Pain after removal of the nerve, tooth: causes, treatment. The pain after removing the wisdom tooth lasts? Pain in the ear, cheek, head after tooth extraction

Pain after removal of the nerve, tooth: causes, treatment. The pain after removing the wisdom tooth lasts? Pain in the ear, cheek, head after tooth extraction

All about pain after tooth extraction.

Any manipulations with teeth cause trembling in the knees even in a strong half of humanity. Even fairly simple dental manipulations can be associated with pain and unpleasant sensations. In this article we will tell you why and how much the tooth hurts after removal or treatment. 

Why does severe pain occur after tooth extraction?

There are certain norms and recommendations that should be followed. The more neglected the disease, the more difficult it is to treat it. This means that for recovery, rehabilitation will need much more time. That is why we advise you to come to the dentist as soon as possible, not starting the problem. However, not everyone succeeds in visiting the doctor in time, due to a dense working schedule, the presence of children in the family. As always, caring for your health is postponed.

Tear out a tooth is a full -fledged operation in the oral cavity associated with possible complications, myalgia. Now, there are a lot of modern methods that allow anesthetize the site during the operation. But as soon as anesthesia ends its effect, the dendalgy can return. 

Why is there severe pain after tooth extraction:

  • The presence of wounds 
  • Possible inflammation 
  • Bone 

This happens with all people, regardless of the severity of the disease and the complexity of manipulation, but there are advanced cases that can cause a myalgia over a long period of time.


Pain after tooth extraction: how much does it last?

If the case is not very complicated, then the dendalgy is acceptable for 3 days. And usually it gradually fades.

Pain after tooth extraction, how much is saved:

  • The most powerful dentalgia can be observed in the first 24 hours after the operation, by the end of the third day they pass almost completely.
  • Now almost all the forces of the body are aimed at the formation of a blood clot and the struggle of the body with pathogenic bacteria that could enter the hole. Accordingly, dendalgia in this area is not a pathology. 

Pain a week after tooth extraction, what to do?

Long -term myalgies are not a variant of the norm and require consultation and examination by the doctor.

Reasons for a visit to the dentist:

  • For 72 hours, the dendalgy does not decrease, but intensifies
  • In the area of \u200b\u200bthe operation, swelling, tumor and an increase in tissue size are observed. The presence of pulsation, redness, fabric fabrics
  • Suppuration, unpleasant odor in the wound area 
  • The presence of headaches 
  • Hearing deterioration and vision 

When it appears pain a week after tooth extraction, you need to run to the dentist. This may indicate that fabrics could remain in the fabrics, or the doctor did not completely clean the channels, leaving the filling material there. D.the octrator can use a scalpel, cut the wound, and set the drainage so that the resulting pus flows out. This will allow the wound to quickly drag out and live. 

Stages of intervention
Stages of intervention

How many days is pain felt after removing the wisdom tooth?

Things are somewhat different with the teeth of wisdom. These elements do not participate in the process of chewing, and are the last in a row. During cleaning, the brush often does not reach them, so they quickly spoil, crumble and must be removed. However, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

How many days there is pain after removing the wisdom tooth:

  • The teeth of wisdom appear when there are already 28 teeth in the mouth, so they may not have enough space in the row. Accordingly, they may not get out completely, or vice versa, located not vertically, but horizontally, at an angle. That is, only the side part is visible above the gum, which is turned upside down. The doctor will have to not only remove, but perform a full surgical manipulation.
  • Usually, the gums are opened with a scalpel, the side walls are exposed, a piece is cut off with a special dormashinka, and the rest is extracted with forceps. Work can be performed in several stages, with the extraction of pieces of a whole tooth.
  • This is additional trauma, which is associated with a long period of restoration and rehabilitation. A wise tooth after surgery can heal and hurt for a week and a half. Usually, the doctors to speed up the healing process on absolutely healthy tissues where there was no suppuration, the seams are applied. However, very often people turn to the dentist when there is already inflammation and suppuration.

Pain after removing the root tooth, how to anesthetize?

If there was inflammation, pus,hygroma, then soreness after surgery can be felt for another week. Remember, the dentalgy should decrease day after day.

Pain after removing a root tooth, how to anesthetize:

  • In the first 24 hours, the malaise is the strongest, on the rest of the days it decreases until the hole heals. Of course, the larger the area of \u200b\u200bthe sections, the longer the site heals and hurts. 
  • In uncomplicated cases, antibiotics are not needed, but soreness can be relieved. To do this, you can use spasmalgon, temphalgin, ketanov.
  • Eat soft food. There is nothing wrong with grinding meat on mashed potatoes. There are many fibers in the meat, for chewing which you need to make a lot of gum movements. The muscles are loaded, myalgia intensifies. Try to talk less, chew. Cook semolina or liquid soup.

Why does pain occur after tooth nerve removal?

It is not rare to feel the dendalgia after filling the channels. Many are interested in why this happens, because the nerve is removed and sealing materials are laid in its place. Often, patients do not want to get rid of neglected teeth, so they ask doctors to treat them, fill them. Often there is already perforation at the root. That is, the root is holey through, it has a hole, and pieces of food that get there can remain inside. Dleshot processes will take place there, which sooner or later will lead to the accumulation of pus in the root area.

Why does the pain arise after removing the tooth nerve:

  • In modern conditions, surgeons can cut the gums in the area of \u200b\u200bthis perforation, release pus, and clean and fill the channels. Usually the doctor takes a scalpel, the gum is cut in the root area, releasing pus. This allows you to save the tooth, but the channels remain open in order for pus to come out, and the patient rinses the area with an antiseptic solution. In this case, antibiotics are prescribed inward in the form of tablets, also antitumor drugs. Thus, it is possible to remove suppuration in this area, clean the channels, and safely seal them.
  • But the fact is that in the area of \u200b\u200bsuppuration, bone tissue is often destroyed on the root. Indeed, in fact, there is already a hole in the root, so destruction occurs in the bone. After the doctor removes the nerves, seals the canals, put a temporary or constant seal. Through a month or two, aching pains can be observed. They are not strong, not cutting, but aching. 
  • Basically observed when pressure occurs when chewing on a sealed element. Dentalgia will be observed until the bone tissue in this area is restored. Doctors say that the bone tissue fills the place of voids, it takes about 6 months. Usually aching passes within one month.
  • You can not tolerate acute dentalgia with bastards, pulsation, redness and suppuration. In all these cases, it is urgent to contact a doctor.Maybe, He did not clean the channel well enough, or a piece of filling material hit the Desna. Suppuration and inflammation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sealed tooth may be observed. 

How to alleviate pain after tooth extraction?

There are some tips that doctors give. For three hours after the procedure, you can not eat and drink. During the day, nothing hot can be consumed. After all, hot can trigger the occurrence of edema in the field of manipulation. This can cause suppuration development, and an increase in the gums in size. As a result, you will get a swollen cheek. During the day after the operation, do not chew on this side. It is for this purpose that 2 teeth are allowed to remove at the same time, but on the one hand. That is, in such a way that a person can chew on the other side.

How to alleviate pain after tooth extraction:

  • In order to accelerate the formation of the hole, it is necessary for 30 minutes after removal, clamp gauze or a cotton swab. You can not spit the swab immediately after removal or after leaving the dentist’s office. Typically, a clot of blood, which prevents bleeding, is formed after about three hours.
  • That is why they do not recommend so much time to drink fluid and eat food. Hot fluid can contribute to the dissolution of the blood clot and the beginning of repeated bleeding. It is not necessary to rinse the hole after the operation. This can provoke leaching of blood clot and repeated occurrence of bleeding. 
  • You can speed up the healing process. For these purposes, it is recommended to apply something cold to the cheek in the first 48 hours. Do not touch a cold compress to the ear so as not to catch it. Try to ensure that the impact is pointed, the tooth is cooled exclusively. After that, in the next two days, compresses can be warming up. This does not mean that you need to lay a hot heating pad on the cheek, but it is advisable not to catch this place, but in winter to walk with a scarf, covering the jaw.

How to treat aching pain after tooth extraction?

Regarding medicines, in uncomplicated cases when a person had no abscesses in the place of the tooth, it is allowed to use non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs. 

How to treat aching pain after tooth extraction:

  • Ibuprofen 
  • Diclofenac 
  • Analm 

The drugs can be chosen both in tablets and in candles. In the first few days after manipulation, the occurrence of dendalgia and minor edema may occur. Therefore, decongestants are often prescribed, as well as antihistamines. An ideal option is Eden,CetrinLoratadin. These drugs relieve swelling, improves the patient's condition. 

After tooth extraction
After tooth extraction

Why does a headache appear after tooth extraction, what to do?

Bleeding after surgery should end in about 30 minutes. Therefore, during this time it is necessary to clamp a cotton swab. You can not tease a clot of blood that is formed in the hole. It prevents microorganisms that get there, and accelerates healing. 

Why does a headache appear after tooth extraction:

  • Many patients complain that after the operation the head hurts. This is possible due to the appearance of edema that occurs after manipulation. The situation is aggravated if the flux is the cause of removal, suppuration in this area.
  • Edema cannot be avoided, the doctor will be forced to install drainage so that pus leaves the wound faster. The pain in the head area is due to an increase in the volume of fluid in this zone, which can press on the nerve endings. 
  • On top and bottom of the jaw passestroinic The nerve, which can be injured, is suffered during the elimination of the tooth. That is why a certain period of time after surgery may hurt the head, jaw and cheek, even the ear.

Pain in the ear after tooth extraction, what to do?

There are frequent cases when shelters are observed in the ear, due to the impact ontroinic nerve. Sometimes it happens that in the process of removing the incisors, it is injuredgamor sinus. Accordingly, it is recommended to sew a wound after surgery in this area, administer bone powder so that microorganisms from the oral cavity do not fall into the sinus sinus.

Pain in the ear after tooth extraction, what to do:

  • Many patients complain that after the wise tooth has been pulled out, pain in the neck, ear and all jaw is observed. This is quite possible, since the roots of the wisdom tooth are very long, deeply go into bone tissue.
  • It takes time to restore and fill the hole with bone tissue, as well as the mucosa. Therefore, the pain after eliminating the eight can persist for a week and a half. 
  • To relieve pain, nimesil, nimesulide is prescribed.
  • The indication for the use of injections and pills is to remove the tooth that provoked a flux. If an abscess arose in place of the tooth, the gum in this area is very swollen. In ordinary dental clinics, such problems are engaged in when muscle and bone tissue is not stuck, and pus is only in the mucous membrane and gum zone. Usually, patients are directed by the maxillofacial department to clean the flux. 
Caries treatment
Caries treatment

Pain after removing the root tooth, how to rinse?

Now medicine has reached such a level that there is an opportunity to preserve the tooth, even if inflammation, flux arose on the root of the tooth. The doctor makes an incision in the tooth root, removes suppuration, cleanses and lays with filling material. After the tumor subsides, the gum is sewn up. 

Pain after removing the root tooth than to rinse:

  • It is forbidden to rake the mouth with antiseptic solutions, also grass decoctions. Within 30 minutes after removal, a clot of blood is formed, which prevents its flow. 
  • Only after 2 days after removal, it is allowed to rinse the mouth with a solution of furatsilin or a mixture of salt and iodine dissolved in water.
  • If rinsing on the first day, then bleeding may occur in this zone, and a blood clot is removed. What can lead to suppuration, or vice versa, the formation of a dry hole. 
  • Purulent contents or yellow, green liquid with a fetid smell should not be released. It is also impossible to pick a clot of blood either.
  • Normally, the hole is dragged. When forming a dry hole, the area of \u200b\u200bthe bone remains open, which affects the condition of the jaw and bone tissue as a whole. The doctor uses a special solution to moisturize this area, perhaps prescribe physical Procedure.
  • Often, after surgery, the fabric is sewn to accelerate healing. But this is done if there was no suppuration, inflammation, and abscess at the place of deletion. Otherwise, it remains open so that pus comes out of there. 
Root resorption
Root resorption

Video: Why does the tooth hurt after removal of the nerve?

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