Incorrect bite in adults. How to align your teeth? Aligning tooths with braces, Kappa: photo before and after. Correction of a bite without braces

Incorrect bite in adults. How to align your teeth? Aligning tooths with braces, Kappa: photo before and after. Correction of a bite without braces

The article will talk about the most common ways to change the bite in children and adults.

The problem of incorrect bite is present in more than 80% of the population. The wrong bite not only changes our appearance, but also leads to a number of health problems.

  • It is quite difficult to brush your curved teeth. As a result, people with improper bite suffer more dental problems
  • Incorrect bite leads to injury to the joint of the lower jaw. Such changes can cause pain when chewing, as well as headaches
  • Poor chewing of food leads to digestive problems
  • Incorrect bite makes the jaw work unevenly, which is why some teeth grind stronger than others
  • Incorrect bite can cause sleep problems, reduce performance and self -esteem

Causes of improper bite

  • Genetic. The structure of the jaw and teeth can inherit. This does not mean that if the father or mother had an incorrect bite, then the child will have 100% as well. But such a person automatically goes into "risk group"
  • A bite can be modified even early childhood. For example, the habit of sucking a finger does not affect the future structure of the teeth. Also, many doctors note that the dummy nipple does not affect the bite in the best way
  • The presence of adenoids or other breathing problems also modify the bite in children. The habit of breathing with his mouth puts the jaw in an abnormal position, which is poorly affected by the development of the oral cavity
  • Sharp removal of milk teeth (for example, as a result of injuries)
Correction of bite
Correction of bite

The right bite photo

The photo shows the types of bite.

Correct and incorrect bite
Correct and incorrect bite

Correction of a mesial bite

  • In dentistry, a bite is a way to close the teeth of the upper and lower jaw
  • Mesial bite is not a normal location of the jaw, in which the lower jaw goes forward
  • In terms of appearance, this arrangement of the jaw leads to the emergence of a “volitional chin”. Facial features become more stringent and rude
  • For women, this often becomes a big problem in terms of appearance. But a mesial bite leads to a number of other problems that are not related to external data
  • At an early age (up to 10-12 years), such a bite can be corrected using capes or plates. The sooner the treatment begin, the faster the jaws will acquire a normal form
  • At an older age, bracket systems are used. This method of treatment is longer and more expensive
  • In rare cases, surgical intervention is practiced
Types of incorrect bite
Types of incorrect bite

Correction of a distal bite

  • The distal bite has the opposite structure. With this change, the upper jaw goes forward. The back can fall back
  • Distal bite develops from early childhood. As a result, the upper jaw was fully formed, and the lower is underdeveloped
  • It is much easier to fix the distal bite in childhood, when the jaws are just beginning to develop
  • In childhood, various methods are used to stimulate the development of the lower jaw
  • For adults, bracket systems are usually used, which should be worn for quite some time
  • Additionally use myotherapy, which is aimed at strengthening the lower jaw
  • The course of treatment for adults can last about 3 years, a deep distal bite is treated even longer

Alignment of tooth braces

  • The essence of dental alignment with braces is the application of the pressure of the desired value
  • Depending on the age, structure of the teeth and the degree of curvature, the dentist will choose such a load that will correct the curvature in the best way
  • The pressure on the teeth should not be too strong, as it causes discomfort and can destroy bone tissue
  • In childhood, alignment of teeth with braces is much simpler, since children's bones are more plastic and are in the development stage
  • With the help of braces, you can not only level your teeth, but also reduce or increase the jaw itself
  • In this case, the pressure is on all teeth inside or outside, depending on the purpose
  • At the age of 10 years, it is not recommended to use braces, since the jaw only begins to form, and braces can violate this process

Brands "before" and "after" photo

The result of wearing braces
The result of wearing braces

Correction of a bite of caps

  • There are two types of capes - individual and thermoplastic
  • Individual ones are made from a castle of the jaw for each patient separately
  • Thermoplastic has a standard shape, they are softened before putting on and they take the shape of a jaw
  • Capes are usually used for minor jaw deformations
  • They exert less pressure on the teeth and jaws than braces or records
  • Caps do not cause pain, just get used to them. Another plus - they are almost invisible
  • Make caps of various types of plastic or silicone

Capes "before" and "after"

The result of wearing a cap
The result of wearing a cap

Correction of bite and alignment of teeth without braces

  • To correct the bite of the teeth in children, braces are usually not used. If the curvature of the teeth is significant, then special plates are used
  • The plates are made individually for the cast of the jaw, they have special screws that regulate the pressure
  • The use of cap is practiced with slight curvature of the teeth
  • Trainers are another dental device that is very reminiscent of capes, but acts more efficiently
  • Surgical intervention
Change of bite without braces
Change of bite without braces

Surgical correction of a bite

  • The surgical correction of the bite has long been not relevant, it was replaced by more effective and reliable ways
  • Therefore, in dental clinics, as a rule, they avoid this method
  • The essence of the surgical method is to remove part of the teeth before changing the bite. When removing, the space is released, which allows you to reduce the jaw to the desired size

Correction of bite: tips and reviews

  • Parents must regularly lead the child to the dentist in order to notice the need to use assistance in time
  • No need to postpone the wearing of the plate. For a child to fix a bite in a fairly short time
  • If the wrong bite “lived” to adults, then this problem also needs to be corrected. Incorrect bite can bring many health problems in the future
  • Contact a reliable dentist. He will assign the best way to correct the bite
  • Be patient, correcting a bite in adults usually takes several years

Video: Incorrect bite

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Comments K. article

  1. Good day! Who will help with advice or recommendation about the choice of dental clinic in Moscow to correct the bite. Either the reviews about the doctor are not very, then the prices are somehow sky-high. Where to find the middle ground?

  2. Larisa, on Krasnobogatyrskaya Street there is a dental clinic of Dr. Razumenko, if it is convenient for you, then I highly recommend that you go there. The head physician of the clinic Evgeny Gennadievich himself, he just works on this profile, corrects the bite. I was engaged in his teeth and I can safely say that he is a professional and the whole team that he gathered there deserves respect. And prices by Moscow standards are acceptable, I compared.

  3. I am the wrong bite with the eclineers. No braces were lying nearby, as for me. The advantages of the former over the second are a car with a cart: from the convenience of use and painlessness when wearing to simplicity of treatment. I ordered mine to Star Smile-there is even a 3D set of virtual free-in just 40 minutes they provide a full report on the deadlines and prices for the upcoming treatment. Comfortable)

  4. And I am in solidarity with Regina. I, too, for the pleasure of teeth to equalize Star Smile elainers)) I didn’t wear braces at least, I read a lot about them and I know people who tried to fix the bite with their help. Having weighed all the pros and cons, I decided to stop on the Eliners, I do not regret it at all. With them and for the appearance is calm (they are transparent, no one notices them on my teeth), and no hassle with leaving, the enamel does not deteriorate, nothing is injured in the mouth. I am very pleased.

  5. I also like the Eliners. A little more I have left until the end of the treatment, but now I see it myself, and all the fat friends notice how their teeth were leveled. It is very pleasant and inspiring. In principle, the wearing of the ecliners does not create any problems, they are very easy to care for, unlike the same braces, for example, requiring only 4 different brushes. Yes, and the appearance pleases, transparent elainers incredibly raise self -esteem and confidence.

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