Poverty and wealth: presentation, essay on social studies

Poverty and wealth: presentation, essay on social studies

What is the difference between a rich and poor population? People may have a different amount of material wealth, but they have the same opportunity to develop the wealth of the soul.

Money in the hands of rich people is a means for further development. The wealthy category of people never makes meaningless investments. The main problem of poor people is the inability to dispose of their money. Wealth teaches people to other thinking. In this article we will analyze what is poverty and wealth problem, and basic fundamental differences between these two concepts.

Wealth and poverty: definition

  • Wealth -this is in simple words material benefits that significantly exceed human needs. Wealth is most often determined by the amount of real estate, large monetary savings and the quality of life. The modern world is material. Wealth allows a person to solve any issue.
  • Poverty - This is a lack of material resources necessary to meet the minimum needs. A low standard of living is often accompanied by unemployment, crime, poor state of health. It is difficult for poor people to overcome poverty because of a sense of their own inferiority and uselessness for society.
Differences in the material position
Differences in the material position

How to change the thinking of poverty on the thinking of wealth: steps

  • The most important difference between the poor and rich people is in their thinking.
  • For rich people, money is primarily a management tool. Poor people relate to money as an article of expenses, and most often do not care about increasing their capital.
  • To become rich, you must first of all change the thinking of poverty to the thinking of wealth.

Consider effective steps from poverty to wealth:

  • Increase self -esteem. Take a rule to pamper yourself. Do not regret money, time, labor.
  • Review internal beliefs. Love the money. Do not doubt that you are worthy of wealth. Attract the monetary energy with positive thoughts.
  • Balance opportunities. When receiving resources, learn to give in response. When accepting gifts, compliments, actions, thank and make an equivalent exchange. Do nothing to yourself to the detriment.
  • We change the direction of thoughts. Manage the resources that you have today. Strive to increase the existing, not what is desired. Do not get hung up on things that are not available to you. Build steps to achieve the goal and focus on a specific stage, and not on the final result.
  • Review the comfort zone. Complete the usual list of expenses with new articles. You can not spend capital only on a communal apartment, products, clothes. Enjoy yourself sometimes to buy and do what you want.
  • Change the attitude to debt obligations. We took a loan - enjoy the acquired thing. Do not waste energy to meaningless experiences.
  • Manage income in a new way. With each salary, buy a thing for yourself that will remind you that you worked not in vain. Take a rule to save money with benefit. Any savings should work for you.

Spoils people not poverty or wealth: arguments

  • As Irish said playwright Bernard show: "It spoils people not poverty or wealth, but envy and greed". On their own wealth and poverty do not spoil a person. Negative influence is exerted by emotions accompanying both states. There is a biblical saying "Higher wealth is a lack of envy."
  • The life path that leads a person to a certain social status forms a number of certain qualities. The richer a person becomes, the faster his needs grow.
  • In pursuit of a career, a new car, a large house, our priorities and appetites are changing. For example, we want a two -story house to wipe our nose to neighbors, and not because we have a large family who needs a large living space. We dream of a cool car to prove our viability to friends, and not use the car for working purposes.
  • It is easier for a poor person to envy and get angry throughout the world than to make attempts to change something. A rich man becomes practical through such qualities as meanness and deception. Nobleness and honesty Ineffective for increasing capital.
Famous words
Famous words

Causes of wealth and poverty

Each person establishes their own level of norm. The Universe receives signals from us and adapts to our desires and opportunities. If a person suits everything, then the probability of getting something more very small. We highlight the main causes of poverty and wealth.

Causes of poverty:

  • Laziness. Entertainment remains at the level of conversation and does not go into action.
  • Error. People of certain professions are sure that with such a specialty and social status they cannot receive high income.
  • Stereotypes. The belief that wealth needs special conditions and a person from a poor family does not see financial prosperity.
  • Thinking. The conviction that honest labor cannot develop poverty and become rich.
  • Lack of self -education. Instead of using free time, we prefer to engage in idleness.
  • Lack of education. School education does not provide for financial literacy training.
  • Work in the name of salary. People who do their favorite business become rich.
A big problem in thinking and action
A big problem in thinking and action

Reasons for wealth:

  • A clearly set target. A phased approach to the desired result.
  • Education. Rich people constantly invest in their education.
  • Access. With money, you need to correctly manage - put off and increase.
  • Several types of income. Rich people seek to have several sources of income for safety.
  • Investment of accumulated funds. In secured people, savings always participate in entrepreneurial activity.
  • A solid life position. A person is filled with the energies of wealth and has clear psychological attitudes.
  • Easy to part with money. A rich person does not clamp the means, but enjoys his own expenses.

Formula of wealth and poverty formula

Improve the financial situation allows the formula of wealthwhich needs to be included in the list of useful habits or use as a useful tool. To understand the principle of action of the formula of wealth, it is necessary for comparison to understand how the poverty formula works.

  • The first poverty formula - When the income is equal to expenses. As a result, no matter how much a person earnings, all the money is spent and the result sooner or later comes down to zero.
  • The second poverty formula - When a person puts off part of the earnings, but does not apply the rule of touch. Through a short interval of savings, they are spent on the same time with pocket money.
  • Bankruptcy formula - A person spends more than earns. He uses credit funds for things that he cannot afford.
  • The formula of wealth - A person earns, puts off funds. Finds a way to increase the accumulated funds. Thus, capital is gradually increasing. Each person needs to think and rethink his financial habits.


Psychology of poverty and wealth

The poverty is affected not only by the economic situation in the country, but also by the psychological characteristics of the individual. Consider how it differs "Psychology of poverty" from "Psychology of wealth" on the results of the surveys.

  • Attitude to education. The poor consider education as a ticket to life, they choose only demanded professions. For rich education, this is an opportunity to develop. Wealthy people do not stop there and study all their lives.
  • Attitude to work. For the poor category of people in work, stability is important. The biggest fear for them is dismissal. Rich people consider work in terms of prospects, career growth. If something does not suit them, they do not hold on to place.
  • Source of income. Poor people most often have one source of income - this is their main job. For rich people, a passive source of income is prior to priority, they strive to make a profit in different ways.
  • Control of expenses. In the poor category of people, the costs are most often uncontrolled, and in rich people carefully planned.
  • Sources of information. Low -income people use media, TV, yellow press, from the Internet. For rich people, information is drawn only from proven sources, from useful and cognitive literature.
  • Lifestyle. In poor people, life most often takes place according to the house-work scheme. Wealthy people prefer an active lifestyle, travel, strive for a change in the situation.
  • Goals. In poor people, goals are replaced by dreams and plans are often absent. Rich people have many short -term and long -term goals.
The main differences
The main differences

Moderation The wealth of the poor, greed – poverty of the rich: arguments for the essay

  • What is the meaning of the expression " Modelity is the wealth of the poor, greed is the wealth of the rich "?
  • Modelity does not allow a person to cross certain boundaries. Poor people have much more restrictions than the rich. They know how to stop in time, which allows them to move in the right direction. People who observe moderation in actions cause respect in society.
The poor have many restrictions
The poor have many restrictions
  • The lack of funds makes people adjust desires, but they have the opportunity to enrich themselves internally, morally. A person observing moderation is adequate in his actions, has a high sense of self -control. Such qualities give internal Calm and health, And this is wealth.
  • Greed can be compared with the disease, which forces you to close your eyes, step over the principles. Selfish people repel them with their behavior. In pursuit of material benefits, they lose human qualities.
  • A greedy person constantly experiences a need. It turns out that greed is a variety of poverty. The desire to get more gives to health problems, violates relations with loved ones, prevents life.

Are there many friends in wealth and poverty?

  • Both poor and rich man has its own circle of friends. It is impossible to predict how they will behave in a particular situation. Friendship is checked by life circumstances.
  • The situation when a person loses his savings and becomes poor is a test for the immediate environment. After the loss of wealth, only real friends remain nearby, the fakes are output. Friends must appreciate first of all human qualities, not material well -being.
  • Each of us has encountered a situation where friends are difficult to survive our material successes. It turns out that in wealth, envy exceeds friendship. Real friends are always Rejoice for our well -being.
Even relatives often refuse poverty
Even relatives often refuse poverty
  • The poor people friendship is not connected by finances, But it can have another mutually beneficial binding. When a person becomes useless for his friend, and if there is no real friendship between them, relations scatter like a house of a house.

The wealth and poverty of countries, types of countries

The level of development of the country is evaluated by several economic and demographic indicators:

  • The volume of gross national and internal income.
  • Quality and standard of living - work of the healthcare system, per capita income, work of the education system, etc.
  • Natural resources and size of the territory.
  • Population - Life expectancy, the birth rate of the population, the percentage of the economically active population.
List of countries
List of countries

The low indicator of gross national income indicates a low standard of living and is directly proportional to life expectancy.

  • Advanced capitalist countries include USA, Canada, Japan, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, France. The countries of the Great Seven are leading in terms of GDP.
  • Thanks to political stability, small western European countries, such as Belgium, Netherlands, Monaco, San Marino They have a high standard of living and a large indicator of income per person.
  • In industrialized countries, a healthcare system works, which allows you to increase life expectancy. In poor countries, there is no qualified medical care, which increases the number of deaths.

Wealth and poverty in Russia, in the representations of Russians

  • According to statistical studies, for every 5 Russians with an average standard of living there are one person with a wealth below the subsistence minimum. Annually more and more working Russians fall into the category of poor people.
  • The poverty of the population is facilitated by reducing income and reducing social benefits. Salary indexation often does not correspond rapid increase in food prices and goods.
  • Until 2016, social the stratification between the poor and the rich increased 4 times. Since 2017, due to the increase in the subsistence level, the poverty level has decreased significantly.
Differences between Russia and other countries
Differences between Russia and other countries
  • Employees of state institutions get a salary below the average Russian salary. More than 80 percent of the total population cannot afford to purchase housing, even on preferential conditions.
  • Poverty The representation of Russians is primarily due to the behavior and thinking of people themselves. Structural factors and the economic situation, according to modern youth, are of secondary importance.
  • The main signs of poverty, According to Russians, there are poor -quality diet, poor housing, unskilled medical care.
Portrait of the poor
Portrait of the poor

Poverty and wealth contrast

  • Russia is one of the countries with an extremely uneven distribution of income. Contrast of wealth and poverty It is a serious social problem. The ratio of the poor and rich in remote areas of Russia is 20 to 1, in central cities 60 to 1.
  • Most of the poor Russians have large families, elderly parents or dependents of the disabled. According to statistics, at least ¼ of the Russians is in a state of poverty.

Orthodoxy about wealth and poverty

  • In Orthodoxy, poverty and wealth Not calculated by the amount of money. In the spiritual world, human well -being is characterized by his state of mind.
  • In the process of development, a person strives improve your capabilities and expand your worldview. Money should be used by society for development and evolution, and not to satisfy selfish needs.
  • The one who is becoming rich harmoniously interacts with the outside world And he receives satisfaction from his life.
  • A person whose desires material and boundless, will not be able to be without money happy and free. The lack of spiritual energy makes such people poor.

Wealth and poverty in Islam

Among the Muslims there are also rich and poor people. For those who believe in Allah, wealth is of secondary importance. The most important thing is life, close people, faith in the Almighty, and you can’t buy all this for material benefits.

The poor have several veneration:

  • The poor will be the first to go to paradise.
  • For prayers, the poor man receives a greater reward than rich.
  • On the day of trial, the poor will remain untouched.

At the same time, wealth in Islam is considered an important component for the maintenance of family and helping loved ones. In the sacred Qur'an there is a direct hint that a believer is more loved by God, if financially secured. The main condition is that the believer properly disposes of his capital.

It is written for Muslims shamil Alyautdinov’s book “Subconscious Poverty and Wealth”. A book with practical recommendations, for those who want to rethink the financial component in their lives. The writer describes the practical experience of people who have achieved material prosperity and well -being.

Comparison in Islam
Comparison in Islam

Several arguments from the book:

  • Create yourself and triumphantly come out of any difficulties and hardships.
  • This attracts this. If you want to be richer, surrounded by successful people.
  • Education and human qualities open up new opportunities, but financial literacy is important for wealth.

Strong desire, motivation and valuable recommendations help instill new financial habits.

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