,
So that it is not ashamed to you!

Congratulations to your friend

Congratulations to your friend
Congratulations to your friend

Congratulations to your friend:

Receive gifts from us
You, girlfriend, do not rush
For you we will sing ditties
We are first from the heart.
How many years do we know you
We always be surprised:
You are forever eighteen
You are beautiful, young.
Like a lava from a volcano
Pouring energy with a key,
You and I are at least to the ends of the world
At least when, and at least something.
We wish you health
Strong for all years,
It is not superfluous
Never for anyone.
So that you do not know sadness
Grief and betrayal,
So that everything is successful
In life circumstances.
We want to wish so much
That everything is not counted.
Pour it, and we will raise
All glasses are in your honor.


You are so young
With chiseled forms.
And a crowd men
All lovers go!


The doctor pulled out of the kidneys
Garden stones.
Let you have stones
Only precious.


Oh, dear friend,
Let's sit down under the hawthorn.
Your fly is a harmonist,
And mine is a balalaika.


Don't count your years
This is all in vain.
The main thing is our friend,
You look cool!


You don't need a diet
Fitness is also useless
No matter how you look, queen
Everything and everything to face.


We wish you further
Happiness was over the edge!
If he offends who - away
They send them, girlfriend!


We sang ditties to you
The neck dried up.
Happy birthday my friend,
Pour in so as not to die!


On the birthday to sing ditties
One pleasure,
After all, girlfriends are given
To howl at the same time!


You have time to sit on a diet
After a birthday.
And today eat everything
You are without regret!


A friend has a birthday,
We will eat the cake and cookies,
And another kilo of halva,
If only there was no war.


Have fun, my friend,
Celebrate, celebrate the anniversary,
Tomorrow again on a diet.
On carrots and celery!


Be, my girlfriend,
He is dressed from coutur
And look at the sun
From the convertible!


Mark birthday,
Pour hot tea.
You can also live
So, pour vodka!


Eh, what are our years -
We are alive by nature!
What to look at the passport -
Better we will sing songs!


You sat on a diet
Loose, poor thing,
Eat, (Valya), on the birthday
Delicious yummy!


You, a fighting friend,
You give trouble to everyone,
You have time for everything in the world
You will never be lost.


We have known each other for a long time
From yes from the diapers.
For two we have you and
There was one Milenok!


You will admire you
Our birthday!
Oh, the disco grieves
For you on Ibiza!

Congratulations to colleagues

Congratulations to colleagues
Congratulations to colleagues

Congratulations to colleagues:

I go out to dance in a circle,
Be with me, dear friend!
You have a birthday
The whole working family congratulates!


Everyone wants a lot of happiness
And health in full!
Being always satisfied in life
Kuterom to my taste!


Have fun, honest people,
Birthday is coming!
Let them bring you gifts
The holiday will become very bright!


I'm on your birthday
I will give three roses.
Let your eyes with happiness
Glow like stars


We all came down the mountains
And steep shores.
We wish you happiness
And two bags of gifts.


Be beautiful, be healthy
Eat pasta.
Be fearless and cool
Like Sylvester Stallone!


I'm sitting on a log,
I look at the sun.
And you, my friend, wish you
On the sea lie down the beach.


I fell on the porch
Sprained foot.
Let it not go
Black cat road.


A picture hangs on the wall,
In the picture is a sailboat.
Let you need more
There will be a syringe and a thermometer.


I go out to dance to a circle.
Move away, dear friend!
I wish the birthday man
One hundred friends and one hundred friends.


Water is pouring from the well,
Bubbling, foaming.
Let a friend from you
It will not go anywhere.


In the morning I will spray Dirol
In sauce, tea and mayonnaise.
Let it be afraid of you now
This is the same caries.


It was on the sofa
The blanket is cotton.
Let you dream of dreams
The most pleasant.


Asterisk fell from the sky,
I hung on the bushes.
May your face be not
Like cabbage, sour.


In the field - wind, lights,
Far roads.
Let you not hurt you
Different alarms.


Kaloshi swim along the river
Four pieces in a row.
Let all the horoscopes
Only joy promises.


I am pissing in the garden of wormwood,
I will link her into sheaves.
So that you are not taken out
Cockroaches and bugs.


I want to congratulate you
And pat on the shoulder.
Let them give you gifts
Like Yakubovich.


We wish you health
And more money,
Luck, light
And life longer.


Let the children please
Always help
And the grandchildren let
Do not deliver.


And these wrinkles
At your eyes smart
Only they say
About your young years.


Dance with everyone,
Do not spare your legs
Live up to a hundred years,
God bless you.


Eh, today we are walking,
Eh, we are fully celebrated!
Does your head hurt in the morning?
But it was fun yesterday!


All tables are full of food
The tables are just breaking!
And we only sat once,
Oh, and immediately ate everything!


We do not drink mineral water,
We protect the mineral water!
In the morning everyone needs it,
This healing water!


Midnight, and we have
This is just the beginning.
Our lovely neighbors
Let them not be offended!

Congratulations for New Year's Congratulations

Congratulations for New Year's Congratulations
Congratulations for New Year's Congratulations

Congratulations for the New Year:

I’ll drink ditties -
They have wishes.
I’ll ask you, friends,
Sove the endings


With you for many years in a row
I celebrate the New Year.
That's why health
From the heart ... I wish!


I wish you ladies,
Joy, success.
Eternally young you be
Like Edita ... Pieha


If you ride something,
That's on Mercedes!
If you get married,
Then only on ... Princess.


I have a suit today
Like Superman.
I wish everyone to dress
Only from ... Cardena


Smoke goes with rings -
Smoke from a cigarette.
Let them always lie in your pockets
Vigorous ... coins.


I love to drink Martini -
Thirst for entertainment.
In the New Year I wish everyone
Live without ... grief.


Santa Claus came with a basket,
Knocking with your staff.
With the Snow Maiden Blonde
Congratulated us jokingly.


Once in Epiphany frosts
I went to the resort.
To my woman Santa Claus
Frequent this year.


Squirrel songs sang everything
About love affairs,
Like for the New Year Balla,
The wolf broke the skin.


I'm sunbathing in the sun
Forty degrees Frost.
I temper my body
Let Santa Claus stroke.


On the window a network of patterns
Santa Claus painted:
Snow locks, peas,
I made a tale of winter.


Once in Epiphany frosts,
I bathed in the hole.
Santa Claus ran in,
They dragged the naked.


I wish to hold the tail with a pipe
Never lose heart
Considering money in the wallet
Straightly tired of time!


For health to drink in full
And not shed a drop,
To make a huge vigor
Enter every new day!


Let the kebab and beer be
Each dinner compose
And friends will not forget
To break your boredom!


How reliably you do not hide
And it will find you
Stunning happiness
Straight to the scruff of the scruff!


Well, I wish you
It is always strong small
Not counting the money at all,
Furned with chic a year!


Let it work properly
The most important tool
And things go according to plan
For many, many years!


I wish to be active
And think positively.
Do not sigh about the past
And light up more often.


Live without troubles
Put a dash on troubles,
Do not miss your chance
Take a good luck.

Congratulation ditties for March 8

Congratulation ditties for March 8
Congratulation ditties for March 8

Congratulation ditties for March 8:

March 8 came,
And quite inappropriately
I'm afraid of rings and tequila
I don’t have enough!

I will congratulate my wife,
I will make breakfast to bed
I will send the order to the restaurant,
They are not lazy to do there!

It is necessary to congratulate the mother -in -law
And do not forget about his wife,
I will do good to them,
And I will not drink wine!

Spring came to everyone in the hearts,
March 8 at the porch,
It congratulates women
And decorates with flowers!

I need to tell you toast
I can’t resist
Give women for
So that your husband does not drink wine!

Drops are dripping from the roofs,
And not laziness to congratulate me
Since March 8, the whole earth
And you are women "Hurray!".

We sang ditties to you,
From your big soul,
We managed to congratulate you
You are all good here!


The holiday of women is long -awaited
Finally came
My pockets are empty again -
I bought gifts to everyone!


The holiday of women comes,
Congratulations to the female floor,
Banknotes melt in the wallet,
Here is a joke, friends!


We wish you a lot of a pharma
Ladies, you are March 8,
So as not to know troubles
And smile more often!


Fish, swallows and pussies,
Congratulations on women's day.
On holiday we bow to you low
From men all our helmet!


All the girls are our sweet
We have kind words helmet,
God give you more power
Both health and good!


On this holiday all men
Thirsty for the ladies to please
After all, there are reasons
Love them even more!


Oh you girls, girls,
Oh, today is your day.
Will be your guys,
Give everyone - and under the castle!


We will note that we are not lazy
National Women's Day!
Only it has been going on for a long time
The popular female year.


We are ditties on women's day
Sprinking at work,
We will block all plans,
We will return performance!


Eh, girls, sing,
Female holiday celebrate!
And then so be it,
Wash the dishes!


At the meeting, the boss
I gave us a rose,
Only the prize is large
For some reason I forgot ...


Sing and dance girls,
Turn on March 8th,
Once a year it happens
Everything forgives the strongest floor!


We were filled with work,
Do not relax in any way
The boss only praises us,
After all, the boss is not a fool!


Congratulations to your colleagues,
With this very female day
Allow us, boss,
Will we go home before?


We are girls - what we need
For a man we are a reward
We can sew, knit,
And tired of dancing.


I wish to become a Runet star,
Receive money for this,
Achieve all plans, dreams, desires
And in the highest society of recognition.


Have an elite apartment,
Travel around the world,
I wish you stormy adventures
And sparkling entertainment!


To appreciate everything at home,
Breakfast to be worn in bed,
So as not to load anything,
I am pleased, adored.


So that you are like a queen
Only managed to open my mouth,
And in a second, at the same hour,
Your decree was made.


Let in your hands and power
There will be joy laughter and happiness
Eat caviar, lie under a breeze,
Complete dreams, vagaries!


Throw problems and anxiety
On the side of the road,
And to be completely calm
Shot in them "control"


I wish you a friend
Always an obedient spouse.
To make the child expensive
He brought five home.


So that you rest more often,
I did not know any problems, worries.
So that we meet more often
Fun, had fun!


Husband, so that always in love
And income, so that a millionth
Dinner in restaurants,
For tea one hundred thousand in pockets.


Newfangled outfits
To the publication of suitable ones,
More often to have fun
And enjoy life!


You are a lady is a spark, you are a lady - perfection!
For every man, you are bliss!
So know the price and put the bar higher,
To live not in a hut, but under a luxurious roof.


To relax in the hotels expensive,
And do not consider the money to be strangers, their own.
So that everything in life is a complete bowl
Accept our congratulations with love!


Subscribers are new, so that on Instagram,
Thousands of likes were given immediately.
You have become even more popular and cooler
I overshadowed all the best of their best.


Let all the heights wait for you ahead
Wealth, luck and beauty of beauty,
So that the goals are accomplished, success is submitted.
And whoever wants to fall in love forever


Let them value, love and pamper
Like today - a whole year.
And let their loved ones kiss
Crown, hand, cheek, mouth.


Surprises in life, adventure,
Reliable shoulders, direct roads.
Yes, they will not spoil the mood
Dishes, a broom and a scoop!


I wish you to relax more
Swim and sunbathe.
Celebrate this holiday dashingly,
To wake up with a sore head!


But before these, after the banquet
It is fun to spend the night before dawn!
Fairy -tale days and funny nights,
Good friends to you, faithful friends!


And also a bag of good
Tons of three successes,
Palm trees, villas, boats
On your fun.


A sea of \u200b\u200bjoys simple
Mountains of positive
Crowds of princes are idle
And unpretentious!

Congratulations to February 23

Congratulations to February 23
Congratulations to February 23

Congratulations to February 23:

February 23 will always be a day of men
It will always be during the day of men, yes, yes, yes!
And we are in a hurry to congratulate
And we want to congratulate ...
All-all-all-all! Yes Yes Yes Yes!


And we wish you all of you,
So that you are kind,
So that you are kind, always, always!
And we also wish
Health from your heart,
Never hurt, yes-yes-yes!


The mood is super
Let it always be
Happy Defender Day,
We congratulate you, friends!


You are the defenders of the country, and you should be proud of
And you must be proud, yes-yes-yes!
Let your soul sing
Be happy always.


Be happy always, always! Yes Yes!
To protect us all,
You need to be strong bold,
It is necessary to be strong courageous, yes, yes-yes-yes!
And of course you are strong, and of course we are brave,
And also brave, smart, yes-yes-yes!


The mood is super
Let it always be
Happy Defender Day,
We congratulate you, friends!


We want to be like a country's defenders
We want to be similar, yes-yes-yes!
So that everyone is proud of us, respected us everywhere,
They respected us everywhere, always yes!


Congratulations that we would congratulate us now,
We congratulate all of the Vosa Vas Vas now!
Happy defender of the country, congratulations from the bottom of the heart,
Congratulations from the heart! Hurrah Hurrah!


The mood is super
Let it always be
Happy Defender Day,
We congratulate you, friends!


For yourself - the health of the sea,
For the soul - in all rest,
For work - positive,
And for life - a lot of strength.


Soft blanket and cup of tea,
If you want to be lazy
Disco in Sushi bar,
To have fun with friends!


Be on horseback all the time,
Fight everyone with a smile
Be confident quite
Never lose heart.


Let the house let go rather success,
Forget the alarm
You love the beauties of everyone
But only come with one!


Let him never fail to luck
Let it be excellent mood,
Let it be controlled by your male hand,
The boat, called fate, floats confidently!


I wish victories in creativity, in love,
Success, happiness from dawn to dawn,
And most importantly, like a real man -
Happy swimming on everyday brigantine!


I wish to be a prominent man:
Famous, stately and solid,
Have a stable and impressive income,
Enjoying the fruits of success every year!


I wish you a hundred percent man
Those who are always stable respectfully.
Let the authority grow up, and with it a salary,
To talk about you: not a person, but a treasure!


So that things are arguing
The wife did not argue.
I would have listened to you
She immediately.


Income to triple,
And the plans were all built.
And the holiday is a birthday
Was full of pleasure!


I wish to live on top
Be a king in your family,
Do not stumble about the Ministry of Health
And be satisfied as a boa constrictor!


You are always, everywhere and in the center,
Full of thousands of ideas,
You and I are like at a concert
We are waiting for either happiness, then passions!


Let them burn backward
Your bright eyes
But flying forward for happiness
Do not forget about the brakes.


You have a lot of talents
Open your paths
Choosing the best road
Take the happiness in life!


I wish you happiness without sadness
A large yacht on the pier,
Blessed income,
Female caresses tender.


Vigorous forces, like a bull,
So that the sides do not grow from beer,
Steel nerves,
Friends visiting dear ones!


To adore at home,
How much you want to sleep.
So that the caviar breaks the table
And the house was full of friends.


Money on yeast,
Hold the luck in the reins.
And overnight, to come true
What I dreamed and expected!


Contrary to any hour
To bloom up to a hundred years,
So that in old age a glass,
Could you convey yourself.


And in a glass there is no water,
Not rose hips and seagulls,
And good and invigorating
Vitaminchik - cognac!

Ditties for congratulations to the new settlers

Ditties for congratulations to the new settlers
Ditties for congratulations to the new settlers

Ditties for congratulations to the new settlers:

Congratulations on the housewarming
And with all our hearts we wish:
Success and luck, health and patience,
Light windows, strong walls,
And so that there are no problems
Neither with water, nor with heating,
Well, in a word, with a housewarming!


With a new home, with a new roof
Congratulations together,
Let the walls breathe joy
And the neighbors do not interfere!


May you have fun here,
It always sleeps sweet
We wish you many, many sun
Health and prosperity!


We wish you health, love and warmth,
So that life is interesting and long,
So that there was coziness in the house, love and advice,
So that the house was protected from grief and troubles.


Congratulations on the housewarming,
With new happiness and fun,
With a new home, a new bedroom,
Congratulations on the top!


Let Feng Shui help you
Feminine taste, male power,
I wish you in a new life
Happiness endlessly and edge!


The neighbors of the new Neskoyki,
To become close to you,
You are the best plumbers to you
So that the ceiling lay with armor!


You are species from the Wonder Window,
Cozy quiet evenings,
And the new impressions of flattering,
Green, clean yards!


I look at the floorboards
On a gorgeous window!
Set in a new house -
After all, not everyone is given!


I celebrate a housewarming!
I am already tipsy!
I wish the best
This joyful family!
And yell a hundred times
We are very happy for you!


Housewarming! Housewarming!
With the entrance to the new family!
We congratulate you together,
We wish you happiness, joy!


So that the feast in this house
We were in a sweet languor!
So that you have wealth,
Brownie so as not to be naughty!


There are miracles in the world!
Here is a mortgage that loan
I turned into an instant in an instant
Keys ringing new ones!


Let the place be convenient for you,
Family to become a district for you,
The family will be born in an increase
Happiness to you - with a hill of a car!


Let your new house not Penthouse,
And not in three levels of "hut",
But he is so long -awaited to you
That the best is not “wishing”.


And we wish to be bright,
So that he would be kind and become native,
It was bread and welcoming,
And you were happy with him!


To be a beer nearby
And a gorgeous gastronon!
Windows from the south, and marvelous
Clean and cozy yard!


So that the neighbors help
So that the house was joyful,
To close the taps,
We pour in full!


Congratulations on the housewarming
You, beloved friends.
I wish you more often
To your house is new to call me.


Let you live happily
The money is flowing to the river.
Pleases in native mansions
You are calm, comfort.


Congratulations on the housewarming
And I wish to live sweetly.
In the new house of your glorious
Only there is only prosperity!


Doors not to creak,
Otherwise, there is no rest,
Loops not to rust,
Make it more often - you advice!


And always in a healthy body
I would live a powerful spirit!
Both in work and in bed
He showed himself - wow!


Let the abode be your
Haban, salvation.
Take care of your hearth
In general, with the housewarming!



Catravation for the wedding:

I'll tell you friends secretly
I saw this wedding like this.
The bride stood, and next to the groom
And the guests looked at them all at once.


Praised the bride "How good is
Beautiful face, golden soul. "
As the door opened lightly,
From the wedding, the groom disappeared slowly.


The guests of Ha ha, yes ha ha.
There can be no wedding without the groom ... "
I went to smoke without having explored the district,
In the drink, he trusted his friend with a hop.


There was another wedding in the district,
For the same reason, the bride stood alone
And marching decorously, not knowing sin,
The wrong groom was brought to her.


Taking a little eyes a little,
Avoiding an unnecessary shame,
Yes, so that "ha ha" ceases soon,
The bride covered the veil, not her groom.


It was the next morning "ha ha",
They put the wrong groom with her to sleep with her.
To whom tears, who laughs
Who is simply not up to everyone.


The bride blushed, the groom was embarrassed,
This is what happened at the wedding.
And so that you do not happen to you
Listen to a strict, but right order:


“Be always next to us,
And so that even the shadow does not pass between you.
Only the first glass, cut to the bottom,
So that the bride does not stand alone ...


And we congratulate you with legal marriage today!
As usual, we wish you love and fidelity,
And what would you meet tomorrow dawn,
Today we tell you - bitter, bitter, bitter ...

Ditties congratulations on the anniversary, birthday

Ditties congratulations on the anniversary, birthday
Ditties congratulations on the anniversary, birthday

Congratulations on the anniversary, birthday:

You hit me
Balala on the shoulder?
I am ditty now
I want a birthday man.
I'm on your birthday
I will give three roses.
Let your eyes with happiness
Glums like stars.
We all came down the mountains
And steep shores.
We wish you happiness
And two bags of gifts.

If I were a gypsy,
Yes, so beautiful
I would have guessed you
I am happy love.
Helicopter Raven from the Christmas tree
Knucking his propeller.
I wish you, dear
Become the second Rockefeller.
I watered in the country
Blue flowers.
Let you not upset you
Sons and daughters.
In the morning I turn on the radio
And I follow the kettle.
I want you to be soon
He became a great boss.
I'm sitting on a log,
I look at the sun.
And you, my friend, wish you
On the sea lie down the beach.
Now let me
To sing about the refrigerator.
Let it always wait for us
Lard in the freezer.
I fell on the porch
Sprained foot.
Let it not go
Black cat road.
Milka harnessed me
In August, in the salaz.
Let forever mischievous
There will be your eyes.
A picture hangs on the wall,
In the picture is a sailboat.
Let you need more
There will be a syringe and a thermometer.
The case smells of kerosene.
I feel, porridge will burn.
Let you not bother you
Diarrhea and gastritis.
Jeans are better than cowards.
A fur coat is better than a dress.
Better a sparrow in your hands
Than a duck under the bed.
Look at me, we're wearing
Mamashkino dress.
And you - walk in outfits
Only from Yudashkin.
The raven croaks into the pipe -
This activity.
I wish you to create
Private enterprise.
Smoke goes with rings,
Smoke from a cigarette.
Let them always lie in your pocket
Vigorous coins.
I love to drink "Martini"
And a seagull with a cooking.
And I wish you a lot
Secular entertainment.
Do not hide your skirts under the length
The legs are slim.
Let it take them off "playboy"
For its cover.
I go out to dance to a circle.
Move away, dear friend!
I wish the birthday man
One hundred friends and one hundred friends.
If you think where to live,
It is better to live in Odessa.
If you go to what,
Then at the Mercedes.
If you get married -
Immediately on the princess.
Someone loves tractor drivers
Someone loves sailors.
Well, you love, girlfriend,
Real men.
If you fall in love with whom
We would have noticed once.
If you get married,
Call the witnesses.

If dear decides
Make proposal,
Do not enter into a prison with him,
Accept in the first reading.
A tank is going through the village
With a charged gun.
Be love and attentiveness
Eternal is surrounded.
Very, girls are needed
The drum of the wand.
I want your husband to be,
Like Philip at Alochka.
Who goes beyond the gypsy,
Who goes beyond Hokhla.
And we want to go out
For the English ambassador.
The apartment walks,
Like a storm of poplar.
Let, my friend, fit stronger
Your biofields with her.
I can tell about love
Everything that was thought of.
To bed failures
You were not listed.

Congratulations to the end of school

Congratulations to the end of school
Congratulations to the end of school

Congratulations to the end of school:

Congratulations on graduation,
You ate a pood of salt together!
I wish you a great mood
Good luck in life and luck!


Let it be a bright path
There is a lot of success, not slightly,
I wish you a dream embodiment,
Love, good and beauty!


The school is over, the bell was responded,
Waltz of the Graduation Ball went noisy.
The first dawn is an adult, meeting,
Good luck, I wish you success.


I wish you the right choice, I make it
And boldly make decisions.
Feel free to meet fate
I wish you a happy road.


Today is a holiday in children:
They received knowledge
Became smarter, kinder,
The real feat was accomplished.


A lot of their accomplishments await,
And study, as always.
Let there be luck with them,
Will never leave.


Let the planned plans
Are always performed.
It will be difficult, and relatives
They will always come to the rescue!


For a long time you came to first grade,
Holding my mother’s hand,
These were kids -
The portfolios were more than you!


How quickly the guys grew up!
Not to keep track of time,
You received certificates,
And now the school is behind.


Today you will step over
A very special threshold,
And you will start adult life,
And we give you congratulations!


Years flew by quietly
And the school remained behind.
Childhood cannot be returned, attempts are in vain.
Only forward! And what is there ahead?


May fate be favorable to you,
Let the last chance always give
How a cat will have many lives,
And a little more in reserve ...


The school is successfully graduated
And knowledge has received a reserve,
And to the life of beautiful, funny
Fate has prepared you.


Let that experience be invaluable,
What the school gave without stinging,
And to new big achievements
Roads are led now!

Happy Social Worker Day - Congratulations Congratulations

Happy Social Worker Day - Congratulations Congratulation
Happy Social Worker Day - Congratulations Congratulations

Happy Social Worker Day - Congratulations: Congratulations:

Let life be complete.
Let all troubles sink into a shadow.
Our social worker,
Your glorious day has come.


Every day you bring to people
Light, hope and good.
Let your life be a fairy tale
So that you are lucky in everything.


You are about children, old people
All in the concerns tirelessly,
And in the apartments of the poor you
The guest is beloved and welcome!


Let your righteous work
People will help people,
Let the poets about you
The song is joyful!


May love live in the soul
And it controls you.
You are the best of all -
Let everyone know about it!


Social assistance is important -
So your work is responsible!
Let it bring you joy,
After all, many people need care!


Let your dreams come true
I wish you to live happily
And rays of unearthly kindness
Continue to give other people to give!


Talented, unique,
Social workers,
You are angels of mercy,
You go to the stars through thorns!


You are generous, wise and cordial,
Carry the heat of the ward.
Your work and others inspires
We congratulate you on the holiday!


And on your day your professional
We wish you unreal love,
Health, good luck, prosperity,
So that everything is in order with you!


There are a lot of professions in the world,
But kinder than yours - cannot be found.
It is given to you, as if from God,
To help people go through their way.


And the help that is called social,
She is truly important, after all,
And on this holiday professional,
Today the whole country wishes you.


Great happiness and well -being,
And let your work not light so sometimes ...
But you always cope and in any case,
You can call your care gold!

Contributing ditties download

Contributing ditties download
Contributing ditties download

Contributing ditties download:

Congratulations on this day!
Sorry to be right in the morning.
Drive away laziness

It's time to celebrate!


Dress yourself,
Also shoe shoes,
His face is more entertained
And let's go to the store faster.


I want to tell you now
You can drink this holiday for this holiday,
But the main thing is not to sort
It’s better not to finish something!


So that the money does not end,
Yes, the car did not break
Have fun and take off
If difficult, turn.


Be healthy and happy
Stylish, like a handsome,
Never lose heart
Do not forget your friends.


Be the most cool in the world
Smart, impudent and interpreted,
To achieve a height,
So that dreams are fulfilled!


Earn millions,
Load the wagons with a dough,
So that Lexus is cool,
House with security, big!


I wish you not to shit off the dove
On your head, my friend.
And the watering machine
You did not suddenly doused you.


So that they do not borrow money,
After all, they will not give it anyway!
And they promised nothing
The promised for a long time they are waiting.


Joints not to creak,
And the head did not hurt,
And to jump out of bed
On the ringing of the alarm clock, one or two!


So that you live on a marvel,
Do everything clearly and beautifully -
In an armful, the money is rowing,
Swim along the best path.


So that everything is fine:
In the refrigerator - decent
In the garage - a car practical,
The bank has a pretty account.


Women in short skirts,
Figured, sensitive, the most meek,
Nights sleepless, but happy,
Moments of wonderful and funny.


I sincerely wish a friend:
Let it not be tight in life,
Let you always have good luck
Help will reach out!


You are stronger into her,
Do not let go for anything
And then it will come in life
Not a kayuk, but a full paradise.


Let the desires come true
All cherished dreams
I wish you on birthday
To be happy you!


I wish the sea of \u200b\u200bmoney
For all your whims
And big as a hundred America,
Stunning love!


So that health is normal,
And male - so doubly!
How the luck fountain was beating
With charm on a par!


Barbecue to enjoy
Wrinking with cognac,
And he was cooling in the pool,
Having a house on the seas!


So that everything is in the openwork in life
You had, my friend,
And successful in nature
You suddenly became envy!

Video: ditties - congratulations from Semin Valery by April 1

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