Ditties about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes - the best selection for children and adults

Ditties about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes - the best selection for children and adults

A large collection of ditties about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes.

Fabulous ditties for adults to raise mood

Fabulous ditties for adults to raise mood
Fabulous ditties for adults to raise mood

Fabulous ditties for adults to cheer up the mood:

Smallly seats
I am terribly great ...
As a result, shame and shame ...
One is here, the other is there!
Our carpet is a plane,
He will raise you to heights!
To avoid the worst share,
Take care of him from moths!
If a tablecloth is a pipe
You will spread out a doseran woman
This craftswoman will be
To scold all day!
Once a magician in three minutes
Made gusher-samogoods ...
So for the first time, oddly enough,
A phonogram appeared!
Once they left the casket
Two young men ...
Here is such a funny fact -
Know the artifact is defective!
We are in a hurry to introduce you
Our flying sofa!
Only lay down - and you can go on the way!
Try not to fall asleep ...
Yaga gave me a ball:
"He will lead you out on time!"
What is this nonsense? ..
Brought off ... only where?
I once heard in the market
I'm talking about invisible hat.
Well, bought, put on ... Here is nonsense -
Himself here, only there are no hats!
Like from a Pandora drawer
Someone's disputes came ...
Then misfortunes and illnesses
Could not get along together!
Speaking sword in the final
Alas, we have rejected -
The trial battle lasted,
He was scolding with the owner!
Our artifact is the first variety:
He is both a sword and a teleport!
You will hit the enemy two hundred times -
And, look, in another place ...
About bards and minstrels.
Tighted the ballad Bard -
I wanted to support the detachment ...
These are the pies -
All enemies scattered!
Bard must decide
It didn’t reach the knives -
Rinse from fans immediately
Or drape from husbands?
Look, Menstrel
Summer red sang ...
Masters neither give or take
They would dance the winter!
No equal to find in strength
And weapons with me -
For any time I am smashing
I will give it more on the head!
Here are the elves of Menstrel
The best, in fact,
They know how to sing and play ...
If they do not pour it!
Draw for Menestrel
Hurry a barrel of ale ...
We should have time,
Until he began to sing!
Ship "Drunk Menstrel"
The village for the hundredth time is aground ...
You are changing the name
So you will be on the shallows!
This elf, you believe me,
And the shooter and the minstrel ...
Maybe he plays quite
On a bowstring alone!


Dragon Tunes.

Once a dragon, in a fucked drunk,
I set fire to a field with hemp -
So he arranged the villagers
Lightless day off!
With an ice dragon, brothers,
The knight should not fight ...
You just need to wait for the summer,
So that this creature melts!
Our Gorynych tried -
He went to the tsar in Tolmachi ...
After all, he owns, look yourself,
Already three languages!
And the dragons are not a bustard -
Paws are washed before the battle.
Here you are, my friend,
Wash before food!
Equipment is checked
The heroes have vigilantly -
They are not allowed to dragons
Without a fire extinguisher!
Our Gorynych is so beautiful
Performs the songs of the Trio!
Well, Hydra, that happens,
Immediately acts in chorus ...
Since the dragon did not look -
I flew over the capital ...
So his scientists
Called UFOs!
In the middle of the dragons, know this,
It is difficult to find the poet ...
After all, alas, such a mass
It’s hard to raise Pegasus!
We - dragons - let's say boldly,
There is no dealing with politics
On her, my friend, we spit ...
Exclusively fire!
The jester of the courtier, albeit to the point,
I could hit the dragon ...
Neither a spear nor poison
And your outfit!


There is a dragon with a whistle -
Peregrine pilaf - overturned -
And sneezed that be healthy!


Snakes out of the tower came out in the morning
- Under the mountain, a fearless detachment!
I saw a snake - and home
Brush your teeth before meals


Once the dragon got drunk
And he was suddenly going to marry!
I thought for a long time, chose
Twenty pieces of girls stole!


Once a fisherman came to the river
Threw tackle and sits
Here comes to a person
Miracle Yudo-Kit fish!


I flew on an airplane,
Nearby grandmother Yaga.
Clouched on the take -off
Stupid Karga.
The whole hairstyle was disheveled
We stood on end of the hair!
Apparently, I did not scratch at all,
Yes, and eyes got out!
Blood broke down
Yes, and the stupa does not fly.
There is no at all from them
They exhausted the whole limit!
Snake Gorynych our hedgehog
Invited to Sabantuy.
He puffed on the track with fervor-
Only the club, do not pamper!


There is nothing to do an old woman
She gathered to him.
Captured meads
And stuck to the wing.
Here it would be necessary with a parachute
Land on the hill
But for some reason did not give
And roars the entire motor!
The snake was first surprised-
What kind of bird is in the height?
I did not choke a little coal-
Baba is like a horse.
Salting the steel wing
Hedgehog swept past.
Oh touched the living
The party broke!


Visiting Shrek

The king said: “You are anxious, you
We need heroic business.
I would have done a feat, at least some
Just not overhead for the treasury. "


I drove a lot
Between the mountains, forests, fields and rivers.
And decided to go to visit Dalkov,
Shrek lives there among the swamp.


Flew to him with Aeroflot,
So about thought along the way:
Two heroes, residents of the swamp
It’s easier to find a place for a feat.


I heard about Shrek,
But he stirred, seeing his portrait.
I saw both goblin and kikimor,
But we don’t have such in the swamps.


Is it a joke, so green from the face,
Twice as much as the donkey,
If he wants - he will definitely eat.
Only he called me at the table.


Fed the roots from the bowl,
Looking in the eye, looking
And with a malicious he offered me whiskey,
Know, Przhevalsky told him.


So he would have killed him, enemy!
He even took up the kitchen knife.
Shrek understood everything and poured me Gina:
At least he looks like vodka.


They drank, bite with the roof,
Shrek and says: “You, Van, are not averse
If, of course, you will be in force
Help in the feat of heroic? "


On the shoulder I have any work
Even from nine to six.
I said with a hint to the swamps:
"Say who where to lead."


“No, Ivan, the swamp is yesterday,
Here are such, brother, fortel -
Not in the swamp, but from the tower,
And do not start, but to save.


There under the supervision of a dragon
In four, practically walls
Some kind of Fiona is hidden.
Kohl will save, then my wife will be. ”


“What did you think to marry what are you?
Mother -in -law do you need and father -in -law?
I can take my wife in a swamp
You can eat her at all. "


Shrek ached about the continuation of the genus,
Say, wants a son or daughter,
The plan, they say, is a heroic campaign.
What to do here? It is necessary to help.


So that the dragon is distracted by someone,
Shrek decided to take his donkey
I'm a portable swamp
I grabbed for what.


Do not destroy the donkey, in fact,
Although he was annoying.
Towards the swamp, we wanted
So that the Dragon was up to the donkey.


Work was not done right away:
Our donkey rested, as luck would have it.
I tried to get a swamp,
No matter how fought, it did not start.


That's why he saved three kopecks!
You can’t take Chinese in any way:
The swamp sat batteries,
Only in vain he pushed with him.


In the meantime, we scolded the Chinese
We look, but the dragon is right there,
Seeing the donkey "farm",
Forgetting a shame, Blud started with a donkey.


We and I have a plenty of Schrek,
They began to stare, opening their mouths.
Even in foreign porn films
I did not see such a shame.


We were not inclined to be distracted:
Pictures are good, it hurts
But it's time to rescue Fiona
Only Shrek was not in a hurry with shamelessness.


Shrek told me to be calm,
But having seen Fiona, our shot
He began to do this with her ...
I spied on a donkey with a dragon.


The third is more than the wise down the slope,
I noticed the ended things
Peaceful dragon
And exhausted donkey.


Two two of a personal life,
He hurried to his native line.
That's why, there were no heroism!
What will I report to the king now?

Ditties about fairy tales for children funny

Ditties about fairy tales for children funny
Ditties about fairy tales for children funny

Ditties about fairy tales for children are funny:

Ditties of Baba Yaga and Koshchei

Koschey: Taras-bars, Taras-bars do not see that we are old!
We will win back to each other, we’ll go to the Christmas tree!

Baba Yaga: Who said I am an old woman? I will not be offended, it doesn’t matter!
I am deaf in both ears, and I dance, how young!

Koschey: There is no salvation from Yaga, a hoarse voice, but sings!
After each verse, the grandmother is dancing!

Baba Yaga: Not Gremi, Koschey, Bones, Do not scare my guys!
Everyone laughs at us, made a kindergarten laugh!

Koschey: It’s good that we were allowed, they even let us dance.
It’s a pity that they didn’t treat it!

Both: Well, then we will come again!


Gracks of the grandmother of the hedgehog

Eh, stomping, leg, Yaga flew to you!
And whoever is not believed - let him make sure!

Let them meet on clothes, see over the mind!
Give the word to the grandmother of Yezh, and not - I'll take it myself!

Well this is necessary, how your eyes sparkle!
It can be seen that hedgehogs come rarely to visit you!

I'll go dance - the earth is spinning!
And no one is sad and angry!

My balalaika is with the talker!
Yes, and I'm not simple - with a motor!

Balalaya played out, and a cheerful leg - slipped out!
Not Chinese, not French - Russian Balalaychka is good!

Who has a sad in the heart? Balalaya - vitaminochka!
Oh, why are you, Balalaika, you are pampering over the edge?!
Ay, you don’t see, hugged? Let your breath!

Not in vain the heart beats, oh, keep, fall!
Childhood will suddenly return again - I’ll go to first grade!


Ditties for Santa Claus

Look, Santa Claus in felt boots and hat.
He lives in the north and does not wear slippers!

Santa Claus plays with us, laughs in a beard.
We want to catch him - he is not given in his hands!

The snowman lives in winter - everyone knows.
When the sun comes, he then melts.

In the yard there is a mountain - tall, cool.
We ride from her, overtaking the wind.

We love the sled in winter, in the summer we hide the sled.
Snow melts in the yard - let's jump on ropes.

I walked around the clearing, the nostril wind blew,
Santa Claus pierced his ear, the snow poured into the collar!

I wear mittens in winter - in the summer they sleep on a shelf.
I will store the needles in them all year!

If the skis ran away, catch up with the sled.
We ride in the winter on forest glades!

Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Seday's beard!
About you, Santa Claus, all the guys know!


Buffoonery ditties

Once upon a time there were a grandfather and a woman with a little granddaughter.
They called the red cat a bug.

And they called the foal with a hokhlatkoy,
And they also had a chicken of Burenka!

And they also had a dog Murka,
And two more goats - Sivka and Burka!


Ditties of grandmas - quarter to issue to school

I will fly to first grade, I will get the five there -
I am a cool granny, this is clear!

Do not follow me, Koschey, I do not need you at all!
I'm not the same now - it’s very busy at school!

Snake Gorynych, don't call, I don't have a visit -
I don’t go anywhere, I'm sitting over the lessons!

I'm not sitting on the stove, I don't bake, I kalachi,
There is no time to drink tea - we must teach the alphabet!

(circle, jokingly falling to the floor)

Ditties of Baba Yaga to issue school

I am a granny - beauty, I'm sitting in retirement!
And I’ll tell you a secret - I don’t go to school at all!

I can sing, dance, play noisy games,
And, of course, I know how to conjure a little!

Look at me, what a hand I am!
All girls and boys are similar to me!


City ditties

I - Lesnaya Kikimora love to scare everyone!
But do not be afraid of me, kids, I will not offend you! Wow!

I dressed up today, I showed up for your holiday!
I dance and laugh, I want to be a Snow Maiden! Wow!

I walked by the forest past the bumps, there I found a bell!
He started such a trill and brought me here!

I am a forest kikimora, I am a mischievous girl!
I love to joke, laugh, all - to amuse me differently!

I am unharmed, invisible, I am a girl - just a treasure!
And I am smart, and beautiful, everyone talks about it!


Ditties of nesting dolls

I am a nesting doll, I am a toy, I get up quickly in the morning.
Very fun, guys, I dance and sing!

I was born in Russia and I live in Russia!
I am a ruddy nesting doll, I sing a lot of fun!

Balalaika, Balalaika, play more fun!
Play, do not break, try for nesting dolls!

I am Russian, elegant, beautiful!
I came to you for the holiday, my dear children!

You are more fun with me with your legs!
You are more fun with me more funny!


The ditties of the princesses are non -humane

Oh, trouble, oh, trouble, in the garden of the swan!
I am the princess Nesmeyan, I will not stop roaring!

Oh, trouble, oh, trouble, in the garden of the swan!
I will never get laugh, only I will get angry!


Ditties Thomas and Yerema

Our village is good - two huts over the river!
Listen, guys, how they are fighting there with longing!

Eh-Ma, Kuterma! I am Yerema! I am Foma!
Fomia and I dressed up in border jackets,

With envy, the rustic husaks looked at us!
Eh-Ma, Kuterma! I am Yerema! I am Foma!

We do not need a TV, video and radio!
We dance and sing the whole village on the marvel!

Eh-Ma, Kuterma! I am Yerema! I am Foma!


Ditties bear and goats

Goat: Well, Toptygin, barcone with a leg,
Attered guests a little!

Bear: Come on, goat, we will show how we dance dancing!

Goat: come out to dance, bear, I will sing ditties!
We are driving ditties, and then let's go dance!

Bear: When you sing, goat, do not roll your eyes.
You don’t know how to sing, you don’t eat, but you’re shining!

Goat: Ah, you, Mishenka - Bear, you yourself do not know how to sing!
You are tight in the ear - no voice, no hearing!

Bear: Ah, a goat you goat is a white rose.
Stop screaming, let's put up with you!

Goat: Ah, my Misha is dear, you and I did not swear!
You and I joked, the people amused!


Humor ditties

How many times have I raised under the accordion of the song to sing.
As an accordion will play, I can't sit!

We’ll pass ditties to you - there are remarkable ones,
What the old women will go to dance, the old people will dance!

And I had a dull, self -breeding!
He interrupted all the dishes - he was bitten!

You listen, guys, I will sing an unnecessary thing:
The pig sat on the oak, a bear steamed in the bath!

We sang that we managed, dancing from the heart!
Go to the circle, who is brave, sing and dance!

Ditties about fairy -tale heroes for children and adults

Ditties about fairy -tale heroes for children and adults
Ditties about fairy -tale heroes for children and adults

Ditties about fairy -tale heroes for children and adults:

Kolobok left his grandfather
And he left his grandmother ...
He did not return to dinner
And did not come to dinner ...


The cat Bayun left the fairy tale -
“I don't want to scare children!
I'm a cat, I need caresses
And sour creams! "


Tired of everyone in the swamp
Frog zoo,
Water does not mind at all
Make a water park for children!


The snake-ghorynych became kinder,
Does not burn everyone with fire.
It became more fun in fairy tales
So I write about him.


Apollo painted, Apollo,
Take me in full!
I wish to live on Olympus
Among the marble columns!


I love the daffodil
All was exhausted loving.
And the Narcissus is some strange-
He loves himself!


At the jellyfish at Gorgona
Unprecedented beauty -
On her head is snakes
Replace the hair!


Tired of us war,
Long, Trojan.
Help, Trojan horse,
Partisan trick!


Already to the sky, right up to the cloud
Bull heaps rose.
But Hercules is so powerful ...
One, two, three - and there are no heaps!


They sent me an invitation
To the Minotaur for the edification!
I got into the maze
Here and got lost!


Here is Rinked Venus
In perfect nakedness.
Well, why Venus hands
With such a beauty?


There is an oak on the mountain,
He dissolved the roots.
Carlson flew to me -
Demanded jam!


I will buy new dolls,
Because right from childhood
I love producers!


On a carpet on a plane
I'm flying with Hottabych.
Those who got out of the bottle,
Not so on the shoulder!


I have a girlfriend
Call her Lariska.
I am friends with her like a chaplak
With its rat.


Oh, Ivanushka - Vanek
There was a nonsense guy.
The cute was a baby
I drank - became a kid!


I'm sitting in the refrigerator
Day and night I am diligent:
I was promised to come
The Queen is snowy!


Emelya has a miracle patch
Where he wants to last ...
Just try to try
Do not burn one place!


Cat Basilio with Fox
They love stupid boys.
Today the bank has opened their own -
Invite depositors!


Not at all sorry
Fairy was engaged in gymnastics,
Won the championship of the forest
And she became a flower princess.


Lived under the bridge an old dwarf,
Was a terrible gnome grumble
When trains rumbled above him
He grumbled and always cursed!


The Dragon
To the boy Vasya yesterday on the balcony
The small red dragon sat down,
With appetite dragon, he ate pizza,
“Thank you” said and flew away.


The elf shook the shirt and trousers,
The golden wings settled
The motley butterfly said quietly: -
- I don't want to go to the ball ...


Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga had a granddaughter,
I embroidered kittens, bake charlotte,
Planted flowers above the river,
But she remained in the soul ... Joya!


Tired of Koshcheushka to be taned boredom
And he decided to do science:
On his example, he easily proved -
Disordant metal destroys the soul!


Gorynych under the Black Mount Got:
The coin of the coin considered the scaly paw
Money - on the cap, as not look,
On the cap - one, but three need!


In the thicket of the forest, having met the king
The troll shouted:-Ha ha, tra-la-la!
Tell me from the safe a password rather
And put it, stupid king!


Goblin named Bill
He loved to ride with high slides:
On stone sled, he rushed cheerfully -
The avalanche went, there was a collapse ...


Goblin missed the edge of the edge:
The old women do not go for mushrooms,
What to do, how to be a spill?
Is it to be mistaken?


At the bottom of the quiet river forest
Poems composed water.
Yes, they just sounded:


Rusalka came across a jump rope
The mermaid jumped for three nights,
Grounded, rode a mermaid,
Until the rope was torn.


Once told me one day
Ancient and wise jin:
- Do you want Gina - excellent friend?
Give Gin to the strawberry jam!


A smart magician lived in a fairy -tale kingdom,
Amazing, rare eccentric:
He turned donkeys into people
By the power of kind and affectionate words!


Kikimor climbed into the window,
A red -haired cat rushed at Kikimor -
Immediately Kikimora ran into the forest
And there, under the pine, the whole night shredded!


In one of the distant countries
The giant dwelling dwelling
He always helped neighbors:
From the apple trees of the surrounding cats, he shot.


One -eyed famously
Not glad to Tarataykin Tikhon
Stuck to Tikhon famously -
On the controls in secret
The answers whispers the answers!


The school is unicorn
The lesson could not answer,
He, in truth, although good
But just a horned horse!


A firebird spin over the field
Does not know where to land
Well, like from feathers of firebird
Boar is quickly ignited?


Grey Wolf
Where's the justice? Ivan-a firebird,
And the horse, and half a kingdom, and in the wife-girl,
And the wolf - no bone, no meat, no fish,
Not a warm "gray, thank you!"


Appeared in the house of the brownie:
Small, shaggy, shebutnaya,
He knocks, screams, swear in the morning
- Wake up, Sonya, it's time for the lesson!


He accumulated a monster
Diamonds to the infants,
Zlata-Serebra is a bunch of everyone
But from loneliness it often cried bitterly ...


When Bayun Bayun was not yet,
And he was only a kitten, a big huckster,
He climbed into the stove and struck the grasp,
Baby-Yagu almost enough hit!


Barmaley, BARMELES, PLANT your strength.
You are not a villain at all.
You are in a fairy tale, and a fairy tale is just for children.


Cheburashka is very small
I called him to visit.
With Cheburashka together
We are friends all day
They slept together, ate together,
In general, he knows how to be friends.


Lion City
Red -haired lione,
The lion cub is yellow
The lion cub cannot be alone.
We will regret it
And take with us to the cinema.


The turtle is very through
Through the sea, through the doors
He climbed and came to us.
I took it out of the shelf.


Aibolit, treat animals,
Do not regret the medicine.
Ay hurt, aibolit,
No, it does not groan, it does not hurt.

He is an animal doctor.
I want to ask him, -
Does he remember all patients?


Chipolino, Chipolino,
The bulb is the heroine.
The heroine - no, hero!
The most daring, distant.
Evil Signor won
Clever ray, bitter jacket!


We miss very strong
Boratino boy.
Pinocchio Boy with a book.
We miss the boy.

According to Malvina, on toys.
According to their wars and feasts.
According to the cat Basilio, on the red fox.
Tell us a fairy tale, we are waiting for you all.


Moidodyr once lived
He did not like Grygazyl,
He tried to be guys
were always clean,
To soap and shampoos
never ended!
And water! And water! And water!


Fox Patrikeevna
The fox is cunning, the fox is wise.
Nobody convicts her.
She is beautiful and smart
Here is not enough good!


3 bears
You are brown bears
How gloomy.
Offended by Masha,
that I tried porridge.
Why are there such misunderstandings
It would be better to ate soft eggs.


Masha and the bear - cartoon.
Masha Misha torments
He is blackened by the clouds already.
Our Masha, our Masha
You are such a yagoz.
From a pot -bellied bear
You will never lag behind.

Ditties about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes - the best selection

Ditties about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes - the best selection
Ditties about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes - the best selection

Dances about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes - the best selection:

On a noticeable red cap
People recognize me
Well, the wolves are gently paws
They submit me when meeting.


Bandits do not want now
There is me with granny:
All of them are fed for a long time
And run like from fire!


I go free now
In my grandmother’s house,
Not afraid of anyone
Meet in your hat!


Sewed, sitting by the window,
Mom to me as a renewal -
Scrap of scarlet cloth
With Kantik Silkov.


And since that one without her
They didn’t see the baby.
Her red cap
Everyone was nicknamed for that.


I am red in a hat,
Pies in a basket.
I'm walking to my grandmother
On the forest path.


If you meet a wolf,
I don't go
I am then hunters
I'll call loudly.


With pies in the forest chagal,
I was not afraid of a fig
All the moose was heavily
These ... like his ... horns!


Red hat, basket,
And in the basket - pies,
Sorry, there is no store in the forest
I will hang out with my grandmother!


Went to the grandmother with a dark forest,
I met a gray wolf,
I am not interested in the wolf,
And from Vanka it would be a matter.


Walked through the forest with a cigarette,
I threw a cigarette butt
Let the fire in the forest all summer
The wolf in the wolf is extinguishing.


I lived and did not push
Everyone is kind and sweet,
I walked in a red cap,
I slept in a red cap!


Suddenly granny fell ill
And sent a messenger to us,
Come - a bad thing,
I completely slept from my face.


I went to my grandmother,
I suffered a piece of salts,
Five eggs, four buns
And a bottle of Vincetz.


I go with a shall, I go with a forest,
I hear a clatter behind my back
I turned around with interest -
The gray wolf runs after me!


Like, where are you going, beauty?
And one more question…
I answer him clearly:
Drill, filthy dog!


Look for a girlfriend in the forest,
Everything is clear and hedgehog!
That's already Babkina hut
I knocked and entered.


Where is the old woman? Here is a riddle ...
I took a closer look - well, passion:
Instead of grandmother in a crib
The gray wolf bared the mouth!


I was attacked by a damned
And let's tear your clothes!
I am so, and Syak, and obscenities,
And he doesn’t give a damn!


I myself would not have beaten off
And now there would be a corpse
But then the door opened-
Our lumberjack arrived!


With an ax, the wolf shook,
Saved granny and me!
It was not injured in vain
I suffered not in vain!


From a wonderful salvation
Love flared up,
There will be a wedding on Sunday,
Oh, I am satisfied with fate!


Understand what you want
I want to give advice to the girls:
Love your grandmothers
And go visit!


I don't understand what power
Take the pen?
I wrote to us a dear fairy tale
The well -known Charles Perrault.


I stole fairy tales links
I would know where to start
His daughter on his birthday
Mother gave the hat.


Well, mother, well, infection!
This hat is just a class.
I liked it right away
This red atlas.


This is a daughter not on a ball
Work out, be ready
You will take the old shmare
In the forest, dense cakes.


Our grandmother is all sweeter
Do not spark fi again,
Forty miles in dark more often
Peshkorel Kikandy.


I'm not cut, you don’t hear?
I'll figure it out right now with you.
Grandma will write me with you
The house is wooden.


Sha Mamani, you make noise
Bud a war tomorrow
I go, go, be silent,
Only the hat will stretch.


You go on the road, baby
I know you will be a lot about you
But keep in mind - it’s not rare in the forest
A lone wolf wanders.


It is toothy and fanged
And not a fool with a bit,
And look completely terrible
In a word, a spilled maniac.


You, mother, do not shout
Not a fig for yourself an example
He is the wolf, what is the gip
Or maybe a perfumer.


Waiting for its steel cage
And I'll tell you loving
Boston strangler, baby
Before him is a child.


And you don't have to meet him
Mother said, looking at the floor
I heard them once
Interpol was engaged.


Hundreds of three girls innocent
I dishonored and killed
The holder of the claws is long
Gray-coherent "Gamadril".


So you are careful
Do not go into the paws to him,
Suddenly it is impossible without a fight
Beat the drunk in the hump.


An hour came and, thank God
She set off on the road
A bright spot road
The moon illuminates her.


This is a fairy tale is not about the turnip
And far from the goal,
The hats hold fingers tightly:
Pies and milk.


The stars shine brightly yarko,
From above the height of heaven,
Hat with your gift
I wandered into the Bolest Forest.


In the thicket you can hide
Grenadiers are a whole regiment.
Branches and carefully
The wolf appeared from the bushes.


The wolf said: "Hello, girl!"
And I thought: too much!
Two ribs, one collarbone
Just a soup set.


The girl said boldly:
"I'm not afraid of wolves"
I carry a grandmother on the case
Milk and pies.


The wolf thought: these bones
I can't cheat at all
Squeezed the jaw with anger
And I decided not to take risks.


Better eat it, I'm a grandmother
This old star
The wolf thought: and the hat?
A hat, well, her in ....


The wolf broke from the start
He chose the short path,
Red hat in excitement
Overtook for two hours.


Runned, knocks on the door
Grandma, they say, let me
This is me - do you not believe?
Granddaughter in a hat, your pancake.


You sleep, toad, here's misfortune
I stand on the porch
How to enter into parts
Your ass is fat.


Babkin voice rang out
Because of the locked door:
Turnny baby for a rope
Open the doors right away.


The wolf pulled and the door fell
His eyes lit up,
Grandma yelled in fear
So the walls shook.


The wolf jumped into the house and barked
Like a hungry crocodile
Babkin peignoir and apron
Together with the grandmother he swallowed.


Piercing and kapor
The wolf lay down on the bed
Putting paws under the cheek
He began to wait a hat.


Not a lot of time has passed
The hat in the door scraped out
Babs, let me, I see from the road
I was wicked.


What is granny with your eyes?
Che big as balls?
Maybe you are at night
Has mosquitoes bit?


You don't look like yourself
What is so big?
Maybe you, toad erysipelas
Balled anashoy?


And with ears, what, granny
Hairy What?
Maybe the draft was inflated?
Or did you eat the wrong one?


Well, and the nails like the harpies
Chur me granny, chur
That year probably in March
You did a manicure.


But what is this red?
Protruding pod
Why, granny is terrible
A hook sticks out between the legs?


You are not a grandmother- that's for sure
You give a lupus tooth
The grandmother ate a maniac vicious
I'll kill you now.


The head of the wolf bit
For the hanging end
Guess further yourself,
Here and the fairy tale is the end.

Ditties about fairy tales funny about fairy -tale heroes

Ditties about fairy tales funny about fairy -tale heroes
Ditties about fairy tales funny about fairy -tale heroes

Ditties about fairy tales funny about fairy -tale heroes:

He lived neither like that nor Syak
Veselchak Ivan-Durak.
He lived without knowing his worries,
Helping at the stable.


Why was he a fool?
So it was like this:
In childhood, he fell off the nursery,
And from home to the garden rolled up.


While adults have come,
Yes, while he was found,
He was lying under a little bit,
In breath, became a blank.


And since then Ivan-Bolvan,
He behaved as if drunk.
They just began to notice
He began to play with the beast.


And when Ivan grew up,
And went to the haymaking,
I did this there
I immediately understood - moron!


And since then no one Ivan
Unusual boob,
Did not give serious affairs,
Where is Ivan - the case of failure.


So lived, cleaned the stables,
I thought of a horse -drawn,
In life did not know the sorrow,
And the horses traveled.


To drive a trotter,
They called a fool.
Our Ivan was not a mistake,
He was friends with cattle.


He approaches the horse with affection,
Although he looks cautiously,
Vanya does not give a descent,
It strokes the mane, sings the song.


What sings, no one knows
Only this helps!
The main groom is only glad
The horse is around, here's the way.


The people will not understand in any way
What kind of songs he sings,
How the eccentric will not ask,
It only skilled slightly


The rumor spread over the kingdoms,
What is in such a state,
The prince has in the wards
You can jump on the ropes.


And Ivanushka-Durak
Not so simple!
Then he became a prince
Then I found a beautiful way!


Ah, frogs, ah, girlfriends,
You call the grooms ...
Give you Ivan:
We, prince, notice us ...


Oh, you are my prince Vanya,
Where have you been walking for so long?
Why are you on a frog, in the princess,
I almost did not remember at all.


Ivan Tsarevich in the swamp
I saw a toad with an arrow
But the heron was seen before
So he remained idle.


Ivan Tsarevich in the swamp
I jumped all day on the bumps
Then dad phoned
The helicopter came to me tired.


Ivan Tsarevich in the swamp
Found an arrow and is very happy
Father will not say that a muddler
I will also bring cranberries.


Ivan Tsarevich in the swamp
Wandering a week angry as a devil
And it was necessary to get drunk like that
Neighbor Katya with whom now.


I wanted a bun
To love a straw,
To become like noodles,
Or pasta ...


Kolobok jumps through the forest,
Run away from everyone ...
But will catch up with a quick ball,
Will commit shameless sin ...


Kolobok came
Still to the edge:
The TV fired -
Grandfather and grandmother cry!


There are no children, but bun
Zadolbal is no worse ...
The wolf passed the grandmother as a bail,
Lost a dozen!


Loved a straw
Somehow Kolobochk!
Many became vermichered:
Both the Syntovs and the daughters!


I got into the bar with a bang,
Again in the field flew off ...
And he yelled as soon as he could:
Yes, I am not a ball, ko-lo-box!


Carlson knocks out the window,
And in his soul he is having fun.
He knows the cunning peasant
Where is the boots of the tank!


Carlson was sitting in the night
And he counted all the bricks.
He was waiting, brothers, baby.
Eh, hungry soul!


Carlson flew to me,
All the jam, brothers, ate.
He sneezed and buried,
And, like a ball, he was swollen!


Carlson pressed the button
And from the scope he “slapped” the stack.
Everything, baby, it's time to get married!
Freken side is punished to me ...


Carlson misses us
After all, he no longer flies.
He is a motor, brothers, burned,
How he raised Tu Freken side!

Ditties are funny and mischievous about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes

Ditties are funny and mischievous about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes
Ditties are funny and mischievous about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes

Minepers are funny and mischievous about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes:

My world is a fairy tale.
The tale of miracles!
Nature is wonderful in it,
A wonderful forest in it.


Python read a fairy tale for me
Wise reptile,
At the same time, the beak
And puffed the wings.


Do not tell me fairy tales
That you loved me.
You love the drum
You need money.


Tell the tales another.
I'm tired of it.
In vain I met with you
Feelings are shallow.


A fairy tale lies, but in it a hint,
Good fellows lesson:
To each oncoming-transverse
Do not roll under the side!


Again the stork flew in -
So someone flew.
Stork is needed for an excuse,
I do not believe in these fairy tales!


Laughter disassembles, everywhere smiles,
Views wander playfully.
Listen to a nice fairy tale about the fish
With a mug of good beer.


Do not look into my eyes
You will forget about your wife.
You tell tales
And they blame me alone.


The scientific cat is still wandering there,
Drinks tea, rooting for Zenit.
Goes to the right - the song starts,
To the left - says a fairy tale.


I will let me down the lips
And I will grind my eyes.
There is no love in the world -
Only fairy tales!


I will put this mask
I can dare everything with water.
As if in a fairy tale
I will become young!


If you knew, Ivan - a fool,
You will glorify the name so
In fairy tales, different things happened:
And the king managed to become!


Remember the fairy tale about the hut,
What the hare built.
There, a fox starts with a spin,
In the way, the hostess became.


Medvedev scratches us ears,
Blowing like a shepherd in a horn,
How much fairy tales can you listen to
Are you Andersen, my friend?


A fairy tale - a lie! Yes, she has a hint!
Good fellows - a lesson!
So that they love their girls!
And they didn’t go to the left!


The old fairy tale is for the wolf,
It ended shamefully,
After all, now the red hat
There is a black belt!


In childhood, mom is without fear
I told me fairy tales
And perhaps it was necessary
Know what a child sees in fairy tales.


Come to me welcome
We will tell fairy tales ...
I will be a chocolate hare
And you delight me.


Our teacher once in excitement
He began to knock on the desk.
Say that these are fairy tales -
No, it was the end of the pointer.


You do not feed deception
Do not tell fairy tales
Seven lovers in the week,
Retell them.

Ditties funny about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes

Ditties funny about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes
Ditties funny about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes

Obanki funny about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes:

Found themselves as if in a fairy tale
They forgot about business
On a stranger we are in the direction
In a boat, happiness sailed.


You listened to Mil, priests.
Heed my fun.
I joked, these are fairy tales
But I don't want to joke.


All fairy tales know by heart
From Kolobok to Ryaba,
I don't even take thought of thinking
What the women do not know!


Oh you, my soul,
Blue eyes,
Do not circle around me -
I do not believe in fairytales.


Since childhood, we read fairy tales,
Good books leafed through
Why are we like wolves
Started to bite each other's throats?


The neck hurts, the eyes are knocked out,
He really strives to another.
She tells her fairy tales
Like hunting to female affection.


I read the grandmother of a fairy tale:
The prince will come, give caresses.
Old Karga did not know
Neither Slavik nor Igor.


Do not tell me fairy tales
I know where you were.
You are again your Savrask
Covered the insidious rear.


My Milenok is good!
He dragged me into rye,
Told me fairy tales ...
In vain I built my eyes!


We went to look at Easter
Behind the convergence of fire ...
I don't believe in fairy tales anymore -
The house was burned with me.


Milena Kondrata has
As if in a fairy tale, there are two brothers.
All about the brothers say:
Two smart and Kondrat.


Pushkin's fairy tales read.
They learned about good and evil.
The conclusion was made for a long time.
That only it pops up.


Damn, Koschey and Water
For three days we went into a binge!
Not all the time they drank,
Sometimes they drove women.


The prince was looking for his wife
I released the arrow alone.
He got into another prince,
And he had to marry!


I slept Emelya on the stove -
Doctors could not save!
This is with which IQ
Need to lie on a barbecue?
Kikimor ditties


I walked by the forest past the bumps
There I found a bell!
He started such a trill
And he brought me here!


I am Kikimora Forest
I love to scare everyone!
But don't be afraid of me, children,
I will not offend you! Wow!


I am a forest kikimora,
The first beauty,
Mischievous, groovy,
Everyone wants to please!


I am a forest kikimora,
I am a mischievous girl!
I love to joke, laugh
Everyone is to get fun!


I'm unharmed, bumping,
I am a girl - just a treasure!
And I am smart, and beautiful,
Everyone is talking about it!


I dressed up today
I came to your holiday!
I dance and laugh,
I want to be a Snow Maiden! Wow!


How beautiful I am -
The hair is green,
Even faithful husbands
Everyone in love with me.


I put the network in the district
For the capture of the suitors,
Once Yeti got caught
He winked and was like that.


And yesterday love koshchei
In a moment I rejected generally!
There are no lights in feelings,
He, with the old man.


Everything with Gorynych is different
At least hot as an ardent macho,
Saw here (there are no words!)
By the number of heads.


Life in the swamp is boring.
The power of the goblin is low.
I would increase kilowatts,
The forest boy.


Oh, I will play on the nerves,
And I will reduce sadness to zero.
I, at least cute, but bitch,
Who does not like it - I drown.


Our Koschey had fun -
He got very drunk very much.
Overturned, brothers, mug
And he sang a new ditty!


The most important enemy of Koshchei -
This, brothers, his fear!
When Easter comes,
He feels that fear ...


Our Koschey from year to year
Only vodka, brothers, drinks.
After all, he knows that immortal ...
He lives a lot of fun!


Koshchei has a task:
Suddenly a pack of money disappeared?!
Who stole a pack?
Simply, brothers, pumped up!


Our Koschey went to the village
And he found the chicken coop there.
In vain, he opened that door, the door,
After all, in the madhouse he is now


The prince's onion pulled,
I launched an arrow into the forest ...
And now he is a "toad"
tears his woman.


In a stup, grandmother Yaga does not fly a fig;
Spurit on a panicle, oh - dashing chick!
Ivan the fool has all his relatives with his mind.
But, Ivan eventually builds roads to them.

And the robber of the nightingale
Invited was not Broadner;
Passed with a whistle -
In the hall are financiers.


Water is not happy to fate -
Goblin pulled to swim to the pipe ...
The mermaids have a nervous shock -
The groom smells bad.


Beauty contest in the forest -
Evil spirits seem to everyone.
Everything is worse than Gimora,
In the leaders - Kikimora!


Zmey Gorynych ate peas -
as much as Koschey immortal died,
Appetite - three throats ... That's it!


The breath was stolen.
I want to be a fool.
I want to live in a fairy tale.
The fool is always!
And the honor is!


I am Ivan, let the fool.
That's what they think.
I give the king a reproach
Let him flee ...


The snake Gorynych worries us,
He is two -headed and angry
Courage will always help me!
I am Ivan, I will save people!


I warmed up on the stove for a long time
He sang songs, cheerful everyone.
I will punish the king strictly!
So that the people live happily.


Our people love fairy tales.
Vanya glorifies!
He punished all the gentlemen!
Let everyone know honesty!


The state is the main king!
He humiliated his people ...
Vanya does not need morality
And he told the king - there!


He became king of Ivan a fool!
Everyone began to live happily!
Justice is the main sign!
Glory to everyone in work!


Vanya, Vanya Fool,
So the king of the Terrible expressed.
Ivan reproached did not forgive!
And the king betrayed the king!


In fairy tales, life is completely different.
Evil is always punished!
Vanya is scolding honest scum,
Even the vile king!


I hear my grandfather sang ditties,
He boldly sings very much!
We are not in a fairy tale, we are obedient.
Our people live badly ...

Cool ditties about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes

Cool ditties about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes
Cool ditties about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes

Cool ditties about fairy tales and fairy -tale heroes:

We start the purchases
And prepare a musical leaf.
Let them fly around the light.
Performs a harmonist.


There is a lot of rain, to be flood,
Ah, water, my God.
I will not save the animals, oops,
After all, I am not at all for you.


And I also wander through the forest
Met a devil in the way.
I don't want to see a demon
I would find a mermaid.


The old man made a mistake
When I caught the fish.
That fish creates magic,
He immediately cooked the ear.


But I am dancing alone
The dance is sonorous and crazy.
Better so, I'm not longing
How to dance, dance with a yaga.


And Koschey fell one day
And he broke his face.
But one thing here is only important -
He did not break his egg.


Water floors floating in the fountain.
Can it be?
So it was in the dope.
You need to drink less, less.


And Gorynych - what kind of bird?
Only in a fairy tale you will meet them.
At least one he, unit -
Comes for three.


Here is a hut on chicken legs
He told you everything, not a liar.
You have to wait a little
All ditties are ended.


We returned, we returned
Because of the distant land!
And magic ditties
Sprinkle for you now!


I am with the princess on fairy tales
We’ll ride you with a breeze!
But I get married or I don't get married,
It will be visible in the evening!


It wears an invisible hat
My grandfather is like a sheepskin
In the female bath he grunts
And sweat, and sniffs!
The snowman gathered in the bathhouse,
Now he is hovering
He jumped into a basin and droop
Only the carrot sticks out!
Alenka told me: -
Do not drink water from a puddle.
But then did not become a goat:
He became an ordinary pussy.
Nightingale of the robber
I met a cool.
He kissed me
And he took the ring from the hand!
The fellow fetal
I spit from apple trees in full.
And now my friends
They change diapers!
I am a Sinbad Sailor
I gave the ship.
Now I'm standing on the deck
And I drink and I drink vodka!
I will be the king-state
I'll give my computer.
He is not resting now -
It freezes on the Internet!
My Milenok well done
He found a sword - a mercenary.
It cuts ditties,
When a drunk is resting!
I have a gift.
Black a beard,
Repained in blue!
Married a cat
In black boots,
And I have a hut
On chicken legs!
The gypsy knocked me
I will reconnaiss soon
I'm leaving for the grandmother of Yezh,
Goodbye, Lucy!
How I put on boots
Fast speed
The men will not catch up
The horns are beating at the feet!
My Milenok drove away
With a butter of a yaga,
And returned, got
Hot poker!


The gold poured a hundred rubles.
But I will refuse him
I love the tractor driver!


I fell in love with the mermaid
And I decided to marry
She refused me
I sailed to drown.
I gave Milena
The tablecloth is a self -player
And now he walks drunk
Directly in a doseran woman!

In the box is a frog
I kiss slowly
But that did not become a princess
And in the swamp rode away.

I loved Kikimor
And gave her gifts.
And she, such a pig
I ran into the forest for Leshim!

Dear dropped SMS
What Mercedes bought me.
And I don't need a car:
I went to the serpent-Gorynych!

I married the princess
As always hurried
Borsch Varia, noodles boils,
And the wife is sleeping all the time!


Postman Pechkin
I took heartily.
I loved me very much
I gave a hat in holes!


I went fishing
And Jin pecked in a bottle:
I fulfill my desire-
He drives my wife!

Cute water
He led me home
Father met us with a stick,
My jellied meat ran away!

Black Baby blinded.
He got married quickly.
I didn’t get in a madhouse.
When I got divorced with her!

We sang ditties
On the carpet we fly out the window.
Be sure to return
So to say, in a hundred years!

Ditties about Pushkin's fairy tales.

Ditties about Pushkin's fairy tales.
Ditties about Pushkin's fairy tales.

Ditties about Pushkin's fairy tales are non -childish:

At a broken trough
I am sitting with a muzzle beaten.
He angered a fish hard,
I got a tail in the jaw ...


At a broken trough
Sit grandfather with grandfather,
Grandfather caught a fish,
They ate at dinner.


A cat walks around the chain,
To the left, to the right - a frure.
Husband, how the night does not sleep at home,
It also says fairy tales.


The employee hired a pop
And Balda, he did not miss.
Was able to help with demography,
And Popovna gave birth to a daughter.


The employee hired a pop
The ardor of love was inflamed in that.
Popai suddenly gave birth to
Thirty -three heroes.


The fish floats golden,
I will make a desire.
I would from the troops of Chernomor,
For the intimacy of the boyfriend.


Tsar Gvidon yells in a frenzy
Rolevuhi led.
Pikes, priests, queen,
And where is the innocent girls?


If I was the queen
That would climb into the throne.
Either banquets, then buffet,
Life seems to be a success.


Where are you Black Sea uncle?
And where is your squad?
I really need love
Range man.


"Hello, the king are my wonderful":
The husband heard, stunned.
I ate potatoes and cutlets,
And puffed on me all night.


The queen gave birth to a night
First, son, followed by a daughter.
Thirty -three heroes
DNA is handed over for nothing.


King Saltan sits in the ward,
Friday in caviar and nose in a salad.
Kohl fell into a snack of mug
So the holiday was good.


Oh, Tsarevich Elisha,
Take to marry as soon as possible.
I'm very afraid
That I will sit in the girls.


I drank honey and drank beer,
And a gorit with kvass.
And prince Elisha,
He sang ditties with bass.


The door creaked softly,
That was not the fairy tale.
I will meet my husband with a rolling pin
Suddenly came again with a mermaid


"Squirrel" sings a song,
Anyone who drinks a lot.
Now everyone will be cured, dear,
But they will leave without a tailfill.


He is Emelya, I pike me,
We have a friendly family.
Oh, the heart is pounding,
My husband pressed me behind the stove.


I'll go to Lukomorye,
They say that there is a cool oak.
The face control passes,
Only those with a gold chain.


Hello, red girl,
Whether you miss the light.
Can we rush in karaoke?
Waiting for Sivka- Burka on the threshold.


Tsar Guidon is sad shaky,
There is a palace, but there is no hut.
So the palace took him out
For a hundred years, he wandered through the halls there.


Thirty -three heroes
We went ashore not in vain.
In the ocean - the sea, ah,
All mermaids are demolished.


Crisis to overcome
We must warm the squirrel.
That shells are golden,
Let the budget of Russia attach the budget.


An oak costs a chain on the spot,
We are on a stirrup with cute together.
Since the king is rich in the treasury
We will scrape off the Zlato chain.


My mirror, tell me the light
I am one sad in silence.
Really only in a fairy tale
Clates give the girls affection?


Thirty -three heroes
They wooed me loving.
I'm unearthly beauty
And you will not fall asleep with me in a bed.


We are on the island of Buyan,
With a cute Kurles.
Already entertained, so entertained,
It was very fun.


If I was the queen
I would stamp my foot.
Guys on the rack Smirno,
Everyone stood before me.


In the garden, in the garden,
Under the bush, the king is like.
Kohl was clogged with a toilet
He got the butler in the eye.


White swan is floating
The kite is drowning in the river.
Well, Milenok, beware,
He broke my heart.


Sadness eats me,
A month under the scythe shines.
I speak like Pava
And the husband got - a parasite.


Oh, hut on chicken legs,
Without windows and without doors.
A hedgehog flies through the pipe,
He says - so more fun.


The mermaid is sitting on the branches,
I am very sorry for her.
Sits without water, yells,
But no - no and Matyugnet.


Stupa with butteria yaga,
Oh, she was lucky Zina.
Do not change twice a year,
On a mortar, her rubber.


Russian spirit, here it smells of Russia,
So I came correctly.
Under the bench, in a beer bar,
I found my husband again.


And in the nuts I know here
The nuclei are pure emerald.
To the arms ward,
Let them pass by the inventory

Original ditties about fairy -tale heroes

Original ditties about fairy -tale heroes
Original ditties about fairy -tale heroes

Original ditties about fairy -tale heroes:

Well done our bun.
He left everyone (without legs!),
And now lives in New York,
And his name is a hot dog.


Nightingale-robber is small,
But he has already become a star.
Learned two songs with a rap
And he whistled for the competition.


I ate a grandfather with a grandfather here
Young apples of pood,
And now they are starving -
They don’t give pensions to children ...


As on Ford, on the stove
The village of Emelya rushes.
Yes, I turned on the flashing light.
"Watch out, people!" - Screams.


Here with living water stream
The girl found nobody.
Became better than Viagra,
Revive heroes.


And Ivan Tsarevich - Look! -
I launched an arrow in reeds,
And now you must marry
Well, live with a frog only.


There was one fishing,
Pike spoke to him,
The number was said by the mobile,
Like, I will need it - call.


Nesmeyana (here is the passage!)
Ours bought makeup.
I even stopped crying
Everything flows ... well, terribly already!


They say in the village
The giant mouse appeared!
As if pulled out a turnip
A kilogram of one hundred and fifty!


You heard gossip, no?
All the white light knows -
There will be no gossip in the future,
There will be only the Internet.


Brought yesterday, kuma,
Miracle scattered in our selmag.
Self -binding - not feeding,
But he really scolds herself.


Ivanushka lived without troubles,
But I found a trace with water.
I drank a little - and turned ...
Not in a kid - in a moped!


Grandfather was culinary yesterday:
He was welded from the ax,
I made a porridge from a rubbish ...
Everyone cut down at the "Hurray".


The grandmother Yezhka was lucky -
He travels in a mortar with a sprinkle.
They write about her in newspapers!
Call the NOM.


Have fun, forest people,
Yaga has a European Republic!
Yagusha will live now
In the office on the "legs of Bush"


Snake Gorynych once
I got sick, almost faded ...
But the doctor was found alone,
I prescribed him gasoline!


The snake Gorynych flew -
I wanted to catch up with the plane ...
I just did not calculate my strength -
The sound barrier did not take.


Hunchbacks - an example of horses,
He achieved everything himself.
Quasimode right now plays
In the musical about Notre Dame.


Give me a balalaika
I'll sing a song to you
How Grandfather Babaika enlisted
Grandma is old yagu.
Oh, and fairy tales, noisy
What is just not going on there!
Devils break "gopak"
In honor of Ivan Durak!
All kinds of greenery for dinner
The dwarf nap was eager.
After dinner
He grabbed his diarrhea!
Grandma Yaga climbs
On your bald broom.
She is on a new broom
Not enough money!
Geese-Swans, where are you?
Wait a lot to fly!
Porcerate a little
I need to shoot you!
In the lesson, Pinocchio
He teaches Malvina to the mind:
“We don’t have Brax-Pax Fix!”
Today is only sex in fashion!
The Russian spirit tickles in the nose,
So the yagushka wants in the nose!
She does not drink vodka,
Only the nose is pushing in everything!
There is a bottle on the table,
And in the bottle, the genie will die.
From the fact that in that bottle
Vovka splashes kerosene!
Bear is thick, clubfoot
Teremok broke all.
And the mosquito-writers with anger
He filed a lawsuit against him.
An uncle was driving on a goat,
On a goat on a tree.
Yes, I could not sell a goat
For her shabby side!
Bobrick Bobrynka-beber
Be so good-Dobere,
I'm not low, nor high
Make a hut-tank.
Sat down to dinner with the serpent
He ate his soup in one snout.
The second snout ate the second,
The third is Korzhik and Kisel.
Brother did not listen to the sister
And he drank from the puddle.
And for harmfulness and persistence
He twisted his diarrhea,
That it would be better to become a goat!
Grandfather Babay about grandmother Eshka
He sang ditties in the bazaar.
Grandma Eshka got angry,
I gave it in a hare!
Grandfather Mazai on the ice Ice of the Hare
I caught very fat.
Yes, I thought and on the hat
He torn the skin from him.
In their red boots
Kotofei threw snot
Because from walking
The boots have leaked!
Goldfather is gold
I got into the net again.
Grandma in the evening I was driving
I enjoyed delicious.
I did not want to beg anything else from the fish!
And Emelya Fish-Shchuk
Cool salt drunk
And to the sivukha for the snack
I dried it on my stove!
From the rein on the Pirushka
Under the table, like a thunder, they snore
In scales, like heat,
Thirty -three heroes.
With them, the uncle of the blacker
A beard is sleeping in the device!
In the tower in the morning, a frog,
It was, tapped.
They answer her: - Go!
The place itself is not enough!
Rushes through the sky a rocket,
A stuper rides behind the rocket.
Bab-Yaga rushes in a mortar
Directly to hell on the horns.
The old hat with a hole
Sikos-hobby nabek.
Defile on the beds builds
Garden mannequin.
I sat on the pipe with a guitar
Trubadur and songs sang.
Day sang, the second, others,
All in the district is tired!
Suddenly wanted a cannibal
Whisper in the ear of the secret
Yes, it became no strength to endure
I took it and bit my ear!
One day in the morning
Suddenly I decided Koschey: - I will die!
The muline entered the needle,
I sat down to embroider the picture.
Grandmother yaga groans:
- Oh, my leg hurts!
Here is another wooden
Not a fig groans!
The ocean is suddenly a pirate
The laws began to trample.
Instead of rum tea with jam
He was addicted to drink.
The captain got angry,
He was thrown into the ocean!
Groans at night in the swamp
Kikimora in reeds.
Already tired of Tina
Pick up in the ears.
Behind the butt goat
The witch ran with a broom.
I wanted milk
I got under the sides!
There is a hut on the mountain,
There is a barn under the mountain.
Yaga lives on the mountain,
Under the city, Grandfather Babai.
They go to visit each other,
In the Ligs, everyone “wash the bones”!
The explosive snakes flew,
Got millet from the fields,
Everywhere I caused damage to everyone,
Even his tail was frying his tail!
The woodpecker was violently hollowed
On the pine on the trunk.
Squirrel choked on a bump,
And the ferret is deaf in the hollow!
Like our houses
Geese-Swans fly.
Well, after the jamb after them
Pingvins sparrows,
And also swallows-stouts.
Invites for lunch
I am a cannibal to visit:
- Come well,
Naked and washed!
Geese are flying for the sea,
Geese do not want to go to the soup.
Angry geese
From his grandmother!
One gray, the other white
These are the geese!
Damn at night dance, they dance
To them, woe, that trouble!
Pop cadilla waves in the morning -
Run on where!
Ladan smell
It became dangerous here!
I ate Liska Kolobok
And grabbed her side!
She was so twisted
There is no strength !!!
Today the bun was baked
From expired flour!
Under the accordion crocodile
He started his songs,
Sang with might and main, thug
With Cheburashka drunk!
Evil hippo came out
Pressed them on the ears!
The wolf pretended to be a goat
Even the voice changed.
An older goat came out
He pressed his face!
He put it in the teeth - be healthy!
The wolf was left without teeth!

Lies Dr. Aibolit,
He hurts everywhere!
So far he treated all the animals,
A runny nose picked up from them!
Groans: there is no money
For immunity! ..
Jump and bracket, jump and bracket,
Grandma sowed peas.
Suddenly stamped a grandfather's grandmother
And ordered to sow the turnip!
The devil danced on his head,
Haded the horns to himself!
Cracked away, so angry
What crossed the cross!
How the cross put on himself
So somewhere at once it disappeared!
Grandma with a grandfather joked
With an old ram,
He, a fool, treated him
Wooden egg!
Grandfather was hollowed with an egg, hollowed,
In the house in the chips, I broke everything!
Grandfather released in the blue sea
And the old woman for requests
Give me a trough!
There is a hut on the mountain,
There is a barn under the mountain.
Yaga lives on the mountain,
Under the city, Grandfather Babai.
They go to visit each other,
In the Ligs, everyone “wash the bones”!
Here and fairy tales are the end
And who listened - well done!
Well, who did not listen to us,
He will listen to another time!

Video: Russian fairy tales and ditties for the smallest children

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