The image of Bazarov in the novel “Fathers and Children”: composition, characteristic of a lifestyle in literature

The image of Bazarov in the novel “Fathers and Children”: composition, characteristic of a lifestyle in literature

If you need to write an essay about the image of Bazarov, then in this article you will find quotes, the characterization of this character and others.

Bazarov - The main character of the novel "Fathers and Sons"who wrote I. S. Turgenev. His image stands along with other famous literary characters such as Oblomov, as well as Eugene Onegin and others. In this article you will find a characteristic and description of the image Bazarova nihilist with quotes for essay.

Composition on the topic “The image of Evgeny Bazarov Nigilist” in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children": characteristics, lifestyle

The image of Evgeny Bazarov Nihilist
The image of Evgeny Bazarov Nihilist

Eugene is a young man, a supporter of nihilism - the fashion course of that time. Read more about his image, life preferences, family, read below. Here composition on the topic “The image of Evgeny Bazarov Nigilist” in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" - Characteristic, lifestyle:

Bazarov - An older friend Kirsanova, the future doctor, who adheres to the beliefs of nihilism. Its main features are sharp mind, irony, sarcasm. Many are afraid of him for his mind. Also, the hero can directly express his point of view that not everyone likes it. The character is realistic - he does not admire the beauty of nature, does not believe in love. However, a widow appears in his life Odintsova. Bazarov believes that feelings for her are weakness and despises himself for this. Eugene goes to work with his head to find comfort from unrequited love.

Why Bazarov Not a hero of time, like Onegin or Pechorin? After all, he also adheres to progressive and conflicting views, has its own point of view. The thing is that at that time nihilism was in fashion, many young people adhered to it. Therefore, we can say that Evgeny Bazarov Nothing of his own, he simply follows the already established model of behavior. Like many others.

Kirsanov characterizes Bazarova As a smart man. It can be seen that a friend older than Arkady himself. Given that Odintsova is 28 years old, then Bazarov is about 30. It has high growth, wears a long hoodie with brushes. Eugene has a bacenbard, a pleasant, long and thin face, a wide forehead and a pointed nose. Self -confidence is not alien to him.

Mother Bazarova - A hereditary noblewoman. But father - An ordinary doctor. In Bazarov, a certain impudence is felt - and this is something more than ordinary maximalism. It is difficult to say whether Eugene inherited the nobility or he is a rampant. However, the hero does not attribute himself to the nobles. He is a principled and proud person. Although not rich.

Engaged in natural sciences. The nihilist applies to everything from a critical point of view, analyzes everything and does not hide in the clouds. Authorities Bazarova no. Only he himself.
The hero does not accept anything “on faith”, evidence and facts are important to him. He is a rebel in his soul. Nonetheless, Bazarov He does not like to "ceremony" and is easy to communicate. At the balls, Bazarov considers to stay away and does not have fun. It is quite difficult to talk to him - perhaps because he is interested in communication only with those who are equal in intellectual abilities. The rest seem boring.

Manners Bazarova Careless. He is somewhat twisted. Bazarov - narcissistic. It does not differ timidity. Likes to make fun of the rest. Eugene does not like to talk about feelings, considers them weak. It may be arrogant and contemptuous. The hero does not recognize art and is engaged in self -education. He believes that the chemist brings more benefits than poets. To nature is indifferent. As for women, he believes that if the lady is beautiful - she is not necessary to be smart. Slim in their statements.

Brief description of the image:

Evgeny Bazarov - 30-year-olda somewhat arrogant and arrogant doctor. Nihilist and cynic. His choice is analysis and logic, not feelings and exalted emotions. Some people consider him rude and arrogant due to the fact that he is not shy about expressing his point of view directly. And it is not always pleasant. The hero behaves cheekily, and sometimes even defiantly. But it is not a rationalizer, for nihilism at that time was fashionable among young people.

The image of Bazarov’s parents is briefly the image of the mother, the father in the novel “Fathers and Children” by I.S. Turgenev: Composition

The image of the parents of Bazarov
The image of the parents of Bazarov

The conflict of fathers and children is the main problem of the work. Bazarov cannot find points of contact with his father and mother. Or maybe he doesn't even want to. Here's an essay on the topic "The image of the parents of Bazarov" - Briefly the image of the mother, father in the novel "Fathers and children" I.S. Turgenev:

His father was an honored doctor, achieved the noble status with his merits. And here is the mother Bazarova She was a very kind and superstitious woman. Skillfully led the farm. Regardless of the difference in the type of activity, both mother and father Eugene - Conservatives. Let's say father, Vasily Ivanovich, the achievements of science ignores. He believes that medicine should be traditional.

Parents Bazarova hardworking. However, unlike their son, they lack curiosity and desire to learn new things. They seemed to be mired in their obsolete world, which has not corresponded to realities for a long time. Nonetheless, Evgeniy For them - the meaning of life. And they are dear to him - although, from the side it seems that Bazarov He does not like father and mother at all.

Nevertheless, with his parents he is more muffle than with other people. He was able to openly express his feelings only before his death, when he realized that there was no point in dealing with conservatism. It seems the only weak in Bazarov - This is a love for parents. But supporting the nihilist in himself, he intentionally hides his feelings.

“Rouncing heart” - the image of the hero, Bazarov: essay with quotes, grade 10

"Rouncing Heart" - the image of the hero, Bazarov

Bazarov is a progressive hero, but ambiguous. He practically does not respect anyone, never bends to anyone and does not attach importance to someone else's opinion. In the souls of readers, he leaves an indelible mark. At least they can admire or hate them, but the hero leaves indifferent anyone. Here is an essay with quotes for 10th grade About the image of the hero Bazarova on the topic "Rebellious heart":

Like Chatsky, he seeks to open his eyes to people and show the “right” look at the modern world. However Bazarov He is not afraid to be misunderstood, seem stupid, not afraid that he is rejected. By and large, Eugene does not care who thinks about him and what.

The hero is a freedom. He says what he considers necessary and is not afraid of anyone. This is a "new" person who believes in progress, which will come thanks to the benefits of science. As for art, he considers it a useless phenomenon in society. In the first place Bazarov Puts mind and analysis.

This is a daring, arrogant young man to whom no one is a decree. Nevertheless, the fact that Bazarov is dying suggests that his opinion is a misconception. The future is not for such people, they should leave. It is possible that in something Bazarov was right. But, alas, not in everything.


  • “It’s better to beat the stones on the pavement than to allow a woman to take possession of at least the tip of her finger.”
  • "It is important that twice two four, and the rest is all trifles."
  • "I do not share anyone’s opinions, I have mine."
  • “There is nothing to hesitate. Some fools and clever are heated. "
  • “That's what it means to live with the feudal lords. You yourself will get into the feudal lords and you will participate in knightly tournaments. ”
  • “As for the time - why will I depend on him? Let it better depend on me. ”

After falling in love Odintsov, his views are changing somewhat. But the essence remains the same. Bazarov is sure that love is an unforgivable weakness.

Image of Bazarov and Kirsanov: Comparative characteristics

Image of Bazarov and Kirsanov
Image of Bazarov and Kirsanov

Bazarovand Kirsanov - Representatives of radically different points of view. Here is a detailed one comparative characteristics of these images:

We can say that this is a clash of two worldviews that were formed shortly before the peasant reform. One of them is a revolutionary - a liberal, and the other is a conservative. One is a young man ready to change the world. The second likes to live on the usual way.

They even move differently. Bazarov walks quickly and confidently, and Kirsanov - slowly. Eugene's friend is an aristocrat by nature. He monitors his appearance. In his youth he was a favorite of women. Now he is middle -aged. As for Bazarov, this is a poorly dressed young man with thick hair. He has a thin face with expressive eyes. He is smart and self -confident. It can be seen that Eugene does not particularly follow his appearance.

For the young Bazarova The main thing is the movement towards progress through the development of scientific thought. As for Kirsanova - He is the main thing of life's life. Accordingly, everything suits him. He certainly is not going to change anything.

The origin is also different. Bazarov - The son of a military doctor. That is why it is far from high society. As for KirsanovaThis is an officer, a nobleman. Being in high society for him is not in a novelty.

Kirsanov It is not interested in science, it is little erudite. But Bazaroin, on the contrary, despite poverty, it is very well -read and sometimes says very logical things. The lifestyle is also different. Bazarov He gets up early and manages to do a lot of things while everyone else is still sleeping. Sometimes he even forgets to eat. If Bazarov gets to the table, then eats a lot and drinks a lot. But Kirsanov He appreciates comfort and for years takes food at the same time. He loves to bask in bed, gets up late.

As for the views on the family, Pavel Petrovich After the death of her beloved woman, he keeps her loyalty. After all, he is monogamous. BUT Bazarov In general, relations with women does not put in anything, he cynically speaks of love. Although later it acquires it. Bazarov is honest. He despises peasant ignorance and superstition. But sympathizes with the simple Luda. He believes that everyone is equal. But Kirsanov regrets the peasants for a look, and when he meets them, he is vile, he frowns and does not talk to them.

Similar Bazarov and Kirsanovs You can now observe in modern society.

"Tragism of the image of Bazarov" in the literature, the education system: composition

The tragedy of the image of Bazarov
The tragedy of the image of Bazarov

The image of Eugene is tragic. What is it manifested and why, described below. Here's an essay on the topic "The tragedy of the image of Bazarov" In the literature, the education system:

Image Bazarova It can be considered tragic, since the hero did not manage to realize his outstanding potential. He had many ideas and saw ways to develop society, but in practice he did not apply anything. The hero believed that people like him should become the basis of society, that there should not be poor and rich. In his struggle Evgeniy categorical and active.

He plunges the family Kirsanovs In shock, when they understand who is a friend of Arkashi. His friend (that is, Bazarov) is a nihilist, which has no authorities and subjected everything to analysis. The experience of previous generations is not important to him, he considers everything bad and wrong. Aristocrats for him are not adapted to life and are not useful for society (as well as creative people). For Bazarova - The main thing is science. Even feelings for the hero are an empty place.

However, the tragedy also lies in the fact that Evgeniy forgets about the creative goal of his existence. Fighting the imperfections of society, he carries destruction. And specifically: refuting everything in the world, he does not put forward his strategies for the development of society, does nothing to change it for the better.

It turns out, "break - do not build." To criticize everything and not to do new in return - much easier than to clearly show how to make society better. He wants to free life from aristocratic savings, since people do not need. But Evgeniy He does not think that his generation is born to create.

And what will happen if you do not build anything new on the site of the old? Only the ruins will remain. Even if people like Kirsanov live an wrong life and are harmful to society, Bazarov It was necessary to think through the strategy for the development of the country and society and make efforts, to acquire like -minded people. Then the power would have healed better.

Evgeniy He believed that children and grandchildren would “pay” for his “social ruins” - let them build a new state and a new society. What once again says that his ideas are demagogy. Just as the hero is not ready for serious relations with women, he is not ready for a change in the system that he reigns in the country. The rebellion in his soul is certainly present. But this is a protest for protest. Both "logical" and "critical" Bazarov It contradicts itself, because it only destroys, and in return offers nothing.

Turgenev also thinks in the same way. He deliberately subjects Bazarov to tests, trying to debunk his arrogance and change the point of view. By the way, the fact that dying, Evgeniy He recognizes his wrong, speaks for himself.

Pisarev "Bazarov" is the image of Bazarov: when an article was written, what?

Pisarev "Bazarov" - the image of Bazarov

For Pisarev “Bazarovschina” is not the right approach, but the disease. The disease and error of the whole generation. Young Doctor Samonaki. He sows to the left and right nihilistic ideas, has no authorities, breaks, without trying to build a new and the best. That's what I wrote Pisarev about the image of Bazarov in the article "Bazarov" - What and when it is written:

Society understands that the strategy of Eugene is incorrect. Perhaps that is why Bazarova There are no like -minded people, and even women do not pay attention to him? Yes, Bazarov’s power is in his confidence in himself and fidelity to the ideals (whatever). But living completely without principles and authorities is impossible.

The author respects the fact that before death, Bazarov He recognized his wrong and refused nihilism. Pisarev He says that to die like Bazarov means to accomplish a feat. That is why he forgives the hero all imperfections.

Turgenev Pisarev considers an aesthet, therefore I am sure that Bazarov He is antipathetic. However, Eugene is a good young man. It’s just that he, like many people of his age, fell to extremes. If he did not do this, but simply was a practitioner of a doctor, then, it was likely to be considered a person useful in society.

As for Arkady, this is just an imitator of ideas Bazarova. He is trying to become a nihilist, because it is fashionable. Pisarev hints at the fact that Kirsanov - Not the opposite Bazarova, and a native soul. Despite the difference in class and ideas, they are both empirics and skeptics.

The image of Bazarov and Odintsova in the novel "Fathers and Children" I.S. Turgenev: essay, briefly

Image of Bazarov and Odintsova
Image of Bazarov and Odintsova

The image of Odintsova is very interesting and can be traced throughout the whole work. Here is short an essay about the image of Odintsova and Bazarov in the novel “Fathers and Children” by I.S. Turgenev:

Anna Sergeevna Odintsova I lived a difficult life. Father was a gambling man and lost everything into cards. Therefore, she had to grow up early, and begin to take care of the family. After she got married by calculation. The husband was a rich fraudster. Nevertheless, he loved her very much. However, he did not receive reciprocity. After the death of the spouse, Odintsova Finally felt like a free woman.

She is cold and reasonable. Existence Odintsova Rather, measured than stormy. She ennobles the estate, not noticing anyone around. Bazarov He sees in her a person who is sincerely close, but she rejects him.

Although Odintsovaand Bazarov one age, she looks and thinks much older. Moreover, the heroine is apathetic. She believes that she has already ruined her life and late to change something. By the way, at the end of the creation, she again marries according to the calculation. Analyzing the image, the question involuntarily arises: “Or maybe Odintsova herself is to blame for the one that her life has been ruined?”

Video: the image of Bazarov in the novel "Fathers and Children"

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