Essay on social studies on the topic “Friendship is equality”: arguments, reasoning of literary critics. Why does friendship love equality? Can there be inequality in friendship?

Essay on social studies on the topic “Friendship is equality”: arguments, reasoning of literary critics. Why does friendship love equality? Can there be inequality in friendship?

In this article, we will touch on a common, but such close topic, namely the topic of friendship. We will try to figure out all the nuances of such a relationship.

All life of a person, one way or another, is built on certain concepts and values. As a rule, this is love, mutual understanding, respect and, of course, friendship.

But do we often think about what this concept of “friendship” means, do we know how to be friends correctly? This issue is very relevant today, since modern life and the world are very distorted by many concepts.

Why does friendship love equality?

What is "friendship" in principle? After all, all people understand this word completely differently and put a completely different meaning into this value. Agree, one cannot even say that for all people friendship is value. However, there is a general explanation that reveals the meaning of this concept and it is considered to be “the only true”, unless, of course, one can put it like that.

Important: it is generally accepted that friendship is the relationship of 2 people who are built on common interests, hobbies, as well as selflessness, respect, mutual assistance, love in some way

To answer the main question: “Why does friendship love equality?”, You just need to analyze the definition of this concept:

  • Agree, we are all different people. We can be different in everything in everything: nationality, age, material situation, religion, views on life.
  • However, all these facts do not interfere with people to find a common language, communicate, make friends and even start families. All because in the relations of such people there is equality.
  • After all, equality in a large account can be considered not only as a complete similarity and likeness, but also as the ability of people not to extol themselves and not humiliate others.
  • Can there be equality between people who do not respect each other? Of course, no. After all, respect, this is the "stone" on which any relationship begins to build.
  • Is it about equality when people bind absolutely nothing in common? Again not, because equality primarily involves something in common.
  • If a person puts himself above others, will he help those who are lower? No, then, and here we are not talking about equality.
  • What already talk about disinterestedness - in relations where there is no equality, there is always a benefit, and not a healthy benefit, which is in all respects, namely self -interest.
Friendship loves equality
Friendship loves equality
  • If you analyze every value that forms friendship and not see the same equality in it, then it is simply impossible to say that relations between people are friendly.
  • Friendship loves equality because only in the case of the presence of equality in their relationships in principle can be called friendly.
  • Equality implies that people, being in different status, having a different financial situation, perhaps confessing different religions, can treat each other with respect and do not extol themselves in any way.
  • Such a thing as “equality” in friendship in no case can be understood in the literal sense of the word. To be friends, people should not be equally smart, rich and be sure to look at life identical. In this case, it will be enough that people will be able to be equal to other people no matter what.

Summing up, we can say that friendship does not only love equality, friendship - this is equality in principle.

Essay on social studies on the topic "Friendship is equality": arguments

It would seem that in this terms everything is extremely simple and understandable, however, in fact, there is something to think and talk about.

Once upon a time, the Russian writer Ivan Goncharov said: “Neither a slave nor a lord is a friendship. Friendship loves equality. " By the way, Goncharov lived and wrote in 1812-1891, and already at that time the issue of friendship and equality, as we see, was quite relevant. Arguments in favor of the fact that friendship is equality, a huge amount can be brought.

We will start from the definition of the concept of “equality”, taking as a basis that equality is not only the full similarity and the same position of people in society, but also the ability of a person to be along with the rest, regardless of his status, position, etc.

  1. So, as the first argument, we consider the respectful attitude.
  • What is respect? First of all, this is an understanding that everyone has the right to their thoughts, views and opinions. This is the realization that our own thoughts, beliefs and opinions are not the only true. Finally, this is a respectful attitude towards a person, regardless of what kind of temper, character and preferences he has
  1. Confidence.
  • Trust is the most important link in the construction of any relationship, including friendly
  • What does trust have to do with equality? The most direct. Agree, it is impossible to trust a person whom you consider not equal to yourself
  • We trust only people close to us, and only those with whom we are on an equal basis are considered to be close by definition. After all, it never occurs to us to put ourselves above someone whom we, for example, love
Friendship is trust
Friendship is trust
  1. Mutual assistance and help.
  • In our alarming time, you can not often see sincere help and disinterested mutual assistance
  • However, we help, as a rule, only to those who, no matter how rude it sounds, we consider worthy of this
  • Worthy of our help, our time, compassion
  • It would be foolish to assume that in this case, someone will help a person to whom a feeling of inequality is experienced
  1. Support.
  • Again, everything is reduced only to the fact that we are ready to support far from every person
  • Even if you take our environment. Agree, everyone has many acquaintances, comrades, but not everyone is ready to support at the right time.
  • And it happens because there is no sense of equality. Because equality is a person’s attitude to someone, as to himself or at least approximately to this
  1. Love.
  • Many may object that love has nothing to do with friendship, but this is not so. Friendship is also love
  • It is impossible to sincerely be friends with a person and not to experience this reverent feeling for him
  • But those whom we love, we always consider the “suitable party” for ourselves, so at least we cannot talk about inequality here
Love is also present in friendship
Love is also present in friendship

At first glance, it may not be entirely clear that these arguments will argue. In fact, everything is extremely simple. Each of the listed arguments is a brick with which friendship is built. But without equality, such concepts simply cannot exist. Therefore, real friendship is definitely equality.

Can there be inequality in friendship?

Perhaps everyone who, in one way or another, is interested in the issue of friendship and friendly relations, think about this.

Can there be inequality in friendship? Maybe if in the concept of “equality” to invest a different meaning:

  • We can all have different status and position in society. Someone may be a highly qualified doctor, and someone can work as a guard
  • If in the concept of “equality” to invest the meaning that it is a complete similarity, for example, in quality, dignity, capabilities, etc., then the really given example is higher, this is the inequality of people
  • If we take a person’s belonging to some nation: one refers to one nationality, and the second to the other. In this case, we can again say that there is some inequality
Friendship may not be inequality, but diversity
Friendship may not be inequality, but diversity
  • There are a lot of such examples
  • However, if we are talking about equality in friendship, then this concept is interpreted a little differently. Despite this, and in this case it takes place to be
  • But such relationships can be called "unhealthy", since such friendship deserves to be called consumer relations more
  • If there is inequality in friendship, this means that one person costs a step above the other, and this fact necessarily has its own manifestations
  • It can be a relationship of addiction. In this case, you need to understand the psychology of such a connection
  • This option is also possible if 2 people are satisfied with unequal relationships
  • Sometimes, as an exception, it happens that inequality does not interfere with friendship, since both participants in such a relationship know how to be friends and not take into account their differences (religion, interests)
  • After all, those who have all the interests are not always friends. Often people are friends who have nothing to have in common, but they find support, support and understanding in the face of each other

As you can see, this issue is very controversial and, having thought about it, everyone will be able to express their point of view, arguing it with certain facts. Do not argue with this point of view and accept it as one that has the right to exist is also a manifestation of respect and equality.

The reasoning of literary critics about equality in friendship

The theme of friendship has always been one of the main works in many works of art, and literature in particular.

Almost every writer, one way or another, touched on his work the issue of friendship, friendly relations and equality in them.

Often the reasoning of writers find their reflection in their statements and sayings. Having analyzed them, you can understand how a particular person relates to this issue.

  • Ilya Shevelev is a professor and author of the book “Aphorisms, thoughts, emotions” once wrote: “Friendship without equality is not friendship, but symbiosis.”
  • Obviously, the writer believes that friendship cannot exist without equality and such relationships can be called exclusively symbiosis. And symbiosis, as we know, is all on everything mutual benefit and nothing more.
  • Such relationships, according to Shevelev, will continue only until the moment as someone is bored.
  • Another expression of another person - Mikhail Lermontov, shows us the other side of the coin and another opinion: “Of the two friends, one is always a slave to the other, although often none of them are recognized in this.”
  • Here we see that by his statement the writer questions that equality is a prerequisite for this friendship.
  • Although at the same time, the author still leaves a certain opportunity to think differently, saying: "... although often none of them admit this to himself." That is, emphasizing that people unconsciously enter into co -dependent relationships.
  • A little departing from the literature, we can give an example of the notorious Roman historian Quint Kurtius, who said: "There can be no friendship between the master and the slave." In such a statement, Quint is somewhat veal focuses on the fact that there can be no friendship between unequal people. Although based on the foregoing, we can conclude that we are talking exclusively about the financial situation, in fact, you can quite easily draw an analogy to our issue.
Reasoning about friendship
Reasoning about friendship
  • The Russian literary critic Vissarion Belinsky had the following opinion: "Equality is a condition for friendship." Based on this saying, it is undoubtedly that Belinsky identified such concepts as “friendship” and “equality”.
  • An equally interesting saying can be found in the work of the famous Miguel de Cervantes, who once said that: “The equality of position connects the heart. But between the rich and poor friendship, there can be no long -term friendship because of inequality between wealth and poverty. ” On the one hand, the writer emphasizes that equality unites people, gives them unity, friendship and love. On the other hand, it focuses on people on the fact that there are things, equality between which cannot be in principle. It is unambiguous that the statement is fundamentally true, simply impossible, as in principle it is impossible to refute it, because, as they say, how many people, so many opinions.
  • We will finish our discussions about the statements of writers regarding friendship and equality, the saying of the famous Russian poet and publicist Ivan Andreevich Krylov, who said: "Equality in love and friendship is a saint thing." Here, and without any explanation, it is clear that the fabulist adhered to the opinion of the impossibility of the existence of friendly relations without the equality of their participants.

The above statements and sayings are far from the only ones in the literary world. Many other, no less well -known literary critics and poets raised the issue of equality and friendship in their work.

Essay on the topic: "Is there friendship in the world?"

Since friendship is known to us as selfless relations of people who are built on trust, understanding, mutual assistance and respect, it can be argued that there is such relations in our world.

We will immediately say that our society and psychology identify several types of these relations, so we will conduct further conversation taking into account such varieties.

  • From the point of view of psychology, several types of friendship can be distinguished, namely psychological closeness and situational friendship
  • Psychological proximity is an almost perfect model of friendship. Why practically? Because in the minds and understanding of most people, what is eternal is considered ideal
  • Psychological proximity, as a rule, is not eternal phenomenon
  • The essence of this friendship is that people communicate, friends, build close relationships, however, this happens until people completely and completely suit each other
  • In such relationships there is a place for respect, trust, mutual assistance and support, but the so-called “manipulation games” are absent in all their manifestations
  • Psychological proximity does not assume that over time, your paths with a comrade will disperse over time, but it involves constant work on relationships
  • As soon as something changes in your life and life, your psychological proximity will be broken, and it will have to be built again
  • And another friendship that also exists in the world is situational, but we sometimes call it selfish and forced
  • This type of friendship arises on the basis of forced common interests. For example, parents of children are friends because children often play together or a woman is friends with the relatives of her man, because otherwise it is not very beautiful
  • Such relationships end as soon as the situation disappears, which forces people to communicate and make friends
Friendship takes place
Friendship takes place

Well, in our society, topics about the friendship of men, women and men with women are very relevant topics. Does each of these types of friendship really exist?

  • Not one song is sung about female friendship and more than one work is written. Many tend to believe that female friendship as such does not exist in nature, however, we consider otherwise. Female friendship exists, in any case, we tend to consider this way, since we consider this concept “asexual”, that is, one that does not depend on who is applied to
  • More attention in the woman’s issue, and in principle, and any other friendship, must be devoted to values, or rather their presence in a person
  • Also, as an argument that friendship between women exists, the following fact can be called. Women understand each other well, given the similarity in the emotional and psychological aspects
  • The third woman, a man who liked both or ordinary human envy, can ruin female friendship
  • Regarding male friendship, I must say that it is considered ideal, legends and stories are composed of it
  • Really real male friendship is an example of how to be able to get along with people
  • However, there are quite a lot of envious and traitors among men, so there is no one to consider the friendship between representatives of the stronger sex also. And a woman can become a guilt again
  • As for friendship between a woman and a man, then disputes do not subside to this day. Some say that this friendship certainly exists, others say that these relationships can be called as you like, but not friendship
  • Why is that? Because it is generally accepted that a man and a woman should, in principle, should and can only be in love or sexual relationships
  • You can argue about this indefinitely, but there is no sense in this
  • Such friendship still exists, and live examples are proof of this

Based on all of the foregoing, only one thing can be said with confidence: friendship exists and this is fine, because real friends are our second family, our support, support, a kind of outcast of everything that happens to us in life.

The value of friendship, friendly relations and friends is incredibly high, so everyone we truly consider our friends should be respected, appreciated, love and not forget about equality.

Video: What is friendship?

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