Essay, essays on the topic “some crimes open the way to others”: arguments

Essay, essays on the topic “some crimes open the way to others”: arguments

From this article you will learn what the statement of "some crimes open the way to others."

When we say that some crimes open the way for others, we mean that a person stumbled once, it can repeat it. In the proposed statement, meaning is even deeper. The fact is that sometimes crimes are left without punishment and in the end this leads to the fact that a person begins to feel his permissiveness and the next time he again stands on the same path.

Essay, essays on the topic “some crimes open the way to others”: arguments

What does impunity mean?
What does impunity mean?

It is difficult to disagree with the author’s statement that some crimes open the way to others. Several arguments can be given as confirmation.

In any state, a punishment awaits the perpetrator for a crime. The legislation is arranged in such a way that even if the criminal is not punished immediately, then in the future it will certainly happen. In this way, the state protects itself from repeated offenses. It is the inevitability of punishment that is the main restraint. This for a very long time everyone has known and in the legislation of the Russian Federation this principle is enshrined.

Another example of how dangerous it is to leave crimes without punishment is serial killers. In history, you can find a huge number of examples, but the brightest of all is the work of Andrei Chikatilo. It was known both in the USSR and in modern Russia. For his first crime, a completely different person was condemned, and the investigation did not affect the killer himself. It is clear that at that moment he was left without punishment. He felt his impunity and subsequently committed a lot of crimes.

Thus, we conclude that the author is absolutely right in his saying. Each crime should be followed by punishment, and if he is not, then in the future a person will certainly commit him again.

Essay, essay on the topic - “some crimes open the way to others”: reasoning, examples

What does impunity lead to?
What does impunity lead to?

Many examples from life can be given in favor of the statement -"some crimes open the way to others." Not always, however, this phrase can be understood that from impunity people begin to make new crimes. Not at all. It happens that a series of events is launched, which, as it were, forces the culprit of everything that happened, re -commit crimes, for example, so as not to go to prison.

For example, the driver rode with violations on the road and a traffic police officer slowed him down, but instead of stopping, he went on. This is considered a crime and, of course, the traffic police rush in pursuit. Yes, he runs away and this is his second crime. If after capture he tries to attack police officers, then the third crime is already committed. Thus, a series of events led to not one violation of the law, from which it was possible to finish a fine, but also to others - more serious.

Another example is associated with murders. For example, a person committed such a crime and suddenly found out that someone was a witness. He is scared that he would give him to the police and again go to murder. And now everything is good now, but only the punishment will follow in any case. In this case, another very popular statement is suitable - “everything secret becomes obvious,” and there is nothing to be done about it.

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