Is it possible to forgive treason, betrayal of a loved one, friend, treason: arguments and examples from literature for essay, exam

Is it possible to forgive treason, betrayal of a loved one, friend, treason: arguments and examples from literature for essay, exam

This article describes the arguments to the composition, the exam - is it possible to forgive treason and betrayal.

In our difficult time, betrayal and betrayal are quite common. This leads to a deterioration or rupture of relations between people. Is it possible to forgive treason is a philosophical issue, but there are many examples of its solutions in our rich Russian literature.

Betrayal and betrayal of a loved one - is forgiveness possible: arguments for essay, exam

Is forgiveness possible: arguments for essay, exam
Is forgiveness possible: arguments for essay, exam

When we are faced with treason, various negative thoughts, feelings, emotions take possession of us. Imagine that a loved one betrayed us. What to do with betrayal and treason - is forgiveness possible? There are several ways to solve the problem, but there are two main paths: either forgive or not forgive. Below you will find arguments for essay, exam.

Consider the option of forgiveness:

  • As written in the Bible, true love suffers, forgives, sweetly.
  • Therefore, a real Christian will try for himself in his soul, in the heart to forgive the person who offended and changed.
  • We will not consider the psychological factors of this act.
  • Psychologists would say that this is your personal file - to forgive or not, but it is better to forgive you.
  • Our best friend would tell us, probably: “You don’t value yourself! Why humiliate yourself, bargain feelings, because this man, having betrayed once, will betray another. ”
  • As a result, we can say to yourself: "Why do I need this person, because a friend tells us correctly."

But, in fact, indeed, a person must decide everything for himself. The best clues do not exist.

  • As he writes Vadim Zeland in his book “Transerfing of Reality", Only your soul can draw the right conclusion, only in it there is an answer, what should we do.

The literature is saturated with images of love, as well as topics of betrayal, partings, and proceedings:

  • In Russian literature, you immediately recall how Tatyana Larina reacted to words Evgeny OneginWhen he decided to leave her.
  • She wrote a letter to him, and he refused. She thought about him as the best person in her life, but he did not react to her feelings.
  • Maybe we are not talking about obvious betrayal, but, as we understand, Tatyana accepted his words precisely as a betrayal.
  • Her proud nature did not allow Eugene to answer somehow differently when they were meeting at the reception after Tatyana was already “given another forever”.
  • You might think that this is about something else: about unrequited love, that pride and devotion are important qualities of a person, but in fact, the author of this composition sees it differently.
  • After all, Eugene, who gave Tatyana to a rebuke, when she was declared love, did not understand her, he refused her, giving her herself to solve all further problems.
  • But if we abandon the person who loves us, we push him on a difficult path in love and life.
  • Thus, Onegin’s act can be considered as betrayal. Tatyana did not forgive his act.

Another example from Russian literature:

  • In the novel "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy - Relations of Natasha Rostova with Anatole Kuragin and Andrei Bolkonsky.
  • At the beginning of the novel, the young girl Natasha is so attractive - she seems clean, airy, wonderful.
  • Anatol Kuragin in love with her shows special attention to her.
  • Andrei Bolkonsky loves her, but loves silently.
  • In the novel, Natasha Rostova, who had already given the word to Andrei, is still trying to leave the promise, trying to run with Anatole. But she is stopped.
  • Maybe she did not commit physical treason, but the spiritual betrayal is evident.
  • Much has been written about spiritual treason, and it is even more treason than physical, this is the opinion of the author of this composition.

Another example from the novel Lev Tolstoy:

  • Anna Karenina and her fiery love for Alexei Vronsky.
  • This love destroys relationships, and her husband does not forgive betrayal.
  • In this case, we are already talking about a family in which there are children. Anna Karenina cannot bear the torment of this love and this betrayal.

Pechorin in the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time":

  • He meets with a girl faith, at the same time starts a dangerous game with Princess Mary, although, in principle, he does not particularly like her.
  • Thus, he, as it were, “tests” himself and others, but this game stands to him the very mass of suffering.
  • Vera, meeting with Pechorin, changes her husband, but unhappy from this.
  • Do heroes forgive each other? - It is unlikely, they prefer to close and not think about what is happening.

Evgeny Bazarov in Turgenev’s work “Fathers and Children”:

  • True to his principles, faithful to his nihilism, and only a serious illness makes him look at the world with different eyes, reveal humanity and soul, which can love and was true to Odintsova to the end.

If you look at these examples from Russian literature, you can be confident: her heroes understood human feelings, but they could not forgive the end of treason in love.

Is it possible to forgive the betrayal of a friend: arguments and examples from literature for essay, exam

The plan of essay on the topic “Can I forgive treason, betrayal of a friend” for the exam
The plan of essay on the topic “Can I forgive treason, betrayal of a friend” for the exam

Treason in friendship is no less insidious than treason in love. A friend is the person whom we trust, whom we hope for whom we believe. If a friend betrays, then a feeling of helplessness arises. Do you forgive a friend for treason? A difficult question, but the author of the essay thinks that this is quite possible, because any person can be mistaken.

Again, let us recall the Bible: Christ commanded people to forgive their sins against another. A person is not perfect, everyone has their own shortcomings. In Russian literature, the theme of treason was also reflected.

  • Recall "Petersburg period" in the youth of Pierre Bezukhov.
  • He was marked by friendship with Fedor Dolokhov.
  • The guys had fun in a noisy company, but then got into the field of regulatory authorities.
  • As a result, Dolokhov was unclenched to the ordinary and sent to the front, and Pierre was exiled to Moscow under the supervision of his father.
  • Then Dolokhov found Pierre, his friend, when he himself needed help.
  • Count Bezukhov helped the eager friend with money, invited to stay at home.
  • But then another meanness of a friend followed. She manifested itself as soon as the frivolous Ellen became interested in him.
  • Pierre simultaneously betrayed both his wife and comrade, as they even entered into a love affair.

How did the young Count Bezukhov react to such a double betrayal? He patiently experienced the betrayal of his wife, however, the betrayal of a friend could not survive. A duel with Dolokhov was a turning point in his formation as a person. As a result, Pierre, having survived disappointment in a loved one and mental pain, tried to rebuild the world for something better.

What are the reasons for betrayal and betrayal to the Motherland, is it possible to forgive treason: arguments to essay, exam

Literature that will help prepare for an essay on the topic “Can I forgive treason, betrayal” for the exam
Literature that will help prepare for an essay on the topic “Can I forgive treason, betrayal” for the exam

Cheating in love and friendship - this can still be understood. But treason to the Motherland is a terrible act. Nobody can forgive treason. Only a person himself, being alone with himself, will try to forgive himself for a long time. To prevent this from happening, you need to be in Lada with your conscience.

There are examples of treason to the Motherland in Russian literature, although there are not as many of them as in the Soviet:

  • At Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoyin his world famous epic "war and peace" We find that the commander Kutuzov has always been guided by his love and fidelity to the Fatherland.
  • General Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov saved the Russian army, making not the most popular decisions for this.
  • He was not understood by contemporaries. Let me remind you that when the French army retreated, it was in a state of despair.
  • Then many military leaders thought to use this situation for a slight victory in the battle, they sought to get only another award.
  • In the novel “War and Peace” by Tolstoy, the Emperor’s anger and the dissatisfaction of the courtiers by military policy Mikhail Kutuzov was hidden under the mask of, one might say, false patriotism.
  • Kutuzov, on the other hand, sought to save the life of every simple soldier, while realizing that without an army there would be no strong state.
  • Leo Tolstoy shows the general as a person who neglected his interests, but defended the victory of the Motherland.

In Russian literature there are also images of betrayal of the homeland. To Leo Tolstoy, the great poet of Russia Alexander Sergeevich Pushkini met in his own the poem "Poltava" the image of Mazepa:

  • This historical character has been worried about the minds of contemporaries more than once.
  • Pushkin outlined Mazepa as an immoral, dishonest, also vengeful and evil.
  • Mazepa appears before us as a treacherous hypocrite for whom there is nothing saint.
  • He "does not know the shrine" and "does not remember benevolence."
  • This is a person who is accustomed to achieve his goal at all costs, neglecting the interests of other people.

In another work - Taras Bulba Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol We also see an example of betrayal in relation to the Motherland:

  • The traitor Andrei did not live according to the laws of his regiment, but at the call of his heart. He, as we know, was Taras's youngest son. Together with his older brother, he graduated from the Kyiv Bursa. He was always distinguished by a judicious character and did not chop off his shoulder.
  • But then Andrei fell in love, and brought the interests of his comrades to the interests of his relationship.
  • The difficult dilemma, his love was a beautiful panel. The hero of Gogol was ready to serve her until the last drop of blood.
  • It was because of this love that the Cossack betrayed his Fatherland. As a result, his father Taras Bulba said the famous phrase: "I gave you, I will kill you!"

Let's return to Alexander Pushkin.He has the work "Captain's daughter":

  • In it, the traitor is Alexei Shvabrin, who is "not the shore of honor of a young man."
  • In the work, Alexei was exiled to the Belogorsk fortress for a duel, in which his opponent was killed.
  • He treated everyone in the fortress with contempt.
  • Pushkin describes Shvabrin as a cynical and empty person. Alexei Shvabrin sang the girl due to the fact that she refused him.
  • Then, during the assault and the capture of the Belogorsk fortress, Alexei begins to understand that he would not survive the sieges of the fortress, and therefore passes to the side of the enemy - Pugachev.
  • This story ended with the fact that he was judged by a false traitor. The attitude of the comrades to him is the corresponding.
  • He suffers due to the fact that he betrayed his relationship with his beloved girl, and, of course, became an outcast among his own, betraying his native regiment.

There are a lot of betrayals in literature. This shows the interest of people and, including writers, to this topic. And the topic is not easy. If a betrayal of love can still be understood and forgiven, although it is very difficult to do it, the relationship in friendship is somehow smooth out, then the betrayal of the homeland is very difficult to forget, because this is real mental suffering.

Video: "Fidelity and treason" Example of composition

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