Who is the nihilist and what are his main psychological problems?

Who is the nihilist and what are his main psychological problems?

At the word “nihilist”, we primarily recall the course of the school curriculum, Turgenev and his novel “Fathers and Children” and, of course, the protagonist - Bazarov, which the older generation is simply associated with this definition. But Bazarov is only a symbolic literary image, but what are they, nihilists, in real life?

What is nihilism?

The literal translation of this word, which goes to Latin - “nothing”, “nothing”, we understand this “nothing” as a denial of all the generally accepted, the lack of ideals, rules and norms, but this is not anarchy, which also does not recognize the foundations, since there is no nihilism political component. And like any social phenomenon, nihilism at different periods of its manifestation manifested itself in different movements.

  • The initial period of nihilism It is generally considered the times Middle AgesWhen he acted as a special teaching. The denial of the human essence of Jesus Christ, which preached, is also mentioned as a manifestation of nihilism scholastik Peter Lombard.
  • Spreading as a current, nihilism penetrated into Western culture, where the representative of nihilism is the German writer and philosopher Friedrich Jacobi, Friedrich Nietzsche became the adherent of nihilism, denied progressive ideas and considered Christian divine dogmas illusory.
  • The main theses of nihilism are statements built on denial: The existence of higher forces has not been proven, The concepts of morality are not objective, It cannot be preferred to the action of one person before another.

Directions of nihilism

The denial of generally accepted rules by the Nihilists concerned almost all spheres of existence and all the teachings.

Developing and changing along with eras and cultures, this course appears in several varieties:

  1. Worldview or social, relating to general moral and cultural values \u200b\u200band ideals.
  2. Mereologicalclaiming that there are no objects that would consist of parts.
  3. Metaphysical, generally not considering the existence of objects in reality.
  4. Epistemologicaldenying the existence of knowledge and teachings as such.
  5. Legal, the leveling responsibility of a person in any of the manifestations and does not consider it necessary to comply with legislative norms.
  6. Moral, or metaemic - It denies a general idea of \u200b\u200baspects regarding morality and morality.
  7. Cultural, the appearance of which is associated mainly with the second half of the last century, when mass culture was rejected by representatives of the counterculture.
  8. Youth, manifested at the stage of growing up, understanding yourself, your unique "I".
  9. Geographical - a relatively new concept that denies the effect of the geographical component on public development.

At the same time, all such directions converged in one, the most effective method to renew society is the preceding destruction.

Who is the nihilist?

  • So who is nihilistBased on the foregoing? Already from the very definition of the “void”, embedded in the essence of the definition, we can say that a nihilist is a representative of a current that denies the founded foundations. At the same time, this teaching does not imply a proposal in return for something.
  • If we analyze the theories of the apologists of nihilism, it becomes obvious that nihilist is an indifferent contemplator (Schopenhauer theory), a tired urbanist who does not see the prospects (according to Spengler), using morality exclusively to expand the boundaries of his own power (Nietzsche came to this conclusion). The last philosopher also identified the nihilist as a superman, for whom there are no moral and moral boundaries, concepts of good and evil.
  • In Russia, the concept of “nihilist” went from a rampantian, as well as student youth who advocated the overthrow of noble and serfson which the society of those times was based.

The most popular are the concepts of nihilists:

  1. The existence of God is not proved by irrefutable arguments, therefore, one cannot say that it is.
  2. No pure form neither morality nor morality, They are always due to many factors and depend on circumstances.
  3. Life is not filled with meaning and truth, and all objective actions are equally important.

The concept of a nihilist in psychology

  • Usually, In psychology, nihilist It is considered as one who was desperate to find the meaning of his existence. Such a worldview, by Erich Fromm - A peculiar psychological protection of a person, which in essence always seeks to find personal freedom, but has not found it. And at the same time, the transition to positions identical to nihilism is due to the desire to break the rules of society, according to which complete personal freedom is impossible.
  • From the point of view of Wilhelm Reich The nihilist is a cynical and arrogant person who constantly triggers a protective mechanism, which determines such behavior. Nihilism, Rych believes, this the reaction to disappointment in life, people, society.
Everyone sees in his own
Everyone sees in his own

The main psychological problems of nihilists

  • Nihilism Almost turned from teaching into a worldview, which forms both views and judgments and actions with actions. It was the concept of nihilism that made it possible for many to set their problems as a deliberate shocking. This is manifested in many aspects. For example, in a demonstrative, dismissive style and manner of clothing, behavior in society. This lies one of the ways to avoid the problems of lack of culture, poverty, etc. The rudeness and tactlessness, served as manifestations of nihilism, are actually often explained by the elementary lack of education, and the negligence in clothing flashes for showing, hides the inability to put on what I would like.
  • One of the aspirations of the nihilists There is a desire clean the old in order to give a place to a new one. From the point of view of psychology, such an approach, on the contrary, may indicate the impossibility of creating this very “new”. This is probably why among the views and theories of nihilism there are practically no creative ones - they only deny the existing one without offering creation. And even nihilists propose to reduce the system of structure to the principles of the existence of the animal world, namely to the natural selection, When the strongest survives by itself, and the development of the individual is not required - it is enough to remain marginal for survival.
  • The question of the relationship of sexes in nihilistic teachings It is also solved simplified. How to perceive a woman precisely a woman requiring respect and delicacy, much easier to imagine her as an equal friend, comrade, colleagues. Paradoxically, but in such an interpretation of nihilists there are and progressive component.  A woman is not considered, as a cook, a housewife, a laundress, obliged to perform exclusively “female duties”.
A woman is not a cook, but requires respect
A woman is not a cook, but requires respect
  • Often the nihilist rejects the values \u200b\u200bthat are dominant in society, Considering them that do not have the right to exist, since injustice reigns around. This is a kind of attempt to resolve social conflict.

The preferences of the nihilist

  • The preferences of the nihilists are The principles of denial of the existing meaning. They completely discard the norms and rules adopted in society, refuse foundations and traditions, are not considered concepts of ethics and morality. This can be called spiritual minimalism, which rejects authorities, laws, secular and spiritual power. As a rule, such people are not characterized by faith in higher powers.
  • Some of the psychologists consider the concept of nihilism close to the basics of realism, But based on a critical approach to reality, and the basis for the worldview is everything regarding the factual base. In this way, nihilists are essentially skeptics, But justifying their views from a philosophical point of view. Such psychologists consider the main cause of nihilism the manifestation of the heighten instinct of self -preservation and ordinary egoism.
  • The interpretation of one of the most famous nihilists Friedrich Nietzsche is this: human nature is not alien to generally accepted values, but these values \u200b\u200bare depreciated by the person himself.

Famous nihilists

  • The most famous nihilists include primarily a scholastic of the 12th century Petra Lombard, Which is essentially considered the ancestor of this current. His postulate is doubts that Christ has human nature.
  • To one degree or another, the nihilists who preached individual ideas in their works were russian writers and philosophers Mikhail Bakunin, Dmitry Pisarev, Nikolai Chernyshevsky, Nikolai Dobrolyubov, Petr Kropotkin, Sergey Nechaev.


  • Among foreign philosophers as nihilists, they often determine Erich Fromma, Wilhelm Reich, Friedrich Nietzsche, Serena Kierkegaard.

Video: About the birth of nihilism

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