Essay on the topic “Why Bazarov needs Russia?”: Plan, arguments

Essay on the topic “Why Bazarov needs Russia?”: Plan, arguments

If you need to write an essay on the literature on the topic “Why Bazarov needs Russia?”, Then read this article. It contains several options for such creations for grade 10.

Novel "Fathers and Sons" It considers not only a conflict of generations, but also a large number of social problems of that time.

  • There are two camps in front of the reader.
  • These are people of “old hardening” who are used to living in realities that have already established for them, and therefore do not want to change anything (Kirsanov).
  • Also in the work, the image of people of the “new formation” is revealed, which are aware of the need for changes, such as bazarov.

At school, they often ask for this work to write an essay. Below you will find a variant of one of such creations on the topic "Why do the Bazarovs need Russia?".

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Why Bazarov needs Russia: a plan of composition

The Bazarovs are needed by Russia
The Bazarovs are needed by Russia

Hero of the novel "Fathers and Sons" Evgeny Bazarov He does not throw “under a tank with a grenade”, he seeks to show shortcomings, criticizes them. This is necessary so that not only this character, but the rest understand what is wrong and what should be so. Here's a plan for an essay on the topic "Why Bazarov needs Russia":

  • Eugene is a man that a fashion or a revolutionary follows?
  • New people. What can they bring?
  • The shortcomings of the hero’s position - only criticizes, offers to break, but does not say what will happen in return.
  • Can you call it Bazarova The revolutionary is fully?
  • The hero himself is aware of his uselessness in Russia.

Eugene does not imagine what exactly should be built. He only understands that the old system does not work. And it needs to be changed. Accordingly, society needed "supplemented" Bazarov. The one who will not only destroy, but will also build a new state, more modern and appropriate in these realities, is not needed. Below there is an essay written more in depth according to this plan. Read further.

Composition-filming on literature on the topic “Why Bazarov needs Russia?”: Grade 10, briefly, with arguments

The Bazarovs are needed by Russia
The Bazarovs are needed by Russia

After reading the work "Fathers and Sons" The question often arises: “Who is Bazarov “A man who is next protest for the sake of protest or revolutionary?” On the one hand, Eugene puts forward quite logical arguments in favor of renewing society. But on the other hand, he does not take radical actions, does not sacrifice his life and time. His "revolution" for the most part is verbal revolution. Here are two options writings-leaderships on literature on the topic "Why do the Bazarovs need Russia?" - Grade 10, briefly, with arguments:


Analyzing the debate of the heroes at dinner, you can come to the conclusion:

  • Such as Kirsanov albeit not in direct text, but they say that "nihilism" Bazarova Not only stupidity, but also a tribute to fashion.
  • This is not devoid of logic, because in those days among young people this direction was very fashionable.
  • But also call it Bazarova It is also impossible for a person, the following fashion.

Who is he? The thought involuntarily suggests that Eugene is a representative of progressive youth, a person of a new formation, but, alas, not a revolutionary. Since even among the heroes described, no one except Arkady supports it. But the latter, by the way, is a real fake nihilist. He shares the views of a person simply because Bazarov - His friend, assumes him and even in a dispute with the elders does not say his thoughts, but quotes Eugene.

What can be brought to society "New People"? In fact, even in the time described by the author, they could give a lot:

  • It was time to cancel the serfdom, but there were only those who would have rally and began to build a new power. There was no yet ...
  • As for Bazarova, he sought to carry quite sound ideas. However, he suggested destroying, but not to create.

As any understanding person knows, at the place of what was defeated, you need to build a new, better.

Option 2:

Bazarov - Nihilist. It is common for people of this plan to deny everything. In one of the disputes to the question of Pavel Petrovich: "How? Not only art, poetry ... but also ... scary to utter ... "- Bazarov answers with inexpressible calmness "All".

This means that a young man makes progressive ideas through denial. And any manifestation of denial introduces people of the old system into a stupor. Yes, Bazarov offers nothing, but at least makes you think about the shortcomings of society once again - and this is its undeniable plus.

  • According to the hero, a person changes only thanks to criticism: “And you speak with him and despise him at the same time. Well, if he deserves contempt! ".

However, at the very end of the work, when Eugene is already mortally ill and talking with Odintsova, he says:

  • “I need Russia ... No, it’s not necessary to see. And who is needed? A shoemaker is needed, a tailor is needed, a butcher ... ". And this is not the delirium of the dying.

Having thought, Eugene realized that at that period of time he lived and tried to change reality, he really was not needed. But not useless. The thing is that the hero was born at the wrong time. If he began to introduce his ideas through 100-200 years, then perhaps he would be supported and he became a real revolutionary.
But, alas. At that time when he lived Evgeny Bazarov, society has not yet been ready for the revolution and so radical changes.

Undoubtedly, Russia needs Bazarov. He has another plus. He promotes revolutionary ideas without resorting to violent methods. And this is a much more correct approach than an open war and bloodshed.

Video: Ivan Turgenev and the birth of nihilism - Boris Prokudin

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