The formation of personality in society: arguments for essay, examples for an essay on social studies

The formation of personality in society: arguments for essay, examples for an essay on social studies

From this article you will learn about the formation of personality in society, and we will give visual examples from literature.

Man is a person
Man is a person

People often underestimate the influence of the environment, but it is so strong that the influence of the family is not able to “jump over”. Even the primary socialization of children occurs not only at home, but also outside it, for example, in the yard. So you can never say in advance what the personality will be in the future. There are several examples that clearly show the formation of personality in society. Let's look at them.

The formation of personality in society: arguments for essay, essays on social studies

Socialization agents
Socialization agents
Personality definition
Personality definition

Society brings up a person’s personality in its values, which can be different, for example, it instills a love of freedom or conservatism. If society simply interacts with a person, but does not press on it, then it does not expect anything to come ahead. A person becomes confident in himself, active and free internally. If society instills conservatism, then a person will not be entirely confident in himself, closed and closed. Although, education in the family also plays an important role.

Stages of personality formation
Stages of personality formation

There are many examples that show the formation of personality in society. Take, for example, a work Victor Hugo "outcasts". The thief stole dishes from the priest, and then the police caught him and led to the victim. The holy father said that he himself allowed to take his dishes. This situation has changed the thief to recognition, he stopped stealing and began to live as an honest person.

As you can see, the final result of personality formation can be unpredictable, because even the smallests that occur in life influence it.

A sense of responsibility helps people develop confidence and willingness to sacrifice themselves. A striking example is the main character K. Vorobyeva From the work "Killed near Moscow". Alexei Yastrebov became courageous and demanding due to constant danger. He perfectly understands that a real person can not only save his homeland, but also have his own beliefs and interests. This made him meet the German tank and win not only over him, but also over himself.

Stages of personality formation
Stages of personality formation
Stages of personality formation
Stages of personality formation

Despite the fact that the formation of a person in society is a complex and long process, the cherished ending of this process is worth the time spent. Mistakes, loss and many experiences had to survive the main character of the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" - Pierre Bezukhov.

He sprayed for a long time and tried many ways, because he could not understand where to move to achieve his goals. Pierre was betrayed, captured and he survived the war, but this did not break him, but on the contrary, they filled up his character to new achievements. At the end of the work, he already appears to be matured, settled and he found his happiness in life. He created a family where everything depends only on him, and he perfectly understood what he wanted from life.

We see another good example in the work D.Fonvizina "Undergrowth". It clearly shows how the formation of personality begins in the family. Mom’s mother every day said that he does not have to study, and people are despicable, like slaves below. This is all invested in the child from childhood and, accordingly, in adulthood, he receives many bad qualities.

The history of Russia also has many examples of the formation of personality, for example, Kutuzov. He was a wonderful commander, as well as a wonderful comrade for his soldiers. He was also close to the people, always understood and empathized. That is why everyone loved him. He fought with the soldiers, and did not sit at the headquarters. He was interested in not only Russian, but also foreign literature. All this together had a great influence on the formation of his personality.

“They are not born a person, they become a person”: examples, arguments on the topic of personality socialization for essay, essay on social studies

What does it mean to become a person?
What does it mean to become a person?

The formation of personality in society is increasingly called a problem, because it is a really complex process. The problem retains relevance at all times, because the process does not change from year to year. It is difficult to disagree that they are not born a person, but become. Indeed, at birth, we simply get some set of qualities, character traits and predisposition. No one is born a ready -made personality, and an individual who has yet to go through the adaptation process.

Personality traits
Personality traits

The formation of personality in society is possible only when communicating with socialization agents - parents, school friends and so on. But there is no specific age for this. This can happen in any or not to be at all. The character is also affected by life situations in which a person finds himself. If a person gets everything easily and what he wants, then he does not need other people, and if he has to constantly overcome difficulties, he is respected in society and he pours into it.

Primary and secondary socialization
Primary and secondary socialization
The formation of personality
The formation of personality

However, it is not always a personality, although it is formed, it becomes part of society. Let us recall at least “Mowgli children” who live in the wild for a long time and grow their animals. When they fall into our usual society, they adapt to it, but they do not become part of it. At a small age, every child passes socialization, and such children miss her. It is impossible to become a person without socialization, and therefore it is extremely important for everyone.

Wrote about the formation of personality and N. Leontiev. The meaning of the statement “by a person is not born, the personality becomes” that the formation of a person occurs throughout life. And this is the right statement, because society constantly affects us.

Stages of socialization
Stages of socialization
Functions of socialization
Functions of socialization

In most works of literature, you can find examples of personality development. For example, A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter". Here it is worth paying attention to such a hero as Peter Grinev. At least let us recall how he speaks about his family - he is very grateful to her for what he became. They gave him such qualities as kindness, hard work, determination. All this was very useful to him in life. In the novel, Pushkin tells how his hero becomes from a spoiled and frivolous, wise, strong man. This is a great example of the fact that he became a person, and not immediately born to her.

Which affects the process of socialization
Which affects the process of socialization
The formation of personality
The formation of personality
Types of worldviews
Types of worldviews

There are many examples in real life. For example, a poor family always tries to instill in the child good qualities that will help him achieve success in life, and, most often, these children achieve him. They become strong and purposeful. It also happens that the child grows in a rich family, but in the end it becomes an associative person. This is already the influence of society. As they usually say - "contacted a bad company." So you can never say that a person will become a particular person. It is formed in the process of life and sometimes the process is unpredictable.

What forms a person?
What forms a person?
Personality formation
Personality formation
The formation of personality
The formation of personality
The degree of human freedom depends on his personality
The degree of human freedom depends on his personality
Signs of personality
Signs of personality
Psychological characteristics of the personality
Psychological characteristics of the personality
Personal development
Personal development
Social status
Social status

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