Tips for himself, how to improve your educational activity - social studies

Tips for himself, how to improve your educational activity - social studies

To get a good education, it is necessary to constantly replenish their knowledge of knowledge, many students have great potential, but do not know how to improve their educational activities. So what needs to be done to improve our educational process - we will consider several effective recommendations.

A properly organized educational process helps to avoid overwork, frees time for classes on various circles and makes it possible to engage in your favorite hobby. The educational process should be taken seriously. To perform each work, the body spends certain efforts, so it is very important not to overdo it so as not to harm its health. Just a couple of minutes of a stressful situation reduce the quality of mental activity and concentration of attention.

How to improve the educational process and protect health?

Tips on how to improve your educational activity:

A reasonable combination of the educational process and time for relaxation.

  • To avoid health problems and increase performance, you need to correctly alternate the time for study and for rest. After several hours of active classes, the level of mental abilities begins to decline. The body needs time to recover. Activities without rest leads to rapid fatigue.
  • If you spent half a day in an educational institution, then you just need to do a break for a snack, Walks in the fresh air or passive rest. After the educational process, you can switch to your favorite hobby or go in for sports.
  • Undesirable coming from school immediately sit down for lessons. Let your nervous system rest a little. Even if you want to quickly free the second half of the day, highlight at least a quarter of an hour to reboot.
  • You can not tolerate homework for too late time. To complete the task in the evening, the tired body will need 2 times more time than day or in the morning.
We improve
We improve

Full nutrition.

  • To improve the educational process Not only good books are needed, but also a balanced diet. Products can improve brain function. But for this they must be used in a timely manner.
  • The educational process should begin with a good breakfast. The menu should have complex carbohydrates, a minimum of fats and many vitamins. It is worth considering that when overeating, the body will have to concentrate on the process of digesting food, which will reduce the level of mental activity.
  • Our health is largely depends on the quality of the nutrition. For example, fresh vegetables and fruits treated with harmful substances reduce the level IQ of a person. For good brain function, it is useful to eat berries, seafood, nuts and seeds, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • If you have to spend several hours in an educational institution, then you need to take with you products for a snack. The easiest option is dry fruits, nuts, fresh fruits.

Additional source of energy.

  • To compensate for additional load on the body during the period of exams, competitions and other events, it is useful to accept vitamins and general strengthening agents.
  • B vitamins They contribute to the correct functioning of the brain, regulate the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin C Helps prevent colds, improves mood, memory and cognitive functions. You can make up for the lack of fish products in the menu using the Omega-3 additive, which very positively affects the brain.
  • Increase mental activity You can use ginseng tincture. In addition to improving concentration and attention, tincture strengthens the immune system.

How to improve school performance?

  1. To improveperformance At school, decide what items you want to pull up, and how much time you have for this.
  • Describe the tasks on the paper. You can use a diary or calendar.
  • Your goals should be constantly in view, so you will it is easier to control the process And in stages improve performance.
  • In one day, it is impossible to learn all the neglected material, so put mini-zakers for several days, which in the complex will lead you to the goal.
  1. Evaluate your teaching method.
  • Try to independently determine your flaws in the learning process. How long do you allocate for your homework?
  • Do you repeat the material completed before the control? On what subjects do you "float" and what you can change for better performance. Improve your strengths.
  • Exchange knowledge with classmates. Place to objects that will be useful to you to master the future profession.
For a child, this is a turning point
For a child, this is a turning point
  1. Turn to the teacher for help.
  • You will enlist the support of the teacher to improve educational activities and improve academic performance. Ask to point out your weaknesses and ask about possible options for improving the assessment.
  • Be ready to retake the material About the failed control. Take an interest in the opportunity to do additional work.
  • Even if you correct the assessment too late, find the opportunity to visit additional classes and align the level of knowledge about the material passed.
  1. Turn the support of your parents.
  • Discuss with your parents your gaps in the educational process. If you are really interested in understanding the material on a specific subject and you can’t learn it, you will need a tutor.
  • Additional control by your parents for your performance will be another incentive to achieve the goal. Parents can talk with your teacher and find a compromise.
Ask for help
Ask for help
  1. Gather the will in a fist.
  • If you have very little time left, then you can sacrifice your free time for several weeks. Give your studies a little more attention.
  • Use every free minute rationally. Exclude external interference in the form of gadgets and loud sounds.

Do not forget to encourage yourself for every small achievement. In addition, we advise you to read useful material about how to force yourself to study well.

How to improve your educational activity before the start of the new school year?

In order to improve your educational activity before the start of the new school year, we must do the following:

  • We select new teaching methods. Summer holidays provide a great opportunity to tighten their knowledge and improve performance. Try to make out a few new topics yourself in advance, your knowledge will definitely be noticed. All teaching methods that have not worked in the last academic year must be reviewed and modernized.
  • We equip a place for trainingA written table for homework should be equipped with the necessary stationery and not contain extraneous distracting objects. The calendar and the schedule of lessons should be in the field of view. When notes, it is useful to highlight key points with colored handles, felt -tip pens. Bookmarks, stickers, notebooks will help not lose sight of anything.
  • Collective training. If it is difficult for you to prepare for study yourself, then you can enlist the support of an interested student or student. You can define several goals together and, after studying, discuss the knowledge gained, attach verification issues, arrange a mini-examan. When joint training, you will feel additional responsibility and plunge into the process with great interest.
  • We educate the strength of the spirit.In order to quickly get together with thoughts and preserve patience to read the book, it is necessary to educate the strength of the spirit and the will to win. For these purposes, sports are ideal. The stronger physically, the more hardy inside.
  • Share new knowledge. In order for the new material to get acquainted better, try to convey knowledge to your friend. Try on the role of the teacher. The ideal way to consolidate the information studied.

How to improve assessments and improve your educational activity?

I will help you improve ratings:

  1. Multiple repetition of the material.
  • Relume the materialsl before the start of training and after. Before the lesson, you have the opportunity to clarify dubious moments.
  • After the lesson, there should be no gaps on the topic passed, therefore, if you have questions, immediately contact the teacher. The teacher must see your interest.
  1. Regular attendance of classes.
  • Attending classes without gaps is important. Is always respect the material, And carefully listen to the requirements of the teacher.
  • Avoid the latter desks. You should not be distracted by the dimensions.
  • Actively participate in the lesson. In the absence during the period of the disease, it is necessary to make up for the entire material passed.
  1. Increase the amount of assessments.

Poorly written independent and tests can be improved by grades for homework and active work in the lesson.

  • Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to get an additional assessment.
  • If you don’t understand the topic at all, at least memorize key rules, formulas, dates, surnames, etc. Work out visual examples, very often similar tasks come across in the future.
  1. Timely homework.
  • Perform homework with a temporary margin. You may need a consultation with a teacher or classmate.
  • Ready -made homework You can bring in advance for verification and ask questions of interest.
Do on time
Do on time
  1. Always pull up debts.
  • You should not have any "Tails." If you are on the list of debtors for any tasks, urgently correct the situation. Do not accumulate debts, several topics are much more difficult to pass.
  • Even if it is no longer possible to retake the material, you need to study the material. Ahead Final workIn which the information studied may be useful.
  1. First understanding, then memorization.
  • To improve your learning activity, Try learning without cramming. Show interest in the new topic, immerse yourself in the essence of the issue.
  • Throw schematic drawings, analyze the material on understandable examples from life. All topics are interconnected, another follows from one rule.
  • Therefore, do not be lazy review the material And track the relationship.

If you have tightened your successes at school well, then maybe you should think about where you will go next. The following articles will help you with this:

And for those who already have one higher education, but do not want to stop, we advise you to read:

How to improve your educational activity: students' advice

Reviews of those who have already improve their educational activities:

  • Maxim, grade 10.The first thing to do when performing homework is to turn off the phone and remove from sight. Gadgets differ very strongly. If the phone is lying next to you, then you will definitely be distracted by a new message or call. The background sounds of the TV also need to be excluded.
  • Tatyana, 1 course.For better memorization of the material, I always use schematic drawings. I prescribe dates, draw graphs, throw drawings. The draft connects visual memory, which as a result helps to quickly remember a new topic.
  • Nastya, grade 9.My assistant in my studies is a notebook with the rules. For each subject I write out the main formulas and terms. In the process of study, the notebook acts as a hint and helps to perform current tasks. In my free time, I look for additional material on the studied topics on the Internet, which helps to delve deeper into new material and share knowledge with classmates.
  • Denis, grade 8.Creative work helps me to improve estimates in several subjects. I pay a lot of attention to abstracts, projects and additional tasks. My essays are always very informative and one of the best that makes it possible to get another good rating.

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