Gum inflammation: signs and causes, medication and folk remedies, prevention

Gum inflammation: signs and causes, medication and folk remedies, prevention

The health of the teeth directly depends on the state of the gums. If the gums are inflamed and bleeding, immediate treatment is needed.

Inflammation of the gums is a very unpleasant and painful disease, the ignoring of which will definitely lead to serious consequences for the entire oral cavity and teeth.

However, by noticing and taking the necessary actions in time, it is possible to minimize the negative consequences.

Gum inflammation: signs and causes

The most common cause of inflammation is insufficient oral hygiene. Microbes that do not clean the brush begin to adversely affect the gums and teeth, and as a result, the inflammatory process is launched.

Among other reasons, the following can be distinguished:

  • An infection that has fallen into the oral cavity (dirty hands, from some object)
  • Diabetes
  • Regular taking certain medications
  • Diseases of the stomach and endocrine system
  • Poor immunity
  • Smoking
  • Pregnancy (due to a decrease in the body's defenses)

Symptoms of gum inflammation are very specific, they are easy to recognize if you pay attention to the condition of the oral cavity:

  • Swelling of the gums, redness
  • The appearance of blood during teeth brushing
  • Unpleasant odor from the oral cavity even after brushing your teeth
  • Pain in the place of inflammation
  • The gums can itch, itch, "interfere"

It is worth noting right away that only an experienced doctor can recognize the true cause of inflammation, therefore, in this case, it is not only pointless, but also dangerous.

Gum inflammation: drug treatment

As mentioned earlier, the doctor should treat this ailment based on the stage of the disease, the general condition of the oral cavity, etc. Therefore, at the first signs of beginning inflammation, you need to contact the dental hospital.

Contact the dentist
Contact the dentist

In general, after the examination, a specialist can offer you the following treatment:

  • Removing pain with medicines and further treatment. The specificity of treatment will depend on how much the gums are affected.
  • In the case of a strong inflammatory process, the presence of purulent wounds, the specialist will prescribe appropriate antibiotics.
  • Surgical treatment in case of severe lesion.

However, before going to a specialist, you can slightly facilitate your condition in this way:

  • Process the oral cavity antiseptic. You can use furatsilin. In this case, several tablets dissolve in boiling water, then you need to wait until the solution cools down and only after rinse the oral cavity. Soda solution is also suitable. For 250 ml of hot water you need 10 g of soda.
  • At the first signs of the disease, change brush. Give preference to a brush with soft bristles.
  • Use those pastes that in their composition have grass extracts. For example, Sage, chamomile. They will improve the condition of the oral cavity
  • Pour the oral cavity with a decoction of chamomile, calendula. This will help relieve inflammation and swelling.
Rinse your mouth
Rinse your mouth

Please note that an untimely trip to the doctor may turn into the need to resort to surgical treatment. Therefore, it is better not to delay the visit to the dental clinic.

Gum inflammation: treatment with folk remedies

As an auxiliary treatment and in order to reduce pain before going to the doctor, you can use folk remedies.

  • Great for decoction of chamomile. Brew 1 tbsp. l. Chamomiles of 250 ml of boiling water. Rinse the oral cavity with a warm decoction. The procedure should be repeated 5 times a day.
  • Take 1.5 tbsp. l. celandine large and pour 250 ml of boiling water, cook over low heat for 20 minutes. After strain the broth and leave for another half an hour. Rinse the oral cavity with this tool twice a day.
  • Take 2 tbsp. l. st. John's wort And pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave to infuse for half an hour, you get a strong decoction. Put their mouths before bedtime.
  • Take 2 tsp. crushed oak bark and 1 tsp. colors linden. Pour the ingredients 250 ml of boiling water and give for 15 minutes. stand. Strain the decoction and rinse the oral cavity with it once a day.
  • You can also rub in a sore spot on the gums Tincture of calendula on alcohol. This should not be done often and extremely carefully.
  • You can still rub the gums into sore gums Kalanchoe juice.

Having such inexpensive means at hand, you can always carry out not only treatment, but also the prevention of inflammation. Therefore, even without symptoms of the disease, it will be very useful and appropriate to use herbs decoctions.

Gum inflammation: prevention

It is quite simple to prevent the appearance of an inflammatory process. It is only necessary to carefully treat the state of the oral cavity, regularly visit the dentist and fulfill simple tips.

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Try to do this quality, cleansing not only the front teeth that are visible during conversation, etc., but also those that are located further in the oral cavity.
  • Try to say goodbye to smoking if there is this addiction.
  • Limit yourself in the consumption of sweet, flour and soda.
  • In addition to brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth. Thus, you will provide the teeth and gums with additional hygiene.
  • Visit the dentist regularly and treat sore teeth.
Visit the dentist regularly
Visit the dentist regularly
  • Do not use a brush with hard bristles, it is better to prefer a brush with medium stiff bristles or soft.
  • Do the gum massage regularly with the brush. With simple circular movements, massage the gums without making efforts for this.

As you can see, it is quite simple to prevent gum inflammation, you just need to devote a little more time and effort to protect the oral cavity and teeth. Well, if the inflammation still appears, do not pull on a visit to the doctor, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Video: Treatment of inflamed gums

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Comments K. article

  1. If the gums are inflamed, what to do? Bleeding and pain ((today I have not eaten all day at all.

  2. Alena, I understand that the gums are probably already in order and does not bother anything, but I will write anyway. Sometimes it happens to me that the gums are concerned, probably there is still gingivitis. I have to go to the doctor, but I won’t find all the time. I use the Holisal gel, it relieves inflammation. Have you heard about such a drug?

  3. I want to thank Musin Kristina Eduardovna (Dr. Passenko’s clinic) for treatment. She brought my gums into a proper look, cured them and teeth. I treated me very carefully, neatly in my work. When you come with the disease, I really want understanding and indifference to your problem. This is what you feel in her office. Just a lot of human thanks.

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