Composition on the topic “The attitude of fathers and children”, the conflict of fathers and children according to the novel “Fathers and Children”: quotes, arguments

Composition on the topic “The attitude of fathers and children”, the conflict of fathers and children according to the novel “Fathers and Children”: quotes, arguments

If you do not know how to write an essay on the topic “The attitude of fathers and children based on Turgenev’s novel“ Fathers and Children ”, then you will find several options in this article.


The problem of fathers and children always exists. Many writers devote their works to this conflict. For example, in the novel "Fathers and Children" Turgenev, an example of such a problem is clearly shown. The main characters are trying to allow her, but it turns out or not, only the reader must judge.

If you need to write an essay on the topic of the novel, which is related to the problem of parents and children, but you have not read the work itself, then look for examples of creations below in the text. Read further.

The problem of the attitude of parents to children in the work “Fathers and Children” is a brief essay, quotes: why Bazarov is a worthy son?

The problem of the attitude of parents to children in the work
The problem of the attitude of parents to children in the work "Fathers and Children"

The main problem of parents' relations and their offspring in the novel (both in the Kirsanov family and in the Bazarov family) is based on the fact that young people are already ready for radical changes in politics and society, they want to live according to their principles, and people of old hardening can no longer To be so flexible, it is difficult for them to adapt to a rapidly changing life, to accept new rules.

But why Bazarov is a worthy son? Here composition briefly on the topic “The problem of the attitude of parents to children in the work“ Fathers and Children ” With quotes:

Evgenia Bazarov Father and mother are frankly annoying. While in the parental house, he is quite restrained with them, he will never say a good word, only constantly asks him to be left alone and not interfere with working. But, despite this, it cannot be called a bad son.

Yes, Bazarov Not enthusiastic about the parental manifestations of love - but not because he does not value the people who raised him. Being a nihilist, the young man simply does not accept the public and violent manifestation of feelings (the same as an example with Odintsova and Arkady).

However, parents are not offended. Although they do not understand the views of their son, they respect his priorities and try not to interfere, they always listen to him.

"People like them, in your big light in the afternoon, do not find fire with fire". Perhaps one of the few phrases Bazarova, in which he does not hesitate to admit that he appreciates his parents. And, perhaps, in this case, it is more important than a thousand hugs.

In a letter to Odintsova Bazarov He asks her to look after her old people. Also, a signs of a reverent attitude to parents is the situation with the disease. Despite the fact that both Eugene and the father know what the wound on his finger, which Bazarov received from careless treatment with typhoid patient, will lead to the last to pretend that Eugene was simply caught up so as not to upset his mother.

That is why, despite the callous character and coldness, Bazarova It can be called a worthy son. He continued his father’s medical business, was brought up by a confident person with principles. Although he did not allow himself “calf's tenderness” in relation to his mother and father, even according to this stingy manner of communication it is clear that he respects his parents. Despite the realization that they will never understand his progressive views, he still treats them with warmth.

Another evidence of Eugene’s love for parents is manifested in a conversation with Arkady:

“ - So you see what my parents are. The people are not strict.
“Do you love them, Eugene?”
- I love, Arkady ".

Hear from Bazarova, who behaves with people rudely, sparingly and even cynical, the word “love” is worth a lot. However, the hero does not approve of the lifestyle of his parents, condemns and even considers lagging behind life. There is nothing to talk about with them - in his understanding, even Pavel Petrovich is a more interesting interlocutor.

We can say that Eugene is grateful to his parents that they raised him, but considers them both “relics of the past” who have nothing to do in modern society. He considers himself spiritually higher than his mother and father, but forgives them their "nearby".

Table "Fathers and Children" - attitude: the main, eternal conflict of generations

The eternal conflict of generations
The eternal conflict of generations

The essence of the main conflict in the novel "Fathers and Sons" It is easier to understand and trace in the form of a table. It is visually easier to perceive and remembered. Here is a table on the novel "Fathers and Sons", attitude, basic, eternal conflict of generations:

Hero Representatives of the older generation



Mother Father Kirsanov

Eugene with his mother practically does not speak about important things - he believes that she does not have enough mind to realize many important things. He does not show love for her, but somewhere deep down, he appreciates.

The conflict in a relationship with her mother is that for her Bazarov is the same little Yenusha as he was once.

Eugene’s father’s attitude is somewhat better. Occasionally he speaks with him, though more and more about medical subjects. However, in life, and in politics, and in medicine, the father for Bazarov is an obsolete element that cannot be an opponent in a dispute.

The conflict of relations with his father is that the latter cannot accept the fact that Eugene has long grown and does not perceive him as a full -fledged, thinking man, for him this is an inexperienced student who should be patronized.

The main opponent of Bazarov in the conflict of generations. It is in the dispute of Eugene and Pavel Petrovich, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is revealed - the mismatch of the views of young people, that they want to build the future, change the principles of society and older state, who believe that they do not need to change anything and think that young people do not understand anything in life .
Both parents and Kirsanov believe that Bazarov is cynical, does not value old traditions. But, in fact, the main key to solving a conflict of generations is understanding. If the older generation were more attentive and understanding the young one, then the youth would be more loyal to traditions that they are already out of the century.

Two conflicts of heroes in the novel “Fathers and Children” - the relationship of fathers and children, love relationships: what is the reason?

Conflict of heroes in the novel
Conflict of heroes in the novel "Fathers and Children"

“Fathers” and “children” in the novel are not only two different age categories that will never understand each other. The point is a radically different opinions in society. “Children” are new, progressive people. They see the imperfections of society and do not want to live according to the old rules. It seems to them that if you make some transformations, then the situation in the country will change and everything will become better.

However, it is quite difficult for them to prove to the “fathers”, the representatives of the previous generation, that the entire system fell into decay, and therefore it needs to be changed. The old generation believes that it is too early to give the championship of the authorities. Moreover, mature people scare such radical changes. Two conflicts of heroes in the novel “Fathers and Children” - relations of fathers and children, love relationships. What is their reason? Here's the answer:

The first conflict - fathers and children:

This is the opposition of worldview views to each other. It is especially pronounced in the dispute Bazarovawith Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, in which it is not bored with expressions, Eugene, literally in direct text requires the “old people” to clear a place for a new society, give power to the young.

Like a nihilist, he offers in the bud and without regret, like the forest, to “cut down” all the prejudices regarding the nobility, because, in his understanding, the system of relations of serfs and barines has long outlived itself.

Naturally, KirsanovAs an aristocrat, the representative of the nobility considers it his duty to prove to the obstacle young man that he is mistaken. It is still early to write off such a social system from the accounts that it is in the nobility, and not in such single Protestants, the power of Russia.

The author intentionally observes neutrality, does not openly support any of the heroes, so that the reader himself makes a choice. The conflict of generations is manifested in practice. This example is a duel Kirsanovawith Bazarov. Both the representative of the old system and the young man do not want to give the palm of the championship. Everyone defends their interests. It is noteworthy that when Bazarov wounds his opponent, the nihilist and rebel in him for a while subside and his main profession - the healer. By the way, it was the wound and reconciled the heroes - this once again shows that the conflict of fathers and children can be smooth out. But there should be factors that everything will turn over and the desire of both generations compromise.

Relations of fathers and children - This is an eternal conflict, if only because Turgenev openly does not speak of who is right and who is to blame, whose generation is the right in this dispute. We can say that the writer himself was at the junction of two eras, when the revolutionaries encountered conservative aristocrats. Perhaps that is why he so subtly transfers this clash of generations and opinions.

The second conflict is the love:

There is another conflict in the creation - love. Evgeny Bazarov Cynic - he does not accept romance (as well as art), considering it a nonsense. Women in his understanding are needed only to satisfy the physiological need. However, life shows that the young man was wrong. Once he meets a widow Odintsovwhich falls in love with. Confidence in his beliefs disappears in it. A rough nihilist inside begins to fight a romantic and an attentive, sensual person. That is why some believe that nihilism Bazarova - This is just a tribute to fashion and even to some extent, posture.

At the time of love in the hero, a rebel dies. And then he dies himself Bazarov. The author intentionally does not want to save Eugene. He shows the reader that at the stage in which society was then, people like Eugene were “superfluous”. Perhaps if only Bazarov Born after a century, then his radical views would be useful and would find a response in the form of like -minded people. But at the time when he lived, no one needed such rationalizers (so far). The nobility was still strong enough for power, and was not ready to retreat. Therefore, one rebellious young man (and even a group of people) was unlikely to change anything.

However, u Bazarova There was one like -minded person - Arkady Kirsanov. However, he only imitated his more confident and more mature in judgments, a friend. His passion for nihilism was very superficial. Arkady himself, unlike Bazarov, was not a strong personality, because the revolutionary would clearly not have been out of him. It is noteworthy that, as in the case of Bazarov, Kirsanov also does not withstand “Love test”. He falls in love with Katya, who considers him “manual” and seeks to “remake”. The love conflict in creation is extremely important, for he shows what, in fact, the heroes are.


As for young people and nihilism, Arkady Kirsanov - This is an aristocrat who could never become a rebel and a revolutionary (due to weakness). Bazarov - This is just a progressive, smart person, a talented young doctor who may simply be born "in the wrong era." It is likely that in a later time, his ideas would become popular and left a trace of him about him.

“Fathers and Children” - Bazarov’s attitude to the people: composition, arguments, quotes

"Fathers and children" - the attitude of Bazarov to the people

Attitude Bazarova To the people is perfectly pronounced in his dispute with Kirsanov Sr. The young man sees many minuses in peasants and simple people, believes that this is not far (in essence), estate. Here is an essay with arguments and quotes on the topic "Fathers and children" - the attitude of Bazarov to the people ":

Eugene openly says that freedom is unlikely to go to the people for the future, because "The Russian man is ready to rob himself with, just to get drunk in a fool in a tavern.". But, nevertheless, Bazarov himself is not a nobleman:

  • “My grandfather plowed the earth. Ask any of your men in whom of us is in you or in me. He rather recognizes a compatriot. You don't know how to talk to him ".

And even if this pride is pretense, Eugene does not deny that he is from "from the simple". But he considers himself above the peasants, because he has progressive views, educated, erudite. People for Bazarova - These are the origins of imperfections. In judgments, the hero is categorical and harsh. Nevertheless, people of the lower class are very drawn to him. After all, unlike the gentlemen, Evgeniy He is himself, he does not put on masks and says what he thinks. Even if it is an unpleasant truth.

This is not to say that Evgeniy The people do not like. But in his understanding, this is something like a domestic animal that cannot exist without a owner, which will educate him and train. If you provide ordinary people to yourself, it will come to devastation, for this social layer is illiterate, nothing in politics and other sciences, and therefore, will not be able to properly dispose of the authorities.

“Fathers and Children” - attitude to art, nature: composition, arguments, quotes

"Fathers and Children" - attitude to art, nature

Bazarov - The person is categorical and rational. He is devoted to science, considers it the highest moving force. Here's the essay on the topic "Fathers and Children" - attitude to art, nature ", with arguments and quotes:

To love, art, and everything exalted, Evgeniy relates skeptically, believing that "One chemist brings more benefit than 20 poets". He claims that "He looks at the sky only when he sneezes, and not in order to admire it, etc.". Negatively Bazarov Refers to music. He considers it "The art of making money" And wasting time.

"You do not suggest in me an artistic meaning - but it really is not in me" He says Odintsova.

The hero does not read fiction. In his understanding, only scientific works benefit, and the rest - fairy tales that are completely useless in life. However, in art Bazarov He understands - otherwise he would not have reject it so violently. Since his approach is scientific-before criticizing something, the hero delves into the essence and draws his logical conclusions that allow us to say anything specific.

It is possible that the young man is so negative in relation to art, because he believes that society now needs not to have fun, but to urgently solve political, civilian issues. Bazarov It builds quite reasonable judgments, based not on emotions, but on personal experience, logic, analysis. It is quite difficult to argue with it.

The hero denies the beauty of nature. He believes that she is not a temple for a person, but a workshop. Accordingly, admiring drops on the sheets after the rain and writing poetry about them is stupid. But to engage in botanicals in order to study and introduce new medicinal plants, or to practice frogs for medical purposes - this is right. It turns out, Evgeniy I am convinced that the gifts of nature should be useful to man, do not sing it like a goddess, just for the sake of a red word.

“Fathers and Children” - attitude to science: composition, arguments, quotes

"Fathers and Children" - attitude to science

In the novel "Fathers and Sons" The hero’s attitude to science is well traced. Here is an essay on this topic with arguments and quotes:

Evgeniy recognizes natural sciences - physics, chemistry, biology. Nature for him is a laboratory in which you need not to admire, but to work. He believes that science is the main engine of progress, that a person should not be based on “lyrics” in his judgments, but on evidence, to criticize and analyze everything.

As for the doctrines, Bazarov He believes that you need to have your own opinions, and not separate anyone's strangers. So he does. He has his own system of values \u200b\u200band views. The hero agrees only with what can be proved in practice by scientific means.

He is sure that the more scientific luminaries in the world, the more development the country and society can achieve. Nevertheless, the hero is against a single education system. In his understanding, a person must grow over himself and form himself, not trusting blindly any other people's priorities.

  • “I have already reported to you that I do not believe in anything; And what is science - science in general? There are sciences, as crafts, knowledge; And science does not exist at all. ”
  • “A person is able to understand - and how the ether trembles and what happens in the sun; And how a person can blow his nose differently than he is, he is not able to understand this. ”
  • “Where are we to Libich! First, you need to learn the alphabet and then take up the book, but we have not yet seen aza in the eye. ”

These quotes help to trace the hero’s true attitude to science. He does not believe in anything and it is difficult for him to prove something.

“Fathers and Children” - attitude to the aristocracy: composition, arguments, quotes

"Fathers and Children" - attitude to the aristocracy

Another direction that the reader simply traced is the attitude to the aristocracy. Here is an essay on this topic on the novel "Fathers and Sons" With arguments and quotes:

“Aristocracy, liberalism, progress, principles,” Bazarov said, meanwhile, “think how many foreign ... and useless words! The Russian man is not needed for nothing. ”

The hero refers to this social layer contemptuously. He openly speaks of her uselessness, does not recognize her strength. Evgeniy He understands that the nobility is a long relic of the past that needs to be eliminated. New people should be replaced (people like him). It is they who will change reality for the better.

As for the gentlemen, their presence in estates does not bring any benefit to anyone. Future Bazarov He sees behind people thinking, progressive, with a scientific warehouse of mind.

“Fathers and Children” - attitude to nihilism: composition, arguments, quotes

"Fathers and Children" - attitude to nihilism

This course of bazaars promotes. He believes that the foundations of nihilism are unshakable. Here's an essay on the novel "Fathers and Sons" on this topic "Bazarov's attitude to nihilism", with arguments and quotes:

A person should not live with feelings. To change life for the better, it must develop and be based on his own mind. Myself Evgeniy Everything is questioned, recognizing only what he himself came through his activity. All his judgments were repeatedly tested in practice. He is aware of the logic of his opinions and tries to avoid hasty decisions in those issues that require not cold calculation, but emotions. The hero believes that the Nihilists are the future. But it was time to stop the nobles to rule the state.

  • “We act by virtue of what we recognize useful. In the present time, denial is most useful. We deny. "
  • "There are no principles at all, but there are sensations."
  • “The nihilist is a person who is not inclined to any authorities, who does not accept a single principle on faith, no matter how respect this principle is surrounded.”
  • “I do not share anyone. I have mine. "

Bazarov He is a representative of the pre -revolutionary society, the bearer of new ideas, which the then society at that stage of development refused to accept. That is why the hero can be considered an “extra person”, as the same Eugene  Onegin, Pechorin or Chatsky.

“Fathers and Children” - attitude to love, woman: Lovely relations between Bazarov and Odintsova, composition, arguments

"Fathers and children" - attitude to love, woman

Attitude to love, woman in the work "Fathers and Sons" Special and unique in its own way. The same is the same love relationship Bazarovaand Odintsova. Here is an essay, arguments and quotes from the novel:

Bazarov completely denies the romantic aspect of love, believes that these are all instincts:

“And what kind of mystery of the relationship between a man and a woman? We physiologists know what kind of relationship this is. Are you anatomy of the eye, where does the mysterious look come from? These are all romanticism, nonsense, rot, art. Let's go better to watch frogs "

This is also his opinion:

“You like a woman - try to get sense. It didn’t work, well, get away - not the light of the wedge came down ".

The hero believes that it makes no sense to idolize any woman if the relationship does not develop. In his understanding, all girls are physiologically the same. One refused - it makes no sense to waste time. There is another.

"A kind of rich body, even now in the anatomical theater."

Bazarov denies the spiritual aspect of love. He is alien to romance. The only thing for what is in his understanding a woman needs to satisfy physical needs. But the situation is with Odintsova Changes everything. He experiences her true feelings that scare him, alarming. That is why the hero does not want to show them.

However, the fact that before his death he asks to send for Odintsova And she comes, says that the woman was dear to him. Moreover, the hero even regrets that he did not have time to kiss her - therefore, he was still capable of love. True, the nihilist in Bazarov He stubbornly tried to reject this concept.

"Fathers and Children" - Relations of Arkady and Katya: Composition

"Fathers and Children" - relations of Arkady and Katya

Another relationship in the novel, deserving of attention, is a relationship Arcadiaand Katya. Here is a work on the work "Fathers and Sons", on the topic of this love:

Arkady Kirsanov - A young man of a more subtle nature than Bazarov. He grew up in love, saw this feeling clearly. That is why he was so indignant at the cynicism of his friend. After all, Bazarov frankly ridiculed feelings, believing that there was no mystery and magic in them. However, after Evgeniy Arranged, Arkady had a need for a relationship. It attracted him Katia.

It can be seen that the young man is very happy about the appearance of a girl in her life. At first, he will protest a little when his lover wants to remake him, the remnants of the nihilist appear in him. However, subsequently Kirsanov He is humbled, marries and lives the life of a simple layman.

However, and himself Bazarov It becomes more loyal to love. After all, before leaving, he tells Arkady that he needs to marry and eat a bunch of children (“Sit a nest”). There is confirmation from a dying conversation with the father when Bazarov He tells his father that this “chick” (Arkady) should not be called, they say, “he is busy, the nest drives.” Most likely, such changes Eugene Also connected by feelings. Only to another woman - widow Odintsova.

"Fathers and Children" - conflict between Bazarov and Kirsanov: Composition

"Fathers and Children" - the conflict of Bazarov and Kirsanov

The theme of fathers and children and the conflict between them is eternal. Evgeny Bazarovand P.P. Kirsanov In the novel - representatives of two warring parties. Here's the essay on the topic "Fathers and Sons" Conflict between Bazarov and Kirsanov»:

Bazarov - The progressive young man of the new generation, who believes that the system needs to be changed and destroyed, but does not offer anything in return, a heterogene. Pavel Petrovich is a nobleman of an old hardening who believes that stupidity moves young people of this type. That is why irritation increases in it almost from the very beginning of the creation.

Bazarov annoys Kirsanova Not only judgments, but also by behavior and even appearance. However, in the dispute, a young man with radical glances looks calmer than a mature aristocrat. But Kirsanov There are not enough arguments, and he sometimes goes personal. Evgeniy It is contemptuous to both the aristocrats and the people. There are no authorities for him at all. Love is physiology, art is a waste of time, but a person must form himself and agree only with what is tested in practice. Science is a dominant level of development.

Kirsanov I’m used to living according to the old system, it is satisfied with a quiet, but well -fed life in the estate, he appreciates love and art (like every aristocrat), admires religion. As for Bazarova, all this is alien to him. He is sure that it is the young tribe of nihilists and realists who should rule the country, and all the obsolete must be cut off.

We can say that this is an eternal conflict. The situation when the old generation does not give up positions, and the young requires it to give in to the palm of the championship, takes place not only in society, but also in many modern families.

Family relations between father and child - Bazarov’s attitude to parents: is the conflict inevitable, what is its basis and meaning, why is such a conflict eternal?

Family relations between father and child - Bazarov’s attitude to parents
Family relations between father and child - Bazarov’s attitude to parents

Family relations between the father and the child can be very complicated. For example, Bazarov’s attitude to parents in the novel “Fathers and Children”. Why is such a conflict eternal? Is the conflict inevitable, what is its basis and meaning? Here's the answer:

In relation to parents, the hero is restrained. He is sure that they do not understand his progressive views. But the mother and mother do not force them to understand. As for the elderly, they still see in it Yenusha - The child who was born. Bazarov Almost never speaks with them, does not show emotions, the only thing he asks for not to interfere with work and sometimes set the table, bring something.

Parents sincerely love him. But also Evgeniy loves them. Only deep inside yourself. There is a conflict of worldview - at Bazarova Some values, he is a young man of the New Age. And old people - parents think in other categories and cannot understand his impulses.

The basis of this conflict not only in the inability to realize that the son grew up, but also in the difference in views. That is why the hero is not close with parents. Nevertheless, he is extremely rarely talking about love for them. And he claims that it is better to look for parents. Therefore, no matter how misunderstanding hangs over their heads, he respects people that gave him life.

Despite the fact that the father Eugene Also a doctor, they cannot find a common language. The old man is an adherent of old methods. As for Bazarova-the youngest, he believes that the future for scientific inventions that will bring progress. Father is afraid of new, like fire. Like a noble Kirsanov, older Bazarov He believes that nothing needs to be changed, he is completely and completely satisfied with the prospect of living his age in the oldest one.

But Nihilist San does not want this. He believes in changes and requires the old generation to give him a way like him. In fact, the conflict of fathers and children is eternal. After all, the difference in generations will be present, even if the relationship in the family is very tolerant. However, it can be smooth out if both parents and children will meet each other and try to find mutual understanding.

The attitude of generations - Turgenev’s father to children: was there a conflict, as in the novel “Fathers and Children”?

The attitude of generations - Turgenev’s father to children
The attitude of generations - Turgenev’s father to children

Everyone knows that the conflict of children and parents can be in every family. But it is interesting to know about the attitude of generations - father Turgenev To children. Was there a conflict, as in a novel "Fathers and Sons"? Answer:

To some extent, in the fate of the writer himself there was a conflict of fathers and children. Turgenev did not encourage some aspirations of his daughter Polina And I wanted to make a noble young lady out of it. That is why he almost handed her to the boarding school, although the girl had different plans. By the way, the experiences of the daughter entered the work "Asya", which can be called an almost complete description of the fate of the writer's daughter.

As for the conflict, it took place. Although Turgenev He wished the daughter of the best, he rarely asked her about her own desires, being sure that if she became a educated lady from the Higher Light, it would be for her good.

The attitude of the author of Turgenev to the heroes of the novel "Fathers and Children": Composition

The attitude of the author of Turgenev to the heroes of the novel
The attitude of the author of Turgenev to the heroes of the novel "Fathers and Children"

The writer can create a creation, but not to divide the views on it with his readers. Here's an essay on the topic "The attitude of the author of Turgenev to the heroes of the novel" Fathers and Children ":

We can say that Turgenev On the side of the older generation - he likes Kirsanov’s hobby with poetry, the writer is also reverent of love. As for the cynical and rude young Bazarova - He is Turgenev openly annoying. And not only that, it would hardly be Turgenev He killed in the creation of his beloved hero.

With this act, he “learned” the young man and showed that the youth thinking in this way is a wrong path. Such as Evgeniy, they will not achieve anything. But it is impossible to say that the writer hates Bazarova. He is unpleasant for the attitude of a young doctor to art, love, nature. However Turgenev Encouches the hero of the hero and his revolutionary views. In some points, he even supports Eugene.

One way or another, the writer underestimated the revolutionaries. He thought people like Evgeniy Russia is not needed, but was mistaken. In the novel, the main character has no followers, but in reality they were found. True, a little later.

My attitude to the novel "Fathers and Children": an example of good relations of fathers and children

My attitude to the novel
My attitude to the novel "Fathers and Children"

The school often set to write an essay about the attitude to one or another hero of each student personally. Of course, this is difficult to do if you have not read the work. But we will help - this is the essay on the topic "My attitude to the novel" Fathers and Children " With an example of good relations of fathers and children:

In the novel "Fathers and Sons" controversial, but persistent in character, nihilist Bazarov I like more than mummy Arkady Kirsanov. But, at the same time, I cannot say that I support Eugene in everything. I am sincerely pretty his craving for novelty and protest. But I believe that before breaking the system that has already existed for years, you need to know how to build a new one.

Accordingly, criticizing the nobility, Bazarov There should have been not only everything to deny and praise the nihilists, but also to offer their ways to develop society. Otherwise, he contradicts himself, and his conversations are as empty chatter as talking about the art that he hated.

However, I like Bazarov The fact that he is a man of science, erudite, thinking, educated. He is a talented doctor, a person with convictions. Strikes both physical and moral. Balanced.

As for the negative features, I do not like the excessive cynicism of the hero and his stinginess on emotions. No matter how Protestant a young man was, it seems to me that there was nothing shameful if he openly showed love for his father and mother, for Odintsova, friendly feelings for Arkady. No matter how strong a person is, close people need to show emotions. This is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of love. I also don't like the consumer attitude Eugene to women and denial of feelings. But, as practice shows, meeting OdintsovHe has changed for the better.

By the way, even a family Bazarov could be an example of a good attitude between fathers and children, if Evgeniy I was more sincere with my parents. After all, they loved him very much, empathized - though they did not always understand what was happening to him and could not completely delve into the image of his thoughts. The hero himself considered parents spiritually lower than himself. And this is a huge mistake.
In fact, he should have understood that in front of him is not stupid people, but representatives of a different generation, who should be tolerant.

The conflict of fathers and children can go on “no” in any family. And the key to this is understanding. Children should be aware that parents cannot always keep up with radical changes in the world, and cannot always understand innovations and fashion. Parents should try to keep up with the interests of the young generation and understand them. If not completely, then at least partly. It is also important to listen and hear, and of course, respect each other.

Video: Turgenev. “Fathers and children”: eternal struggle and continuity. Russian classics. Start

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