Spots, raid from coffee on the teeth: how to bleach? How to drink coffee so that teeth do not turn yellow?

Spots, raid from coffee on the teeth: how to bleach? How to drink coffee so that teeth do not turn yellow?

The effect of coffee on the color and health of the teeth.

Coffee is a natural, non -alcoholic, tonic drink. Prepare it on the basis of fried coffee beans.
The well -deserved glory of the drink is very ambiguous: admiration for one is replaced by a complete contradiction and non -recognition by others. Coffee was prohibited and made a cult of it. About its useful and harmful properties, disputes continue for this time.

Is coffee harmful to teeth, does it destroy them?

Harm of coffee for dental enamel
  • The opinion that coffee has a negative effect on the teeth refuted The latest research of scientists.
  • Adverse effects take place. But no more than from taking any other food.
  • Compliance elementary hygiene rules, right Reception of the drink - the basis of healthy and white teeth For lovers of this natural tonic.
  • Moreover, the results of the latest studies of scientists of Italian University proved the benefit of coffee For the prevention of caries. Antibactericidal components of the drink do not allow bacteria to linger on the surface of the teeth.
  • Similar experiments were conducted by American experts. As a result of the work, elements of chlorogenic and nicotinic acids were identified, which prevent the formation of microbesdeveloping caries.
  • There is also an opinion that the chemical composition of caffeine contributes to prevention of cancerous diseases of the throat and oral cavity. Fans of a natural coffee drink are 60% less susceptible to these health problems.

Why do teeth turn yellow and darken from coffee?

Do teeth turn yellow from the coffee drink?

A small amount of drunk drink will not bring much change to the color of the teeth.
Since coffee grains contain natural dye, for those who use coffee excessively, the task of maintaining whiteness of teeth is complicated.

In this case, staining of tooth enamel occurs due to the microcracks formed in it. If you protect your teeth, take care of them, you do not need to be afraid of color changes.

  • Fans of drinking hot coffee in the fresh air, in cool weather or combine coffee with ice cream, should be worried. Contrast temperature is one of the causes of the destruction of enamel. Coffee, falling into the cracks formed, gives the teeth a not desirable shade.
  • After any meal, plaque remains on the teeth. If it is not removed in a timely manner, it accumulates on the surface of the teeth. This layer, like a sponge, is saturated with a dark color of coffee, and it is he who gives enamel yellowness.

Are the teeth darkened or yellow from coffee with milk?

  • The positive effect of milk in coffee is only in taste.
  • Someone loves the rich aroma of bitter coffee, and someone likes a softer and delicate aroma of a drink with dairy products.
  • There is no reason to say that milk reduces the yellowness of enamel.
  • The main reasons for the formation of yellow plaque are given above. Only a genetic predisposition can be added.

Spots, plaque from coffee on the teeth: how to bleach with folk remedies?

Many options for whitening tooth enamel

Not too much plaque can be removed on your own.

With the help of folk remedies:

  1. Food soda Rub with a toothbrush or cotton wool into a hard tissue of the teeth. Rinse your mouth with warm water.
  2. Pull the pill activated coal. Rinse the oral cavity. Cover your teeth with coal in the usual way.
  3. Bright your teeth and rinse peroxide. Repeat the procedure for 2 weeks. Be careful. Whiting in this way can lead to partial dissolution of enamel.
  4. Wipe your teeth strawberries, apple or lemon peel. Clean them with fluorine -containing toothpaste. Use such bleaching no more than once every two weeks. Acid contained in these products it can lead to thinning of enamel.

Spots, raid from coffee on the teeth: how to bleach with means from a pharmacy?

Pharmacy means:

  1. Bleaching toothpastes In combination with hard brushes.
  2. Electric Toothbrush. The high speed allows you to carefully cleanse the teeth in a short time from fresh yellow plaque.
  3. Whitening strips. An effective, but very expensive way. For bleaching, it is enough to stick the strips on the teeth, hold for 30 minutes. The result is achieved after 2 weeks.
  4. Gels for teeth whitening. Safe and affordable tool.
    Apply to a clean surface of the teeth. Grand gel gradually dissolves. It is applied daily, until the desired result is obtained. But no more than 2 weeks in a row.
  5. Bleaching caps. A very effective tool. Whites the most old yellowness. Apply should be very careful. Strictly according to the instructions. An overdose can lead to the destruction of enamel.
  6. Sticks for bleaching. Soft bleaching agent. More suitable for preventing plaque. Apply, most often, after direct use of coffee, to remove fresh plaque

Spots, raid from coffee on the teeth: how to whiten with the help of professional brushing at the dentist?

Professional cleaning of dentists is carried out in three main ways:

  1. By polishing enamel using abrasive means (lemon powder and drinking soda). It is used for soft plaque.
  2. Ultrasound. Removes an old, petrified plaque.
  3. Laser. Very effective, but expensive. However, laser cleaning has relatively many contraindications and high cost.

How to drink coffee so that teeth do not turn yellow?

Maybe enjoy coffee through a tube?

As mentioned above, the main reason for changing the color of the enamel is plaque and microcracks.

Therefore, only thorough prevention will help prevent yellowing of teeth:

  • Exclude contrasting coffee with ice cream or cold water.
  • Brush your teeth after each drink of the drink.
  • Use the tooth thread to carefully cleanse the cracks between the teeth.
  • In the absence of conditions, brush your teeth after coffee - eat an apple. It perfectly cleanses the surface of the teeth of fresh plaque, painted from the use of a coffee drink.
  • Chew chewing gum, with a whitening effect, after taking coffee. This will help at least for a short time to delay the reproduction of microbes that contribute to the appearance of plaque on the teeth.
  • Use tooth rinsers for the same purpose.
  • Drink coffee with soft water. She will wash the pigment and prevent the appearance of ugly plaque.

Is it possible to drink coffee immediately after brushing, bleaching tooths and how much is impossible?

White teeth, after brushing, will not hurt coffee?
  • To keep a snow -white smile as long as possible, after the teeth whitening procedure, avoid any products that can paint the teeth.
  • Since coffee contains natural dyes, refuse to take it within 2 days. Subsequently - for 2 weeks, bring to a minimum the use of your favorite drink.
  • After this time, you can return to the usual regime of enjoying fragrant coffee.

Is it possible to drink coffee after treating and filling the tooth and after how much?

Fresh sealing material is most susceptible to dyes contained in coffee. It is better to refrain from your favorite drink for 2-3 days.

Is it possible to coffee after tooth extraction and after how much?

There are no special contraindications. Not very hot coffee can be drunk three hours after the procedure.

Video: How to bleach your teeth at home?

The opinion of the dangers of coffee for the color and health of the teeth, as it turned out to be distorted.

Fans of the coffee ceremony can continue to experience pleasure from their favorite drink without fear of consequences, in the case:

  • Proper intake of coffee
  • Compliance with the rules of teeth hygiene
  • Application of prevention measures

Video: raid on the teeth. Why do teeth turn yellow?

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Comments K. article

  1. Ooo, this is an eternal problem. As I became an avid coffee lover, I can’t get rid of this terrible raid.

  2. I go to the dentist for bleaching. Excellent result!

  3. It will turn out at the dentist to whiten the teeth at the dentist. Not everyone can afford.

  4. Agree. I use the paste of asept plus coffee and tobacco. Very well whitches and prevents further darkening of enamel.

  5. We also cleanse the teeth with asept. Only I have an asepta on my shelf plus careful bleaching. My enamel is sensitive, so only this pasta.

  6. I whiten with gel. They have not come up with anything better yet. Effectively, carefully. The main thing is to do everything according to the instructions.

  7. i like the toothpaste Horse fores papain and coal, it perfectly removes the plaque and makes the enamel noticeably lighter

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