Is it worth it and how to treat a wisdom tooth: tips, reviews, complications

Is it worth it and how to treat a wisdom tooth: tips, reviews, complications

Indications for treatment and removal of wisdom tooths.

Most people do not pay much attention to the health of teeth as it should. Usually, many ignore problems with teeth until acute pain, or flux appears. Indeed, the treatment of teeth is expensive, so they put it in a distant box. In this article we will tell you whether to treat the teeth of wisdom, and in what cases this should not be done. 

Why a person’s teeth of wisdom?

In general, these teeth are considered to be one of the unnecessary organs. The fact is that our ancestors, before the benefits of civilization, were forced to consume very hard food, for the experience of which many teeth were required.

Why a person teeth of wisdom:

  • That is why for chewing it was necessary not two molars on each side of the jaw, but three. Accordingly, there was a need for the third molyar.
  • With the development of civilization, the need for this third molar disappeared.Accordingly, now these teeth are practically not involved in chewing, and they are not necessary, because the food is soft.
  • That is why many dentists of the old hardening do not even hang with these teeth, believing that the best option is to remove them.

How to treat wisdom tooth?

The fact is that these teeth are cut through each person in different ways. They can cause discomfort at the stage of appearance, often pain, temperature, or a hood increase above the surface of the crown.

How to treat a wisdom tooth:

  • Usually, in this case, you need surgery, as a result of which excess skin is cut off, which contributes to the rapid appearance of the crown. Very often, such teeth do not grow directly. Often they generally rest against the gum, lie on their side.
  • Thus, only the top of the tooth and its side part are visible on the surface. With inflammation of rudiments, nerves are often affected, provoking chronic pain. Third molars are in an inaccessible place, so often the brush will not reach them during cleaning.
  • Between the seven and the eight are the remnants of food, they can remain in this area, provoking the process of decay, the development of caries. Teeth very often lend themselves to destruction precisely because they are poorly cleansed and do not participate in chewing. It is precisely because of this that it often suffers, not only the tooth of wisdom, but also the nearest seven. 
Remote teeth
Remote teeth

Delete or treat the wisdom tooth?

Many patients have a question about the need to treat a wisdom tooth. It is necessary to approach this issue, focusing on the characteristics of the treatment of a particular patient.

The wisdom tooth is removed or treated:

  • The doctor is forced to extract a tooth in parts, because the roots do not go perpendicular to the jaw, but in parallel. But there are times when a wisdom tooth comes out without problems, and the roots are located correctly.
  • If there is caries on such a tooth, and its integrity can be restored, then in no case should you refuse it. Indeed, these teeth are much less durable than everyone else, but it may be needed if the neighboring ones are destroyed. The wisdom tooth is mandatory if there is no seven or six. Thus, it can become the basis for the bridge and subsequent prosthetics.
  • If it is removed, you will have to insert implants. This is not always possible due to the presence of some contraindications. If there is a light caries, then without fail such a tooth must be sealing. Even if there is a pulpitis, the doctor directs the patient to the X -ray to find out how many channels and nerves are in the tooth. Next is carried outdepulpation, and sealing channels. Thus, the tooth can still last ten years. 

Why don't they treat wisdom teeth?

If the tooth lies on the side, that is, its side part is visible, while the roots or part of the crown injure the cheek and jaw, then such rudiment must be removed. Often the removal process is painful, with the need to crush the bone, and the crown itself.

Indications for removing the wisdom tooth: 

  • If it grows incorrectly, the crown touches the cheek or gum. With constant trauma, a malignant tumor may occur. Accordingly, if the tooth really interferes with the patient, it is mandatory removed. 
  • If there is no way to restore the side walls, or there is a chip, crack. That is, if the tooth is cracked to the root, it is not necessary to restore it. The easiest way is to remove such a tooth. 
  • If he does not have a couple. Typically, teeth participate in chewing if they have a couple. That is, if the tooth is from below, and there is no wisdom at the top of the tooth, then most likely the doctor will prescribe it to remove it. Such a tooth cannot be loaded, in most cases it weakens, its fabrics are destroyed, the integrity of the gums may be disturbed. 
  • If the tooth has a pair from below, it participates in chewing and constantly findshim Pressure, if possible, such a tooth should be saved. 
At the reception
At the reception

Does it make sense to treat a wisdom tooth?

During the treatment, the doctor is forced to put expanders, because getting to this tooth is very difficult. Indeed, it is in the very corner of the mouth, so it is difficult to treat it. Often, the patient is even offered general anesthesia to make the process as painless as possible.

It makes sense to treat a wisdom tooth:

  • Many are concerned about the issue of anesthesia. The fact is that now there are modern methods and drugs that allow you to completely anesthetize the tooth, even in the presence of a large number of channels and nerves.
  • Accordingly, if it is necessary to treat the tooth, good anesthesia is carried out, which allows you to restore the integrity of tissues. In general, treatment is carried out in a standard way, the doctor prescribes an X -ray to understand how many roots and channels are in the tooth. After that, the surgeon makes an injection, and the doctor begins treatment. The upper part, carious fabrics are removed, nerves are removed from the canals, materials are laid in them. 
  • If there is inflammation on the root of the tooth, antibiotics or rinsing can be prescribed to the patient. After that, the doctor seals the channels, if necessary, sets the pin, and then the temporary seal is installed.
  • If there is no inflammation within a month, the tooth does not hurt, sealing with constant material is carried out. Thus, it is possible to restore the integrity of the tooth. Many patients ask how treatment is carried out, because the doctor removes a large number of tissues, which can provoke the rapid destruction of the tooth, or the formation of chips. The fact is that the doctor drilles as much fabric as it is necessary to remove the carious cavity, necrotic tissues, leaving only healthy areas. 
Third molar
Third molar

Why remove wisdom tooth if they put braces?

Wisdom teeth are also recommended to remove if the incorrect bite is necessary and it must be corrected. In this case, the installation of braces is recommended, which in most cases are not used in the presence of wisdom teeth. 

Why remove wisdom tooth if they put braces:

  • In general, the teeth of wisdom, if they grow incorrectly, are located on the sides, interfere with the installation of braces, and prevent the alignment of the bite, its restoration. 
  • If there are problems with the front teeth, or some of the teeth grow incorrectly, to the side, then before installing the braces, the removal of wisdom teeth is recommended. In some cases, it is almost impossible to restore the bite without removing third molar.
  • Accordingly, the indication for the removal of wisdom tooths is not only the presence of caries, but also the need to restore the bite. 

Why a person teeth of wisdom: the opinions of anthropologists and scientists

Anthropologists consider the teeth of wisdom rudiments, that is, excess organs. Representatives of the European race are not so critical. This is due to natural high growth and a large cranial box.

Why a person teeth of wisdom: the opinions of anthropologists and scientists:

  • However, almost 50% of Europeans still have difficulties with tearing wisdom tooth teeth. They can be twisted, not completely appear, rest on the cheek, deviate towards the tongue or posterior wall.
  • Accordingly, this causes a lot of trouble, pain, so usually such teeth are often removed. The situation is even worse in China. The fact is that representatives of the race of short stature, with a small skull.
  • As a result, there is simply not enough space for tearing the wisdom tooths. In China, the profession of an orthodontist is quite in demand, since most representatives of this race twist the teeth twist, grow incorrectly. In China, there are not enough qualified specialists engaged in the correction of the position of the tooth. 

Pulpit tooth of wisdom: treat or not?

It is worth noting that in most cases, dentists make jaws with 28, and not with 32 teeth. This is due to the fact that the third molar does not participate in the process of chewing. Wisdom teeth are cut at the age of 16-40. However, there are times when some rudiments remain in the gums, and do not grow. Not necessarily all people have all the teeth of wisdom. In some cases, not a single one appears, or not everyone grows.

Pulpit tooth wisdom, treat or not:

  • In this case, with a lack of a pair to this tooth, on the upper or lower jaw, it is still recommended to remove the eight. As indicated above, this is due to if the tooth does not have a pair, there is no load on it. As a result of this, bone tissue weakens, and the tooth can loosen the jaw.
  • This contributes to the appearance of a pocket in the gum, as a result of which food enters it, which provokes decay. It is in the teeth, where there is no load that caries appears. Therefore, if you have teeth that do not have a pair, it is necessary to perform their restoration.
  • The upper tooth, which is paired with the lower, is constantly trained due to the presence of load during food chewing. If there is no load on the tooth, the bone tissue will weaken, and the crown will collapse over time. 
  • It is worth noting that if there is no problem with wisdom teeth, or there is a slight caries, it is necessary to treat it, and in no case do not remove the organ. This is especially valuable for women. The fact is that after removing the eight, the distance between the teeth may increase. This is due to the fact that the number of space in the dentition increases, so some of the teeth can stagger slightly. 
At the reception
At the reception

How does the oval of the face change after removing the wisdom tooth?

It is worth noting that after removing the wisdom teeth, a change in the oval shape of the face can be observed. The fact is that after the removal of rudiments, bone tissue in this area is absorbed, becomes more loose.

How the oval of the face changes after removing the wisdom tooth:

  • The partitions that were between the teeth are reduced. As a result of this, the seven becomes more mobile. This can adversely affect the state of the whole face. It is worth noting that some fashionistas specially remove the teeth of wisdom to make the face more thin.
  • It works at a young age, until the woman is 30 years old. At this age, lumps have a huge impact on the oval of facesBisha. However, after 35 years, the fat layers in the cheek area disappear and resolve. As a result of this, the cheeks can swim down. If along with removal of lumpsBisha I miss the teeth of wisdom, the face becomes very dry, tired.
  • Do not expect changes in the shape of a face in a short time after removing the wisdom teeth. Typically, changes become visible after tightening the hole and resorption of bone tissue. After about a year or two, the first changes appear in this area.
  • The corners of the mouth can go down, they appear, in the cheeks can be seen, a depression, a recess. That is why it is necessary to monitor the health of the wisdom teeth and, if necessary, treat them. However, this is advisable only if the rudiments grow correctly, the roots are not twisted, it is possible to cure them. It is impossible to treat these teeth as unnecessary. Their removal can adversely affect the shape of the face and oval. 
Metal seal
Metal seal

You need to treat a wisdom tooth: reviews

Of course, the opinion of dentists differs, depending on their experience and education. However, this does not mean that you should not listen to the opinion of experts. Below you can find the reviews of patients who treated wisdom teeth.
You need to treat a wisdom tooth, reviews:
Alyona. For the first time I ran into wisdom teeth when I was 18 years old. At this age, my eight was cut from above, on the right, covered with a hood. In order for the tooth to get out, I had to cut excess skin. However, after the tooth was exposed, it turned out that it was dark, that is, it was already growing damaged. Unfortunately, it was not possible to cure him, so I was removed.
Svetlana. I treated a wisdom tooth because the seven fell out after the birth of the child. Unfortunately, it could not be restored. After installing the cult tab, the tooth still crushed, I had to remove the root. The only hope of saving my smile was the tooth of wisdom. It was on him that the bridge was installed. Before that I had to seal the wisdom tooth.
Evgeniy. I have not very good teeth, but I am engaged in their treatment constantly. It is believed that their teeth are better than a bridge, or implants. In addition, such designs are built very expensive. That is why I cured the tooth of wisdom. I was treated with pulpitis successfully. 3 years have passed since then, the tooth does not bother me.
At the doctor
At the doctor

Why do we need wisdom teeth: esoteric

Oddly enough, but esoterics relate to the teeth of wisdom, not at all like dentists. The fact is that in the eastern religion, especially among the Tibetan monks, teeth are a connection with a clan and deceased relatives.

Why do you need the teeth of wisdom, esotericism:

  • Accordingly, the absence of teeth is considered a poor sign. Therefore, people who have not grown any of the teeth of wisdom, or none of them appeared at all, are considered those who never know the truth.
  • In ancient times, the teeth of wisdom considered a kind of evidence of human experience, his knowledge of life.
  • If there were not enough teeth, then some people were even expelled from the tribes, and they could never become monks, or magicians, healers. It was believed that if a person has all the teeth of wisdom, he knew the truth.
After operation
After operation

Interesting articles on the topic can be found here:

Xthe removal of wisdom teeth on the face with wide cheekbones and a massive lower jaw affects the removal of the teeth of wisdom. However, the situation is opposite if the woman’s face is already quite thin, oval and oblong. Thus, after removing the teeth of wisdom, the face becomes dry, floats down. Very often, wrinkles in the area near the lips appear, nasolabial folds are clearly visible. 

Video: Do \u200b\u200bI need to treat wisdom teeth?

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Comments K. article

  1. Recommend a dentist doctor in Moscow to remove the eight. I will be very grateful!

  2. I have been observed with Ustinova Elena Fedorovna in the clinic of Dr. Razumenko for several years. She removed eights, treated caries, installed seals, underwent preventive examinations, brushing her teeth. In my opinion, I already managed to try everything in this clinic and I can definitely say that all procedures and operations were carried out quickly, painlessly and without complications. At each appointment, the doctor talks about the recommendations for the prevention of the health of the teeth and the oral cavity. Very good clinic, I like it!

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