Composition on the topic “Why proud people are often lonely”: arguments and examples from literature

Composition on the topic “Why proud people are often lonely”: arguments and examples from literature

If you need to write an essay on literature or Russian on the topic “Why are proud people often alone?”, Then read this to become. It contains options for describing the topic on Bazarov and from the point of view of an ordinary person.

Despite the fact that it is not known by what principle God divided people, everyone in this life is intended for their own “half”, which he will meet sooner or later. But quite often proud people remain lonely. Why is this happening? Below you will find several works on this topic. Read further.

Composition on the topic “Why do proud people are often alone?”: Arguments and examples from literature

"Why do proud people are often alone?"

In fact, a misunderstanding of society is all to blame. Socium, alas, is built on a certain "equalization." Therefore, those who stand out from the total mass by any of their qualities, a priori cause antipathy, few communicate with them, few love them. Here composition on the topic "Why do proud people are often alone?" With arguments and examples from literature:

Proud people almost never make concessions. To agree with someone, and even more so, to recognize their mistake for them equivalent to humiliation. Often this variety of people was reflected in fiction. Suppose, let's Larra from "Old women of Izergil" I decided to come to the world of people with my charter. He thought that he would listen to him, could not accept the opinion of the daughter of the leader of the tribe. And after she refused him, he killed the girl. When the hero fell on the interrogation of fellow tribesmen, he shocked everyone with his views.

The character seriously believed that worldly benefits, beautiful women belong only to him and no one else. Larra He also believed that he received all the best one who has power, he did not repent at all. He was sentenced to exile.

Why Larra Waiting for eternal loneliness? The thing is that people often take an inflated pride in arrogance. Although there is a thin line between these concepts. A feeling of heightened dignity does not always mean arrogance, but it looks like it.

Pride ruined and Pechorin. From the first lines you can see that a stupid, interesting young man, despite attempts to start a relationship, is "with everyone and with anyone." He does not only have a woman who would sincerely love him, but even a real friend. There are only acquaintances.

Gregory It can become the center of attention in the company. But a certain face of his nature does not trust people, rejects them. Your charm Pechorin He uses when it is beneficial to him. But he is still lonely and deeply unhappy. He does not want friendship or love, calls himself a "moral cripple." Despite this, the hero appreciates himself very much, he does not suffer from low self -esteem.

Could Pechorin To make contact with society? In fact, yes. If Gregory had not been so arrogant and could take the first step, he knew how to find compromises, then perhaps his life would have developed differently.

But alas, the proud people scare away everyone with their arrogance, no one wants to start close relationships with them. And not all such people consider them even more even. With some, they consider it unworthy to be friends. That is why proud people are often alone. Perhaps subconsciously they want relationships and communication - but they often cannot cross themselves and their own arrogance.

"Why do proud people are often alone?" - Bazarov: composition, arguments

Why proud people are often lonely: Bazarov
Why proud people are often lonely: Bazarov

Proud people are arrogant, they never ask for forgiveness. Even if a quarrel occurred in the existing relationship, they will never go to reconciliation first. Most likely, they will just suffer, but be silent, not showing anyone their suffering. Here the composition and arguments on the topic of Bazarov "Why do proud people are often alone?":

Evgeniy Bazarov and his image, may well be considered an example of a proud, but lonely person. The young doctor has no guidelines and authorities, he entrusts only to his opinion, which, in turn, proceeds from what is tested in practice. He does not fit into the framework of the then society (thanks to his progressive ideas), love denies and ridicules (until he meets Odintsov), society considers it imperfect, wants to break and change everything.

As for the total mass of people, they have other priorities. Many of them cannot even understand Bazarova, not like to share his beliefs. That is why Eugene has no friends.

Of course, he has one comrade, Arkady Kirsanov. But the latter only blindly admires a more charismatic and erudite friend, and also calls himself a nihilist, without delving into the essence. For Kirsanova This is not a protest, not a way to change reality, but a fashionable trend, thanks to which he seeks to become stronger and more interesting, does not want to lag behind Bazarova.

As for a friend who would be even BazarovThere are no such. The hero is almost always in his office, at work. He rarely attends entertainment events, few people open. As for sympathy for women, they are observed only internally, but they are not continued. Because the Bazarov Proud, considers love to be weak and will never drop to "calf tenderness."
Evgeniy Difficult person. He is proud, cynical, rude. It is likely that if it were less categorical, it would become the soul of the company. After all, as a man he is very interesting. But his nihilism, in fact, scares away people and makes the hero an outcast.

You can even say that he lives in his invented world, perceiving his system of values \u200b\u200bas true, not accepting dissenters. Arkady Kirsanov For him, something like a little dog who devotedly hears his whole word - but not a full -fledged ally. As for OdintsovaPride did not allow him to fully express his feelings for a woman, and it was a certain “through” love that originated in his heart, but did not find continuation. After all, himself Evgeniy I did not let it happen.

Dying, he nevertheless opened a woman, but it was too late to change anything. Evgeniy He died alone with himself, just as he lived, and even his parents could not fully understand his impulses, as they could not understand during his lifetime.

Video: what does it mean to be proud

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