What to do if the tooth hurts, how to relieve toothache? Drugs, medicines, drugs for dental pain and homemade analgesic

What to do if the tooth hurts, how to relieve toothache? Drugs, medicines, drugs for dental pain and homemade analgesic

We discuss the causes of pain in the tooth and effective ways to eliminate it. Why does the removal of a sick tooth hurt?

Apparently, there is no person in the world who once would not experience toothache. The very feeling when nothing pleases and thoughts are occupied only by painful suffering.

Tooth pain: What to do?

Reasons There are a lot of this nightmare, it is extremely difficult to identify them independently.
Some of them :
• inflammatory process of gums and bone tissue;
• jaw injuries;
Carieswith inflammation of the pulp and tooth nerve (there is a reaction to cold and hot).

Tooth extraction: Indications

Toothache. An eternal question of what to do?

For many, this is a terrible and painful procedure. For centuries, the tooth extraction was hardly the only way to cure pain. And until the time that antibiotics, pain relief and modern tools were discovered, the procedure was not only terribly painful, but also dangerous. Removing the tooth-source of torment, a person often infected with an infection and could die from an unsuccessfully performed procedure.

Important: serious evidence is needed for the radical removal of the root tooth:

• a tooth is not possible to cure (or there is simply nothing to treat);
• the condition of the diseased tooth can lead to complications (inflammation, infection);
• the tooth prevents the normal growth of "neighbors";
• Destruction of the tooth or it is durable;
• Removing the wisdom tooth (possibly healthy), if it can disrupt the symmetry of the face, changes the bite, shifts neighboring teeth.
The operation is performed in a simple or surgical way. Simple removal takes place using local anesthesia (an anesthetic injection into the gums), then the tooth is loosened and, grabbing the crown, remove.
Surgical removal is used in the case when the tooth crown is absent (broken or destroyed) and there is no way to capture it. Here the removal strategy will depend
From the dentist.

Why is pain left after tooth extraction?

Why is pain left after tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction is not a simple medical task. This is surgery. And as after any operation, the pain bothers for some time. It passes soon if everything went successfully.

It will be worried if the pain has not begun to subside throughout the day, but on the contrary it grows and goes into a pulsating one. The reason for the complication is the beginning of the development of the inflammatory process. Edema develops (frequent phenomenon when removing the wisdom tooth or a very rotten tooth), spreading from the gums to the cheek. This is due to the injury of fabrics surrounding the removed tooth. Outcracker should go through its own within 2-4 days, provided that the infection has not joined. If the swelling has not passed, and the condition has worsened, contact the dentist, do not self -medicate.

The tooth of wisdom is cut - the gum hurts: what to do?

Wisdom teeth are chewing teeth (they are laid in general 4), usually located at the end of the dentition. By the age of 24, they are cut through in almost everyone. Often their appearance takes place with
pain, swelling of the gums and various complications.

The tooth of wisdom is cut - the gum hurts. What to do?

What caused the pain during the growth of the wisdom tooth and how to calm it down?

Pain occurs in some cases:
• location and growth of the tooth in the wrong direction;
• inflammation of the gum during the teething process.
It is important to understand that painful sensations during this period are natural and justified. The growth of the tooth begins already in the formed jaw, and in its place there was no "milk" tooth. A wisdom tooth is cut through for a long time and pain can appear and disappear.

Important: to relieve pain, often, over the tooth of wisdom, its hood is removed (the gum covering the tooth). They do not make a large incision.

Video: About wisdom teeth

How to relieve toothache: first aid

Tooth pain always indicates a not healthy condition. Of course, in this case it is necessary to contact the dentist, but there are times when there is simply no way to do this. It is for this reason that you need to know how to get rid of pain at home.

Important: first of all, it is necessary to brush your teeth and not take food until the removal of pain. It is recommended to rinse soda with a solution of soda, adding a drop of iodine several times a day until the pain disappears.

Medications for toothache

Medications for toothache

With severe pain, which is impossible to endure, analgesics come to the rescue. Taking medications, first of all, read the instructions. Do not exceed the permissible dosage

Several recommended medicines:
Nurofen (contraindicated in impaired vision, hearing, with peptic ulcer);
Ketanov (recommended only after the doctor’s consultation);
Analgin (no more than 4 tablets per day, contraindicated in the disease of the liver, kidneys, during pregnancy and lactation)
No-shpa, Tempalgin, Spasmalgon, Baralgin and etc.
If you have small children under 2 years old in your house, then there will probably be a children's gel for teething in the medicine cabinet containing lidocaine. Its use for a while will help you.
Do not abuse drugs. If their action is ineffective, refer to complementary folk methods.

Folk painkillers for toothache

Folk painkillers for toothache

Many methods of removing toothache are among the people may seem unusual, but according to surveys, they are quite effective.

IMPORTANT:  No matter how good any of these methods would not help you, they will only relieve symptoms, but will not relieve the cause of pain. For treatment, be sure to contact the dentist.

Several folk tips for toothache

1. An effective remedy for beekeepers. Proopolis attach to the place of pain. If there is
Tincture from propolis, then rinse the oral cavity.
2. Apply the root of the plantain to the sore tooth.
3. The pain subsides after 30 minutes, if you apply a tea leaf (usual
Holden), moisten it with saliva and hold it by the tooth.
4. In a carious tooth, put a small piece of mummy.
5. A wand for cinnamon will also help. It needs to be chopped, mixed with a drop of honey and
Apply to the gum of a sick tooth.
6. Essential oils of carnations, lavender and mint have effective anesthesia. On the
Drip 2-3 drops and attach to the source of pain.
Each of us at least once wondered about toothache. It is impossible to endure.
To find out the methods of how to cope with this torment and how to prevent, watch the video:

Video: What is toothache are talking about

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