How to write a plan for an essay: rules for drawing up a plan, tips, reviews

How to write a plan for an essay: rules for drawing up a plan, tips, reviews

From this article you will learn how to correctly draw up an essay plan.

The essay is a small text-reasoning on a given topic. It has a clear structure, but many are still wondering how to write it correctly. In a separate article, we have already talked about how to do it correctly - "How to write an essay correctly?". In our article, we decided to talk about what a plan for writing this text should be and how to make it.

How to write a plan for an essay correctly: the rules for drawing up a plan

The essay schedule in 2019 usually does not differ regardless of the subject. The structure of the text itself is the same. Now we will consider it in detail.

  • Introduction
Essay plan
Essay plan

The very first thing that every text should have is an introduction. There are no strict requirements for him. The most important thing is that the student reveals the topic. He must show that the theory is well known to him and confirm this with facts from life or history.

Not everyone knows, but the introduction itself is not necessary to write, but it is still worth doing it. Usually students do not imagine how the text can be written without entry. If you have difficulties, then make a performance on a few lines. Formulate the problem in it.

Do not be afraid, because no one will take points for this. This part is small and consists of five sentences.

If you decide to use the words of the author, then explain them yourself. It is not necessary to remember the phrase word in word.

  • Theory

This is the second part where you should describe whether you agree with the author’s statement. As a rule, students do this and simply rewrite a quote using special terms. Examples are entered in the same part to protect their point of view.

  • Data

You should not speak in this block with general phrases. Make specific examples. For example, these can be the statements of the authors, facts from history, and so on.

  • Conclusion

In conclusion, summarize the results of everything that was said. Schoolchildren often use the following wording: “Thus, the above examples allow us to say that ...”.

How to draw up an essay plan - examples: cliche

As we have already said, the plan of writing an essay in 2019 is practically no different for all disciplines. We suggest you familiarize yourself with a couple of options for writing an essay on social studies and history:

Social science essay template
Social science essay template
Essay template for history
Essay template for history

How to write an essay plan: Tips

The most important problem is when the student sits down to draw up a plan for writing an essay in 2019 is confusion and an incorrect presentation of thoughts. The easiest way to write an essay when you understand what you will talk about. Moreover, there are some tips that should be followed when writing a text:

  • Adhere to the main topic of the text. Talk only about a given problem and do not write unnecessary reasoning
  • Try to express your thoughts clearly and avoid complex sentences. Better break into several short
  • After completing the text, subtract it. You write to people, and therefore everything should be clear to them. In addition, there may be errors
  • Do not use scientific terms, it is better to describe everything in your own words. So the inspectors will understand that you are understanding the topic
  • Fill the text with your emotions, but do not overdo it too much

Before you start writing an essay, be sure to study at least a little topic. Then it will be easier for you to formulate your own thoughts.

How to write an essay plan: reviews

On the Internet you can find many tips on the forums how to draw up a plan for writing an essay in 2019. According to reviews, most schoolchildren experience difficulties with writing a plan, but still cope.

Video: How to write an essay. Plan, quotes, argumentation

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