Essay, essay on the topic “Is it easy to be young?”: Arguments, reasoning, examples

Essay, essay on the topic “Is it easy to be young?”: Arguments, reasoning, examples

In this article you will learn what psychology says about whether it is easy to be young, and also what arguments are there about this.

Youth for many is a great time when you only enter adulthood and begin to know all its charms. Although, there are those who believe that it is difficult for young people. Oddly enough, but both sides are right. Let's find out why?

Is it easy to be young: psychology

Is it easy to be young?
Is it easy to be young?

Youth is considered happy and carefree sometimes and is not at all in vain. Indeed, during this period, a person is especially energetic and capable of such achievements that older people cannot afford.

It is believed that many young people are carefree, and from here it was established that they had no problem. But everything is somewhat different. The difference is only in the views. In young people, they are easier. They have not yet been responsible for too much responsibility. One of the reasons for this behavior is that until the young man has gained enough experience and it seems to him that it would be easy to solve any problem, although he had never even had to face her. As we all know, it is easy to fulfill any task when they explain it. But not everyone is given to cope with her.

When answering the question of whether it is easy to be young, you need to take into account such a moment that today youth has a huge number of opportunities for relaxation. And it is doubly more interesting to relax when a load of worries does not press you. So it is not surprising that youth is seen as constant joy, laughter and happiness. During this period, the first serious feelings and relationships appear.

In youth, all the doors are open and there are a lot of opportunities. Maximalism makes you think that the mountains can be curtailed, and mistakes are not so scary, because they will not be. Well, even if they appear, you still have a whole life for their decision. That's just this causes the first difficulties, because further life will be determined from the choice. And everyone should make their choice.

What is youth?
What is youth?

It is very difficult to find their vocation to young people. You will be surprised, but not everyone is able to make the right choice for themselves. Why does it work? Oddly enough, but all because it is easy to be young. That's why all the difficulties. The meaning is that it is ease and carefree, as well as the lack of experience, do not allow you to determine the right direction. But many are ready to help with resolving issues and direct in the right direction! Yes it is. But do we all listen to the advice of the elders? Everyone stuffs their cones and makes mistakes, and only then does the understanding come that it was still necessary to listen.

Even young children do not listen to the elders. They do not believe that they can leave if they run and not look under their feet, they all try to do themselves and do not allow to show how to do it right. The same thing happens at a more mature age.

The most important thing for every young man is to choose the right path. But it is no less important to understand what he wants to get. Everyone must set a life goal for themselves and go to it. And above all, its achievement begins with the right choice of the place of study.

But how to do that? Indeed, in our youth, we have no problems. But in the end, it turns out that if you do not study and develop, then you will not achieve anything. Therefore, everything is not so carefree, but a positive attitude allows you to cope with any difficulties.

Is it so easy to be young? It is difficult to give a specific answer to this question. Yes and no.

Why is it easy to be young: examples, arguments

In response to the question of whether it is easy to be young, you can give a huge number of examples.

First of all, when a person is already entering a young age, he does not immediately plunge into the abyss of adult everyday life. As a rule, the beginning of young age falls on students. Yes, it is difficult to study, but who did it stop? Despite this, there is a lot of fun in the student. These are various events, and rest after studying and most often the lack of everyday problems. Parents support constantly and solve most problems, and therefore do not have to think.

How to find yourself?
How to find yourself?

While the young man does not have a family, then his level of responsibility is reduced. He is worried only for himself, and therefore he does not need to work in two works and know all the hardships of life.

Another example is that it is easy for the young - everything is given much easier, the main thing is that there is a desire. Any heights can be achieved. By the way, often young people try to look for work so that they like it. Then it becomes not just a way of receiving income, but a hobby and even a matter of life.

The very attitude of young people to everything is easier, and therefore it is easier for them to live. No need to be too serious.

Is it easy to be young: the answer to the question

As we have already said, when asked whether it is easy to be young to answer unambiguously. On the one hand, it is very easy, because life offers many opportunities, communication, acquaintances and so on. Problems are not disturbed and even the first relations appear. But, every young man begins to make the first serious decisions during this period.

All the older people love to remember their youth. At this time, everyone made many mistakes, made the wrong choice, but there were many good moments, accomplishments, achievements. When you have many friends, everything develops perfectly in study, and then at work, it is always easy. After all, everyone loves and respects you. Often at a young age, people do not even think about their actions. They can abruptly break off and leave, even bad weather does not stop, because you are the master of life, everything is in your hands.

Moreover, often young people do not think about money, food, housing and other important issues. All parents help. And in this regard, young people are very easy. So, to answer the question of whether it is easy to be young, you can answer in the affirmative.

Is it easy to be young?
Is it easy to be young?

Many new friends appear in his youth, but they are a support for life. In youth, you sincerely believe that the world has been created for you and there is no point in sad.

But the realities of life are such that difficulties begin to appear at the very beginning of the path, and they must be overcome. Quarrels begin with parents, because it seems that they do not understand you at all, although they want the best. It is difficult to decide where to go to study, because there are so many professions and do not always know what you yourself want. It is difficult to accept the fact that you will have to lay the road in life yourself. The whole world does not seem to hear you. It is especially difficult to be young in the modern world also because to obtain most opportunities you can’t do without money, and you will not earn it if you do not know how. But all difficulties are overcome, because despite all the hardships, everything can be overcome.

Is it easy to be young: the statements of great people

Many famous people speak about whether it is easy to be young. We offer you to get acquainted with five popular phrases:

Phrases about youth
Phrases about youth

Is it easy to be young: conclusion

When making a conclusion from all of the above, answer the question of whether it is easy to answer the way as follows:

  • Youth is a great time when you know a lot for the first time, all doors are open in front of you and there are a lot of opportunities.
  • You can do everything, because you have so much energy and positive that you are ready for any accomplishment.
  • But there are complex points when it becomes hard - you constantly have to make a choice, make the first serious decisions and therefore it is difficult for the young.

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